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Everything posted by eleanor
[QUOTE=Lady Katana][color=darkblue][size=1]...I'll have to disagree with you there, heh. My Japanese professor says my pronounciation is one of the best she's heard for a non-native. ^^; [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Well, I'm talking about the majority. I also have a friend who's quite good with pronouncing Korean words, but it's just sort of rare. The only fool-proof way for a non-native who isn't naturally gifted is to actually live in the respective foreign country. [/color]
Manga Naruto Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
eleanor replied to Ryo the Tactician's topic in Otaku Central
[color=dimgray][b]Chapter 309 spoilers[/b]: [spoiler] Well, first of all, thanks to Kishimoto for making the right choice in the whole Sasuke decision thing. I would be very dissappointed if Naruto had had a big fight with Sasuke and 10 chapters later Sasuke was going back to Konoha. What Naruto and Sakura need to learn is that they can't do anything in this situation. Sasuke has to learn what to do on his own. (If he does give his body to Orochimaru, well boo for him and there will be more angsty!Naruto.) If anyone makes Sasuke's decision for him and forcibly holds him back, he'll probably never recover and will become a greater mess than he originally was and is. Secondly, now I'm wondering about the Sharingan. Each bloodline limit we've seen (other than Byakugan) belonged to a person who either had his family massacred or he's the only one left. So, what... did the Uchiha family make some sort of cursed deal with an evil thing? Dammit Sasuke, you and your Uchiha temple and hidden wall. And also with Sasuke basically exploding the Kyuubi in Naruto's mind... that only means he destroyed Kyuubi's manifestation. I hope. Because it would suck all-*** if Sasuke randomly killed Kyuubi. But on something (sort of) more important: why did Kyuubi tell Sasuke not to kill Naruto? Is it because Kyuubi would die with him (not sure about this and I don't remember if anything was said about this before in the manga)? I love Naruto to bits and peices now. He looked so defeated. v_v *hugs Naruto* They should go back to Konoha and hang with Kakashi now. And the other teams, because I miss them. So now I'm thinking this arc sort of sucked. All we really did was learn about Sai and got three chapters of Sasuke. [/spoiler][/color] -
[color=dimgray] I'm pretty sure that it's accepted that the Byakugan is an evolved form of Sharingan OR that the Sharingan is some sort of hybrid of the Byakugan so the Byakugan is supposed to be... better. I guess. *cough* Weakness wise, Byakugan has only one. And on top of that, the Hakkesho Kaiten is a sure way to cover that blind spot. Sharingan's weaknesses are 1) more strain on chakra and stamina, 2) cannot duplicate taijutsu moves 3)[spoiler] ...can leave you almost blind like a certain someone.[/spoiler] 4) Occurs naturally in only some of the Uchiha family members, and you're not born with it. Also, [spoiler]killing your best friend to get the Mangekyou Sharingan is possible the lamest thing I've ever heard. Seriously, what? How is this physically plausible?[/spoiler] Strength wise, I say being able to block all chakra flow in a ninja is much, much, much more useful than copying moves. Actually, being able to block all chakra flow in a ninja pretty much owns most attacks. I'm wondering why Neji never beat the hell out of Sasuke. >_> [b]Byakugan > Sharingan.[/b] Though I love all of the bloodline limit guys. ... Except for Kaguya. [/color]
[color=dimgray] Tell me if I'm being too blunt, but western people just aren't good with pronouncing asian names. Unless you aren't western, and I'm being dumb. I'm not Japanese, but I know Korean like a second language, so the pronunciation comes easily. It's just that the asian languages differ so greatly from the romantic or germanic ones. It goes for the native-born Asians, too. Asians from their motherland have an accent as bad as any white guy trying to pronounce Asian words. [/color]
[color=dimgray] Amazing stuff here! I love your last drawing of the shaded girl. And I love love love they way you do lips. Especially on the other girl posted on this page. She looks so spunky. :D I really like your drawing style. Not conventional manga style, which is great. I can just tell how comfortable and practiced you are because of the last two sketches of the girls. :] Post more and post often![/color]
[QUOTE=Dagger] Can I just do the deletion-repost bit on the date in question (June 1)? ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] That's fine. Thanks! :)[/color]
[color=dimgray]Just a note to everyone: voting isn't allowed until after the deadline. Sorry it wasn't made clearer in the rules... >_> [/color]
[color=dimgray] [color=red]Presider Note[/color] Woah, woah. Voting is off-limits until [b]after the deadline on June 1st[/b]. Dagger and silver_blade: your votes [b]will not[/b] be counted in the final count. If you wish to have a counted vote, delete your original posts and post again after June 1st.[/color]
[color=dimgray] So guys, you're sitting next a chick you like, right? If you were a pirate, would you put your parrot on [i]this[/i] shoulder... *place hand on shoulder right next to you* or [i]this[/i] one? *place arm around to touch the other shoulder* :D [/color]
