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Everything posted by eleanor
[color=dimgray] I'm pretty sure the deadline is next Sunday. [/color]
[color=dimgray] I don't understand how stem cell research replaces abortion, but your arguments seem fine. What you need is hard research and facts that will back you up in your debate. Use Wikipedia as a starting point, and then gather official research by using Wiki's reference links or searching any ideas you get from reading the entry. In debate, no idea is bad if you can find strong evidence supporting it. And you [i]will[/i] find plenty of information and debate over stem-cell research. As a starter, you can look up the Point Counterpoint book series, as well Opposing Viewpoints. [/color]
[color=dimgray] I usually buy her a gift and cook breakfast for her. :) This year I slept in by accident because I up late last night finishing a project, but I did get her Dior eyeshadow. Put a dent in my wallet, but hey. [/color]
[color=dimgray] I call 9) Cat. :)[/color]
[QUOTE=Shinmaru] [spoiler]EDIT: I forgot about Peter making his landlord's daughter bake him cookies. Hahaha. So ****ing over the top and silly but so damn funny. "Go make me some nuts." Also really funny in that scene is when Dr. Connors talks about the symbiote being very aggressive, and then it cuts to the symbiote cell being a total bastard and beating the **** out of the other cells. Hilarious.[/spoiler] [/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Probably the two best scenes of the movie, not going to lie.[/color]
[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]To be technical, people like DB [i]are[/i] the reason. People who think they're powerless. People who think democracy is a useless enterprise. People who think protest bears no fruit. I mean, if you want to play semantics, I never mentioned his age in my opening post... I just criticized his mentality. And really, that's the biggest thing about it. I don't care if he's 10 or 50, apathy towards the government is a horrible thing. I never said it was his fault. I said that silence is a tacit affirmation to the government that they're doing things right. And in that respect, I guess anyone who didn't say "Hey, why invade Iraq?" is at least in part to blame. [/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] I get what you're saying, but you can't expect everyone to be politically active. I'm strongly against things such as compulsory voting and etc., because people who don't care enough to act don't deserve to make an impact on our politics. That may have come off as too strong, but it's not good to force someone to act on their beliefs. Oftentimes they won't care enough to research what they're talking about and will simply follow the path they've been accustomed to. [/color]
[QUOTE=Boo][size=1] Another good point would of course be: just post your art, regardless of how many replies you get. What stops you from posting a new splashpage you made? Who cares if you get only two replies? The little amount of art posted here is at least as frightening as the amount of replies they get. [/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] After a while of posting art with zero to two replies, it sort of just gets boring. No one wants to create a thread that will get nothing in reply, and no one here is probably passionate about art to not care. Forums are made for discussion.[/color]
Writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
eleanor replied to Lady Asphyxia's topic in Creative Works
[color=dimgray] My bad, I guess I didn't look close enough on my search. :/[/color] -
Writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
eleanor replied to Lady Asphyxia's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE=Sandy]Hence the quotation marks. ;D Despite what everybody who has actually read the books say, there are still people who brush the series off as children's literature. And then some who think it's from Satan, but that's a whole different issue. XP[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Sorry if I came off as misunderstanding your post, I just wanted elaborate. And as for people who refuse to read it just because they think it's a kids' series, it's their loss. :rolleyes: Oh, Laura Mallory. She hasn't even [i]read the books[/i]. It's ridiculous.[/color] -
Writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
eleanor replied to Lady Asphyxia's topic in Creative Works
[quote name='Sandy']Deathly Hallows will be a huge issue, not just for dedicated fans but as a global phenomenon. I'm expecting to see children get trampled to death by each other at the day of the release![/quote] [color=dimgray]Yeah, I'm definitely going to my local B&N for the midnight release! (And for the movie, of course.) I'm probably going to pull an all-nighter to read the book, lol. I did that last time and rushed through Half-Blood Prince and I fully enjoyed it. I'm really looking forward to more character development, especially with Ron and Remus, for some reason. The epilogue, from what I've heard, will just summarize where all the characters are after the end. I'm shooting for one that will cap things up but won't finalize everything, and bittersweet endings are always my favorite! :) And with the whole "kid's story"... The Harry Potter series has surpassed any boundaries put on it. It's genuinely a great set of books that is actually inventive and original, and I'm sure it'll go down in history as the next Lord of the Rings. Just as Tolkien revolutionized the fantasy genre, JK Rowling has done the same. I'm just glad I was around for its arrival. [/color] -
Writing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
eleanor replied to Lady Asphyxia's topic in Creative Works
