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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. eleanor


    [color=dimgray] Actually, I'm going to agree with oscarX because of the keyword 'kids'. As in, a couple of 13-year-olds who think they have a special special something because they both like the same anime. Nothing against online dating, it's just that a lot of it is a pathetic case of teens who want a boyfriend/girlfriend.[/color]
  2. [quote name='Nerdsy][color=deeppink']Yeah, I'd say it has. I haven't really enjoyed an anime since FMA. Yeah, I watch Bleach, but I don't really enjoy it so much as go "wow, this is okay." And since I didn't watch FMA on CN, it's been even longer than that since I actually enjoyed watching AS's anime block.[/color][/quote] [color=dimgray] QFT. All the anime that has been coming out on CN recently are slightly different takes on previous series, making for a dull lineup. The last time I watched an anime show on AS I fell asleep during the episode and now I don't even remember its title. By now, CN is just picking what they will hoping to hit it big with the anime fans in the US. The anime that does well on US television are either 1) a quality series that is actually inventive and original (FMA) or 2) was [i]wildly[/i] popular in Japan (Naruto). The only screw up I've seen is One Piece, and even though it was pretty much 4Kids' fault, CN should just know better. And while I personally don't like Bleach, I'm pretty sure it's doing well as far as ratings. It's similar to Naruto in that it takes an old standard and puts a fresh twist on it- and that's probably why it's a popular series. But then again, I don't know if there's anything really awesome out in Japan, either. Other than Naruto and Bleach, I can't name any other power fandoms. FMA has ended and the old anime isn't up to visual quality. [/color]
  3. [color=dimgray] [center][img]http://xs314.xs.to/xs314/07175/heyarnold.jpg[/img][/center] [b][size=3]Hey Arnold![/size][/b] - was one of the best Nickelodeon shows ever (along with Angry Beavers, Rocko's Modern Life, and Pete & Pete), and if you disagree, you have no reason to live.[/color]
  4. [quote name='Farto the Magic][FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]Down with pie! Muffins are where its at. Muffins can be anything that pie can be, and more. Have you ever had a cornbread pie? How about a chocoloate chip pie? How about a strawberry creamcheese pie? See? Muffins pwn pies.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] [color=dimgray] So, so true.[/color]
  5. eleanor


    [color=dimgray] I'm not going to prom this year, but next year it's for sure. If only I were an awesome clothes designer and could make my own dress... I already have in mind what my perfect choice would be. :) But what makes gatherings like these fun for my are my friends. We know how to make everything funny, even if it is a lame dance. And at our school, all the after-parties are at individual peoples' houses, so you're with friends and people you know. @ KW: The color of your dress is gorgeous![/color]
  6. [quote name='Dagger']Her thinking makes sense to me. Going back to Ender's Game, she may have liked it in spite of the fact that it's sci-fi--or rather, the reason she liked it isn't because she's a sci-fi fan in some small way, but because she's a fan of books that deal seriously with children or have good character development. (Which is all speculation on my part. Sorry, Lunox. :animeswea)[/quote] [color=dimgray] Well, yeah, pretty much. :) I'm a fan of good books, and Ender's Game happens to be a good book that is also science-fiction. Some books will rely on their genre to carry weight, just like every medium does. It probably happens in anime, and the only anime that appeals to a broad range of people are the ones that are just plain [i]good[/i]. Miyazaki, for example.[/color]
  7. [QUOTE=Dagger]@Lunox: Hence, after all this, I stand by my statement that people are anime fans as long as they claim to be anime fans. Even if they're lying (as Nerdsy said half in jest), I'd argue that it still qualifies as a kind of performative coming out. ;) ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Yes, your answer did seem to be the most simple and complete, lol. Leave to us to discuss into depth such a pointless topic.[/color]
  8. [QUOTE=Dagger] However, I think that people who only like a specific show or two for a specific reason are probably inclined to recognize that they're not "anime fans" and may go out of their way to make sure others don't call them that. (e.g. a Go fan might watch Hikaru no Go for that reason--or Hajime no Ippo or Ashita no Joe for boxing, or a historical series because of his interest in that Japanese time period, or a culturally specific comedy because of his interest in Japanese culture in general.) Is that the sort of thing you were thinking of? Then again, it's harder to come up with that kind of scenario for Naruto... ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] That's a pretty good counterpoint, as it happens it a lot. There are a lot of people I know who dislike anime in general but say they like some of it, like the Miyazaki films. But with the Naruto thing... It's basically one of those typical shounen anime that is [i]slightly[/i] better than most, and most people watch for face-value entertainment; its appeal is pretty broad and I guess that's why so many people like it. I was thinking more of me when I was writing my post though. I used to think I was a some hardcore anime enthusiast, but I'm really just on the borderline. I appreciate and awe over the really great stuff it [i]can[/i] do, but I can't say I'm a fan. Like, Naruto? I call myself a Naruto fan, but the show is sometimes mindblowingly boring to me, and it's more of the manga that draws me in. [/color]
  9. [color=dimgray] Pies give me terrible headaches. But I still enjoy eating key-lime pie. :/[/color]
