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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [QUOTE=NIKI12345]Hey my family is having problems and mom says she is going to leave us because of me. She says it?s my fault that are family fights. She says I?m a trouble child. Yeah I make mistakes, but doesn?t everyone. I need some advice. What do I do? [/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Well, what kind of trouble do you cause anyway? [/color]
  2. [QUOTE=Allamorph][FONT=Arial] You guys hit something that's been bugging me since I first read the article and comments. Honestly (and this is from a [I][U]guy[/U][/I] talking), sex really would have been the absolute lowest item on my concern chart when making that decision. [/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] It probably means that whoever brought the sex issue up hasn't had sex. [/color]
  3. [color=dimgray] His voice isn't too off for a 15/16-year-old. Maybe we'll see if Naruto's mannerisms have calmed down when the new arc comes out. I was mostly disppointed with his appearance. To be fair, it's not bad at all, but I was just hoping for some dramatic change or something. P: [/color]
  4. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']The procedure being "iffy" with you is not a valid counterargument against the procedure. And Dead did explain how it would be easier for the child if her body were kept at it's current size, just look at his latest post.[/size][/quote] [color=dimgray] I wrote already that I recognized and realized the pains the baby would go through while growing up with a three-month old mind. I'm saying that despite it, I still feel that something is wrong with the procedure the parents are taking. Heh, and don't think I'm trying to make a valid argument. I know it's a weak counterargument, but I just wanted to get it out there. I'm more worried about how the gradual acceptance of these kinds of procedures will affect our future. [/color]
  5. [color=dimgray] *_* I am officially part of the One Piece fandom. I love it. And I love Luffy. Why is he so amazing? I swear to god I could be sitting through Sanji's death scene or something but start cracking up if Luffy came and started freaking out about food. I haven't watched much, but what I have seen is great. Everything is so nonsensical but then serious and then hilarious again. *shakes computer* Why haven't I gotten into this before? I've watched a bunch of episodes and two of the movies so far, and it's incredibly enjoyable. I especially liked the movie about Omatsuri Island, mostly because I'm sucker for fluid animation and that drawing style. However, I'd like it if One Piece started to play on Adult Swim as well (personally I'm against Toonami because I don't have time to watch tv during weekdays >_>), because it's a hassle to go through all the episodes on YouTube. [/color]
  6. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=#0e1030][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS] Gah, Beat me to it. ...They are 2.5 years older though right? Why is Naruto's voice almost [I]exactly[/I] the same?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Eh. Have no idea. Bad news (for me) has arrived: Kakashi Gaiden is not going to be the first part of Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles. My inner fangirl cried. I wanted to see Kakashi and Obito and Rin and omg Yondaime. *head/desk* There better be an OVA. [/color]
  7. [QUOTE=Aaryanna][COLOR=Teal] But what?s cracked me up the most is when I went into the [spoiler]town next to the castle and played the Star game to get an upgrade for your arrows so you can carry more. [/spoiler] It was too funny how when Link [spoiler] leaves the tent after winning he has fan girls ogling him, and the way they swoon if you talk to them and then leave hearts and run away screaming is priceless. [/spoiler] And now any time I enter the town in that area they [spoiler]stalk Link! LOL! [/spoiler] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] XD I loved that so much. Whenever I get bored I go into Castle Town and walk around. Sometimes I [spoiler]change into a wolf outside and chase everyone in the town. :D[/spoiler] Best part, though, is picking up cats. I spend about ten minutes making Link pick up the cats. Just to hear them meow and see the way Link held them. *dies of cuteness attack*[/color]
