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Everything posted by eleanor
[quote name='Charles']They make a HUGE difference. However, if you have an HDTV and run a game in standard definition, it looks far worse than it would on a standard definition television with composite cables. This is why the graphics are such an issue to me right now. They look far worse than they should. :animedepr[/quote] [color=dimgray] That's what I thought. :animesigh I'm thinking about buying a VGA adaptor, since my computer screen is actually really nice.[/color]
[color=dimgray]Another question from me. P: Do the component cables make that big a difference? Just wondering, mostly, because my TV is pretty old and only supports composite. >_> I wish my parents would get a new one already.[/color]
[color=dimgray] As a heads up for anyone who wants a Wii but missed it November 19, Best Buy will be receiving 10-20 consoles and selling it this Sunday, and EB Games' shipment is selling Friday Morning. It's not official or anything, but for now it's pretty much taken as true. [/color]
[QUOTE=Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1] The fact is, no matter what [i]does[/i] happen with Saddam Hussein, his punishment will never ([i]can[/i] never) be equal to the magnitude of his actions. So what is the goal at this point in time? Are we trying to exact revenge on him, or are we trying to finally put an end to a long, painful story? [/size][/color][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] I feel silly saying 'revenge', seeing as Sadam never really did anything to us, but drawing out Hussein's death would be ridiculous. People over 70 in Iraq aren't allowed to be sentenced to death, and since Hussein turns 70 in April of next year they should probably get a move on. I doubt it'll prolong until spring of 2007, though.[/color]
[color=dimgray] Another question for everyone who has Twilight Princess. So, what's with the storyline? Are you guys too early into the game to tell or is it really that good? [/color]
[QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff] I also asked for a white Coach bag (yeah, I love designer handbags. That's really my only indulgence, though!). [/color][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Nice. ;) I love the Coach bags. If it were possible I'd probably ask for a patchwork or Hamptons. Every time I go to the mall I go into Coach and just drool over their handbags and wish I had a couple hundred bucks as chump change. >_> And to add to my fairy-tale wishlist: [img]http://xs309.xs.to/xs309/06472/B70292011.jpg[/img] Burton Feelgood. P: [/color]
[QUOTE=RiflesAtRecess][font=arial][size=1]I want to quickly jump in with some opinions after reading some reviews. A major one is that to me there were two types of reviews: 1. "OMG I don't care about its shortcomings, it's Zelda and I'm not going to talk about them. ^^" 2. "This was a great game, completely worthy of a perfect score. The only problems were basically everything. The game is long though, like 40-70 hours. It has an epic feel to it... yeah. Let's talk about the puzzles! Man, those puzzles are great! Let's spend four whole paragraphs talking about the puzzles! You should get this game, even though I just talked you out of it." Obviously, having not even seen a Wii in person yet, I cannot have my own opinion. It just seems to me that a lot of these reviews were bullcrap. What I have to go off of is my friend who's been calling me off and on while playing the game and she's said so far that it doesn't feel next-gen at all, she hasn't been "annoyed" at anything yet, and that she hasn't played it enough yet to form a real opinion. She's coming over right before Thanksgiving with her Wii, so we'll see.[/font][/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] I haven't any reviews like that so far. Links would help, I guess. James wrote exactly what I was thinking, which is a bit weird, but it saves time. :D I was almost afraid to say I like Cassamassina's review, because a lot of people seem to just hate IGN. I watched the video review (to try and partially fill the gaping hole I have because I can't play the game until December), and it was pretty concise and to the point. And entertaining. [spoiler]There was this part about Link being able to run and swing his sword around at the same time, which I thought was the neatest thing ever.[/spoiler] The only bad review I've read so far was the [url="http://www.joystiq.com/2006/11/11/nintendos-new-zelda-falls-flat/"]one at Joystig[/url], which basically dismissed the entire game because the reviewer didn't like the graphics. Shoddy job of a review, since reviews are supposed to take everything under consideration. [/color]
