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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [color=dimgray] So I set out to try and learn how to draw western cartoons, mostly the John Musker/Ron Clements era of Disney. And I tried to draw Jim from Treasure Planet... and every time I tried my end result looked like Jim's one-legged second cousin removed. P: But now I think he looks more like just Jim's second cousin, so I guess it's getting better? >>; I really don't know how animators can do this. [img]http://xs113.xs.to/xs113/07134/Image4.png[/img] [img]http://xs113.xs.to/xs113/07134/Image3.png[/img] Also, I somehow produced this. Disregard the fact that I ignored every art principle ever, not that I knew them to begin with, and yes, I have [i]no idea[/i] how to use colors. [img]http://xs113.xs.to/xs113/07134/Image6.png[/img][/color]
  2. [QUOTE=Kei][size=1][spoiler]Kishimoto is made of win and victory for the Ichiraku scene. XD [/size][/spoiler][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray][spoiler]I was so [i]not[/i] expecting that to happen, but when it did, it was more hilarious than sexy. Like, even when Sasuke's about to do the dirty his facial expression is [b]still the same[/b]. And his hair... so... duck-butt-y. *snigger* Both of them looked incredibly stoned, lol. It was made of win, though. Much win. And also so true. I've actually taken a liking to Sasuke's new partner, whose name I have forgotten because I suck with names. And I look forward to meeting whoever this new chick is, who wears awesome short-shorts. [/spoiler][/color]
  3. [color=dimgray] Ok, just a pet peeve of mine, and since this is a fashion thread I'll get it out. I get irritated when people whose wardrobes consist of A&F/American Eagle/Hollister* think they have the greatest prep styles ever. I know that there's not a clear-cut definition of prep clothing, but I'm 90% sure that those three stores are just the random little sisters of prep who wish they could be prep. Prep clothing can be found in places like J. Crew, Ralph Lauren, Lacoste, FCUK, Burberry, Brooks, etc. Like, the [i]seriously[/i] expensive stores. Because preps are supposed to just plain rich. Whew. Ok, I know I just sounded like a complete and utter snob/*****, so I'll end that. The fashion trend in my area that is now over, thank God, was the leggings+skirt. I just really hated that. Especially when they wore Ugg boots with them, because we all know Ugg boots were the fluke that was never supposed to happen, [i]ever[/i]. But the trend that's going on right now is the whole stylish retro/dress tops thing. Like the straight leg/skinny jean (that I love) with ballerina flats or small heels and a simple top + headband/high ponytail. I'm liking it, though. When you can pull off the straight/skinny jean, you're good. *I hate this store.[/color]
  4. [color=dimgray] Yeah, everyone's been screwed over, but this is US history we're talking about. And one of the biggest crimes against humanity in US history is slavery. It has impacted us morally, economically, politically, literature-wise, and probably anything else you can think of that's part of history. I mean, you could argue against that with other atrocities like the Indian removals and the Japanese encampments and etc., but none of them come close to the scale slavery impacted the US. And I agree with Retribution on why the "there are more pressing matters" argument is sort of moot. It's not like Capitol Hill is going to shut down completely to write the apology.[/color]
  5. [color=dimgray] The thread idea came when I was watching a preview for [i]Paprika[/i], the newest movie from Satoshi Kon. During the preview a quote from The New York Times comes up: "[[i]Paprika[/i] is] evidence that Japanese animators are reaching for the moon, while most of their American counterparts remain stuck in the kiddie sandbox." I just wanted to create a discussion about anime and its future as a medium in countries other than Japan. In reality, it'd be better for me to use the word animation, and that's where I question if this thread really belongs in the Anime Lounge. Does the quote have some merit? Is it a bunch of BS? How is animation going to change in both Japan and the US? Will 3D overtake it all regardless? (I know it's unusual to just leave the opening post like this, but if it generates enough replies I'd like to think about what others have to say first).[/color]
  6. [color=dimgray] Same here. I'm a huge fan of real-time action scenes that don't have slow-motions shots. It's a shame animation studios can't afford them most of the time- the small treats they [i]do[/i] give us make average action scenes seem incredibly dull. [spoiler]*pimps Naruto episode 133*[/spoiler][/color]