  8. [QUOTE=Shinje]I'll shoot against the grain here. I don't support the decision, I disagree with it entirely. While I understand that this decision the parents have come to wasn't made lightly, I feel that the decision to stunt the growth of the child was a misguided one, in any case. The child may never understand, or comprehend life in a full-grown body, but I don't see this as giving anybody a mandate to take that away from her. You don't need to understand the rights you have to be able to have them. I disagree with like-minded people who believe that this decision was made solely for the benefit of the carers, I feel that the parents' were acting to what they believed were the childs best interests, I just don't think these are to her best interests.[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] I'm going to have to agree with you. It's not like I'm 100% totally on the against side of it, but I'm leaning towards it. As soon as I read this thread, the idea of it just disagreed with my gut. It's hard for me to argue against strong arguments such as the physical pains of growing up and the helplessness that will increase as the child grows older, because all I have is immediate and gut feelings. Everytime I hear about cloning or cross-breeding or whatnot, I'm reminded of novels like Brave New World and Oryx & Crake. Sure, it may be a rare case now, but what's to say about it in the future? I'm sure your parents are loving people who want the best for their baby, and I'm not insulting them or trying to degrade them. It just makes me iffy to hear about such a procedure.[/color]
  9. [color=dimgray] I'm pretty sure I've done this before, but I can't recall doing it on OB. The idea is to dig up some of your old drawings/graphics/etc. and re-do them. It's pretty fun to do- you see how your style and techniques have changed. :) My example: [img]http://xs411.xs.to/xs411/07023/File0105.jpg[/img] [img]http://xs411.xs.to/xs411/07023/gp1.png[/img] [img]http://xs411.xs.to/xs411/07023/bp1.png[/img] [img]http://xs411.xs.to/xs411/07023/gp2.png[/img] What I like best about my re-dos is that my sense of style in general has changed. The ornate/fantasy-like clothing I used to draw has become more modern and simplistic. I like the hair a lot better, too. lol I also draw more quickly now, so my lines are lighter and messier. Something I should stop, but what the hell. Try it! [/COLOR]
  10. [color=dimgray] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tMJBClMsmg]Naruto: Hurricane Chronicles Preview[/url]. That's hot. [/color]
  11. [QUOTE=Kei][color=darkblue][size=1]With the way things are looking at the moment,[/color][/size] [size=1][spoiler]I'm thinking that Yamato will probably be Team 7 Commander for quite some time, as Kakashi will probably be doing more ANBU missions hunting for the other Akatsuki. Speaking of the Akatsuki, I want to talk about their newest member, Toobi. From the way I see it, I'm leaning heavily toward the side that he's actually Obito, and not just from the fact that his name would be an acronym of the former. From the way that he acted in the Kakashi Gaiden chapters, he acted just like the old Naruto did, which stays quite in line with how he acted when he and Deidara captured the Sanbi. The only thing that I can't figure out is how he would have been able to come back from having half his body crushed under so many boulders.[/spoiler][/size] [color=darkblue][size=1]What are you all's thoughts on the matter?[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] [spoiler]I thought it was Tobi, not Toobi...? I really don't like this theory. I agree that there is evidence, but even if it is true, I won't be happy about it. I can't really explain why, it just seems sort of lame to me, and I enjoyed having Obito stay the way he was in Kakashi Gaiden. *sigh* But if it does happen, I guess some good could come from it. It'll add more conflict to Kakashi's character and set up a good showdown.[/spoiler][/color]
  12. [color=dimgray] We [i]should[/i] have some kind of psychology thread. It'd be great fun. :D I guess this could be applied culturally as well. If you look at the typical look of a scary ghost or spirit, you basically think white, glowing, pale, they float/fly, etc. Most of these characteristics were ingrained into different cultures that had never interacted before, much as how isolated cultures have recreated the "Cinderella" story so many times. I also found [url=http://www.goertzel.org/dynapsyc/1998/QuantumDreams.html]this site[/url] a bit interesting. It related to the topic in a way:[/color] [i] Now, let?s look at a dream, and interpret it using some of the principles of the unconscious we have just learned. A 47 year-old male attorney was particularly troubled by this dream, and asked me to interpret it. This is an emotionally healthy