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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [QUOTE=taperson][SIZE=1][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]So I'm about to enter my senior year in high school, and for the past year and a half, my parents have been pushing "the college thing". In other words, they're having me look at colleges, go to college fairs, read ALL the college mail, decide my major, decide my everything, all before entering senior year. What I've decided is that I probably want to go to a small school, and I might possibly major in music. So basically, my questions are: If you're in college, how did you decide to go there? What kinds of criteria did you look at? What do you like about your college? Where DO you go? And mostly, HOW IS IT DIFFERENT FROM HIGH SCHOOL? [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] I'm in the same position as you, but I like to think I know about the college application process simply because I'm Korean and we're pretty much obsessed about getting into college. P: I'll tell you this, though. College fairs are useless if you're not prepared for them. Single out several colleges and research them, and then write down all the questions you have before you go. If you go to a fair and just look around, it's the biggest waste of time ever (because it happened to me). Also, like everyone else has said, choosing a major just to choose one is ridiculous. I've already visited several colleges during my last two spring breaks, so the only college preparation I'll be doing before senior year is looking at the essay questions and sort of pre-writing them in my head. Sort of OT, but my one pet peeve about applying to college is when people cop out of applying to certain schools just because they think it'll be impossible to afford it. Some of my friends are 'angry' that they can't go to their dream schools because it's too expensive. I think it's just about the lamest excuse I've ever heard.[/color]
  2. [color=dimgray] I tried this year, but I wrote one entry and drew the rest. +_+ So I guess I had a drawing journal of sorts. They're very fun to keep up with if you enjoy drawing, and it's nice to have all of your sketches in one bundle as opposed to a bunch of computer paper around your desk. [/color]
  3. [QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=Indigo] As for myself, I'm too allergic to pets, we had a cat when I was a kid and we ended up having to find another home for it since my allergies couldn't take it. She was a cute little tabby cat though and I was sorry that we had to give her up. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] I never knew I was allergic to cats until two years ago when I went over to a friend's house and snuggled her cat. With my face. :|[/color]
  4. [QUOTE=Fyxe][size=1][IMG]http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/6282/tag20body20spray20singliv1.jpg[/IMG] One spray before class should do it.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Ew.... Never use TAG.[/color]
  5. [quote name='Premonition][COLOR=Navy']I never study or take notes. I find that they are useless. And if you study for a big test you usually bomb because your nervous. I've never ever ever studied, yet I'm on the honor roll almost every marking period.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=dimgray] I eagerly await the day you step into a class you'll have to work for. :p[/color]
  6. [color=dimgray] I'm best at Literature and History, and generally any other humanities. For senior year I was planning to take Psychology, but I chose Government/Politics over it, seeing as the Psych exam seems to be a complete pushover from what I hear. But Physics and Calculus AB were hard for me this year. I'm just not very good with logical mathematics and science, so while learning Physics concepts was always easy, answering the AP-style questions by knowledge of combining various equations was not. It also didn't help that our physics teacher was pregnant and left for half the year due to complications, leaving us with no teacher and an AP exam we all did miserably on. Calculus was different, because while our entire class did brilliantly on the AP exam, our teacher was tough. We finished the entire curriculum in half the time and reviewed for several months, so it was just a incredibly tough class. Every quiz required at least two hours of studying for me, and if you didn't study adequately for a test you were guaranteed lower than a 50. [/color]
  7. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Yes, and I was directly mocking that. Like [i]duh[/i]. Seriously, if you like effeminate she-men that's fine by me, just don't go touting him as the pinnacle of male attractiveness when he falls short of achieving masculinity to begin with.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] [color=dimgray] You still seem to be confusing physical attractiveness and masculinity. Not to say I think McGregor isn't manly. ;) [/color]
  8. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Oh yes, because [i]Obi Wan Kenobi[/i] is really the best example of an attractive human male. Even more so when he's [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trainspotting_%28film%29]diving headfirst into the worst toilet bowl in Scotland to retrieve a suppository because heroin has given him constipation[/url]. Yes, truly someone we can all look up to.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] [color=dimgray] I'm talking about Ewan McGregor. As in his physical appearance. :)[/color]
