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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [color=dimgray] Much better! :) The text is well-placed and it's more aesthetically pleasing then the previous version. On your Fly me away designs, I have some questions before I say anything else. Did you crop the picture of the girl into the background? And on the first one, did you use any filter effects or any other sort of enhancement?[/color]
  2. eleanor


    [color=dimgray] @ Ezekiel- I LOVE YOUR ICON. Ok, with that out of the way. The debate over whether or not brushes should be used can never been looked at through a black-and-white view. All of the points that have been made are valid, but they can't be the only points. You usually have to combine all of them and decided whether a particular artist is a cop-out or not. It doesn't apply to only graphic designers as well. A similar debate will always exists with filters and digital artists. Just the other day, I saw a picture of an anime character on DeviantART in a long, pink dress. The base image and coloring was minimal, but it exploded with brushes that come with PS, and people loved it. On the other hand, some of my favorite artists on DeviantART will use brushes and minimal filter effects to only enhance their base drawing (which was already excellent to begin with) or use their own brushes. What I'm getting at is that beginners will use pre-made brushes to make their pictures/designs pretty, but as they progress and gain more experience, they'll learn how to either make their own or use them in a way that subtly enhances the picture rather than make it up. There will always be people who, frankly, will not progress and forever make a mess of a design with pre-made brushes (like the picture Retribution posted as an example). While they might get approval and loving from the untrained masses, people who are exprienced in the subject will notice it immediately and never get approval. Which is the only thing that matters if you're serious about designing and want to follow it as a career.[/color]
  3. [color=dimgray] Yeah, that's pretty much been disproved. I provided the link for my source and...it's reliable and stuff. I am saddened. *head/desk and wishes Kakashi Gaiden would start goddamit*[/color]
  4. [QUOTE=Red 6][COLOR=Sienna] Say hellow to PRUSSIAN BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!: [IMG]http://thepulseblog.chattablogs.com/archives/hts-thumb.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] They still wear braces. Am I the only one who finds this funny?[/color] [quote name='BlueEyedAngel']The "master race" was 30% of the world population in 1900 and in 2000 it was 15%. Today whites are only having 7% of the world's babies. We're hardly "spreading". I'm simply doing my part to ensure a future for my people.[/quote] [color=dimgray] Something I found interesting. I sometimes wonder about who will be the leading 'race'. The richest people on earth are all, on the majority, white people. And as you know, the richer and more industrialized a country gets, the less babies are made. I guess it could support the idea that whites will no longer have a lot of power in a long time. Or you could go the other way and support the idea that the minority usually rules the majority. Or the things I'm saying are all grossly generalized and world history never really taught me anything. Also, Jesus was most probably [i]not[/i] white, if that already isn't the most obvious thing ever. lol [/color]
  5. [color=dimgray][b]Beauty[/b]- I like the pixles as a decoration and the idea you were going with on this piece. However, as fall as I can tell, you've used the pixels on three of your works already, so it can get a bit tiring. In addition, your text is a bit too plain and simple, and the white blood splatters don't match with the picture in any way. But all of your graphics are clean and neat. I like vector art especially when it's done well, I think you could do some great things if you worked more on styling. Also as an OT comment: is it just me for does [i]everyone[/i] use that picture under your works in progress? XD I think every graphics person has used it at least once. I have to admit that all of pictures from that game are pretty to use. :] [/color]
  6. [color=dimgray] The fillers aren't ending. 'Nuff said. [url=http://forums.narutofan.com/showthread.php?t=126953]Source[/url][/color]
  7. [color=dimgray] At camp I had signed up for the Pride and Prejudice evening activity thinking it would be the movie, but we ended up watching the BBS series, which ended up leaving and playing cards in the back room. So when I got back home I immediately rented the movie and I obsessed over it. I watched this movie recently and I [i]loved[/i]. I watched it twice, which might sound odd to a lot of people, but I rarely watch movies twice. I usually dislike most romance movies I see, mostly because it's usually a "fall in love a first sight" thing and I hate that stuff. But everything in this movie was so wonderfully subtle that it was sexy. Some of the scenes were so expansive and beautiful to look at and I loved how quiet everything was. Keira Knightley was hot, Matthew MacFadyen was hot, and the movie was sexier than Mr. and Mrs. Smith could ever be. Why haven't I bought this movie yet?[/color]
  8. [color=dimgray] It was first posted on ANN, where the episode title for episode 200 was "The Golden Flash Appears!". However, I was taken down. We can only speculate, but for now, it's just a highly possible rumor. But on the other hand, on CHUUNIN (main Naruto LJ community), one of the mods presented a very reliable japanese website ([url]http://cal.syoboi.jp/tid/210[/url]) that has been giving out correct episode titles. [color=red]It's down right now[/color], but when it comes back we'll be able to check and see if the fillers are going to end. [/color]
