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Everything posted by eleanor
[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]I think you're right in your sentiment, Felix. It sounds callous to say, but I think this incident to be less important than those crises abroad. 32 people in Darfur probably died in the past hour, yet alone the entire day and yet genocide is relegated to the last pages of the paper while 32 deaths is a "national tragedy". It's pathetic that actual genocide hasn't gotten this kind of press. That's western civ I suppose.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Yeah, we sort of tend to not care about people who aren't white.[/color]
[color=dimgray] Sorry for the huge bump! P: I know this may sound like the stupidest question ever, but I have never played a handheld, and I don't know anything about them. I'm thinking about getting myself a DS Lite as a present when this school year ends, but I have one question: how does the DS play GBA games? People at school say DS games are on a disk, and I was under the impression that GBA games were still cartridges? :/[/color]
[color=dimgray] This was already a horrible incident, but what makes me angrier are the douche bags who think they're hardcore making fun of the whole thing already. 4chan needs to **** off and die already. [/color]
[QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]There's a funny thing about this, though. The representation is entirely off. The people who run around saying 'ZOMG I love Japan!!11 I'm gunna be a manga writer!' are mostly the casual fans. The people who believe they are way into anime, watch nothing but adult swim, and buy volumes of Fruit Basket and Naruto all the time. Now, the people who are really, really into anime and watch the raw episodes as they are released in Japan, those people ten to be the ones laughing at those other fools. The one's wh omight like to take a trip to Japan a few times, but aren't all 'I GUNNA LIVE DERE!' and stuff. Lets face it -- being an anime fan in Japan SUCKS. They overprice everything. They have all that merchanise, but you can order most of it online a hundred times cheaper. So a Japanophile pic should be a 15 year-old girl in a Sasuke t-shirt and all black drawing a picture of Edward Elric and Kyo having sex.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Um, yeah, I was just mostly talking about how they think anime/manga is some sacred things no one else understands and they really want to be Japanese. Which is why I used that picture, and then said: Except most of the Japanophiles I've met are teenagers, not sweaty old men. :D[/color]
[color=dimgray] More so than anything else I've posted in this thread, Japanophiles irritate me the most. This picture almost nearly sums up everything I hate about them: [img]http://xs414.xs.to/xs414/07155/fatnerd1.gif[/img] Except most of the Japanophiles I've met are teenagers, not sweaty old men. [/color]
[color=dimgray] There's always financial aid. And if you're sure that you're not going to graduate school, student loans work too. As for getting into prestigious art school... Not to be a ragger, but any sort of top school wouldn't accept a student only on the word of another dean (unless your portfolio blows the admissions' brains away). And about the accepted students who decide not to go- most colleges will pick people on their wait list to fill those empty spots. But yeah, working on a portfolio for next year and in the meantime attending a community college is the best way to go if you don't get in.[/color]
[quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray']These people are clearly insane.[/color][/quote] [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=#0e1030][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]You all are clearly insane. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray]When people do that.[/color]
Manga Naruto Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
eleanor replied to Ryo the Tactician's topic in Otaku Central
[color=dimgray] Karin: Well, think about it. Why would he have come to Orochimaru on his own? Suigetsu: I dunno. Because he's retarded? Haha, I love this guy.[/color] -
[quote name='Ezekiel][SIZE=1]Hairstyle 11= [B]Luffy[/B] from [B]One Piece[/B'][/SIZE][/quote] [color=dimgray] Damn, I didn't even notice that! :animesigh [/color]