man, a friend, and not a patient of mine. We will call him Frank. Frank dreamed that he was walking on the campus of his undergraduate college. All around him were men with guns, and he was very fearful that the Viet Cong (VC) were waiting in ambush. Frank had never been in Vietnam, but was in college while the war was going on in the late 1960?s, and was very active in the anti-war movement. This dream took Frank back about 30 years. Yet, he said, it was as real in his dream as it was then. Did Frank actually go back to his old alma mater? Yes, he did, and no, he didn?t. The unconscious reality is not a reality of time and place, it is a reality of mind. For the unconscious, "Yes, he did," and, "No he didn?t," are just two ways of looking at the same thing, and that is Frank going back to his alma mater.[/i] [color=dimgray]Just something to mull over if you're bored.[/color]
  13. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']Is my edge really that blunted these days? It was sarcasm.[/size][/quote] [color=dimgray] lol Yeah anyways, I was skimming through Newsweek's article on this and I came across a good quote: "I feel like we should let Saddam out of jail and say, 'Sorry, we didn't realize you were so brutal because you had to be," (from a US Special Operations member). So my thoughts on Saddam's execution is mostly who the hell is going to become the new leader of Iraq. Successfully. I sort of don't see it happening without a lot of violence. [/color]
  14. [QUOTE=Rachmaninoff]I tried to like this show, especially since it started out so well, the characters with their different yet fun personalities really drew me in. But then the fillers started, and at that point my enjoyment died, as it just seemed like all they did was drag things out needlessly. I still catch an episode every now and then, but not very often.[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Yeah, a lot of people have stopped watching the fillers and are planning to start up again this spring. They're necessary, though, so I can't complain too much. Which is why you should read the manga. :P[/color]
  15. [QUOTE=Ikillion][color=#d2b43b][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]I seriously think that Kakashi's [spoiler]Jacket getting lost was a total fanservice thing. Some of my female friends went all squee becuase they though he was, "so cyoote" without it. Some of them also mentioned that if Kakashi doesn't use a water element to protect himself against the attack that Kakuzu left off on, that he may have to use a fire one and will have to take off his mask[/spoiler]
  16. [color=dimgray] Retribution got it right, but I wouldn't say "no" to any theories of an ingrained fear for all humans. Although they would be mostly philosophical, because the only thing I can come up with is Jung's universal unconscious. Er, although that's more a literary thing. But to be more specific: pale beings=ghostly dark, sunken eyes=evil razor sharp teeth=able to injure you, or alludes to some animal beast elongated faces= unnatural Um, yeah.[/color]
  17. [quote name='Shinmaru][spoiler']There's a ton of evidence in the game that heavily suggests that the warrior who teaches you all of the hidden skills is the Hero from the past who is mentioned every so often (and if you don't catch on to all of that beforehand, the guy basically admits to being the Hero when you get the final skill, anyway lol). Whether that Hero is another version of Link (such as OoT/MM Link), or someone completely different, I don't know; I'd like to think that he's another Link though. It's fun to think that in some bizarre way Link is teaching himself these skills.[/spoiler][/quote] [color=dimgray] [spoiler]Yeah, but I just wonder how Link became this huge, macho man with giant armor. P: And he is left-handed! [/spoiler][/color]
  18. [color=dimgray] So I was a total dork and got my dog to sit next to me while I had Link howl. And she howled back! :D [spoiler] I just finished the desert temple, and the spinner is my favorite weapon now. I just wish there were more places we could use it in. And of course I was not surprised to see that the Mirror of Twilight had been shattered. I'm sort of stuck now, because I don't know how to find the mountain temple.[/spoiler] I have question, though. [spoiler] Is the hidden skills warrior Link from OoT/MM? I know he says that only heroes can learn the hidden skills, but does that mean Hero of Time heroes or just any heroes? And the songs you howl are all from OoT/MM, so I'm guessing if it is another Link, it'd be that one.[/spoiler][/color]