[color=dimgray] I have to agree with the whole generic Zelda game things the Gamespot editor was talking about. I think the Zelda formula is really great, and it's the only game series that I really get into and follow, but a reinvention would be something fresh and revitalizing. I remember reading something where Nintendo said that Twilight Princess was the last traditional Zelda game. I'm 99% sure it wasn't a rumor or anything, one of the creators or directors or someone said it, so I look forward to the completely Wii-designed Zelda that will come out sooner or later. In regards to the controller complaints... huh. I've read so many things about how well-adjusted players got to the Wiimote and it's natural feel, so I'm surprised that Papa Smurf finds it mediocre. Sort of dampens what I expected, but I I'll decide how well the remote works when I play it. [strike]And hopefully all the "the gameplay makes you forget completely about the graphics" is right, because I too am a bit dissapointed from the sample vids/pictures of Twilight Princess. [/strike]I understand that it's a port game, but I believe that it's a general consensus from reivews that TP doesn't surpass the graphics of an average GC game. I've never been too big on graphics, but I guess I just expected more. edit: On the whole graphics thing, do the component cables for Wii really enhance the graphics that much? I've heard a lot about them, but I don't know is I want to buy them. more edit: I take what I said about the graphics partially back. I'm still just bleh about the textural detail and blurry backgrounds, but the rest of the game has some amazing stuff. Spoke too quickly on that one. P:[/color]
[color=dimgray] I forgot what it's called, but that magical sand stuff that you put in water and becomes dry when you take it out. I never got it, so I have no idea if it really worked, lol. But my sister and I got our first dog instead, so I immediately forgot about it. P: And an Ant Farm, which I [i]did[/i] get, but it turned out to be a disaster and all my ants died within a week or so. And Sea Monkeys. Yes, Sea Monkeys. Never got 'em, but over the phone one day I found out one of my friends bought some for me for this year's Christmas. :D[/color]
[color=dimgray]A Wii and Twilight Princess. I always feel bad asking for expensive gifts, though, so I'll probably buy the Wii on my own and get my parents to buy Twilight Princess for me. :] I was actually going to get one the day it came out, but I decided that 1) it had the possibility of interfering with school and 2) I'll have more time to play it during Christmas break. Besides, the wait makes it sweeter. There are a bunch of other things I want, but it's stuff I'd rather buy with my own money. Though I would really like one of those huge, gigantic Totoro dolls. Like this one: [img]http://xs109.xs.to/xs109/06466/Totoro.JPG[/img] On that topic, I'm actually making some Totoro plushes for my closest friends for Christmas. They should be really fun to make. :D [/color]
[QUOTE=vegeta rocker]I just saw The Prestige, and it was an excellent movie. It was extremely well written, and i cant wait to read the book. But since Christopher Nolan did it i shouldn't be too surprised it was awesome.[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Oh, god, The Prestige. I'm one of the few people who can't stand that movie. I was so excited about the amazing reviews I heard from friends, but when I saw it, I sat in the theatre angrily and began to hate Hugh Jackman. I can see why other people would like it, but if just didn't fly with me. I predicted both of the "twists" and I thought the characters/character relationships were dull and just poorly planned. But I just got back from watching Flags of Our Fathers. We watched it for extra credit, and I guess I still have mixed feelings about it. Hard to tell, because I became nauseous 1/3 of the way in because I hadn't eaten in five hours. >_> There wsn't much a plot, so it was a character/theme-driven movie, which can be a wonderful thing if done well. I'm just not so sure on whether it was done that well. The whole theme about [spoiler]the meaning of "hero"[/spoiler] took the forfront, and it was a thoughtful and fresh movie, but the character development was just decent. And akward third storyline and choppy scene changes also plagued the movie, but I guess that takes somewhat of a backseat. The battle scenes were executed well... very similar to Saving Private Ryan in the rawness and such.[/color]
[color=dimgray] Is $4000 really a lot?* I've heard plenty of bids that have gone into the six to seven thousands, and one sold for $9100. *Obviously, yes, it's a lot of money, but I mean in terms of the PS3 bidding craze.[/color]
[quote name='Papa Smurf']Don't they have school then? If they're college age, they've got finals coming up in less than three weeks. If they're in high school, then they're cutting class entirely. I'm really wondering what kinds of lives these people have. lol[/quote] [color=dimgray] Exactly. P:[/color] [quote name='John']If someone takes a picture of themselves and a group of friends setting up a 360 outside a vendor and having a blast on it right in front of all the campers, I will personally send them a check for thirty thousand dollars.[/quote] [color=dimgray] [url]http://www.smashmyxbox.com/[/url][/color]
[quote name='Charles']Honestly, they better be scalpers. I can't imagine anyone going through this effort just to play the thing.[/quote] [color=dimgray] Some of them probably are. I already know two people who are hanging out at our 24-hour Walmart in order to scalp one and sell it after they run out of units. If I had $600 somewhere I'd probably do it, too.[/color] [quote name='Papa Smurf']I'm wondering how those people are able to camp out like that, too. Either they have jobs and requested off to camp out for two days, or they're unemployed, which makes me wonder where they're getting 700+ for a new game system.[/quote] [color=dimgray] Or they're students and they got money from their parents. [/color]
[color=dimgray] Just a heads up that there's several videos of live play-time from the game up at IGN. [url="http://media.wii.ign.com/media/748/748589/vids_1.html"]Here's[/url] the link. They're fun to watch, and there aren't any huge spoilers or anything. And for anyone who watches [spoiler] the one where Midna talks- is it just me or does it sound like baby talk?[/spoiler] P:[/color]