  9. [QUOTE=Red 6][COLOR=Sienna] Yep. Agree completely. ****, why else would we watch women's vollyball and tennis so adamently?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Yeah, women who play tennis and volleyball professionally ususally [i]don't[/i] have a big chest, since they have almost no fat. *shrug*[/color]
  10. [color=dimgray] I'm not agreeing, disagreeing, or stating some definite opinion here, but saying you don't feel bad for the dogs at all is sort of sick. Ok, dogs don't have souls. Does anyone really care that question here? No. But they can feel pain. Being beaten by clubs and dying slowly and painfully is something you should consider while you're sitting at home typing away at your computer.[/color]
  11. [color=dimgray] It's official that there's no Shounen Jump coming out this week. I am disappointed. I wanted to see Shikamaru, Asuma, Izumo, and Kotetsu. :( [/color]
  12. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Won't we lose as soon as someone posts in here, thus bumping the thread back into plain sight? That's totally cheating. Maybe I should just stop coming to the Lounge so I can win.[/size][/QUOTE] [quote=shy][size=1] Five OtakuDollars to the person who can come up with the snarkiest response to this. Go![/size][/quote] [color=dimgray] I wish I were House. :/ [/color] [color=silver]SEASON3INAMONTH[/color]
  13. [QUOTE=Jubei Yagyou] Lunox: Wrestlers do starve sometimes, and the muscles do diminish but the main thing is right after a wrestler weigh in 1 or 2 hours before a meet, they pig out. After a half an hour of digesting your energy comes back. Its not like most wrestlers starve 24/7, its mostly having a strict diet and barely drink before weighing in.[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Ah, I figured that. Yeah, I remember sitting behind this wrestler in Spanish class and I'd hear him say "I had egg whites and a protein bar yesterday". I felt bad for him. >_> And this guy in my chemistry class who lost 25 lbs. and he looked gaunt and papery. @ Red 6: Your self-confidence is good, but I'm just going to say that diets aren't evil. Obesity is proven to give people larger risks for health problems. Of course, extreme diets are incredibly bad for your body, too. As for the being in shape thing... people who think skinny people are automatically 'in-shape' are incredibly mislead. But there are tons of fit people who are slender. Most everyone else in the Olympics are all in tip-top shape. [/color]
  14. [color=dimgray] I used to weigh around 180 lbs. throughout middle school and the beginning of freshmen year. I had never dedicated myself to a diet, but at my mom's insistence and my own limit with being seen as 'fat', I started on one. Now I'm 5'8" and 125 lbs., which I'm very happy with. In actuality it wasn't a [i]huge[/i] life-changing experience for me. When I was bigger I thought that when I was through with losing the weight I'd become more likable by everyone, which didn't turn out to be true. It's a better lifestyle and I feel great, but the thought that I've lost 55 lbs. doesn't occur to me often anymore. Because of the diet my eating habits have changed, and I don't bother weighing myself. It's normal for people to have weight fluctuations up to 5 lbs, and I haven't had a problem with keeping off the weight ever since I stopped my diet. Besides, I can tell if I've been eating too much lately or eating too little by how my clothes fit or just by looking at my body. @ Jubei: Yeah, I know a bunch of wrestlers at my school who basically starve themselves so they'll make the weigh-in. Not to rag on the sport, but I don't think that's good in any way. If you're starving yourself to begin with, how do you perform well during tournaments and such?[/color]
  15. [color=dimgray] God no. We already have, what, three endings? I think GAINAX is just trying to milk the money here. We've already got the Platinum Collection. This whole thing reminds me of Star Wars. While I hope that this is just a rumor, I'll add that if it is true, it better have some real changes. Not added 2-second re-edited animation. This might be cool news for hard-core Eva fans, but it might annoy a lot of people, too. [/color]
  16. [color=dimgray] Modern pop-culture in both Korea and Japan are sort of the same. Innocence is considered a turn-off for a lot of guys, and young girls are innocent. Ever wonder why anime has lot of loli-con and girls in middle school with giant boobs flashing their underwear? Yeah. To Japan it's cute. I'm sure there are people there who are also against the whole thing, but there's also a fair share of people who think it's normal. Very irritating to me. A lot of Asian girls will act innocent and bubbly and if you hit them slightly they'll pretend to be mortally wounded and fall over. And for Western culture. Eh. It's not as public and it's not seen as an attractive thing, but there are plenty of elementary/middle schoolers who go around wearing mini-skirts and slinky halters. Like I'm sure it is in Japan and Korea, there are people who hate it and people who think it's ok. But trust me, whenever you think American culture is being superficial, look to Japan and Korea. They will top anything the US does. As I always say, Japan continues to weird me the f-ck out. ... Truthfully the weirding out sentiment stopped a [i]long[/i] time ago and now I just find these things funny in a deranged sort of way. [strike](Damn some of those girls could dance.)[/strike][/color]