  7. [color=dimgray] [i]Genius Party[/i] sparked my interest as soon as I heard about it, mostly because I love concepts like those and I love animated shorts. I got all excited about it and then read that it was coming next year, lol. Guess I'll just have to wait around. For some reason I've only watched one of Satoshi Kon's movies, which most anime fans will call a crying shame. I really want to check out [i]Paprika[/i] when it releases in the US, though. From the preview I saw online the animation quality is fantastic and it seems chock full of great design and magical realism. All I hope for a equally stimulating storyline and character cast. [/color]
  8. [color=dimgray] Ann Coulter. I mean, seriously, do I need to explain myself?[/color]
  9. [color=dimgray] [b]Retribution[/b]: Your t-shirt design reminds me of the whole Charlotte Russe/Forever 21 shirt style, which I know a lot of girls dig. The only part that I'll pick at is the rainbow shooting off into the corner, and where that'll really go on the shirt. Nice design, though! Are you thinking Threadless? [b]KW[/b]: I never really know what to think of the type of banners you posted. The background brushes give off the whole cool and edgy look, but I part of me wonders about if the 2D pictures mesh well with it. I'm sure you have a solid sense of balance and taste, though. I'm not huge into graphic design, so I can't say much. lol[/color]
  10. eleanor


    [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1] I love Facebook, and I can't stand MySpace. I feel guilty having a Facebook as a senior in high school, since I'm kind of ruining the "cool" factor for college students, but I just don't care. It's cleaner, more organized and reliable, and no phishing.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] I definitely can't put down everyone who did join Facebook when it opened up to high schoolers/basically everyone. It was clean, well-kept, and didn't have the reputation of MySpace. Just the fact that it used to the official college stomping ground was neat and appealing. I got a Facebook under Duke when I got a personal email address there, but when it opened to high schools, I switched networks, too. I guess what I'm saying is that it's not really "cool" anymore, as in anyone can get it. But it's still one of the best social networking sites. Even though I'm secretly a LJ-whore. [/color]
  11. [color=dimgray][spoiler]Orochimaru (better not be) isn't dead, he's probably lying dormant somewhere in Sasuke's mind, or where ever the hell he'd go. In any case, I agree with you. They'll probably be internal struggles... I'm mostly still in shock that the battle was so quick. Perhaps Kishimoto will go back to it later when the conflicts between Sasuke and Orochimaru arise. The mystery character [i]does[/i] look like Kimimaro, but if it is, I think Kishimoto is pushing it too far. With Orochimaru dying within a span of two chapters and wild rumors about Tobi being Obito, resurrecting Kimimaro when he was clearly crushed by Gaara would sort of push me off the cliff. For now, the only white-haired character I can think of that we've seen earlier is Sai's brother.[/spoiler][/color]
  12. [color=dimgray] I thought it'd be neat to make a sketchbook of sorts for OB. Anyone can post any piece of art they want to (whether it be drawings or graphics or whatever), and post what they're working on and anything else you'd want to add. I recently bought a journal I add to every once and a while. Anything I want to write I jot down and when I'm bored I doodle all over it. Drawing-wise, I've sort of become bored of putting characters into cookie-cutter shapes. I've been trying to start drawing sequences of movement or random shots. And I've realized animation sequence is hard as ****. I've spent my whole life drawing stuff without using shapes as bases, and movement forces you to realize that sometimes humans bodies are just awkwardly posed. I'm also trying to become familiar with the Disney/CalArts style, but style transition also hard. :/ But anyways, post away. If you have something not special but you want to show it, this is a good place to put it. :)[/color] [img]http://xs413.xs.to/xs413/07116/sbp1.png[/img] [url=http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs413&d=07116&f=sbgkc4d1.png][img]http://xs413.xs.to/xs413/07116/sbgkc4d1.png.xs.jpg[/img][/url] [url=http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs413&d=07116&f=sggkc42.png][img]http://xs413.xs.to/xs413/07116/sggkc42.png.xs.jpg[/img][/url]
  13. eleanor


    [color=dimgray] Facebook used to be cool. Then they opened it up to high schoolers.[/color]
  14. [color=dimgray][spoiler]If Orochimaru just died within a span of two chapters, I hate Kishimoto. Am I the only one here boggled over how lame that would be? I mean, hopefully this isn't what really happened.[/spoiler][/color]
  15. [color=dimgray] 2) Never have sex again without a condom. [/color]
