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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [color=dimgray]I just got back from the midnight showing of the movie, and my thoughts are sufficiently jumbled. But firstly, I'd like to say that I'm pretty much the biggest book-to-movie poetic license supporter (I get pissed off whenever fans complain about Hermione's dress in the fourth movie), and even after that, I thought the movie could've done better in terms of making the movie, you know... coherent, lol. Sometimes the movie had no transition whatsoever, and I thought it was just poor form. I don't know if David Yates was trying to create a sense of disconnection/isolation or something, but it did nothing but make the plot choppy and convoluted. When the movie first began I immediately had high hopes. [spoiler]The scene of Harry alone at the park watching another family seriously just made me love Harry more (yes, I'm that one person whose favorite character is actually Harry =_ =) and I appreciated the atmosphere Yates was trying. It was different and new, but in the end it didn't really suit me well. Nothing really meshed well together. I loved how Yates saw the importance of Harry's development through becoming compassionate and closely interacting with characters like Neville and Luna, but none of those scenes really impacted me deeply. I guess the biggest problem was the fact that Yates had to cram an 896-page book into two hours, but I think it could've been more compact and tight. But some of the cuts were completely understandable: cutting the prefects situation, shortening Snape's worst memory, quidditch, etc. But MAN, the fight at the Department of Ministries, Sirius's death, and Voldemort's possession of Harry were all amazing. The thing with Death Eater becoming a black cloud-whooshing thing and the Order becoming the white didn't make much sense but it looked awesome anyway. Also, the Dumbledore vs. Voldemort fight=pure win. It killed me when Sirius called Harry James and when we saw the silent reaction of Harry and Remus after Sirius's falling into the veil, because I love Remus and Harry too much. X0 And Harry's possession. TT_TT That was the part that almost made me cry, when Dumbledore said something along the lines "it's not how you're alike, it's how you're different". I love Harry to bits and pieces and that scene made me teary and weepy. However, best part of the movie=Snape being interrogated and then smacking Ron with a book. :DDDD[/spoiler][/color]
  2. [quote=Lunox][color=dimgray] That is a LIE. I saw those Truth commercials, and whenever people do weed all they end up doing is to sit on the couch all day and not talk to friends! I think you definately loose your soul when you do pot...its just bad. Lol, I think the best things to do smoking is exciting stuff (aka Missions, Adventures, Quests, Journeys). Like going out into the middle of the lake and smoking or walking through the dark forest to get some milk.[/color][/quote] [quote name='White'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"] Lol, I think the best things to do smoking is exciting stuff (aka Missions, Adventures, Quests, Journeys). Like going out into the middle of the lake and smoking or walking through the dark forest to get some milk.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] ... I hope you didn't think I was serious. Because, if you were, then. I'm very sad. Drugs/Alcohol can be fun and all, but people who rely on it to have fun are equally sad.[/color]
  3. [color=dimgray]Haha, Luffy. I think One Piece is one of those anime that's just hard to translate/edit. It's so eccentric and slap-stick that it's hard for me to imagine it being translated well. I'm sure FUNimation will do a great job, though. :)[/color]
  4. [color=dimgray] FUNimation has been doing a good job on their editing, so I'm not worried at all about One Piece. I'll only get angry they use pseudo-rap theme songs and a Brooklyn accent for Sanji. =_=[/color]
  5. [quote name='Flagg']I can't believe that nobody has said anime or manga yet. [/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] My anti-drug is INUYASHA! :catgirl: He is so cute like a dog. ^___^ And whenever I'm down I read lots of Sasunaru fanfics OTP!!!11[/color] [quote name='White'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]Some of you guys are so funny, lol. If you smoke pot you won't lose your personality, or forget to care for things. It doesn't strip you of your will to move. You can still do all the normal things you do when you aren't like that. It just makes what you normally would be doing more of an adventure. :) [/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] That is a LIE. I saw those Truth commercials, and whenever people do weed all they end up doing is to sit on the couch all day and not talk to friends! I think you definately loose your soul when you do pot...its just bad.[/color]
