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Everything posted by eleanor
[color=dimgray] [b]Participants:[/b] Keyblade Wielder, White [b]Date Due:[/b] May 23, 2006 [b]Handicap Set[/b]: - Dimensions: 500 px by 500 px - Limited Palette: [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v487/meoi/7eb5826d.jpg]click here[/URL] [b]Reminders[/b]: - You have exactly [b]72 hours[/b] from the point this thread is created to finish and submit your work. - After submission, voting will be open to all member [b]except the partcipating contestants[/b]. -Voters: At least [b]three sentences[/b] about the entry you're voting for and [b]one sentence[/b] of constructive criticism for the other entry. Good luck! :)[/color]
Manga Naruto Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
eleanor replied to Ryo the Tactician's topic in Otaku Central
[color=dimgray] [b][size=3]Don't read of view attachment if you haven't read Ch. 307.[/size][/b] [spoiler] Ergh... another filler-ish chapter. Though one thing started to make me think. When Sasuke said "I saved you on a whim" to Naruto, I was actually surprised. I never really did think about the fact that Sasuke actually 'saved' him, although Kishimoto made it ambiguous. After Sasuke and Naruto's big fight, I just assumed that Naruto had been knocked out, but I guess it's implied that Sasuke saved him from drowning (or something) because of the way Naruto is perfectly lying on his back. Anywho...things I hated about this chapter: 1) Sai is getting pretty annoying with his random 'bond' speeches. I'm still irritated that Naruto 'converted' him so quickly. 2) I hate how Sakura becomes a bundle of weepy uselessness after seeing Sasuke (view attatchment). There is a large chance that it's too early to be judging, but I will hate it if Sakura does become useless again in the presence of Sasuke. [/spoiler][/color] -
Art Digital painting of Cloud Strife - 30+ hours of work, come see :D
eleanor replied to a topic in Creative Works
[color=dimgray] Awesome job! The shading and clothing ends around the shoulder looks a bit odd, but the rest is great. I know that Cloud is supposed to be in a shaded area, but judging from the shading of face, I personally think that the right side of his hair (from my perspective, not Cloud's) should be highlighted just a little. I hope I'm not coming off as pompous, because I've only just started digitally coloring. v_v Anyways... I hope to see more![/color] -
[QUOTE=Illusion][CENTER][/CENTER] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I love you for creating this thread Sara! I dont colour in my drawings often if at all i hope that?s ok with you Lunox i can have a go at colouring if you really want her coloured, when i get the drawing done you?ll have to forgive my style cause its very messy and i still have a few issues to work out. I'm assuming the character above is a girl? ^^; duh ! stupid me, she is wearing a skirt... -_-; [/COLOR] [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] You can do whateve you want! :] And yeah, she is a girl. lol One definite thing about her is that she does not have a big chest... because obviously girls who are heavily invovled in activity usually never have big chests. Another thing that annoys me about some anime. Le sigh. I tried to give her big arm muscles, but I suck at drawing them.[/color]
[color=dimgray] I used to do this all the time when I was little. Except not with Bloody Mary...the Candy Man. Er. All I remember is that I watched some movie called The Candy Man and it was this guy who had bees all over his body. Yah. *slinks away* I get easily scared when it comes to these kind of things now. Sort of odd, because horror movies didn't used to scare me, but now I'll watch House on Haunted Hill and sleep with the lights on for about three days.[/color]
[color=dimgray] I'd edited my original post with my drawings and added attachments. I hope lots of people catch onto this thing.[/color]
[QUOTE=Sara][size=1][color=#b0000b] [size=3][b]To Draw[/b]: My character [b]Yanamaria[/b]. She's a porcelain doll, but feel free to draw her with or without the broken face. That floopy hair look is her trademark.[/size] [img]http://xs300.xs.to/xs300/06190/14-20030806124732.jpg[/img] [/color][/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Awesome idea. :] I don't usually color any of my drawings (haven't taught myself well enough v_v), so I hope that's not a problem. [b]Edit[/b] Random cat added. I've attatched two of my OCs, so anyone can pick. I couldn't pick. v_v Clothing wise, there are no rules. I'd be happy to see any changes so I can change my characters' outfits. Physical features wise, the guy has red hair. (Just a note: these drawings are old, so yes I do know the proportions are sort of off. x_x) [/color]
