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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [quote name='chibi-master' date='16 June 2010 - 09:46 AM' timestamp='1276695999' post='695391'] But I agree with Ace. The argument could use its own thread instead of erecting walls of text in this one. [/quote] [img]http://i49.tinypic.com/2nlwiro.jpg[/img] [strike]also it takes like 2 seconds to scroll past. im sorry your finger can't handle it[/strike] [quote name='Allamorph' date='16 June 2010 - 02:50 PM' timestamp='1276714210' post='695409'][font="Calibri"] Also I miss Dead Like Me. It's really too bad that Sci-Fi shows so much crap lately that all their good shows fizzle pathetically into obscurity. [/font][/quote] Did you watch Battlestar Galatica?? Caprica was slow to begin but it picked the **** up, as my friend put it. And if your answer to the first question is no, watch it immediately
  2. eleanor

    E3 2010

    [img]http://i48.tinypic.com/205ds8n.jpg[/img] Got home from work Realized Nintendo had their conference today NEW ZELDA BOOSH OOT REMAKE BOOSH DONKEY KONG COUNTRY BOOSH KID ICARUS BOOSH GOLDENEYE BOOSH EVERYTHING ABOUT 3DS BA-BA-BA-BOOSH
  3. [quote name='Botar' date='15 June 2010 - 01:36 PM' timestamp='1276623375' post='695341'] Well, i'm back, and I gots so much addicted to Magic the gathering. So, Allamorph's getting bashed? [/quote] I don't think Allamorph can be bashed. I often attempt to, you see, but it doesn't work. [quote name='mapthesoul.' date='14 June 2010 - 12:48 AM' timestamp='1276490907' post='695244'] [font="Garamond"]Bought some ssamjang the other day from the local Korean market, which is this delicious bean paste you have with meat/rice whathaveyou. It's imported so naturally, there's little to no English on the packaging. P[/font] [/quote] Ssamjang is the shiiittt. Especially when you dip fresh korean hot peppers (which aren't really hot). Try it! You can find it at the Korean market you went to [quote name='Stephanie' date='13 June 2010 - 08:28 PM' timestamp='1276475336' post='695230'] ..... I think that you copy-pasted that, because I believe I recall seeing that EXACT same line in someone's signature. Hmm. [/quote] I didn't copy paste it, but I definitely remember it was like in James's signature. But I totally agree with it, so... yeah. lol [quote name='CaNz' date='13 June 2010 - 11:44 PM' timestamp='1276487063' post='695241'] I love to argue... cant help it. but for me its not about telling others what to believe, its helping me put together my thoughts into words. I do want to be right, though...[/quote] We both agree on that! [quote name='CaNz' date='13 June 2010 - 11:44 PM' timestamp='1276487063' post='695241']sooo... I think not only is personal experience better than statistical information, but it can be applied to others. If you need to look up statistics for proof then you dont know what your talking about. when you say [i]"when you truly are aiming to be your best, you also want to beat others. Because most people want to believe that their best is better than someone else's best"[/i] it no longer becomes playing to be the best. you just want to beat the competition. if everyone bowls at 200 all you gotta do is get 201 and you are the best right? to top it all off the negative aspect of losing is a plague. instead of thinking you gave it a good go, you are forced to believe you are inferior. even if it is true, it makes you either work harder or quit... but staying at the same level doesn't work for competitive sports unless your winning. This doesnt incorage self betterment. it just minimizes the people who can have fun. why is pro sports and college the only adult sporting events? why is it that kids stop playing baseball with there friends when they are older? most people are not the "real athletes" you speak of. how many of your teammates were over the years? however all of them probably liked playing sports weather they were better than everyone else or not has nothing to do with liking to play the game. [/quote] Personal experience is the best when you're doing something subjective, such as recounting life stories or learning from your mistakes, but there's error in using one girls soccer team as THE example of ALL girls soccer teams, or girls who participate in competitive sports. It's similar to racial profiling and prejudice-- you see several people part of a much larger group do something and so you assume the entire group does it too. Obviously there isn't like cut lines that delineate "being the best" and "being competitive." They are intertwined, no doubt, but that doesn't mean wanting to be the best completely warps into an obsessive need to beat everyone else. Using your bowling example-- let's say my best score yet has