  10. [quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue'] Saying someone has no excuse for not being curious enough to want to know more isn't all that relevant. Or rather even required for one to be a fan of anime or anything else. It just seems like they are not a more hard core or more serious fan. Perhaps later that will change, but if one only loves say one show like Naruto, then that's still a fan, even if only in a small way. [/COLOR][/quote] [color=dimgray] But what makes you think that if someone likes Naruto, they like anime? It's entirely possible for someone to like one small part of a medium, but not be a fan of the medium itself.[/color]
  11. [QUOTE=Fasteriskhead]1. If someone watches and enjoys some (i.e. > 0) amount of anime, then they are an anime fan. (definition) [/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] You forget that someone [i]can[/i] like one anime show but not be a fan of anime. For example, I like Ender's Game. But I am in no way a science-fiction fan. There are shows in anime that can catch the interest of a broad range of people, but just because you like one show, or even several, doesn't mean you're automatically an anime fan.[/color]
  12. [QUOTE=Dagger]I agree with most of your post, but even if we grant that there's not a core difference in the nature of how people feel about the character, you're brushing off important perceived distinctions. For instance, people who have a crush on a character in a live-action production almost invariably have a crush on the actor as well. If that actor turns out to be reprehensible in some regard, the disillusionment tends to extend to the character as well. (And to think I used to be a Tom Cruise fan...) [/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Very true. (Except only instance in which this didn't happen to me was the portrayal of Mr. Darcy by Colin Firth and Matthew McFayden- I guess I like book Darcy the best. :D) But to define 'crush' is something that leaves me in a mess. There's no accurate way to describe it, as it's simply a feeling of affection or wanting. I think people use this word too lightly, and say "I have a crush on _______" when they simply like their [i]character[/i]. It's my personal opinion that people who say they have actual crushes on anime characters, or any fictional character, are not being truthful about it. If someone proclaimed that they had a crush on, for example, Sasuke from Naruto, that 'crush' would not measure up to a crush the person would have on a fellow student or friend. I mean, if it [i]does[/i], I don't think that person is mentally healthy. Don't take this as "I think these people are insane", but there's something wrong if a person finds the oftentimes two-dimensional character of a fictional person a serious object of romantic affection. You can find an aesthetic appeal of lust or beauty in a fictional character, or love the way the crafter built the personality of the character, but to think about the character when someone asks you "who are you going to ask to prom?" is simply a ridiculous notion. [/color]
  13. [color=dimgray] I'm not telling you to stop, I'm just saying don't be too upset if someone doesn't want to further their interest in anime. I said "let it go" in my previous post just as a saying, I didn't mean to imply that you imposed your disapproval or anything. Yeah, I can see why you become disappointed, but don't fret or anything. You don't own mediums just because you were the first at your school to involve yourself with it, nor does anyone else. [/color]
  14. [QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange] The elitism must be in my very blood, because I have tried as hard as I can to be accepting of fledling otaku and try to teach them what I know, and those who have joined me in my persuit I hold close as good friends; the people who have tought me I hold in high regards as well. those who refuse to learn -- those are the people who disappoint me. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Well, you can just let it go. Like you said, being an anime fan wasn't exactly a positive thing in the eyes of a lot of people in the past, but now you do have friends that wanted to watch some more anime that wasn't offered through US television. Most likely the people who are content to stick with one or two series are what they are: content. [/color]
  15. [QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange] It really becomes disappointing, though, when they don't go look for more.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] To you, casual fans may be a disappointment. But when you say that to other people, it comes off as elitist even if you aren't. Just a word of advice. [/color] [quote name='Nerdsy][color=deeppink'] I may come off as someone who only watches pre-packaged Anime, I don't. And I'm certainly not the only one like this.[/color][/quote] [color=dimgray] You say pre-packaged anime like it's a bad thing. P:[/color]
  16. [QUOTE=Rachmaninoff]That's true, but wasn't that statement addressing the one before it saying no one gave a damn about his mental health? Even if it was a professor and not a friend, it still proves that someone did at least try to get him the help he needed. That someone did actually care. Also, who says he didn't have any friends? I'd very much like to see what article says that. For all we know he may have had a few friends or people who tried to be his friend.[/QUOTE] [quote name='Sandy']Every sane person knows that this incident wasn't caused by a movie or a videogame, it was caused by a lonely young man with mental health issues who nobody cared for.[/quote] [color=dimgray] It depends on how you read it. The word 'for' could be referring to mental health issues or a young man with mental health issues. OR I am grammatically lame and can't tell which one to pick. P: And I assumed that he had no friends. I know assumptions make an *** out of U and ME, but can you find any article that says he did have any friends? From what I heard from interviews of his roommates and people who knew him, he was pretty much a loner and didn't have any friends. Of course, nothing is certain. If people did try to make friends with him and it was to no avail, I would guess that Cho had fallen too deeply into this own problems or was too insecure to deal with it. [/color]
