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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [color=dimgray] Cottage cheese + random fruit= best snack ever. In terms of taste and nutrition... cottage cheese is amazing. I used to hate it but after a while of my mom forcing me to eat it I learned to love it. I usually eat it as a late-night snack or for dinner when I'm not feeling too hungry. [/color]
  2. [color=dimgray] @ Delta: ^^ Love the picture! Thanks for drawing it. *saves* [/color]
  3. [color=dimgray] I like your entry for the Otaku worm. Love the combination/placing of the brushes. Just curious, do you makes your own brushes? The only thing I'll say is that the small amounts of vegetation seem a bit out of place when you keep looking at it, and what's that word that starts with a 'v'? Great job, otherwise. Don't really have any qualms with any of the other images, other than the 6th one. Just think the image and the background don't work as well together, though it's very well put together. :) Awesome stuff![/color]
  4. [color=dimgray] So this is probably my 5th ot 6th stab at coloring. I'm pretty determinded to nab it and learn how to use my art programs to their full extent. The first two were originally sketches, so I just quickly used a contast/brightness tool to clean it up a bit and then went ahead and colored it. The third I drew on the computer and then colored, and it's the one I'm least happy with (coloring-wise and proportion-wise). [img]http://xs304.xs.to/xs304/06305/eyepatchc.png[/img] [img]http://xs304.xs.to/xs304/06305/pinkhair.png[/img] Any comments are welcomed, though critique on coloring would be great. [/color]
  5. [color=dimgray] What is the range of a Viola? As far as you can kick it. Offensive Jokes, [b]don't read[/b] if you don't think they're going to funny. I have a what a lot of people call a sick sense of humor, so be warned. Really. [spoiler] What do you call Father's Day in Harlem? - Confusion. Why did Hellen Keller's dog run away? - You wouldn't like it either if you were called "ohugdlkgja!" How do you get 10 babies in a jar? A blender. How do you get them out? Tortilla chips! What's the hardest part about eating a vegetable? The wheelchair. [/spoiler][/color]
  6. [color=dimgray]317 [spoiler] Heh... Hidan has grey hair. I was expecting blonde so he could be the Malfoy of the Naruto series. Sir Leader has red-ish hair! And Itachi still has that limp hand thing going on. Solid chapter, though nothing exciting happened. On the thought of demons, [url=http://community.livejournal.com/chuunin/2403786.html#cutid1] Bijuu discrimination[/url]. Kyuubi seems to be the coolest so far. :3 Apparently everyone was super-exicted about the Akatsuki picture and stuff, but I'm not a huge fan of them. [strike]I hope someone kills Hidan soon[/strike]. Konoha nins need some more love from the fandom. And Sasuke needs to come back. I've been thinking about it, but I don't have an opinion on whether Sasuke is going to die. Actually, do we even know when the Naruto series is going to end? Eh.[/spoiler] [/color]
  7. [color=dimgray] Ouran High School Host Club, hands down. No random danger threats or evil villains... just sweet, sweet, lovin' from a bunch of hot guys. Oh, the crack that would ensue. There are tons of "normal-world" anime out there. It'd be pretty sweet, seeing as you'd automatically have perfect skin and hair. And a rockin' bod. And so would all the members of the opposite sex. :] [/color]
  8. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][COLOR=maroon] Now I'm not bashing manga, as I love it as the next person. However, as I read more and more, I'm beginning to realize that in terms of quality, there's just something about the nature of mangas that keep them from being ever as good as a quality book. The level of immersion is just so poor in manga as compared to that of a book. I guess it might be because of the focus: in a book, you are focused on one word/line at a time, whereas in a manga, you are forced to distribute your focus. Now in terms of story quality, I would say both novels and graphic novels are amazing. It's just the surprising feeling of limitation I've been experiencing with manga that has made me consider that maybe it's not the best storytelling method around. Thoughts?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] So when I first started reading your post I knew where you were coming from. Graphic novels have never reached any sort of power a classic novel has (i.e. [i]1984[/i], etc.)*. But level of immersion? [i]Persepolis[/i] by Marjane Satrapi is an example of a graphic novel that immersed me completely for the while I read it. [i]Epileptic[/i] by David B. is a great one, too. They're both fun to read and serious as well. The words vs. art will create different opinons on this, but graphic novels have just as much or more power to immerse a reader than a novel can. But storytelling-wise... hm. Graphic novels have limitations on words, since most of the time there's only dialogue. I've seen [i]Persepolis[/i] cross that barrier by having a 1st-person narrative that has a stream-of-consciousness writing, but on the whole it is still a barrier. But on the other hand, novels lack the art yet have full reign on any style of writing the author chooses. It's sort of split down the middle for me on this one. *Though I'm not saying graphic novels aren't [i]as[/i] powerful. There are plenty of graphic novels that tackle big themes successfully as well, such as [i]Maus[/i] by Art Spiegelman, and any thematic manga out there. [/color]