  6. [quote name='Sesshomarufan'] Rain (Korean Pop singer)- I listen to a lot of J-pop and K-pop, but I just can't understand why he is such a big success....maybe it's his good looks...I don't know. Plus he was voted higher than Stephen Colbert on the Time magazine polls for fan voters online. That is going too far Rain![/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] :/ I [i]like[/i] Rain. Truthfully his hip-hop/upbeat songs are just horrible, but his ballads are very nice. And yes, he is very good-looking. ;) [spoiler]He actually looks masculine.[/spoiler] OT: Did you see Stephen Colbert's parody of Rain? Seriously, check it out. One of the most hilarious things ever. But right now I hate Gwen Stefani. I don't even really know why, but she's just a celebrity I really don't like. Her songs annoy me, partly because I don't like the sound of her voice and mostly because they're just irritating. The Harajuku girls or whatever also irk me. I don't even know what happened there. Kanye West is sort of off-putting, too. His songs are good, but they're not explosively great or anything, and it's annoying to see him think he's the God's gift to the world. [/color]
  7. [color=dimgray] [center][img]http://xs217.xs.to/xs217/07270/coachhampton.jpg[/img] [size=4]+[/size][/center] -Wallet/ID -Cell Phone -Mirror/Tweezers -Secret Weapon® Flawless Finishing Creme :D -Book or iPod -Keys -Pen -Chapstick/Lip Gloss Most the time I have folded up papers or ticket stubs in the side of the purse, which I never really clean out. P: I feel like getting a new purse, though. [/color]
  8. [color=dimgray] 1) Ichigo 100% 2) Peacemaker Kurogane 3) Negima! 4) The Irresponsible Captain Tylor 5) Kino's Journey 6) Tenchi Muyo No one ever said the guy's name had to be a character of the series. :P[/color]
  9. [quote name='Copycatalyst'] Also I think we need to learn to treat our members nicer. . .there was this thread where Shy basically told a member off. . .and at times we're quite mean to less-known members. For example, in my position, I am never too harsh on newer members. . .older ones, of course, and more well-known ones, of course--because they deserve it. . .:p[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] That is a point. OB has been sort of off-putting to some, and it's probably not fun for a new member to be mocked or put down by famous or well-loved members. I just recently got a PM from a new member that was already afraid of suggesting new ideas, which is pretty sad. The fact that OB strives to be a quality forum in terms of substance makes it inevitable that cliques be formed, be it the smart people or the oldies or whatever. It's best to just ignore it, since I think this has pretty much always been OB works, and it's not always bad. [/color]
  10. [color=dimgray] The only time I drink tea is when I go to a Chinese restaurant and they pour you jasmine tea to drown out all the oil, lol. It's yummy, but I've never thought to go out a buy it.[/color]
  11. eleanor


    [color=dimgray] The previews I saw on TV were sort of bad, but I was motivated to see just because of the hype/praise it was getting from the California animators on Blogspot. But one thing I forgot to add and remembered due to John's post was the excellent animation and visual presentation. The colors all worked together wonderfully and nothing clashed or had gross neon colors everywhere. The entire movie was just very warm and inviting once you got to Paris. And the animation sequences of [spoiler]Remy running away from the evil chef (forgot his name) and Linguini going through the kitchen letting Remy smell everything[/spoiler] were amazing. [/color]
  12. [color=dimgray] I've had some pretty bad nightmares. Most of which include me being chased by a killer, scared of out my wits, and then waking either right before I was killed or after I had safely gotten away. :| My other nightmares are just incredibly weird or disturbing dreams, like dreaming about me discovering some freakish cult or murder. Another repeating theme for me is one where I'm able to jump incredibly high, and then I can't stop myself and I jump higher and higher each time I do it. But there's only about two dreams I can remember specifically, and everything else, even if I manage to remember what happens after I wake up, is forgotten after a while. I was actually weirded out a little because I saw this thread, and last night I had another long dream. If I try to tell what the story was, it'd just sound like an idiot, but the weird thing was at some points I would see the dream as a person watching a movie, and then I'd become a main character and actually feel what was happening. P.S. What's this book you're reading? It sounds interesting.[/color]
