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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [quote name='Tonks' date='24 June 2010 - 06:47 PM' timestamp='1277419625' post='695947'] I am so ridiculously out of shape, it's ridiculous. I'm apparently at a healthy weight, which is great, but I'm still not happy with my body and I can barely do anything physical without getting exhausted and sore for days. I ran as fast as I could for about twenty feet a few days ago and had to stop cause I was out of breath; about ten minutes later my legs felt like jelly, and today they are still aching. It's stupid. I almost got on the elliptical bike this morning, but after about twenty seconds I decided I absolutely did not feel like it and left. I try to do Wii Fit every now and then, but I can't make myself do it every day. I'm so jealous of people who have great bodies and can do awesome things with them, but I rarely have the motivation to work towards that kind of goal. [/quote] If you're striving to get a more toned body, I'd recommend weight lifting if you find cardio too boring/tiring. Weight lifting will help start everything-- it helps visually more than cardio does.
  2. [quote name='Allamorph' date='24 June 2010 - 01:57 AM' timestamp='1277359034' post='695918'] [font="Calibri"][size="7"]HOLY FREAKING CRAP PORCUPINE TREE WILL BE IN MEMPHIS AND NASHVILLE ON AUGUST 20TH AND 22ND[/size] [size="4"](and with Coheed and Cambria, too)[/size] [size="7"]THIS IS AWESOME[/size] Also USA advances.[/font] [/quote] [SIZE="7"]YOU USE THE SIZE 7 FONT FOR MUSIC BUT REGULAR FONT FOR THE FOOTBALL?[/SIZE]
  3. [quote name='mapthesoul.' date='24 June 2010 - 12:50 PM' timestamp='1277398220' post='695929'] [font="Garamond"][size="7"]HAHAHA ITALY, FORMER WORLD CHAMPS, OUT OF THE WORLD CUP BY THE FIRST ROUND, LOSING TO SLOVAKIA BAAAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHA [/size] oh and so this isn't just spam-gloating, Paraguay and Slovakia advance to the round of 16. Ballin'. Quite the World Cup this is turning into...[/font] [/quote] [size="7"]LOL TBH I LOVE THIS WC SO MUCH LOL ITALY EXCEPT I CRY TEARS THAT KAKA GOT A RED CARD BECAUSE THERE WILL BE NO KAKA-RONALDO SHOWDOWN TOMORROW ALSO I BELIEVE IN YOU SPAIN AND DAVID VILLA[/size]
  4. [SIZE=7]YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DO THIS UNLESS IT'S ABOUT SOCCER LETS GO [color="#FF0000"]USA[/color] [color="#000080"]USA[/color] [color="#FF0000"]USA[/color] [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/2yw7dhj.jpg[/img] [/SIZE] [quote name='mapthesoul.' date='23 June 2010 - 12:47 AM' timestamp='1277268452' post='695853'] [size="7"][font="Garamond"]MMMM YEAH YOU HUG IT OUT, SPAIN. YOU HUG IT OUT. MY FAVOURITE PART OF THEIR GAMES, OUTSIDE OF THEM SCORING/WINNING IS THE END WHEN THEY ALL TAKE OFF THEIR SHIRTS. TOO MUCH GOODLOOKING IN ONE PLACE, I TELL YOU HWAT.[/font] [/size] [/quote] [SIZE=7]OH YEAHHHH [img]http://i45.tinypic.com/21blw82.jpg[/img][/size]
  5. OK USA LETS DO THIS [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/2yw7dhj.gif[/img]
  6. [quote name='James' date='22 June 2010 - 07:53 PM' timestamp='1277250834' post='695834'] [font="Palatino Linotype"]The only thing I'd want to see more is a remake of Majora's Mask on 3DS (MM being probably my favourite Zelda game of all). [/font] [/quote] Yes. Definitely.
  7. I went into /v/ and got spoiled for the entire game. head/desk
  8. I heard somewhere that Miyamoto said in certain parts of the game the art design/graphics would change... interesting. TBQH I'm not really a fan of having to move my arm in a certain way to get a certain slash. I still prefer hand-held controllers even though the Wii remote is quite intuitive... just personal preference. I guess it's because I play games after long days of tiring work/workouts and I don't really want to concentrate on something like that. Idk, for some reason I'm not incredibly excited by this, I'm more excited by the OOT remake and 3DS. The first demo was underwhelming, even though I understand why the lagging happened. I'll just look forward to future demonstrations. [spoiler]I still don't like his new pants[/spoiler]
  9. [quote name='mapthesoul.' date='22 June 2010 - 05:02 PM' timestamp='1277240558' post='695822'] [size="7"][font="Garamond"]THE SPAM MUST CARRY ON INTO OTHER THREADS I WATCHED THE SK/NIGERIA GAME AND THE GRE/ARG GAME AT THE SAME TIME TOO MUCH VUVUZELAS. WAY TOO MUCH. BUT YAAAAY SOUTH KOREA[/size] [size="1"]my bbs Spain better make it in, too. Ummm. Yeah [/font][/size] [/quote] [SIZE=7]OH WHATS THAT SK GOT SWEET SIXTEEN? [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/2jbqxav.gif[/img] I BELIEVE IN SPAIN MY BB THEY WILL MAKE IT [img]http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/5549/goalcelebnavas1.gif[/img][/size]