Manga Naruto Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
eleanor replied to Ryo the Tactician's topic in Otaku Central
[color=dimgray] Chapter 306 SPOILERS [spoiler] FINALLY! We see Sasuke...and he looks the same. Except his outfit is, um. *coughs* Yeeah. Oh, Naruto. You deserve so much better. Anyways... [URL=http://xs100.xs.to/xs100/06194/sasback3.png]initial results after seeing Sasuke[/URL]. So obviously this whole chapter was build-up to seeing Sasuke, which is cool, but I'd rather it be longer so we didn't have another cliff-hanger. >_> I HOPE that Naruto and Sasuke will have a little fight, but my mind is telling me that it'll be anti-climatic. Damn my pessimistic intuition. Also, fun crack for chapter 306... [url]http://ew-younerd.livejournal.com/133557.html#cutid1[/url][/spoiler][/color] -
[color=dimgray] When I saw the demo for Zelda TP with the Wii controller I was digustingly happy. It made me want to buy the Wii with the new Zelda game when it came out instead of just playing it on the Gamecube. Now I need to save up a minimum of about $450 or something. >_> But anyways... watching the guy shooting arrows with the Wii controller at E3 was pretty amazing for me. When the news for the Wii controller first came out, I was incredibly iffy, but now I'm crazy about trying it out. [/color]
[QUOTE=Retribution][QUOTE=Cygnus X-1][color=Sienna]I'm curious; didn't you learn anything in biology class or sex ed or anything? I mean, ask your partner or use a condom or, as the case may be, don't use dirty needles! I'm really sorry for you but seriously, this is the kind of thing that happens when your not responsible for your love life.[/color][/QUOTE] [size=1]How do you know that Pixie_rich wasn't born HIV positive? It's not like this stems from people who don't use condoms -- it has to come from somewhere in order for it to be spread, right? Honestly, you don't need to sound holier-than-thou after they came and confided in us for support. How about shutting up, keeping your biting opinions to yourself, and offering Pixie some goodwill instead? Anyway, my heart goes out to you, Pixie. I really hope that you can live your life to the fullest and not waste a second of it.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=dimgray] Thank god that Retribution said something before me, because my reply probably would have been incredibly nastier. Even if Pixie_rich wasn't born HIV positive and had gotten some other way, you're still don't know anything about Pixie_rich and you're making yourself look like a fool by judging people too quickly. And to Pixie, I have no idea what you're going through. I just hope that you have good people around you to support you and help you through anything, and that you find it in yourself to find happiness in life anyway. [/color]
Manga Naruto Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
eleanor replied to Ryo the Tactician's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=r2vq]Chapter 305 spoilers [spoiler]Well, we could argue that it was Naruto's attitude during the entire mission that changed Sai, and that one speech could have been the catalyst to set it in motion. Maybe I'm just partial to Sai "converting" because the "I'm here to rescue you" line at the end was a big surprise to me. Some might wonder, though, what Sai was doing with his little snake fellows if he wasn't going to poison Sasuke. (Though he could have been poisoning him to keep him from resisting...)[/spoiler] Or maybe I should just agree with Ikillion. :p -r2[/QUOTE] [color=dimgray][spoiler]If it was Naruto's attitude from the beginning... that's still sort of 'eh'. You're supposed to show change, so even if Sai was only having some sort of mental turmoil under his usual act, it was boring. That's why 'emotionless' characters get old quickly to me. I seriously have a bias towards them now. >_> And the whole Naruto converting bad guys into good ones is getting sort of old. Big theme? Yeah. But still overkill? Yeah. (Even though I still love Naruto. :]) Also I thought Sai drawing rats was the greatest thing ever. :D[/color][/spoiler] -
Manga Naruto Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
eleanor replied to Ryo the Tactician's topic in Otaku Central