  16. [color=dimgray] You see, I was hoping that [i]wasn't[/i] him. P:[/color]
  17. [color=dimgray]Man, I'm going to say anything until I see the character design for Mercutio. [/color]
  18. eleanor

    The Departed

    [QUOTE=Cyriel][size=1][color=darkred] I heard rumors that they're going to make a second movie for this, although I'm not really sure how, since [spoiler]everyone basically died[/spoiler]. Does anyone know about this?[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] If the sources I checked are true (simple search on Google), the screenwriter for The Departed is already working on the sequel. There's even talk of a prequel, and making it a trilogy. Mark Wahlberg said he might star in it, but nothing is really official, I guess.[/color]
  19. eleanor

    The Departed

    [color=dimgray] What can I say? It was a great movie. Probably the only movie I've seen this year worth that really left me saying "now [i]that[/i] was a good movie." Then again, I haven't seen a lot of movies this year. Everything about this movie was good. Plot, writing, acting, writing, whatever. And if anything else wasn't [i]good[/i], persay, it didn't matter anyway. The film did such a good job of building tension and really holding my attention the entire time. By the end of the movie, I was biting my nails furiously. And also loving Mark Wahlberg. I never knew someone could be so badass. I now know what Will Ferrel was talking about at the Oscars. Nicholson's monologues were great, Damon's character was unwillingly likable, and DiCaprio was overall pretty good. If I had to pick the best part of the movie, I'd say it was just the power that came from the leading cast members. They were all on their A game and it definitely showed through the movie. So, I was glad to see Martin Scorsese win Best Director (finally!). He's such a cute old man. :)[/color]
  20. [color=dimgray] [spoiler]Pretty happy with the latest chapter! Sasuke's fight with Orochimaru could go in a couple of different ways, and I don't think it's all too predictable at this point. Also, Kabuto being the sneaky bastard that he is will probably jumble things up along the way. I personally wish Sasuke would kill Orochimaru and get it over with, but that'd be sort of lame for the plot. >_> Anyways, I crave more Naruto/Sasuke interaction. Their relationship is sort of hearwarming, in a twisted depressing sort of way. P: [/spoiler] Comments on the Naruto manga of late: For the cliche kind of character background that Sasuke had, it's surprising that I'm really warming up to him. I'm really interested in him now, not for what happened to him or what he's already done, but how he'll progress as a character. And what I really hope [i]won't[/i] happen is [spoiler]Team 7 rushing in and "saving" him by bringing him back to Konoha where Sasuke will realize what a fool he's been.[/spoiler] It would be the worst progression [i]ever[/i], and I would be sorely disappointed if it happened. I'm rooting for a personal and independent rebirth of some kind for Sasuke, which I think is the appropriate way to handle things (from a literary point of view). [/color]
  21. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]I never really understood why pride was a sin, or why chastity was a virtue. [/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] By 'pride' they most likely mean arrogance, and chastity was pretty much demanded from women during the time of Jesus. I'm guilty of all of the sins, although most of them I keep to myself and try not to show. The only prominent one that people I know see is probably sloth. It's not a major problem, I just prosrastinate on most everything. It's balanced with diligence, though, because when I start something I work hard on it. (i.e. I put off studying for my calc test until the night before, but when I actually begin, I'll re-do and study every problem we ever did in that specific chapter multiple times no matter how long it takes.) I actually think pride is the worst sin of all. It's such a marring quality for anyone to have; the people I dislike the most are arrogant and condescending. I used to have a huge problem with being too self-centered and egocentric, but I've learned to quell that. I view humility as one of the most valuable virtues; the willingness to learn and be grounded in who you are is the greatest groundwork for hard work and success. So yeah, having both humility and diligence is the best combination in my book. [/color]