  9. [QUOTE=Aaryanna_Mom] Oh and forget the silly idea that blonde's aren't special or unique. I guarantee you, if you have a child like Aaryanna, you'll know exactly what I mean. Stereotyping is pigheaded and stupid, as well as being rude. And Aaryanna is nothing like what people think blonde's are.[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] If you're referring to my post, I'm sorry. :/ I meant physically on a whole, which I sort of find true when I look at people in my community. It might just be me being a foreign race looking at white people in general, because I know a lot of white people who think all Asians look the same. If I had to stereotype anyone based on intelligence, I'd group the people who dye their hair blonde, not natural blondes lol.[/color]
  10. [color=dimgray] It's possible that because a lot of natural blondes come from a rather static gene pool, their physical appearances are usually generic and not unique. I mean, if the same kind of people have the same kind of babies, nothing special will come out. So while they may be pretty, it's in a very standard and commercial way. Whereas darker hair offers a huge range of different races and appearances.[/color]
  11. [QUOTE=Premonition][COLOR=Navy][I]I'll ask my friend to e-mail a pic of me that she has. Then you may join my fanclub. but be forwarned, I have a "baby face!"[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B]Well here's a pciture of what I[I] wish[/I] I looked like.[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://the-point.com/myspace/modules/friendfinder/members/uploads/1146356582/Brad-Pit-02.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Aw, you can shoot higher than Brad Pitt... [img]http://www.starspage.com/celebs/actors/ewan_mcgregor/photo_galleries/Images/ewan_mcgregor13.jpg[/img] *hint hint nudge nudge*[/color]
  12. [color=dimgray] I'm pretty sure my dog beats everyone else's dog in the cute category. [img]http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07251/simba1.jpg[/img] [img]http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07251/simba2.jpg[/img] [img]http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07251/simba3.jpg[/img] [img]http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07251/simba4.jpg[/img] She's a jindo gae, which is a Korean dog. I love jindo gaes as dogs, they're incredibly loyal and fun to play around with. :) Unless you're a stranger, since jindos don't take nicely to them. =_= But she's really small for a regular jindo, so we think she might have been the runt or a half-breed. [/color]
  13. [color=dimgray] Not exactly my best picture lol, but it was a fun party. (I'm the Asian. Also note that I don't have short hair >_< I just have it pulled back.) [img]http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07251/poolhos.JPG[/img] We may or may not be slightly drunk. :D[/color]
  14. [color=dimgray]Technically everything is wonderful! ^^ For your newer picture, anyway. Great improvement over the last seven years. It's a bit odd because your older picture shows two distinct personalities, but in your newer picture both girls seem chipper and outgoing. The girl with the long hair more so, but there's not a clear distinction in the newer drawing. Although the girl with the short hair definitely seems more reserved and etc. But anyways, both girls seem to like the boy romantically, like they might be fighting over him. Hope that helps. :) I'm guessing you planned both girls to have darkish hair from your older drawing, but I'd hair go pastel colors with the short-haired girl and darker colors with the long-haired girl. Also, knowing your technical skill, which is very good, I think you should try and give the two girls more unique faces. Both have the exact same face shape, eyes, etc., and it would be much better if you gave them differences. [/color]
  15. [color=dimgray] The only qualm I have with the top banner is that the guy's neck seems nonexistent, since the jawline disappears. :/[/color]
  16. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][COLOR=maroon]Lunox, everyone's favorite (in that disturbing, pedophilic sort of way) Korean gal to the rescue! [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] I also regularly wear my hair in pigtails and top it off with some cat ears. *thumbs up!*[/color]
  17. [color=dimgray][b]Translation:[/b] [i]Between our school and your school, the environment is so different that it's hard to adjust. Thanks for the help you gave me (A/N: this sentence was hard to read, it's probably not an exact translation). Don't forget high school life; look through your yearbook and relive your memories. Do well in college. Make a lot of good friends and have a good college life. I'm not worried, but I know that you'll do well. Anyways, if you meet any Korean friends, you'll probably ask them to translate this, right? Thanks, because of you I had a fun 12th grade. Bye*~[/i] *The person wrote the Korean word 'bye' in a funny, cute way by slightly altering the symboling. Lol, the person who wrote this made it hard to read. I had to squint my eyes a lot. My parents spoke to me in Korean and English when I was little, and I graduated from a Korean language school, so I'm pretty much bilingual. I think my parents just expect me to have a good knowledge of the Korean language, and they get angry at me when I get out of practice. Generally I use both languages at the same time around my parents (usually 2/3 of each sentence being Korean and the rest English) simply because all of my friends are white and I rarely use Korean outside of home. But lately I've been forcing myself to speak only Korean, because I'm planning on taking the SAT IIs for it and I've been volunteering at a Korean VBS. I think it helps to be in touch with your native tongue, especially if you're a minority. It helps you connect with others of your race, and as a fun bonus point, Korean offers more playful linguistics than English does. ;) You learn things that are lost in translation, which is always cool. I just finished my 4th year of Spanish in high school, but I sort of hated it lol. I guess my brain doesn't want to learn another language. P:[/color]