  9. [QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]You see, ninjas have been god-modded to all hell. A real ninja would [i]not[/i] have the art of substitution, a sharingan eye, or any chakra to speak of. He'd be a guy with some dated weaponry, and when facing pirates with guns and cannons, it's game over folks. If we're talking about a real pirates versus real ninjas, there's absolutely no contest. Your more formidable examples have been Ninja Scroll and Naruto, both of which depict ninja as gods more than mortals. This, sadly, is and was never the truth. Real ninjas were just as dirty, just as poor, and just as mean as pirates. Their image has been falsely glorified by the eyes of anime. So let's get back to the purist debate -- real pirates versus real ninjas. Who would win?[/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] ... That's the whole point of this argument. It's supposed to be dumb and playful. Which it's not anymore, so what the hell. And to Papa Smurf... what? Shinmaru just stated Batman was a ninja and you don't say anything. BATMAN. You explode at me for calling [i]Miho[/i] a ninja, but obviously Batman is so ninja-like that it's not even questionable. [/color]
  10. [color=dimgray] :rolleyes: Even after it's proven that we can kill you guys instantly, why do you persist? P.S. Kakashi > Pirates.[/color]
  11. [quote name='White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]Says who? I'd really enjoy watching an army of ninjas trying to swim in the ocean towards a giant boat loaded with cannons and buff men with guns.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=dimgray] Of course, the ninjas wouldn't really travel so far to actually kill the pirates. But if they happened to meet on the ocean (and obviously ninjas can control ships as well, seeing as people other than pirates ride ships), the ninjas would beat the pirates. *dork moment* That's why I specifically inserted "with all the random anime shows" in my post. It's totally valid. You can't exclude one part of the ninja world. :] Cannons/guns: Any replacement technique or clone technique. In addition to that, any long-range attack that could kill a large amount of people quickly. Water clones. Ultimate defense. They all exist in anime. Buff men: What are they without their guns when faced with ninjas? [/color]
  12. [color=dimgray] Ok, in a ninja vs. pirate [i]fight[/i], we would totally destroy you guys, no questions asked. With all the random ninja anime shows existing, we're pretty much all-powerful here. We beat you guys in the video game world, too. :][/color]
  13. [QUOTE=Papa Smurf]A ninja mask is all one needs to become a ninja? Sorry, but her donning a ninja mask was only for the visual. Why? Because if she were an actual ninja, [spoiler]Bud wouldn't be sitting there, in a lawnchair, with a shotgun to blast her in the chest with salt rounds. If she were a ninja, Bud would be dead, instead of her being buried alive.[/spoiler] That doesn't seem to be very Ninja-tastic to me, Lunox, and your example again falls on its face. lol [/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Ok, fine, The Bride and Miho aren't ninjas. Now I'm going to go totally dorky. [img]http://xs304.xs.to/xs304/06304/kakshinin.png[/img] And yes, now that I think about it, he would be able to kick *** when put in a fight with pirates. Ninjas rock the anime world, and I'm pretty sure no one can argue with that. Though I have to say, Keira Knightley is not a pirate. She pretended to be one. Even though she is hot. :] However, my claim of ninja chicks being hotter still stands. When the lights are out it's the body that counts. ;) P.S. If you're not going to accept The Bride as a ninja, why did you even ask for a picture of her in the mask in the first place? [/color]
  14. [color=dimgray] I actually choked on cereal I was eating when I saw that picture. Chris Farley... oh god. He looks like he's trying to drive a car but he just saw Jesus get eaten by a road-side deer. [/color]
  15. [color=dimgray] One of the definitions of 'ninja' is a Japanese assassin, or someone who uses ninjutsu. Miho=Japanese and an assassin. I don't know what technique The Bride uses, but whatever. She dresses in spandex, jumps around, wears a mask, and strikes cool poses. :D [img]http://xs304.xs.to/xs304/06304/Image12.png[/img] I mean, half-Chinese, but who cares? Ninja chicks would be hotter, anyway. They work out constantly. [img]http://xs304.xs.to/xs304/06304/17.jpg[/img] Is that's not a ninja mask, I don't know what hell one is. ...And you're right, there are more popular pirate characters. But, uh... I dunno. Pirate sex is probably disgusting, seeing as most of them can't bathe or anything. And I don't like the idea of living on a ship, eating bad food, and hoarding treasure but never using it. I was going to resort to anime, but then I didn't. v_v Also the Power Rangers totally kick ***. They save the world like... every week or whatever. *rubs chin* And the Ninja Turtles are pretty cool. [/color]
  16. [color=dimgray][img]http://xs304.xs.to/xs304/06304/Image11.png[/img] Ninja chicks are hotter. Don't deny it, man. The Bride wears a ninja mask. [/color]
  17. [color=dimgray] When did the Power Rangers become ninjas? If ninjas are random people who go around kicking ***: [img]http://xs304.xs.to/xs304/06304/Image4.png[/img][/color]
  18. [color=dimgray] You did [i]so[/i] not just insult the Ninja Turtles and the Power Rangers. This is blasphemy. ... ;_;[/color]