[color=dimgray] Why is it that you want someone to die so badly? Sort of odd. [spoiler] Chapter 305 was lame. There is a running joke about Naruto being Jesus, and it's getting tiring. Seriously, changing Sai's whole attitude and beliefs with one speech? I hope Kishimoto has something up his sleeve for this one. If this is how it really turns out, I'll be sore.[/spoiler][/color] -
[color=dimgray] The answers already posted are the ones I'm using in class, so I'll post my opinions now. (BTW, this was sort of like a side-thing for the class because we're reading [b]Brave New World[/b]) Personally, I like the styles of AE, A&F, and Hollisterco. I like the prep-style, but I also like the laid back and casual style. Half the time you'll see me wearing sweats and a college hoodie with my hair up in a ponytail, and sometimes I'll decide to dress up and wear preppy clothes. I've always been interested in fashion, and I usually doodle random clothes I'd like to have. Not to insult anyone, because most of my friends are bargain-shoppers, but I don't find clothes from stores such as Walmart or Target as good as the clothes from, let's say, A&F. A&F does have nice clothes, and they're comfortable and soft and etc. Obviously, A&F is expensive. Hollister is as well, but American Eagle is rather low-priced and you can get nice deals when their clothes are on sale. But I don't shop obsessively or anything. I go to the mall about once every two months and pick out things on clearance or sale. You get the short stick, since people with more money will buy the better stuff before they go on sale, but I don't sweat about it. As for the whole logo thing, I definately don't shop at those three stores because of logo. I usually hate clothes that only have a logo on them. Most of my closet consists of tops/shirts that have no writing on them whatsoever. [/color]
[color=dimgray] Anyone here watch the 2nd Naruto movie yet? [spoiler]Ok, so I went in watching it knowing that the plot would be on crack because Kishimoto had nothing to do with it... and the plot was crack. Not a funny crack. Just bad. :D But it was such a fangirl pleasing movie for me. XD 1) Gaara and Kankuro and Shikamaru! Yaaay. It only made me more excited for the real Naruto episodes to start up again and for us to see Gaara. 2) Excellent animation. Right now I'm thinking about the fight between Sakura and that weird...wolf chick. Amazingly fluid and quick, which is how I like it. 3) Naruto=ADORABLE AND LOVABLE OMG. His expressions were so cute and Naruto-ish. :3 *is ridiculously pleased* 4) Random ferret. 5) Evil guy's monocle and pope hat. 6) Being able to predict... pretty much everything. Sometimes the animation was [i]way[/i] off. I remember looking at one screencap of Naruto running across the bridge, and his arm was basically about 5 inches long or something. And at the very end, the whole thing was unbalanced, and it looked like the ship was going to capsize. But... Naruto's adorable-ness makes up for everything. [/spoiler][/color]
[color=dimgray] This is basically a poll that I'm posting here because of a thing we're doing in my lit class. The question is: What are your opinions on clothing lines that include, but are not limited to, Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister Co., American Eagle, etc. (basically any store that is similar to these kind of retails). You can write whatever you want, but you just have to back up your opinion with explanations and such. Write away![/color]
[color=dimgray] I don't know why people rag on rap/hip-hop artists so much. Most arguments I've heard is that all they do is sing about girls, sex, or drugs, but seriously. What do you think other singers do in their free time? Get over it. As for Eminem, I like him. I also hate how people put down rapping because it supposedly requires no talent. Try to rap something serious off the top of your head and make it sound good. You probably can't. To be at the top of your game in any music scene, you have to have talent, and lots of it. [/color]
[color=dimgray] That similarity effect is present in probably everything, including anime. People will inevitably repeat themes and popular styles, but the idea is that you make it into your own. Case in point, Evangelion vs. Rahxephon. Incredibly similar, but when you actually watch both of them, Rahxephon definately comes into its own. Most people will say Rahxephon does a better job of it, although Evangelion is just respected as a classic. I don't like either series that much, but I'm partial to Evangelion because I found Rahxephon dull. There will always be similar elements in anime that are in the same genre, and similar elements when it comes to characterization. Example: Most heroes/heroines, in books, movies, anime, whatever are usually orphaned, is missing one parent, or have had some sort of traumatizing event. It's expected.[/color]