been a 195. I think this score is indicative of my highest playing level yet (my "best"). My friend gets a 200, so I think to myself: I bet I could make myself better and get a 200, too. I could beat her. So yeah, it's not exactly an either/or situation. I think I can improve, so I think you can beat someone. If I beat someone, I've improved. I've surpassed my previous "best." IMO this is a healthy way of thinking. It's not vengeful or egoistic, it's a drive to become better in which competitiveness plays a major role. And I don't think the drive to win is bad, either. I mean who doesn't feel awesome after winning lol As to answer the "playing with friends" question... I would guess simply because if you're a far more advanced athlete, you wouldn't have as much fun playing with your friends because you're not exactly making yourself better or getting the satisfaction of winning. It'd be like me snowboarding with a beginning snowboarder, so I'd have to stop myself constantly to watch them get back up and try again. That's a really extreme example... but I think it gets my point across. Not to say it would be a terrible experience, I'd still have fun because I'd be with a friend and probably laughing/teaching her how to do it right. Now I'm rambling, but when I brought up the snowboarding thing I thought of this. When I was learning how to snowboard, there was no "rival" or "other team" to beat. It was a completely solo experience for me. I cannot put into words how painful and long this process was. It was falling on my butt/knees probably more than 50 times a day, sometimes falling on my chest and getting the wind knocked out of me for a while, and my feet were screaming in pain, all in freezing weather. By the next morning I could barely move, but I forced myself to do the entire thing again. I did this for several days-- on the last day I FINALLY got the hang of it, was having a lot of fun actually getting down the mountain, and then a skier fell in front of me, my board caught his skis, I literally flipped up in the air and landed on my right side. The ski patrol had to come and put me in a sled because I couldn't walk without screaming in pain, and for the next week I lay comatose in bed watching Battlestar Galactica on my laptop with ice packs on my groin. However, I was happy as a clam because I forced myself through four days of hell and became an intermediate on a sport with one of the steepest learning curves. It came from an entirely personal desire to become better, not to beat anyone but just to be good at something. /end huge bragging session So anyways... yes, I believe the best athletes are driven more out of a want to better themselves. And this desire is definitely mixed with competitive nature, but it isn't dominated by it. And I consider "real athletes" to be the ones that train hard, give it their best and stay modest (and don't "get back" at people on or off the field hehe). I mean the varsity athletes I know at my college are some of the most disciplined, smartest people I know, and I definitely think their background in sports contributed to their mental and physical strength.
  4. eleanor


    [quote name='Kei' date='14 June 2010 - 01:03 AM' timestamp='1276491819' post='695246'] [font="Tahoma"][color="#000080"]The purpose of the tutorials here are to give people an idea of how to use the tools they have available and are created by the users here to provide some sort of base form for them to go off of. Nobody has to be a professional to try and lend a hand. You are correct that people can look up sources and material to better themselves, but this project involves users of all skill levels here at OB. Therefore, any tutorial made by any member will be accepted and sourced here. [/color][/font] [/quote] I know I'm treading thin ice here, because I sincerely did not want to offend anyone or make them feel bad about their work. By no means is my opinion the right way, because there are hundreds of routes artists take to get to where they are. My post was simply what I thought is the best and quickest way, which I thought was appropriate for the thread itself, which is to provide resources and advice to artists. Additionally I never meant to sound like I was saying your tutorial shouldn't be accepted here, what I was saying was that I don't think it's the best way to go about learning (again, just my opinion). And that being said, as Lady Shy pointed out, I don't see anything wrong or flagrantly offensive with my post because I was simply giving people what I think is the best advice for beginning artists. Hypothetically, I would provide hypothetical drawing guides/books, but since that would be really illegal I hypothetically suggest anyone interested in them to just PM me.