[color=dimgray] I'm a bit surprised that there wasn't already a thread for this. Because everyone knows it will the best book ever. I'm so excited for the release, but at the same time sad that the series will be ending. Whenever I finish an epic series, be it movies or books or whatever, I get that nostalgic feeling that makes me want to cry. :/ But I have no plans on prolonging the reading, I expect to finish the book as quickly as I normally do. I've never been into predicting what will happen, but the giant "will Harry die?" questions gets me thinking. A lot of people are so sure that he will, but I'm on the fence. The argument that JK Rowling has to do it so nobody will make sequels or continuations of the book are sort of moot. There are a bunch of play-offs of Pride and Prejudice, but it never tarnished the actual novel. Any thoughts?[/color] -
[QUOTE=Sandy] PS. Does New York's subway really have overlapping bridges underground, like in that one fight scene?[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Mm-hm. I saw Spider-Man 3 last night, and I have to say it was a guilty pleasure for me. The whole movie was jumbled and never followed a coherent line, and it was a mish-mash of four villains and random fight scenes. I just kept thinking about how amazing the movie [i]could[/i] have been. McGuire's scenes with the dance-walking and jazz club was sort of funny, but something just felt horribly wrong. In a good way, though. P: Every girl was, in the tiniest of ways, slightly turned on by how much better Peter looks with his hair down and how he can play the piano. They just won't admit it. But I will. :D And I love how [spoiler]all the girls walking down the sidewalk making eyes at Peter were models, and therefore about a feet taller than him, lol.[/spoiler] [spoiler]But every girl will admit that they cried on the inside when Harry's face was half-burnt and then was killed. Our whole group screamed "no!" when he was stabbed. ;_; Also, the butler thing. Because you couldn't tell Harry that two movies ago. I know it was for the sake of the movie, but it was just too huge a glare.[/spoiler] [quote name='Andrew][size=1']Halle Berry.... she's not even that sexy![/size][/quote] Um... you are blind. [/color]
Emancipation from Parents and College Opportunities?
eleanor replied to Trigun 11's topic in General Discussion
[color=dimgray] Looks like your mom is just being unfair to me. If your family is making good money, the least she could do is let you go to a summer program and hire a someone to watch your brother. And you sister would be 15, right? I was babysitting kids since I was 14, and I've dealt with mentally ill kids in such situations. I'm guessing you've already tried to talk to your mom, but it doesn't hurt to try again. Good luck with everything. :)[/color] -
[color=dimgray] Every generation of every time period thought that their successors were going to further pull down the morals of their society. Except... it never really happened. Humanity never 'died', morals and ethics just evolved. I wouldn't worry too much.[/color]
[QUOTE=SaiyanPrincessX][SIZE=1]This used to be my most visited forum. However I don't post my art here much anymore because I'll get maybe two replies and the thread dies anyway. Psh. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] That hit the head of the nail, pretty much. Forums live off of replies and discussion, but the Art Studio has more or less become a list of posted artwork with zero to few replies. The only way a thread is sure to gather replies is if a popular or famed member posts something, and new artists are probably put off by the lack of replies. I do wonder what happened, though. I remember when I first joined OB my threads, which contained pretty bad art, got a bunch of suggestions and critique. Maybe there's just less members interested in art right now. [/color]
[color=dimgray] It's near impossible to just start making a magazine*, so what I'd recommend is to join your school newspaper (if yours has one). Tell editors you want to write article about this kind of stuff, and unless they're complete dicks they'll probably let you, seeing as ideas are usually hard to come up with for school newspapers anyway. Learn journalistic writing, learn how to use graphic/layout programs, then you can think about making your own magazine. If you get really interested in publishing/journalism, you can think of making it a career. :) *Not to be a complete downer, but you'd need a room full of money somewhere, as well as a staff of writers and layout editors. [/color]
[QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson] Top tier- The intellectual arguers: James, Rach, Drix, SunFallE, indifference, Allamorph and a few others. Intellectual arguers sound smart and, sometimes, they actually are. Their arguements are usually long and extensive with too much sense for most people to handle. Middle tier-The okay arguers: Lunox, BKStyles, Nerdsy, Sandy and many others. These guys are okay. Not fantastic, not horrible. They're okay. Nothing wrong with being okay. It's just.. okay. Most of OB are okay arguers. They walk into a thread and are like "here's my okay opinion presented in an okay manner." Lower tier- The 2007DigitalBoy arguers: 2007DigitalBoy. Residing in the basement level of arguing is 2007DigitalBoy. His main duty is to keep the basement free of rodents. Not really in a tier- Sarcastic arguers: Dead and not too many others. Sometimes they have a point to make, most of time they just have something sarcastic or witty to say. [/color][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] @ Hylian: As you can see from this DK's post, OB is made up of average internet nerds and people who want to sound really intellectual and smart. *thumbs up!* [/color]