[color=dimgray][spoiler]Hinamori needs to die. For real. Or at least become comatose.[/spoiler] I'm not really looking forward to [spoiler]a long focus on Chad's training. Actually, I don't like [i]any[/i] of Ichigo's friends. I find them all sort of bland and boring to read about, so... I hope Ichigo's training will take more of a center stage. I'm basically in love with Ichigo's Ban Kai, so I hope he learns how to use is efficiently. I also want to see more about Hitsugaya, even though that alone just marked Bleach as the fandom that makes me most fangirl-y. I tend to only care about the good-looking guys when it comes to Bleach. >_> *crawls to dark corner*[/spoiler][/color]
[color=dimgray] I've only read the Newsweek article about this whole thing (that was when it actually was released, so I've forgotten some things), so I'm just here to ask a question. I'm not stating any opinions on the whole thing, because I really don't have a strong one. Why are Christians denying it so heavily? [/color]
[color=dimgray] Thank for the critique! :D Retribution: Yeah, I was sort of staring at my finished version of the first sketch and I was irritated by the eye placement. Oh well, can't fix it now. v_v As for the whole lips thing, I'm trying to get it so that people can tell there is actually a top and bottom lip.That's the kind of coloring style I'm trying to achieve, anyway. Ezekiel: I think I'll do the sun thing next time I try and color something. :] What I'm aiming at mostly is to have mastered light/shadows/tones enough so that I can color in what looks like a slightly messy picture. I think when one reaches that stage, one would be able to do any other type with some sort of success. [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/10835291/]Example of what I'm talking about.[/URL] Which is probably another reason as to why I need to learn how to use colors, too. >_>[/color]
[color=dimgray] Ok, so I am starting to learn how to color stuff on the computer. I was at a total loss as to how to use my graphic programs, but I (think) I sort of got the hang of it. The picture shown below is the 4th picture I've attempted to color, but the only one I've actually managed to finish coloring the face/hair. [img]http://xs77.xs.to/pics/06160/sketchfirstone.png[/img] [img]http://xs77.xs.to/pics/06160/sketchcoloredyay.png[/img] Yeah, I totally just scribbled over my original hair design with black because I was at loss as to how to color my original one correctly. v_v And I have [b]no[/b] idea how to deal with lips. *head/desk* If I weren't such a messy drawer, I'd try my hand at cel-shading. My original design for this character was actually red hair and blue eyes or gray hair and blue eyes, but uh... yeah. Random sketches of said character below. [img]http://xs77.xs.to/pics/06160/gray1.png[/img] [img]http://xs77.xs.to/pics/06160/gray3.png[/img] [img]http://xs77.xs.to/pics/06160/gray2.png[/img] Random snowboard outfit design I drew: [img]http://xs77.xs.to/pics/06160/snowboarddesign.png[/img] The thing on the side of the sleeves is supposed to have the Burton symbol and Burton spelled out (Burton is a major snowboarding company... I just used it because I didn't feel like making a name up). Critism desperately needed and warmly welcomed. [/color]
[color=dimgray] Great pictures! :] It seems like you've covered all bases when it comes to anime drawing, and your style is fine. Whoever told you to change your style wasn't helping at all. On terms of what you want to improve on: you have a good grasp of main proportions, but small things throw some of the pictures off. In the second picture, the white space between his arm and his chest makes the chest seem too small, and in the third picture, the hand is too small when compared to his face. The skin coloring in the first two pictures is quite good, but it sort of lacks in the third picture. More definition and range would improve on Neji's face, as well has adding more color depth to clothing (i.e. add in some wrinkles or something). Other than that, everything's great. I love Mello's hair in the second picture (_>[/color]
[color=dimgray] Yes... three of my friends have 100+ GPAs. They are effing amazing. v_v But naturally people will always be jealous of someone at one point, and considering that you spend more time with your friends than with others, you'll find [i]some[/i] reason to be jealous of them. Doesn't mean you don't love them, though. :] [/color]