  22. [color=dimgray] I finally finished the last two temples of the game today, so I just wanted to get some thoughts out. Zelda endings are always bittersweet to me. [spoiler] I [i]hate[/i] wallmasters or whatever their name is, even if the one in Twilight Princess didn't directly attack you. The whole time I was trying to secure the sol, I was freaking out about the black hand. >_< It's just plain scary. But the Palace of Twilight really made me wish that there was more Link could do in that realm. [/spoiler] [quote=Shinmaru][spoiler]I'll give it this, however: Using the finishing blow on Ganon is a cool as **** way to end the battle. The final image of Link and Zelda standing before the sunset and Ganon off to the side with the Master Sword running him straight through is awesome in ways that I can't even express. It's amazing how Ganon's death scenes continue to surpass each other game after game. [/spoiler][/quote] Completely agree. [spoiler]The image of Ganondorf after you defeat him in the horseback round was pretty cool, too. Possible better than his actual death. And of course, Link's concern for Midna was so very cute! *pinches Link's cheeks grandmother-like* As for the final ending of the game, I was disappointed. I was wishing for more cutscenes and a fuller explanation, but I'll live. [b]List of things I want to get out of me:[/b] - Every girl in this game is taller than Link. Even Zelda. I love this. - That little ball-rolling game in Hena's fishing hole? Level 6 is killing me. It'd probably harder than all of the dungeons combined. - I sorta kinda [strike]hate[/strike] don't like Colin. >_> Is it just me? - I was disappointed that after the game ends and you log into your file, it's saved so that you haven't finished Hyrule Castle. I was hoping that it would be saved so that you could immediately fight Ganondorf whenever.[/spoiler] Also, two questions: 1) So yeah, Wii Zelda. I look forward to it, but I guess I want some input from OBers. Since Twilight Princess was announced to be the last of its kind, how do you think Wii Zelda will revolutionize the Zelda franchise? I don't worry about Nintendo screwing it up or anything, but I guess I'll just miss the Zelda formula. It's overdone, but it works so well. All I hope is that Zelda will still be a one-player game with no RPG-style elements where you can switch characters. God, I would hate that so much. 2) [spoiler]When Ganondorf dies, the image of Zant cocking his head confused me. It made it seem as if Zant were controlling Ganon, seeing as it happened after Zant. And didn't he die? :/[/spoiler][/color]
  23. [color=dimgray] You should only use other pictures/artwork for reference when you're just learning to draw, or if you're just using one for an occasional inspiration or specific reference. Drawing fanart all your life will only hinder your own style, which is something that forms as you draw independently. Just think about what you enjoy drawing in a character. The major problem with original characters is when artists fail to create a unique and fresh design and instead make a generic, good-looking person. I mean, unless the character has an amazing background and personality, the best character designs are ones that are unique but lovable. (I'll surpress my urge to bring up Disney characters since you're making a manga character); the best character design I've come across in anime/manga recently is Ed from FMA. Obviously, the shortness and braid might be a call back to Duo, but Ed became a character design in his own right. I also like Sanji and Luffy's character design from One Piece, and Naruto's whisker marks are sort of ingenius to me. Most of the things I love about these characters are just small additions, like the whiskers or Luffy's straw hat and eye design, Sanji's eyebrows/cigarette, etc. I mean, L from Death Note's dark eyelids was such a great and appropriate part of his design. Ok, I could ramble on forever. Sorry this post is so long, I just have a thing for good character design, it's probably one of the hardest/most important things an animator can tackle.[/color]
  24. [QUOTE=Dagger] I'm a little surprised at how people have been ripping into Anno's statement about the films (full English version [url=http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-02-20/hideaki-anno-releases-statement-about-new-evangelion-movies][u]here[/u][/url]). I mean, what else did they expect? ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Rei/Asuka porn? P:[/color]
  25. [color=dimgray] If I were a guy I'd have more power in pretty much every situation ever. And I could eat more stuff and get away with it. P: But getting ready in the morning takes ten minutes for me, so my morning routine probably wouldn't change. My hair is really managable and the only makeup I put on is a little eyeliner. And I'll say it, showering every day is gross to me (except washing your face, which I do religiously). My hair just looks better if I just do it every other day. And the whole "girls take two hours to get ready in the morning!" thing is so overdone. If you have to take two hours out of a day to make yourself pretty, I mean. :/ [/color]
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