[color=dimgray] [url=http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3154917]This impression[/url] was actually the first one I came across. I wasn't as interested in the specifics of the Wii Remote, so I went to IGN instead. 70 hours? I don't know how to react to that. Overjoyed, but at the same time worried that it will interfere with school. >_> At least I'll have Thanksgiving Break to immerse myself into the game for a short while. I also watched the newly released vid-clips, which were expectedly amazing. Right now the only hesitation I have over Wii is whether I should pre-order it or not. I doubt it will be completely sold out, but where I live they'll probably get snapped up pretty quickly so I can't be too sure. P: I'm glad that Nintendo didn't put in voice-overs; hearing Link actually talk would probably just weird me out. And just choosing a voice that would be ok with everyone seems like an impossible task. I really just hope they never give Link a voice-over. And out of all the incredible things I've seen/heard about in TP, I guess it's weird for me to say that I really, really like Link's design. I know he looks pretty much the same, but it's just [i]good[/i]. I still think that Link's character design is one of the best ones I've seen, ever, in anything. [/color]
[QUOTE=Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]Everyone has their moments. =] Hey, out of curiousity, an informal poll: [b]Do you say rah-men, ray-men, or something else?[/b] Also, if you answer the question....where are you from? Everyone I know calls it [i]rah-men[/i] except for some guy originally from Michigan. [/size][/color][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] You forgot [i]la-myun[/i].[/color]
[QUOTE=AzureWolf][COLOR=maroon] For hip hop, I would say BoA is one of the best, if not THE best. The great thing for you, Lunox, is that she's released more Japanese songs than Korean ones, primarily because she's as big in Korea as anyone can get. Oh, and for Korean lyrics (I know that's not what you want as much as just Japanese singing, but still) [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] I think you got confused. :P I like Korean music better because I understand it, but I also listen to Japanese. I just prefer lyrics I understand. For example, I already like the Korean version of Valenti better because it's a familiar language, whereas in the Japanese one I have no idea what she's saying. Thanks a bunch for these, though! [/color] [quote name='Moonchild']Personally, american music seems to be more silly than Korean or japanese. I mean singing a song about "chicken noodle soup with a soda on the side?" Is that really neccessary? I found it is actually a dance. I admitt some is pretty silly but mostly on anime... no offense. Take DBSK...They wite and produce their own music and lyrics. BOA is not I repeat not Japanese she is actually Korean. This has been proven by so many Korean website...I have a friend who is Korean and translated. Believe what you will but Asian singers tend to speak more from the heart than most american bands. Most being the operative word. I really like what they wirteand it seems they see and know what I am going through. You have your opinions and I have mine but that can't stop us from being friends and who we are inside. :catgirl:[/quote] [color=dimgray] I have no beef with anyone who likes foreign lyrics or anything, just a lot of my negative opinions are from non-Asian KPOP/JPOP fans who only like it because it's Asian. But I think generalizing is not approprite for music (or for anything). I'm guilty of it, since I did it in my first post, but I'm 100% sure that there's quality music in every country. I just don't have any real means of getting to fully understand the Korean music scene other than recs (thanks for that, Azure). Just like someone in Korea wouldn't ever really understand the US music scene. The only annoyance I have with translated lyrics is that a lot of it is lost in translation. Korean and Japanese culture is so incredibly different from western culture that it shows in their languages. It's ineffable, but there are just small cultural differences and meanings that are impossible to translate into another language. For instance, once I my friend was listening to one of the Korean songs I had on my iPod, and she asked me what the singer was saying. When I answered it sounded really tacky and lame, even though the original lyrics were fine. Just basic linguistic differences. Another example could be Bi's English version of Sad Tango. Bad move, lol.[/color]
[color=dimgray] Hope I'm not violating any of the rules or rehashing questions in this thread (I made myself read through it, but I have pretty bad short-term memory), but I was assigned an article about the PS3 in newspaper, so I'd just like to ask some questions. I'd also like to add that I have no extensive knowledge about gaming consoles at all, so some of my questions might be common sense to you guys. 1) Are there any specific games that the PS3 release is riding on (like Wii and Zelda) or is Sony just relying on their industry name or something? 2) If you buy the $500 PS3, are you getting a decent deal or is it just a complete waste of money? (Would you be better off buying the $600 PS3, and does the answer to that depend on how hardcore of a gamer you are?) Explain why. 3) Do you think the PS3 will have strong release sales versus the Wii? (sorry if this is OT) Thanks for you time.[/color]