  17. [color=dimgray] Eee! I love your coloring [i]so[/i] much. :) I'm not really a fan of anthropomorphic characters, but they're very cute (especially the cat) and well-drawn. But great job on the actual coloring! The only things I'd pick out are the way you colored Rundle's sword (as it doesn't seem to fit in with the media around it) and color scheme (very little things, like purple/blue plant). I really hope you post more stuff here![/color]
  18. [QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=DarkRed]Wrong, he may have had mental health issues, but don't make the mistake of assuming no one cared. As it states in this article here: [URL=http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18148802/]Article[/URL] One of his teachers tried to get him to go to counseling as you can see from this part of the article: [INDENT][SIZE=1]A Virginia Tech professor told NBC News that Cho?s creative writing was so disturbing that she referred him to the school?s counseling service, but he would not go. The professor, Lucinda Roy, the English Department?s director of creative writing, would not comment at length on Cho?s writings, saying only that in general they ?seemed very angry.? ?I kept saying, ?Please go to counseling; I will take you to counseling,? because he was so depressed,? Roy said. But ?I was told [by counselors] that you can?t force anybody to go over ... so their hands were tied, too.?[/SIZE][/INDENT]Don't make the mistake of assuming no one gave a damn. That's no different than the baseless accusation that it was caused by video games or violent movies. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] There is a huge difference between having friends and having a professor refer you to the school's counseling service. Who knows what could have happened if Cho had even one student friend?[/color]
  19. [color=dimgray] Most teenage anime fans tend to be full of themselves and elitist, so if you haven't watched "the classics", like Akira or Evangelion, or if you only watch stuff on Adult Swim, you clearly don't really understand "true anime". And anyways, who the **** has time to keep up with ten series?[/color]
  20. [color=dimgray] Hermione's hair annoys me. :/ The first two episodes were of mid-interest, but what first two episodes aren't? Looks like it's heading in a good direction, and the aesthetic appeal is down pat. This show has great quality! Everything seems to be made elegantly, and the fight scenes are a bit of a level higher than what you'd normally see. And of course, Romeo and Juliet are very cute as naive teens. :D Also, flying hybrid horses. I want one. My only miff (from what I've read in this thread) is that Mercutio isn't the charmingly witty close friend of Romeo. It's sort of disappointing to learn that he might become a bitter acquaintance, which is probably why I was so turned off by his character design. Which brings up another point. Character designs are overall bland and very standard anime style, but I really can't complain since the entire series is sort of low-key and sweet. [/color]
  21. [color=dimgray] Yeah, I mean, I love tons of fictional characters. It doesn't mean I have a crush on them. And when I say 'like', I don't even mean it in the slightest romantic way. [/color]
  22. [color=dimgray] Having actual crushes on anime characters is just sad. You can [i]like[/i] a fictional person because of their aesthetic or character, but to actually crush on them is incredibly weird. But then again, a lot of people can confuse crushing and liking.[/color]
  23. [color=dimgray] Oh, the things I do for school. Every once and a while I get a migraine, but not the kind you just wait out. It usually involves cold sweats, extreme nausea, and then a bought of vomiting that ends it all. So, night before my chemistry final, I wake up at around 6 in the morning and I've got one of my migraines. I knew the thing would last about four hours, but I had to go to school by eight, and the only way to get rid of it fast is to make myself throw up. I forced myself to eat something, and when my gag reflex started up I stuck my fingers down my throat. And seriously, this whole making yourself throw up doesn't happen in one try. I had to do this like four times until I really threw up. Then my friends yelled at me for being an idiot when I told them about it. P:[/color]
  24. [color=dimgray] Just heard about the videos and pictures that Cho sent NBC. All I can say is that this guy clearly had some issues. The whole thing is just sad- the people who died, mourning families and friends, and how it all could have been prevented. But also: [url="http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/04/18/updates-on-virginia-tech/"]I hate this.[/url] I hate it when people just jump on and try to put some part of the blame on movies or video games (Jack Thompson). It's the lamest excuse ever: "A Virginia Tech professor, Paul Harrill, alerted us of the similarity between images in the hope that it would shed some light on what led Mr. Cho to kill 32 on Monday before turning the gun on himself." Ok, what light? That he was already a damaged person and he was influenced by violent movies? And that one of them happened to have a hammer in it? Bravo, really. [/color]
  25. [color=dimgray] Yay for speedy replies! Yeah, because mostly I only want to get a handheld to play Zelda. P:[/color]
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