  10. [quote name='mapthesoul.' date='22 June 2010 - 04:58 PM' timestamp='1277240307' post='695821'] [font="Garamond"][size="7"]NECESSARY EXCITEMENT IS NECESSARY, WE MUST BAND TOGETHER IN OUR LOVE FOR THE SOUTH KOKOS <3 ë??í??민국, HWAITING!~[/size] [/font] [/quote] [SIZE=7] WE ARE SO FIERCE TBH I LOVE MY BOYS PARK JISUNG AND CHA DURI AND KIM NAM IL EVEN THOUGH YOU SORT OF F-ED UP TODAY [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/bgo96e.gif[/IMG][/SIZE]
  11. [quote name='mapthesoul.' date='22 June 2010 - 04:49 PM' timestamp='1277239752' post='695819'] [font="Garamond"][size="7"]THE REDS TIE IT UP WITH NIGERIA WHICH GIVES THEM ENOUGH POINTS TO ADVANCE MAAAAAAH BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS[/size] oh, also Argentina is advancing. Yay them, I guess.[/font] [/quote] [SIZE=7]I LOVE YOU FOR THE ALL CAPS AND SIZE 7 FONT ASIAN INVASION[/SIZE]
  14. [quote name='Lilt' date='21 June 2010 - 02:59 PM' timestamp='1277146788' post='695748'] [b]Hopefully this will help you make up your mind.[/b] [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/9i8euf.jpg[/img] [/quote] [img]http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee20/OmegatheRobot/dance7.gif[/img]
  15. It's seriously depressing to think of how much I used to read. Now I only read what I'm assigned in school, but some high school friends made a book club and I joined it. So I have to start reading East of Eden by John Steinbeck, which I'm excited about because I love Steinbeck. I also started The Alchemist Paulo Coelho, but I really wasn't enjoying it and stopped halfway through. I thought it was just beating you over the head with things, and wasn't particularly insightful.
  16. Absolutely the best film of the year, followed by How to Train Your Dragon. Once again Pixar knocks it out of the park. Seriously, the people working there are BRILLIANT, and are producing the best movies of this generation.
  17. I always become healthier during the summer because when I'm at college I'm too busy with schoolwork to care about my body LOL. But yeah, now that I'm home again I wake up every day at 8 AM and run, and I count calories so that I don't exceed 1500/day and I aim for 1200-300/day. But an important thing for me is that I let myself indulge every once in a while, because otherwise I'd go insane. I usually let myself eat whatever on Sundays, because that's the day my family usually cooks a big meal for dinner. My gym routine is usually just 30 minutes cardio, an hour of weight training every day with focus on different muscle groups every other day. If you're focusing on building endurance, I suggest you use the sprinting technique rather than just jogging/running for X minutes every other day. The sprinting training is basically this: # Warm up. Before sprints, warm up thoroughly with easy exercise for 5-10 minutes. Perform the same exercise you will be using for your sprints. # Sprint. Perform your first sprint at about 60 percent max intensity. If you feel any muscle tightness or joint pain, back off and continue to warm up. # Recover. Recover for 2 minutes by slowing to a comfortable pace, but keep moving. This can be an easy jog or a walk, depending upon your fitness. # Sprint. Perform your next sprint at about 80 percent max intensity. # Recover. Recover for 2 minutes. # Sprint. Perform the remainder of your sprints at 100 percent max intensity or all-out efforts of 30 seconds. You should be pushing yourself to the max for each one. # Recover. Recover for 2 to 4 minutes after each sprint to allow your breathing and heart rate to slow to the point that you can hold a conversation without gasping. # Repeat. Repeat the sprint/recovery routine 4-8 times depending upon your level and ability. For your first workout, you will want to stop at 4 sprints. That's fine. Try to build up to 8. # Workout Goal. The goal is to do this workout six times in two two weeks and then back off to twice a week for maintenance for six to eight weeks before you change your workout. # Rest and Recovery. Allow at least one to two days of rest or other easy exercise between sprint workouts. The important thing to remember is that you should ALREADY be in good shape, and that you do ~3x/week. Any runner knows that their knees and ankles are at danger, so doing this every day is just asking for it. But it works much faster at building endurance. If anyone here is looking for an easy way to get into shape, I highly suggest Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred. It's 20 minutes a day and it absolutely kicks your butt if you're not in tip-top form, but the results are awesome.
  18. Toy Story 3 was [SIZE=7]THE BEST[/size]
  19. eleanor