[color=dimgray] My current username is [b]Lunox[/b], but I've had two former usernames: [b]maladjusted[/b] and [b]anime_gurl[/b]. My real name is Ginny, I'm 16 years old, and I'm from Alpharetta/Roswell, GA area, which is basically a big surburban area of Atlanta. I have one older sister that lives in NYC because she goes to NYU. I'm pretty jealous of the fact that she lives in NYC. >_> Let's see... I'm a sophomore at CHS, and currently I'm freaking out over my grades and final exams. The group of friends I hang with are basically the smarties of my class, so it's safe to say I'm a nerd, and I'm orchestra so I'm a dork, too. I play the piano and the cello, and I think classical music is cool. Ironically, I'm dropping orchestra next year so that I can be in Newspaper, but my orchestra teacher is a crazy nazi dictator and everyone knows it. For anyone who knows me well, they know that Duke TIP is my [b]second home[/b]. At TIP you take a three week course on any specific subject you choose, and this year I've signed up for [b]Comparative Identities: 20th Century Literature[/b]. The stuff you learn there is forever valuable and the friends you make there are lifelong. Basically, TIP pwns any camp ever, and Duke is awesome. [URL=http://www.tip.duke.edu/summer_programs/center/locations.html#dukeeast]Especially Duke East Term I. :P[/URL] Unfortunately, this will be the last year TIP will allow me to come, so I'll be horribly depressed for quite a time afterwards. (Also, thank God for financial aid, because TIP is also incredibly expensive. They've been pretty generous in my situation, we've only have to pay about $200 each summer.) I enjoy hanging out with my friends, sleeping, reading a good book, drawing, food, shopping, being in random dork-worthy fandoms, and imagining epic stories in my head without ever writing them down. I hope to pursue English in college, and then further go into journalism or some kind of other career including media or communications. I daydream of becoming a movie director, but I think that'll have to stay a daydream. :3 Dream colleges: Macalester, Williams, Columbia, Notre Dame, Berkeley, or Vanderbilt. Wish me luck in about a year, eh? I'm also part of debate, which I'm not terribly into, but I joined in order to hone my speaking and presentation skills. Our debate club doesn't do any actual arguing, though. We do extemporaneous speech, original oratory, and dramatic interpretation. I like to keep up with current events, but I'm not very good with being deeply knowledgable about many of the political problems because I'm too lazy to look stuff up. :/ One thing I'm happy of is that I've lost 50 pounds, and I'm proud to say I've 5'8" and 130 lbs. Finally. I used to be very insecure because of my weight, but I've gained confidence and self-esteem. It may seem shallow to others, but I don't care about them. I worked hard for it, so I deserve it. Another goal I'm working at is to become fairly good at CGing any pictures I draw. I've been practicing on and off lately, but I plan to work at it this summer and see if I improve at all. [b]Random Facts[/b] -I am in love with good literature. 'Nuff said. -My friends have told me that I'm a boring person to talk with online, and I agree. I find having conversations over AIM incredibly dull and akward. -I listen to all types of music, although I never go out of my way too look for any particular bands or songs. I sort of go with the flow- if I hear something I like, I put on my iPod. -I can be a quiet person or a loud person. I'm nice to people I don't know well, and affectionately blunt with my close friends. -I think dead baby jokes are hilarious, and Chuck Norris jokes can be funny from time to time.[/color]
[QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS] [list][spoiler] [*]Ichigo: He will get a new sword ability and maybe find a way to go higher than Bankai. [/list] Yet those are only my predictions. If any of them actually turn out to be, then I can freaking see into the future! I still don't really get about the key thing though. I am guessing that Azien wants to become the new king for..something?[/spoiler][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [spoiler] Actually, I think Ichigo will have to catch up on some of the basics. It seems as if he rushed through the whole natural process of training, so he doesn't know some fundamental things. Like hiding your spirit power, for one. :3 I think he'll learn the basics he's missed, and then discover some mad cool move with in Bankai.[/spoiler]