  5. [quote name='chibi-master' date='13 June 2010 - 07:13 PM' timestamp='1276470832' post='695222'] I have a question: Why are you two arguing about this? How does this benefit you? You're both right about some things, but wrong about others. Can't you just agree to disagree and leave it at that? [/quote] Why not? What progress would ever be made without discussion and arguments? I believe my entire argument is right, and I'll argue to defend that. If anything, the most annoying part of any argument is the person who jumps in and says it's stupid/pointless.
  6. eleanor


    Comments on Kei's tutorial, which is mostly just comments to beginning artists who want to be able to "cel-shade" and do impressive digital art. TBQH, Kei's tutorial is the work of a beginning digital artist, and imo beginning artists should not make tutorials for other beginning artists. To all aspiring anime artists and etc., you won't become a great cartoonist if you're do not have a solid base in realism. You won't become a great colorist unless you have a solid knowledge, an extensive practice, of color theory and values-- and these are elements of arts that students should learn after developing good skills at at least figure drawing (proportions, dimensions, anatomy). The problem with two-tone cel shading is that people will look at anime shows or official anime art and simply place blocks of color where it "looks right." They have the basic understanding of how there is a light source, and that it creates shadows, but they do not see or understand where to place highlights, shadows, midtones, reflective shadows/lights, etc. If you choose to develop color theory and use of values on the computer, that is fine, but your aim should be to create non-cel-shaded works and build a real understanding of facial/body planes and how light hits and reflects off of the body. Good sources for any beginning artist are the Loomis books (do a quick Google search), which covers all drawing basics. If you're interested in obtaining the books, PM me and I'll be more than welcome to help you out. To those who draw for entertainment and don't care about improvement-- you can totally disregard everything I've said. But to those who want to really amaze other people with their art and better themselves, starting with anime/cartoons is a cool headway into interest of art but you will never become great at it without training yourself.
  7. [quote name='Magus' date='13 June 2010 - 05:21 PM' timestamp='1276464083' post='695207'] I got this feeling that this is related to a certain video that's on youtube. [/quote] It's more like experience from watching 13-year-old boys who think they're going to die without their nintendo DS/xbox/ps2/wii, and will subsequently go insane if you try to take it away. Babysitting for lazy, rich moms is like taking the best "how NOT to parent kids 101" class ever [quote name='CaNz' date='13 June 2010 - 06:02 PM' timestamp='1276466573' post='695212'] I am also not condoning boys soccer/fútbol but id say out of experience there was less revenge driven injuries. I doubt this is true for all cases... but if its a number game we look at i will be correct. I am certainly not saying anyone here is a monster(yet...) but thats only because everyone here other than me tends to show a level of maturity not found in your run of the mill jocks. also I never understood why being competitive was an important trait to learn... why do you have to be better than everyone else? why cant you just learn to be the best you can be? competitive sports coaches always say do your best but they really dont care so long as what you do is better than what they do. i understand hat playing against an opponent was a means of testing your own skill, but it seems to me that the concept of winning trumped the concept of being good. [/quote] There's a numbers game now? And your personal experience counts as statistical evidence? lol wat Also, when you truly are aiming to be your best, you also want to beat others. Because most people want to believe that their best is better than someone else's best, or want to prove that at their best they can beat others who haven't worked as hard. Someone who is REALLY at their "best" and can't beat anybody else is really just not fit out for whatever field they're in-- the problem is, 99.9% of people never are at their "best" so they give up too easily. The reason I keep putting best in quotations is because there's the problem of people think someone's "best" is like some sort of "top level," and once you reach it there's nothing more you can do. IRL that's never true. There is always room for improvement and challenges, and that's also where competitive spirit comes into play. And anyways, you seem to be confusing "run of the mill jocks" with real athletes.
  8. [quote name='CaNz' date='12 June 2010 - 11:38 PM' timestamp='1276400314' post='695158'] okay so not every person is an immature girl that gets into random cat-fights... but it seems like everyone here at least knows of girls who do go crazy during the game. [/quote] There are also guys who go crazy during the game. What's your point? There are also 13-year-olds who go more ballistic and become more violent when their parents take away WoW or their XBOX or something, so I don't think sports has anything to do with how violent a person is.