  19. [QUOTE=GTK] My character -- [IMG]http://redvoid.com/manga/zarthis/kiya.jpg[/IMG] Her outfit/hair is black ^^ I just never finished this. (full body pics [URL=http://redvoid.com/manga/zarthis/kiya.01.gif]here[/URL] and [URL=http://redvoid.com/manga/zarthis/kiyadesign.jpg]here[/URL])[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray]Claimed. :D [B]EDIT[/B] [url=http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs304&d=06304&f=Image26.gif][img]http://xs304.xs.to/xs304/06304/Image26.gif.xs.jpg[/img][/url] >_> I had too much fun with your character. I started giving her new hairstyles and outfits and just sketched a bunch of stuff. :3 Two of my OCs that I picked out. [url=http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs304&d=06304&f=Image23.png][img]http://xs304.xs.to/xs304/06304/Image23.png.xs.jpg[/img][/url] Nothing special. They're not OCs that I draw regularly, just fun stuff. I don't have any specifics on their outfits or anything. The only thing I'd like to have as a permanent physical attribute is that the guy's eyes have thick lining. [/color]
  20. [color=dimgray]There a bunch of ytmnd clips I find hilarious, but most of my friends don't think they are. If I even started a linkage it'd be [i]way[/i] too long. :3 N64 kid is hilarious. And the recent video of the crazy lady screaming at the telemarketor is possibly the funniest reality clip [b]evar[/b]. *fangirls over ytmnd* The hall of fame videos there equal choked silent laughter for me. By the way, that video you posted a link to is addicting. I couldn't stop watching it. [strike]Also there's another version of the song on ytmnd someone save me.[/strike] I mean, there a ton of sites I find hilarious in addition to ytmnd, but my friends think I'm insane. Married to the Sea, Maddox, Wondermark, Robot Chicken, Aqua Teen, and Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law are the main ones that come to mind. Then again, I have a [i]very[/i]twisted sense of humor. I think dead baby jokes, racist jokes, and vegetable jokes are hilarious. >_> I learned them all at nerd camp. [/color]
  21. [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Well, you're going to have to explain to me why you want a [i]homocidal killer who not once but twice tried to destroy an entire city of innocent people, and was actually successful in singlehandedly destroying a village - children and all[/i]. Jesus, people get all caught up about Sephiroth being so kawaii or whatever, but consistently forget that [i]he has no compassion for human life, in any circumstance, ever[/i] and that his ultimate goals actually involve [b]becoming a God so the human race can grovel like dogs at his feet[/b]. I mean, come on, [i]look past the long hair[/i].[/font][/color][/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Welcome to the anime/Japanese video game fandoms. You have only touched the surface of the inanity. >:D I want snow so I can go skiing/snowboarding, and also a private jet that could fly me to Colorado. Living in Georgia sort of sucks sometimes for us winter-sport lovers. I'm not into any other sports and the only excercise I get is DDR (which is very valid, to all of you non-believers), but DDR doesn't really keep you in good enough shapel for snowboarding. >_> Winter will come around and we'll drive up to North Carolina for a weekend and I'll go crazy, but for the next two or so days my arms will kill me. I haven't eaten all day and am now inappropriately fantasizing about Mexican food. [/color]
  22. [color=dimgray] My sister egged me to start using Firefox because she claimed it had less spyware or something. I really didn't care so I switched at her insistence, and now I use it by default. Sometimes I don't use the tabs properly so I'll have two windows up with two or three tabs on each, and I'll get confused but too lazy to switch. >_>; But I am a tab-whore. At one point I had 8 or so tabs open at one time. Also I like the convenient bar at the top you can put your most visited sites on. I'm pretty sure you can do it on IE, but Firefox makes it more obvious or something. [/color]
  23. [QUOTE=Boo][size=1]I said [i]unless it does[/i], not [i]unless you think it does[/i]. And I'm arrogant already, so I don't need to flame something or someone to sound like it.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] The opinion varies. Your idea of whether something sucks or not isn't the universal one. Just a while ago in the Art Studio there was a thread that gave a link to someone's oekaki profile and the creator of the thread thought his/her art sucked, while I thought it was pretty solid. *shrug* It's just not a nice thing to do. Seeing as it's never happened to you... you're lucky. [/color]
  24. [QUOTE=Boo][size=1] Noone may say anything sucks, unless it does. Same counts for saying something's perfect. :whoops:[/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Eh... you shouldn't say something sucks even if you think it does. It's rude and makes you sound arrogant. I think jealousy is another reason why some people will go around trashing others' art. I remember when theOtaku's fanart section first got started it had this ranking system that showed the "Top 10 Artists". Innocent idea, bad results. A bunch of artists would start down-rating the top artists' works in an attempt to get onto the top 10. It worked, too. :animesigh In truth, I have never seen any artist that was incredibly talented ever insult another's artwork. Every artist I admire for their works usually turn out to be humble and grounded, because they know how much practice and work it takes to achieve their level.[/color]
  25. [color=dimgray] *wibble* Hikaru and Haruhi... so cute. I was expecting episode 16 to take another week or so to be subbed, so I was surprised when it was already available. Anywho, what will happen to Kaoru? T_T I like the twincest fanservice too much. This show is such a guilty pleasure. :sigh: Too much slapstick humor from Tamaki to resist it, though. We need more Mori/Hunny episodes. [/color]
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