[color=dimgray] Kyuhee. Yeah, you guys don't have anything on me. I was once called Koochie by a sub for a whole day.[/color]
[color=dimgray] I staged this in my room. [img]http://xs315.xs.to/xs315/07183/bedplushie.png[/img][/color]
[QUOTE=Nerdsy][color=deeppink]But... don't most relationships, on the net or off it, exist because somebody [i]wants[/i] it to? Wanting a boyfriend or girlfriend is pretty much a prerequisite for dating, and it's certainly not pathetic. As far as not enjoying each other's company... they have to enjoy it on some level, or they wouldn't interact with each other. I'd even say it's more likely to be "for the sake of dating" if it happens in person, [i]especially[/i] in the early teens. How many Jr. High/High schoolers date because they either want to improve their social status or simply because the other person looks good? I say that's harder to do online, because not only does it take away the popularity factor (due to it being mostly looked down upon), one is much less likely to enter into a relationship based soley on appearance.[/color] [/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Most [i]bad[/i] relationships start because somebody wants it to. To go into a relationship just to be able to say "I have a boyfriend/girlfriend" is a surefire way to predict its end within at least two months. I see dating as two people who get to know each other and then start a relationship if they like each other. This is a personal thing, but the whole going on dates with people who don't know is a bit weird to me. And yeah, the social standing it provides in school is a factor, but so is just wanting a boyfriend. And the kids who go into these things are probably surrounded by people who think it's normal, or whatever.[/color]
[QUOTE=Nerdsy] I had an internet relationship when I was 14. Did I think it was something special? No. I realized we were two kids who had never actually met. What we had was [i]nice[/i], don't get me wrong, and if I could go back and change it I wouldn't. Was it because of anime? Yes, but only because we found each other through OB; we never really talked about anime in any great detail. We merely connected.[/QUOTE] [quote name='indifferent']Again, why pathetic? Why are we limiting these teens to have only relationships with people they can meet face to face? Why are we labeling them as pathetic? And at the age this thread is referring to finding friends or dating someone with similar tastes even if it's online is pretty normal. Especially if you live in a community, say like mine, where a lot of parents believe anime is nothing but porn. So finding someone online who likes it too is a big attraction to a lot of kids around here.[/quote] [color=dimgray] Just to make it clear for everyone- I'm talking about teenagers who are just out there and have 'online girlfriends/boyfriend' [i]because they want one[/i]. Not because they really [i]do[/i] find each other's company nice, but because they want to say "I date". Does it happen in real life? Yes. Middle school is notorious for it. I just think it's more common in online dating, because it also happens to be more convenient. [/color]
[QUOTE=Aaryanna][COLOR=DarkRed]Actually I'm going to disagree. Online dating may have started as a thing for the young, but it's since become far more that. It's moved way past being a thing for 'pathetic teens' looking for a boyfriend/girlfriend. A quick look here: [URL=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11300388/site/newsweek/]Article[/URL] Shows that sites like PerfectMatch.com (63 percent are 35 to 60) is not just teens. And this site: PrimeSingles.net, is a 50-plus site whose membership grew 39 percent in 2005. That's quite a few people who are not 'teens' The whole thing is a fast growing industry especially when according to JupiterResearch, 15 percent of Internet users between the ages of 45 and 54 browsed dating sites in 2005. It might be a bit sad that a teenager feels that to get a date they need an online dating service. But to claim all online dating services are pathetic or online dating in general without really understanding just who uses a service or tries to date someone online is an over generalization at best. Personally I have no interest in them, but I'm not about to make a broad uninformed statement that those who do use an online dating service or that the service itself is pathetic. And I don't think someone who considers online dating pathetic either. Perhaps in the case of the 'kids' too young, but hardly pathetic. ^_~ [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Yeah, I was just talking about the kids. Since oscarX used the word 'kids' and not 'adults'. You're arguing over something that was never presented.[/color]
[spoiler]Harry Potter.[/spoiler]
[QUOTE=oscarX] yeah it starts really getting creepy when they crush on the character so much they start looking at yaoi and yuri etc. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Looking at yaoi and yuri isn't really connected with crushes. It's like porn. Except... in cartoon form.[/color]
[color=dimgray][center][img]http://www15.brinkster.com/rifbotstudios/lostinterest/pics/skipit.jpg[/img][/center] [size=4][center]Skip-Its![/center][/size] Wikipedia says: [i]"Skip-It is a children's toy manufactured by Tiger Electronics. During its initial release in the late-1980s, the Skip-It apparatus became a commercial success through its avid advertisements on daytime Nickelodeon broadcasting as well as other children's programming. The 'Skip-It' apparatus was designed to be affixed to the child's ankle via a small plastic hoop and spun around in a 360 degree rotation while continuously skipped by the user."[/i] Yet it was so much more. Mine was pink and I regret the day I gave it away.[/color]