  19. [color=dimgray] The only thing that irks me is how his trial was carried out. But that's done and over with, and it's up to Iraqi laws, not the US's. [/color]
  20. [color=dimgray] Sony made a shitload of mistakes in 2006, and I'm not a Sony fangirl, but it's rather ridiculous to completely count the PS3 and PSP out. Faith is too strong a word, but Sony is still in the game. They just have to work up the hill they've dragged themselves into, and it's not an impossible task. It's a far cry for me to say that next year, with price drops and apps coming out for the PS3, that Sony will dominate, but it'll help. Or, Sony can keep on being ***** and die off.[/color]
  21. [color=dimgray] So far I'm not too interested in any of the new things coming in 2007, but this summer I hope to get into some other fandoms. I've heard nothing but praise for [b]One Piece[/b] from people, so I'm willing to give it a shot. And I suppose I should finally check out [b]The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya[/b], even though something tells me I will regret it. And finally... TIME JUMP!NARUTO FINALLY GETTING ANIMATED OMG THANK YOU.[/color]
  22. [QUOTE=vegeta rocker]He is responsible for almost none of his work completely. I respect him but i think he is very overrated. Everything he has done has been done twice by the time he has done it in Asian films. Don't get me wrong, i love Resevoir Dogs and I respect his other movies. But i don't get into his stuff as much as my other video school friends do. Though i may be alone in this, I can't sit through Kill Bill. It isn't the blood or anything i have seen way worse. I just can't get over how ridiculous the entire thing is. [/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Yeah, a lot of people have that beef with Tarantino. Other praise him for taking original sequences/material and making it his own. I've only seen [b]Kill Bill[/b] and [b]Pulp Fiction[/b]. Kill Bill was fun to watch, and I've always loved the modish/present-day + weaponry thing, so my interest was a given. I didn't give myself quality time with Pulp Fiction. I watched it on the border of sleep late at night once, so my slightly boring memory of it is probably incorrect.[/color]
  23. [color=dimgray] I'm on the cusp of [b]Capricorn[/b] and [b]Aquarius[/b] (my birthday is January 19th), which means... um, I'm better than all of y'all. P: It fits, though. I have characteristics from both signs, but I don't take the Zodiac readings seriously at all. They're just fun to read once in a while. Capricorn: Responsible, Hard workers (when I manage to start, that is), Perfectionist, Status-conscious, Domineering, Stubborn. Aquarius: Humanitarian, Individualistic, Artistic, Creative, Independent, Tolerant, Eccentric, Shy. So while I'm technically a Capricorn, I dig the Aquarius sign. They rock. [/color]
  24. [color=dimgray] Just have to add something about the remote speaker. I find it pretty annoying. The quality of the speaker isn't that great, and I would much rather have all of the speaker sounds just come from the tv. In addition, the thing is damn loud.
  25. [QUOTE=Aaryanna][COLOR=Red] Not only is Link a cutie in the newest game, but the entire game is simply beautiful! [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] I'd be lying if I said Link's appearance didn't get me into the Zelda franchise. ;) So I [i]finally[/i] got a Wii. It was completely sold out in my city, but a swing of good luck came my way and I managed to get a lady at Target to hold one for me. Like everyone said, TP is slow and first but picks up quickly. I was pretty bored for an hour or so, but once you get sucked into the twilight zone I got hooked. I had to stop right before the [spoiler]Forest Temple[/spoiler], but TP makes me giddy just thinking about it. The Wii controls were incredibly intuitive for me. I caught on pretty quickly and never had a problem afterwards (except maybe with the fishing; it took me a sec to understand how to actually catch one). I didn?t go through the ?awkward phase? so many reviewers mentioned. It?s definitely as good as a controller, but right now I don?t know if it?s a better choice. Graphics-wise, it?s what I expected. It doesn?t bother me at all while I?m playing, but imagining TP with hi-def graphics is sort of mind-blowing. The twilight zone is great, through. I?m loving the diluted look of it. And as for the whole formulaic thing. Well, I like the Zelda formula. Knowing that Twilight Princess is the last ?traditional? Zelda game makes me a bit sad, but I?ll enjoy it while I can. [/color]
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