  18. [QUOTE=Anomaly]I've tried all the basic haircolours. Red, blonde, brunette, and an ALMOST black (I couldn't bring myself to do the real thing, I'm too pale and I look ghostly as it is)... [/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Oh god, thank you for not dying your hair black. I hate it when non-Asian people with pale skin dye their hair black. *facepalm* They look like idiots. But when Asians dye their hair blonde, it possibly looks worse than than the pale skin/black hair combo. [/color]
  19. [color=dimgray] 1) I read [url="http://www.thesuperficial.com/"]The Superficial[/url] regularly. Yes, you can shoot me now. 2) I have a giant secret crush on the Korean singer Bi (Rain), even though he only has about five good songs out of 5 albums or so. 3) I have Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne on my iPod. Now that I've already been shot, feel free to do it some more. :| 4) I'm planning to write a Harry Potter general fanfiction after the seventh book comes out. I get really into plotting out and thinking out what I'll write and coming up with some sentences. :][/color]
  20. [color=dimgray] When it comes to guys, definitely brown hair. There are great looking blondes, but on average I'd say brunettes are such better. ;) I do like red hair on girls the best, though. Compared to blonde and brown, red is just more interesting. [/color]
  21. [QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial][b]THUNDERCATS[/b] Fie! For Shame! You lose! (...the game; I'm a poet and didn't know it. :rolleyes: ) But seriously, what turned you off? For me, even if Shinji Ikari (sp?) is the second most annoying character ever, he was vital to the series's end, and there were even some twists in the plot that I never quiet saw coming, which, all things considered, is impressive for me. Or them. Somebody.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] After you get past its groundbreaking work in robot design and actual presentation/storytelling of anime, which is easy for people who see it [i]now[/i], Eva can be sort of dull to a lot of people. It can get sort of repetitive, and I think that's an understatement lol. But Evangelion is still of my old favorites. :) Although I don't like nearly as much as I used to, it was the show that got me really into anime. I don't have many others, but I used to watch Dragonball all the time when I was a kid, and My Neighbor Totoro (still one of my favorite movies) was the first movie I ever got hooked on when I was little. And Pokemon, of course. Anyone who denies watching the show when they were kids are just lying.[/color]
  22. [QUOTE=Fasteriskhead][SIZE=1]For one thing, it's not good enough just to tell us what happens and then comment that it's ridiculous and soul-destroying - sure you might score a few giggles, but basically you give us nothing we won't get by watching it ourselves. In most cases, unless you're the first child of Seanbaby or something, you can't even get by on personality and sheer style. The thing that makes writing about bad porn different from anything else is that no matter how ridiculous it is, someone somewhere is (or at least could be) [i]totally getting off on it[/i]. "Reviewing" (if that's the right word) any other bad movie you can just attack the personal shortcomings of the individuals who made it. With [i]this[/i] stuff, every time you give it any kind of deep thought you're forced to wonder if there's something very, very odd about humanity in general, that the whole damn world might be broken merchandise (unless you take the easy way out and find a "fetish" to be ridiculed, which never seems very genuine to me; sexual predilections are not like club memberships). Perhaps I'm showing my veteran status too much here? In any case, it irks me when folks go for the lulz via a hentai write-up. Getting the cheap laughs is easy (sex, especially foreign or animated sex, is always hilarious when you're not involved), pulling out a piece of writing which is more than a blow-by-blow married to hyperbolic condemnation is not. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Perhaps you are looking too deeply into it. ;) I find pornography in general to be sort of ridiculous and funny when you're not turned on by it, and I think Azrael's post was well-written for its purpose. Sometimes reading commentary is more enjoyable than watching the source, as the reviewer provides us with dead-on comments that we would otherwise not have noticed. Though I won't deny that I think Asia produces the worst of porn. :|[/color]
  23. [QUOTE=Dagger]There are some gorgeously animated hentai... Front Innocent / Another Lady Innocent is probably the example that most people would think of. It's like seeing a Satoshi Urushihara artbook come to life. The curious thing is that despite its beauty, it doesn't exactly succeed as a hentai. It's shiny and much better looking than any TV series, but ultimately it comes off as being kind of sterile and boring. It's pretty without being titillating. [/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Well yes, like any genre hentai can be made with quality in terms of visual aspect... but the bad ones are pretty bad, lol. Branching off, though. Personally, I'll never take hentai seriously. It's there for sexual gratification, which I'm fine with. What bothers me most, morally, is the stuff hentai is infamous for (chan, rape, etc.) No, I'm not against teenagers having sex, but when they start depicting kids who look like they're ten having nightly (slightly non-con) romps in bed, it weirds me out. [/color]
  24. [color=dimgray] Japanese porn in general is funny. Ever since I came across [url="http://www.outpostnine.com/editorials/porn.html"]this gem[/url], I seize every opportunity to laugh over the next hentai picture or video bit. Mostly I don't understand how anyone can be turned on by it, since the voice acting is often screechy and the moaning sounds like shrieks over seeing a giant cockroach. And, you know... the really bad animation lol. [/color]
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