    E3 2010

    I read on Kotaku that 3DS gives you a major headache if you move it around while playing, which will suck if it's true because I get motion sick really easily. But then again...it's Kotaku lol
  21. eleanor

    E3 2010

    I just doubt Skyward Sword will have that much variation, when it comes down to structure. Which I actually have no problem with, it's the Zelda formula and I like that it repeats with every game. I would just want the difficulty level to be higher. I like the general storyline of it, though. In Wind Waker you conquered the seas and now it's time for the skies! [spoiler]I don't like Link's new pants[/spoiler]
  22. eleanor

    E3 2010

    [quote name='Magus' date='18 June 2010 - 12:45 AM' timestamp='1276836342' post='695512'] I'm surprised that no one is talking about that new Zelda... Skyward Sword or something like that. Like I said, Zelda has been tiring me out. That's 3 Zelda games in one show.. Nintendo fans should be pleased for quite some time now with the games that're being milked now. Although, I will admit that I'm fairly curious about the Other M. [/quote] I think it might be because the presentation was...underwhelming. The controls messed up, which wasn't very impressive, but I doubt those technical things will be a problem with the final game and it might have been due to cell phone interference. Other than that, there didn't seem to be anything really extraordinary about the new Zelda, it just seemed like Twilight Princess with a different art direction, but not as radical as Wind Waker.
  23. eleanor

    E3 2010

    [quote name='Tonks' date='17 June 2010 - 09:35 PM' timestamp='1276824909' post='695494'] OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!! I just found out about this and OH MY GOD [/quote] me when I heard about it [img]http://i30.tinypic.com/4g5dsg.jpg[/img]
  24. [quote name='Allamorph' date='16 June 2010 - 11:31 PM' timestamp='1276745495' post='695444'] [FONT=Calibri]I'll tackle BSG 2.0 if you'll tackle Farscape. I almost said Babylon 5 but that **** is pricey. And I don't know if it's readily available in libraries/rental stores.[/FONT] [/quote] hrngg but I have so much West Wing to watch also pulling my hair out trying to find decently priced flights to London
  25. I joined around 2001 as anime_gurl, mostly posted in the anime section I think... all I remember mostly is how terrible the Yu Yu Hakeshu forum was and at one point I got into a huge fight with Queen Asuka in the art forum lol. And then I changed my name to maladjusted but yeah, OB has slowed down considerably imo
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