  13. [color=dimgray] I'm cool with interracial relationships and all, but I'm not going to deny that (real) relationships between whites and asians can be heavily conflicted. Of course I am also a romantic and wouldn't care about any of that, anyway. :) It's BS that people think there's something inherently 'wrong' about interracial relationships, though. It's like they can't accept that a black guy and a white girl are dating, but an Italian and a French can do it and it's fine. There was plenty of racism between European nations before black people became the target in the US.[/color]
  14. [color=dimgray] I've just looked over the common application and have been asking questions to seniors I know, so I'd recommend doing that Taperson. It's very helpful and for the time being you can learn what you'll have to do and think about your essay topics. [/color]
  15. [color=dimgray]You could stop being his friend.[/color]
  16. [quote name='Nerdsy'] [color=deeppink]So long as the rain on on a wedding day is unexpected (which isn't much of a stretch; a lot of people expect their wedding day to be absolutely perfect), the situation would still be ironic. Just, not in the literary sense.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray]I always took irony in a very literary sense. ;)[/color]
  17. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]I think that word is "convenient".[/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Only in some cases. I'll steal an example from VH1: a lot of people would (mistakenly) say that rain on a wedding day is ironic. It's not, but coincidental or convenient doesn't work as well either.[/color] [quote name='copycatalyst']Synchronicity.[/quote] [color=dimgray] Sort of off, again. It's "ironic" that a lot of people don't know what arcane means, but it's not a case of synchronicity. [/color]
  18. [color=dimgray] There should be a word that for situations that aren't actually ironic, but you need a better term than 'coincidentally' to describe it.[/color]
  19. eleanor


    [color=dimgray] I just saw Ratatouille yesterday, and I thought it was amazing. It's undoubtedly up to far with Finding Nemo and The Incredibles.. The basic premise is already very inventive and creative, and the storyline was just fun. I was kept interested during the entire movie, and I really just enjoyed watching it. The movie did what it was supposed to do, which a lot of movies don't do anymore. There were some hilarious parts ([spoiler]the scene where the critic is taken back to his childhood memories was [i]amazing[/i][/spoiler]), and overall I thought the movie was smart about things. The only part I thought was badly incorporated was [spoiler]Linguini and Colette's romance. It just seemed very sudden and random, and even though there were about two hints concerning their romance, it threw me off.[/spoiler] This is OT, but they also played a short film called Lifted, if I remember correctly, which I thought was great. So incredibly clever and fun. I love Pixar, in short. :) [/color]
  20. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]...and the Chicken Ceasar Sandwhich from Panera Bread. [/color][/font][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] BEST. SANDWICH. EVER. From Panera, at least. :] I like Atlanta Bread Company more, but the Chicken Caesar sandwich from Panera is very yummy. [/color]
  21. [color=dimgray] I was hoping for more dynamic color palettes for the characters, mostly the hair color. It just seem drab that they all have variations of brown hair. I guess the fact that the girl with the longer hair is a singer makes me expect very light/bright colors that stand out. Of course your inking is great! :) Hope to see more revisions soon. [/color]
  22. [QUOTE=Dagger]I'll get around to it at some point. I don't own a camera, so getting my already-taken pictures in digital form involves working up the energy to pester the people who have 'em. [/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] It's just general knowledge that white+asian=hot. ;)[/color]
  23. [color=dimgray] [u][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrnK-qPARYI"]Nice guy.[/url][/color][/u]
  24. [color=dimgray] I had hoped the "Im in ur..." fad had safely died. +_o[/color]
  25. [color=dimgray] I mean, they [i]can[/i] be helpful if you have some deeply burning question that no one has been able to answer. But yes, on the whole they are useless.[/color]
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