  9. [quote name='Lady Shy' date='13 June 2010 - 03:30 PM' timestamp='1276457435' post='695199'] Soccer-Football 1-1 is just sad. America wasn't doing well enough to deserve a draw. But England was behaving like a bunch of tarts anyway. [/quote] This. Sorry, USA, it's cool that you drawed with England and stuff but the team was lacking and so uncoordinated compared to England's, and that's saying something because England wasn't even playing very well. If USA had gotten another goal, they wouldn't have deserved to win. Even the one goal they DID get was just because of Green's **** up... It's not really an "excuse" but I'm tired of Americans acting like our team is the **** right now, because they really aren't. Also, it's just sad that England didn't manage to beat the USA, which isn't even a "football country."
  10. [quote name='gallowsCalibrator' date='11 June 2010 - 02:45 AM' timestamp='1276238715' post='695077'] [font="Comic Sans MS"]He's right. YOUNG LADY GO TO YOUR ROOM THIS INSTANT. >:|[/font] [/quote] but what if I was being really serious and had watched all three of those movies??? [quote name='CaNz' date='12 June 2010 - 03:33 PM' timestamp='1276371200' post='695132'] but if your mad about the soccer thing... you probably deep down know that vicious behavior is common in girls competitive soccer... a friend of mine loved playing soccer and did school and league teams (broke many bones because of it) and after every game she would be delighted to show me all the bruises and cuts she got. after that shed go into detail of how she got the girl back. I played soccer for two years, not very long but i get that bruises are common... however getting the person back? that's an exclusive to girls soccer from my experience. [/quote] lol yes and obviously this one friend of yours accurately represents all female soccer players, and obviously this means soccer is the worst because it condones vicious GETTING BACK AT PEOPLE. It's not the sport, it's your friend's immaturity, which she will grow out of soon. Athletic girls are the shit. The good ones know how to tough it out, suck it up and let it all out on the field. Emphasize on the "good ones"
  11. Man draws are boring. Feel bad for Green though. He's still a great goalie but I'm sure England is ready to kill him SK was great against Greece!! Although Greece was playing pathetically...
  12. Sex and the City 2 is a great movie. Get Him to the Greek is as good as Iron Man 2; if you loved Iron Man 2 then you'll love this movie, and if not then you won't.
  13. eleanor

    E3 2010

    [size="7"]NEW ZELDA GAME [/size]
  14. Not the worst story ever, but in high school our AP Physics teacher was pregnant. She had to leave halfway through the year due to complications, and for some reason the long-term sub was, like... not familiar with physics at all. He searched random PPTs on our textbook chapters and showed them to us. By the time the AP exams were coming up my entire physics class were terrified and I'm pretty sure most of the physics kids failed the exam
  15. [quote name='Stephanie' date='07 June 2010 - 08:59 AM' timestamp='1275915545' post='694798'] Georgia, usually the most finicky of states in its weather patterns, is actually pretty consistent. Rain maybe once a week, temperatures no lower than 65 and nothing higher than 90 - at least in my area. It gets all muggy and icky, which is why it seems so much hotter than it is. Swimming is always fun, but one of my favorite past times is laying out in the sun in my swimsuit and soaking up some much needed vitamin D. Doing so is a lot cheaper than going to a dermatologist to get professional "UV treatment" for my psoriasis. And much more pleasant. Oh! And we put out tomato plants yesterday. [/quote] What part of GA do you live in? We've been getting sudden showers and wildly different temperatures everyday (nothing new there)
  16. [quote name='Lady Shy' date='06 June 2010 - 05:22 AM' timestamp='1275816152' post='694722'] Because then I'd be [i]intellectual[/i]! [/quote] pshhh
  17. the story of my life this weekend [img]http://i50.tinypic.com/24qnv2p.gif[/img] [quote name='chibi-master' date='07 June 2010 - 12:12 AM' timestamp='1275883944' post='694785'] I have one week to get better at algebra. Yet I have this amazingly empowering feeling that I can do this. Hungh. [/quote] in general this is called sitting down for several hours a day every day redoing problems/doing more problems