[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1] Junior year, I did what everyone else didn't -- [i]completely ignored SATs.[/i] As a result, I had more time and energy to focus on other things. My grades were drastically improved, etc etc. The end of junior year is always a ***** on wheels, so my advice to you would be focus on APs, and worry about SATs later. You still have like four more test dates to go. Study for SAT over the summer, not now when there's a lot of other stuff on your plate. But over the summer, hit the SAT books hard or it won't do anything. [/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray]***** on wheels. That [i]is[/i] a pretty good description of junior year. But, yeah. I have been ignoring the SATs completely. The thing is I have to get through my SAT subject tests, which leaves me only one more chance to hit the books during the summer and either do amazing on the SATs or somehow bomb it again.[/color] [quote=Rachmaninoff] Anyway, what I'm getting at is you can also check with the school to see just what they take as far as transfer credits go, I've got plenty of friends who went to the community college first got some of the basic stuff out of the way and then transfered to a different college later. Plus if you had bad grades in High School, working on getting better grades for when you transfer makes a difference. At least here it does.[/quote] [color=dimgray] It's just that settling for a college I know I'd get into (in my case it's UGA or Emory) bothers me. I want to get the hell out of Georgia, mostly. I'm just stressed that there's a huge chance I won't get into my top choice school and I'll have to settle for some other university that hasn't caught my eye as much as NYU has. More so it's just hearing about these amazing students who aren't getting into [i]their[/i] top colleges. A girl I know basically had the whole package: 2400 SAT, 3rd in class, 12 APs, 4.0 GPA, plus multiple leaderships in extracurriculars got rejected from Columbia. Seriously, if that wasn't good enough for them, I don't where the hell I'm supposed to go. It's also frustrating that the people I surround myself with are the kind that don't ever study and have 100+ GPAs while taking a rigorous schedule. I'm in the corner taking the same schedule but busting my *** off only to get an 85 on the AP Physics test. One of my friends got a 2360 on her first try, and then put me down by saying that studying for the SATs is like cheating, because it's "supposed to be natural intelligence". I know that's a bunch of BS, but after years of being around these freakish and lazy geniuses it's really gets to you. [/color]
[QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial] And what, pray tell, is wrong with raisin cookies?! [/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Nothing. These people are clearly insane.[/color]
[color=dimgray] So, I'm a junior. Which basically means I'm going through the worst year of high school, har har. [strike]As far as I know I'm going to get a 1 on my physics exam.[/strike] All the worry from APs to SATs to getting into college is really digging in on me now, as a lot of decision making and intense studying is right around the corner. Everything I hear from college acceptance rates to the amazing background that too many students seem to have makes me (and plenty of my friends) stressed about how well we're performing and how it's too late to make any drastic changes to our GPAs. Recently I've spend times comparing everything about me to my friend when I found out her top college choice was the same as mine. It sucks, really. I hate how it's getting harder to get into top colleges every year, and admission rates are going down every year. So, anybody else going through a bit of a tough spot due to growing up? [/color]
[color=dimgray] [strike]#11= Shinji from Eva.[/strike] [/color]
[color=dimgray]Tweens. More specifically: - Ones who are walk stupidly around subways and sidewalks carrying giant-*** purses designer purses complaining about how crowded it is even though THEY'RE THE DAMN ONES CLOGGING UP CANAL STREET BUYING FAKE PURSES. - Ones who wear sunglasses... when it's 40 degrees outside and there is no sun whatsoever. Complete with miniskirts and a heavy jacket. - Ones who continuously bump into everyone and everything because they're taking a picture of everything that ever existed in NYC, and then clumping together in groups in the middle of the sidewalk and taking a picture of themselves. [/color]
[QUOTE=r2vq][color=#007520] Although a lot of people didn't seem to think so, I thought it was pretty well put together and it had me shouting "Ohmygawd" a few times while I was still fooled. Though a lot of things were in there that show it was a prank... -r2[/color][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray]Agahaa, I love how people fell for that. Not to rag on you (I can see why people would believe it in the shock), but some of the pictures of were so fanart-y and not amazing as professional background/concept pictures. It was a good April Fools, though. But if that really happened to Zelda... :animedepr Anyways, this April Fools I texted my friends that JK Rowling had died in a car crash, and they were freaking out for a bit until they realized it was April 1 (I sent it to them around midnight). And yes, we are huge Harry Potter dorks.[/color]