[color=dimgray] Like a lot of people have already said, Cygnus X-1, I believe you have the wrong definition of a 'pseudointellectual'. All great people had a teacher. Sitting around with only natural talent doesn't do **** unless you're ambitious enough to apply it. People I consider pseudointellectuals are 1) people who don't do anything themselves and point at other to make themselves feel smarter, and 2) people who talk big on a subject they barely know about. I've been guilty on both accounts before and I'm sure everyone in the world has been as well. Of course there will always be people who can learn things more quickly, apply knowledge more brilliantly and come out on top without doing much, but then they'll never know the meaning of hard work. [/color]
[QUOTE=r2vq]What if an animation doesn't have any "fading" involved? Because I can always just switch from one frame directly to another~ Also~ Transparent frames meaning we can't have any GIFs that let you see through them in some sections? Or layers with colours that are semi-transparent? ...or are we supposed to work with only one layer... One more question~ Just like we didn't have to use all the colours last time, I'm assuming we don't have to use both, or any fonts this time, right? The only restriction is that if we want to use fonts it has to be from the selection? I would've asked all this in my thread, but since I'm already posting here... Heck, I move that we start asking questions in the HB thread [[b][url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=5333]Link[/url][/b]] instead of the Battle Threads. Just to keep it clean. Heh~ though that's obviously not my call. -r2[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] I can't really much of anything, since I'm only a presider, but you can PM Delta if you want to go through with your idea of having questions in the original [HB!] thread. Yes, basic switch-frame animation should be fine since it doesn't have anything to do with transparant pixels. Technically, one layer only. Semi-transparent would go against the color resctrictions. And yes, the only restriction pertaining to your third question is that if you want to use fonts it has to be from the selection.[/color]
[quote name='White][color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]Does this include animations? Like my fading leaf?[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=dimgray] I've sent Delta a PM to get specifics, but I'll advise you not to use animation.[/color]
[color=dimgray] [b]Participants[/b]: White, Boo [b]Date Due[/b]: June 1st [b]Handicap Set[/b]: * [strike]Dimensions: 500px by 500 px[/strike] * [strike]Limited palette[/strike] * [color=red][NEW!][/color] 125 px (width) by 500px (length) * [color=red][NEW!] [/color] Limited font set: Century Gothic and Arial Narrow. * [color=red][NEW!] [/color] Limited palette: white, black, 50% gray (#888888). Colors in between are not allowed. * [color=red][NEW!] [/color] Ban on transparent pixels [b]Important Reminders[/b]: - Participants have [color=red]three days[/color] from now to create your and post your pieces. (June 1st, 2006) -After the deadline, all members other than the partcipants are allowed to vote. Voting period lasts for [color=red]five days[/color]. -Voters must post a paragraph of [color=red]at least three sentences[/color] about the entry they?re going to vote for, and at least [color=red]one sentence[/color] of constructive criticism for the other entry. Good luck to both you. :)[/color]
[color=dimgray][size=3] Winner of round one is [b]Boo[/b].[/size] Congratulations to Boo, and sorry to Retribution for having his computer break down. :( [b]Boo[/b]: A new thread pairing you up with your next competitor will be posted ASAP.[/color]
[color=dimgray] [size=3]Winner of Round one is [b]White[/b].[/size] Congratulations to White and great job to both of you! [b]White:[/b] look for a new thread that will pair you up with your next competitor.[/color]
Manga Naruto Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
eleanor replied to Ryo the Tactician's topic in Otaku Central
[color=dimgray]Chapter 308: [spoiler] Nice chapter. :D Did anyone notice that the Kyuubi wasn't really behind its bars? I'm taking this as a bad sign. And as for Sasuke... I'm sure he's using some sort of genjustsu combined with his sharingan. *shrug* The important thing now is to see what he will do. And I agree with Gaara kun, I would think Orochimaru would have told Sasuke by now. Or he would have been smart enough to figure it out on his own. Also, hooray for Sakura for not acting useless![/spoiler][/color] -
[color=dimgray] Just watched it today I loved it. I wasn't expecting some sort of quality film, but it was great in terms of entertainment. I was sort of put off by the fact that [spoiler]Rogue basically becomes unimportant in this film[/spoiler], but then again I didn't really care for Rogue much in the first place. >_> I loved Magneto, though. Yes, I know he's an evil bastard, but [spoiler]that last scene with him alone at the chess thing was very, very sad for me. I was happy when he managed to move that chess piece. :D[/spoiler] As for the thing after the credits: [spoiler]what does this mean? How the heck did Charles come back and does this mean there's another movie? [/spoiler][/color]