[quote name='AzureWolf][COLOR=maroon']Sorry to spam and bother everyone, but ss Naruto done with the fillers yet? I'm referring to one airing in Japan and not the CN series, which is still awesome.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=dimgray] Fillers are still in, and we still don't know when they're going to end.[/color]
[color=dimgray] Sad, but not surprising. The Asian education/society system in general puts so much pressure on young kids that some of them are bound to snap. I mean, I've heard plenty of cases from my mom where kids just go crazy and buckle under the pressure, either committing suicide or killing their parents. I think that's why Japan has the highest suicide rate, too.[/color]
[quote name='Moonchild']There are language translations on the internet. Go to websites like yahoo, google and Ask.com for the translations.[/quote] [color=dimgray]Yeah, the thing I just don't like doing that. I like to understand the lyrics the moment I listen to them. I guess it's just a pet peeve. [/color]
[quote name='Moonchild']I can help you. Korean music is just like Japanese the only difference is the language. Music is Universal.[/quote] [color=dimgray] I'd love any recs, so... yeah. :D But the whole language thing is a big deal to me. For me it's a matter of understanding what the singer is saying versus just listening. To others it might seem fine, but I don't connect as much to lyrics that make no sense to me. It's why my foreign music is limited to Korean and Spanish. P:[/color]
[color=dimgray] I still can't make myself get into the Korean music scene. I don't really have that many Asian friends (and the ones I do aren't close or anything), and trying to learn about it leads mostly to KPOP. Which is probably what 90% of the modern Korean music industry is right now. What's more frustrating is that the Korean music scene tends to worse than the US one when it comes to who's in and who's out. You find about some hugely popular group one summer and the next summer there's barely any mention of them. I have listened to DBSK and other groups, but... eh. I find most of it pretty tacky, especially DBSK ballads. The lyrics are so-so, the music is too pop-ish. And from me that's saying a lot, seeing as I'm a huge pop fan. But I'm definitely not bashing Korean music. I've only listened to the mainstream bands, and I'm sure there are good songs underneath all the hyped-up singers. My sister went to Korea this summer to take summer classes, and she insists that KPOP really isn't as bad as it seems. There is a handful of songs I [i]do[/i] like, though: [b]How to Avoid the Sun[/b] by Bi [b]Sad Tango[/b] by Bi* [b]Timeless[/b] by Jangriin feat. Junsu [b]열정 (Passion)[/b] by Se7en [b]Girlfriend[/b] by Minwoo *it's Japanese lyrics, so not really Korean, but whatever So, yeah, if any of my songs listed above are hitting some other recommendations, I'd love to hear them![/color]
[quote name='Aaryanna][COLOR=DarkOrchid]I know you aren?t pointing fingers, but I get a different impression than you do from people?s posts. For starters the original poster was basically saying that North Korea was a terrible threat that needs to be dealt with in a more severe manner than the current talks and sanctions. Which by the way if you read here: [URL=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6051704.stm]Sanctions[/URL'] you can see that the world is taking them seriously and actually doing something about it. The world leaders and organizations are going over the problems and working on a solution. These things take time, they don?t happen immediately. And like my mom said: I agree and I think others here agree as well. It is an issue, but it is far from being a total crisis. So I really just don?t see the point in getting worked up over something that isn?t a big issue yet. People aren?t blowing North Korea off, they are simply refusing to panic or get overly upset over something that doesn?t require that type of response yet. What they are doing is working on more peaceful solutions instead of outright going to war with North Korea. [/COLOR][/quote] [color=dimgray] I know governments around the world are concerned and want to deal with North Korea seriously, but seeing so many US residents blowing North Korea off as a trivial manner is irritating. There is a huge difference between "getting worked up" and being concerned about the issue. And going off on that, if North Korea did become a 'worthwhile' target for the US, believing that the US could easily destroy them and go on their merry way is just an exmaple of why so many Eastern countries hate us. The attitude of US citizens concerning the North Korea conflict represents what we think of our country's ultimate power, and it's not helping. I am not criticizing those who choose not to worry/panic over this situation. I am criticizing those who believe it's not even a meritable threat and choose to view it as trivial. I already said in my first post that sanctions have merit, but when they fail we need to take further action. And they have, seeing as North Korea has been under sanctions for about fifty years. And when I say "further action", I don't mean military attack. The US should be making strides for George W. Bush to go to North Korea himself. Leaks like Bush insulting Kim Jon Il only worsen the conflict. _____________ The whole bit about world leaders and organizations getting into the nuclear weapons programs, while including North Korea, also included countries such as Syria, Somalia, etc. (ones who haven't signed onto the CWC convention). [/color]