[color=dimgray] Just thought of another thing. When people online can't use internet slang. Like when they slap on a giant "LAWL" or "LOLLERSKATES" and think it's funny and satirical, but it's actually annoying and lame. Actually, I have no idea how those previously mentioned terms could ever be funny. Lollerskates? What the hell?[/color]
[QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]What makes classical so great? So some guys cn strum a violin, so can 80,000 other band nerds. Plus, music is meant to be entertaining and unique. It has to bring the thunder on both fronts. Some people find the stuff above entertaining, but it lacks skill and beauty. Classical may have the skill, but it's no fun to listen to, I get noting out of it. It's like tasting wine. You sip it say 'how nice' and spit it back out. It's just a pointless excuse to show off how classy you are. Screw classical. I'd rather dring anal fecal matter >_> And before anyone says 'alright then, wat do [I]you[/I] listen to?' I'm not here to protest and promote my favorite bands and say 'oh their so muc better than this crap, they are so great!' because to someone they could be a pile of turds chenneled onto a disk. Everyone has their own opinion and while I hate it, I'm not going to try to change it. And thus I say 'screw music' :animesmil [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] You're so hilarious![/color]
[QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=3]SCREW MUSIC[/SIZE] Music sucks. Unless you find those scarce few bands who acutally exert themselves and create something worthy or hearing. Get people with actual, real talent who pour their souls into their instruments and play something real and you have a band. Otherwise all you have is a pile of crap, and that's most of what I see these days.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] *hands you Classical* Walk the walk! The great classical musicians have more talent than any other band that ever existed.[/color]
Manga Naruto Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
eleanor replied to Ryo the Tactician's topic in Otaku Central
[color=dimgray] I like Karin mostly because of her design, hah. But you can't blame the girls for loving Sasuke- if Jake Gyllenhaal walked through our school, what do you think the girls [i]would[/i] do? But yeah, they're both sort of lacking in personality, although they're growing on me. So um, yeah, go Karin! :D *can't wait until Sasuke's team meets up with Naruto & Co.*[/color] -
[color=dimgray] Two words: SATs and college. P: I plan to have my fun summer of senior year, though. And I do want to get a job as well. I worked as a waitress last summer, and it's not something I want to do again. If only Barnes & Noble hired 17-year-olds... But above all: [size=4]HARRY POTTER[/size].[/color]
[quote name='AzureWolf][COLOR=maroon']Your avatar says different. :-P [/COLOR][/quote] [color=dimgray] Hey now, my avatar isn't fanart. P:[/color]
[color=dimgray] When people make this: [img]http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/5/58/250px-Zelda2005-Link.jpg[/img] into this: [img]http://xs313.xs.to/xs313/07135/zelda.jpg[/img] Goddamit. [/color]
[QUOTE=Boo][size=1]Like you pretty much said in the opening post. Now that I think of it... Why must people who whine about brushes also always be the ones whose posts are completely useless in a matter? You, PhoenixClawth, could've at least given criticism on the colours, composition, contrast, et cetera. [/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Because if they did or didn't use brushes affects the critic's judgment of the piece.[/color]
[color=dimgray] The first thought that ran through my head when I saw this was a photograph filtered in Photoshop. So needless to say- great job! I've never worked with charcoal, but it seems like a hard medium to work with. Everything looks impressive! The lips do seem odd, but at the same time I could definitely see it as a feature of the person (I thought it was a girl, actually. >_> This guy has really feminine features). The only thing I'd nitpick at are the jaw lines, but you explained that you had to do it on watercolor paper, so I'm assuming that's the reason they're uneven. Hope you post more stuff![/color]
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy] Let's see, what about Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake? Anyone else want to vote this guy far away?[/color][/font][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Whaaat? I love Justin Timberlake! :P Top Five Worst Songs Ever. 1) Dirty Little Secret (All American Rejects) 2) All Day Long I Dream About Sex* (JC Chasez) 3) You're Beautiful (James Blunt) 4) Rumors (Lindsay Lohan) 5) Anything Gwen Stefani ever sang. *what. the. ****. Don't ever listen to this song. If you do, it should be for comedic value when you're plastered with your friends.[/color]