  18. [quote name='Persona' date='06 June 2010 - 08:20 PM' timestamp='1275870044' post='694761'] [font="Garamond"][size="2"][color="#2f4f4f"]Prince of Persia was simply a cheap ripoff. Most video game based movies simply suck. [/color][/size][/font] [/quote] I just couldn't get over the fact that they cast JAKE GYLLENHAAL to play a PERSIAN guy. And no, tanned white guy =/= more believable. keep it strong, hollywood racism. I'll see you again in "The Last Airbender"
  19. [quote name='Allamorph' date='06 June 2010 - 02:26 AM' timestamp='1275805568' post='694707'] [FONT=Calibri]Robin Hood is a great movie. Prince of Persia is as good as Avatar; if you loved Avatar then you'll love this movie, and if not then you won't. [/FONT] [/quote] [font=trebuchet ms] I loved Avatar and hated Prince of Persia js.[/font]
  20. I always feel weird when pointing out negative aspects of things, because I never really know how old the OP is, how long h/she has been doing whatever craft, etc. This post is just me talking about what I thought the story's biggest weakness is. You've gotten very positive feedback here, so don't doubt your talent as a writer. However, as you asked for, this is what I didn't like about it. In general I was not emotionally affected by this piece (I'm assuming it's stand alone?). I don't know exactly what happened to the woman, so you, as the writer, have to make me care about her anyway. But by the end of the piece, I still didn't really care whether she was going to die or not. Simply telling readers that she was going to die due to some injustice, and hinting that she is a loving mother who cares for her family, is not enough to convince all of your readers that they should be really moved by what you're writing. My only real question is-- "why did she end up like this?" If this is a stand-alone piece, having that as the only real interest I have in the character is a bad sign. Ideally my biggest response should be "wow, what a unique depiction of a person about to die," not "well it'd be cool to know how she got there I guess." IMO your description of everything is just too melodramatic for a character your readers know nothing about. Sometimes I felt the sentences that were supposed to more insightful and profound to be out of place and ineffectual without greater explanation. I'm sure you know the background of this woman and it moved you while writing the story, but I don't. Anyways, this is why writing short stories and even shorter prose pieces are very difficult. You have a limited amount of space to really engage your readers.
  21. [quote name='Lady Shy' date='02 June 2010 - 05:15 PM' timestamp='1275513309' post='694299'] I've been trying to read Joyce's [i]Ulysses[/i] for ages now, but it just won't work. [/quote] but why would you do that to yourself
  22. er I thought the "add me as friend" button was the "user profile" button so I accidentally added you as a friend and couldn't find a "defriend" option. js in case you were weirded out

  23. [quote name='Korey' date='04 June 2010 - 11:43 AM' timestamp='1275666237' post='694554'] [color="#000080"][size="2"][font="Garamond"]Actually the Military does offer some schools that are American based (University of Maryland, University of Phoenix [wtf, these things are everywhere], and Central Texas College) , but they don't offer a bachelor's degree in Journalism. So right now I'm at an impass on whether to change my degree program or just go somewhere else for school.[/font][/size][/color] [/quote] [font=trebuchet ms] University of Maryland? They offer journalism as a major, they have a college of journalism and everything. Is it that the military only offers their college of arts/sciences? If you're really set on journalism, it's heard from a lot of people it's fine to major in other subjects. Actually at my school newspaper none of the editorial staff were journalism majors, we're all pretty much English/history/political science or business[/font]
  24. @taperson Don't really know what to say to you, other than I hope you're OK now. That's such an awful event. Don't be afraid to go to counseling if you want to. Best of luck. @Korey I don't want to make you feel worse about the situation, but that sucks. It seems like you're handling it OK, though. If I were you I'd probably still be acting 12-years-old and giving bitchy comments to my parents every other hour. Also because I hate learning foreign languages with a FIRE, having gone through two of them and sucking at it immensely. But since you're living there I'm sure it will come quickly. Are you going to uni in Germany? You've probably already thought of this but have you looked into going to a UK school where English would be the primary language?
  25. I want S. Korea to kick butt but... I'm not expecting it. 2002 was epic, though
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