[color=dimgray] I'm going to Panama City on June 8th and later on June 11th I'm going to Duke TIP (academic camp that I love to death). I've never been to Panama City, but I'm hoping I can just laze around on the beach and relax. And get a tan. :D But has anyone else here ever been to Panama City? Later on in the summer I'm basically hanging around. I'll probably help out at my dad's store and do all my summer assignment for school. >_> Junior year is going to kill me when I start in the fall again.[/color]
[color=dimgray] [b][color=red]Presider Note[/color][/b] [b]Leon Fury[/b]: Your post is incoherent and does not follow the [HB!] rules for posting. Just as a note, here are the rules again: [quote name='Delta][size=1']Members must post a paragraph of at least three sentences about the entry they?re going to vote for, and one sentence of constructive criticism for the other entry. It?s a pretty simple format so if a member fails to follow it, he/she will be sent a PM by the Tournament Presider and will be given the rest of the voting period to edit his/her vote. His/her vote will be invalidated if it still isn't of the prescribed format by the end of the voting period.[/size][/quote] Also, not going to say any names, but there is a difference between [b]constructive[/b] criticism and random blunt remarks that hurt more than help.[/color]
[color=dimgray] Great job to both you! [b]sakurasuka[/b]: Nice stock image and [b]great[/b] use of greyscale. Very clean. I have two problems with it, though: 1) the choice of font and 2) the random white blotches at the end of the smaller lyrics. The large verdana font at the top of the image is unappealing in its choice and cooperation with the rest of the graphic. It's a bit blaringly simple and plain. I also don't like that the next line is just... [i]below[/i] it. Maybe some sort of separation? The random white-outs are also very obvious and rather ugly compared to the softness of everything else. Overall and pretty graphic. Well done! [b]Kune[/b]: You did an awesome job with the whole grunge thing and use of background fonts. Problems: The grey streaks going through the blue petals aren't really working with me. Also, the font choice. You have this nice cursive in the background, and then this random blocky and complicated text as the main. This bad because you put the blue color in to make it pop out, but you also have this block font that pops out from the cursive. You should have gone with one or the other, and better yet, only gone with the colored petals. Font that stuck out would not have worked anyway. But I love what you did with the designs/cursive in the background... it looks great. My vote will have to go to [b]sakurasuka[/b] based on overall appearance.[/color]
[QUOTE=Grace][SIZE=1] The woman standing behind us literally broke through me and Leah, and presented herself to the hostess. The words she said will never leave my mind: "[B]I believe I should be seated first[/B]." I was disgusted! How could she?! And Leah was just calm, I didn't understand. Later we talked at the table, and I asked Leah how she was so collective. " Grace, you come from a country where you're the majority. You aren't used to that kind of thing, but in America.. the tables are turned. Some people will look down on you because you aren't white,[B] it's just the way it is[/B]." [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] (What did the hostess do?) I'm dissapointed that your friend told you that "it's just the way it us." Just because you're the minority doesn't mean you should let the majority trample all over your dignity. Yeah, the world isn't a perfect place, but people who are just going sit back and not do anything aren't hurting it more than the people who are committing the crimes. But racism will never stop. Discrimination in general will never go away. In fact, if it did go away, it would scare me more than seeing the acts of it today. I know what I've said is pretty contradicting, but whatever. Stand up for your self worth and for others, but don't expect it all to go away.[/color]
[color=dimgray] Keyblade Wielder: please pick one of your entries to keep and take the one you didn't off of the thread. I'm not 100% sure with what to do next, but for now I'm ordering that [b]no one[/b] vote until I've gotten more information. [b]edit[/b]: And actually, Keyblade Wielder, you must take down your [b]first[/b] piece, because it violates the handicapp settings. [b]Vote away![/b][/color]
[color=dimgray] Boo wins by default, and Retribution has not posted any sample of his work yet, so I don't see why anyone should be voting. However, I'm sure it would be fine if people commented on Boo's work. Great job![/color]
[color=dimgray] Ah! I'm sorry. I fixed the link. And yes, the palette is the same for every battle. Good luck![/color]
[color=dimgray]Participants: Boo, Retribution Date Due: May 23, 2006 Handicap Set: - Dimensions: 500 px by 500 px - Limited Palette: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/7eb5826d.jpg]click here[/URL] Reminders: - You have exactly [b]72 hours[/b] from the point this thread is created to finish and submit your work. - After submission, voting will be open to all member [b]except the partcipating contestants[/b]. -Voters: At least [b]three sentences[/b] about the entry you're voting for and [b]one sentence[/b] of constructive criticism for the other entry. Good luck! :) [/color]