  17. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=#234d8a][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]As yes, the wonderious magic that [spoiler]Tobi and Deidara seem to have together. Yet for some reason Tobi reminds me alot of Naruto. Espically with that line "Deidara-san did you see my Jutsu!? It was a one hit KO!" Yeah that did remind me alot of Naruto. You know Obito had a personality kind of like that as well... [/spoiler].[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] [spoiler]There's a theory floating around that Obito is Tobi, seeing as Tobi seems to have one eye. If it were true I'd be really disappointed. First of all, why can't dead people die in Naruto? Second of all, I'm sure Kishimoto would have to pull some random thing out of nowhere to explain it... unless he's just toying with us readers again. It would just be weird and sort of lame to me. The only good thing I see of it (if it's true) that it would give Kakashi more character development. And he is my favorite character, so... yay? ... Nah.[/spoiler][/color]
  18. [color=dimgray] 318 [spoiler]Last two pages= [size=4][b]SWEET.[/b][/size] Shikamaru, Asuma, Izumo, and Kotetsu minorcharacterfangasm. :] And the new cover is also sweet. Team 8 FTW! Ok, yeah. I loved this chapter. Mostly because it was just fun. Naruto is back to being adorable, Deidara and Tobi are 582053 times cooler than Hidan and what'shisface, and again, the last two pages. Yaaay. :DDD I used to dislike Deidara, but seeing more of random Akatsuki interactions makes me like them. Still not feeling the Hidan and Kakuzu love, though. We also need more Itachi and Kisame. :sigh: Naruto manga, why do you make me fangirl so? [/spoiler][/color]
  19. [quote name='indifference][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue']I have a request, could you perhaps upload them to a place like imageshack so I could see a larger version? I?d love to tell you what I think, but with such small pictures it?s kind of hard to see the details. Unless that is their correct size, in which case you can smack me. [/COLOR][/quote] [color=dimgray] ^^; Yeah, the pictures I have there are the original sizes. I really just wanted to get the feel for coloring my pictures, so I just picked random sketches I liked. @ Tical Blue: Thanks for the comments! Yeah you're right on that the first girl was based on the one from Kill Bill... except she doesn't have blonde hair. :P These are my latest colored pictures:[/color] [IMG]http://img158.imageshack.us/img158/8537/image2bz5.jpg[/IMG] [URL=http://img208.imageshack.us/my.php?image=obhost2ec4.jpg][IMG]http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2746/obhost2ec4.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [color=dimgray](Click thumbnail for full size) So... I know the fingers/hand is totally messed up proportion-wise and finger-placement wise, lol. This picture gave me a hard time since it was my first time coloring a picture that was rather large. I guess coloring smaller pictures is just easier. :/ [/color] [IMG]http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/979/latenightqs5.png[/IMG]
  20. [color=dimgray] [center][img]http://xs304.xs.to/xs304/06312/motivator7878607.jpg[/img][/center] HG= Hard Gay. Guy who dresses up in that leather outfit and has 'missions', like helping out failing ramen shops while doing the pelvic thrust continuously to Ricky Martin's "Livin' La Vida Loca". [spoiler] They're actually pretty hysterical. Go check it out.[/spoiler][/color]
  21. [QUOTE=Shy][size=1] [b]#9[/b] [indent][i]A wasteland. A now-lost home to the spirit world And spammers alike.[/i][/indent] -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] The Yu Yu Hakusho forum. I'm going to feel like an idiot if it's something completely different, but it's the first thing that entered my mind. :animesigh[/color]
  22. [QUOTE=Delta][COLOR=#656446][spoiler][i]And 5 times fall in love with the same person[/i][/spoiler] [SIZE=1][SPOILER]Yes, those ten words brought tears to my eyes! I love you, Hime-chaaaan!!! (My, my. We all knew that it was Ichigo she'll say goodbye to but I thought they were really going to kiss. Or Ichigo'll suddenly answer in his sleep... or something like that. Ah, but now that I think about it, what just happened in 237 is so very Kubo.)[/SPOILER] Also, [spoiler]halcyon days are 7 days in a year when storms are never said to occur. So does "Good Bye Halcyon Days" mean that, well, the next chapter's gonna be the star of a super-exciting sub-arc?[/spoiler][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] [spoiler]*_* My thoughts exactly. I didn't get teary but made me sit there for a while. *in love with subtle romance* I'm pretty sure the "Goodbye, Halcyon Days" means that the following events will be exciting (well, for the readers) and extra turmoil for our characters. :3 I have no idea if anything exciting will happen in the next chapter, persay. I'd like to see more character development rather than fights.[/spoiler][/color]
  23. [color=dimgray] Chapter 237 [spoiler]Made me love Inoue more. The ending soliloquy was very sweet. My girlish side made me fangirl over it. :3 The Bleach manga has been getting more interesting lately, though I wish they'd stop having short bursts of fights. [/spoiler] @ Bullet: I'm not really into the Bleach anime, but aren't they just doing fillers so the manga can get ahead? Perhaps they're just waiting... [/color]
  24. [color=dimgray] :O I never knew that. Thanks! I got into Naruto during the manga's run of Valley of the End, so I never watched the entire anime series or read the whole manga very thouroughly. :animesigh[/color]
  25. [QUOTE=Ayi]Actually: [spoiler]The monster sealed inside Gaara, according to the anime, is the spirit of a corrupted priest in the sand village.[/spoiler] Or maybe I'm mistaken, it was something like that.[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] No, Gaara definitely has the one-tailed bijuu in him. Where did you get the thing about the corrupted priest...? [/color]
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