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[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]You know, I really don't want to sound like a square or a party-pooper or some groutchy hermit or something, but... This thread feels really, really greedy. It seems that no one is really caring about what Christmas is about. It's not about the gifts, it's not about the turkey or the tree, either. At the very least, please take this time to help others out, give to the poor, do something you don't usually do, as I'm sure that none of us are Mother Theresas. Even if you're Atheist or just don't believe in Christ/Christianity, at the very least, contain your lists until after Thanksgiving. Our consumer culture markets this crap before Halloween. I mean, we get bombarded with this enough - could we stop the vicious cycle here, please? ;_; Here come the flames.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=darkslateblue] Hehe, quite true. But I think this is just a fun thread. Although I also advocate donating and giving more gifts than receiving. I usually volunteer at my church during winter holidays for events collecting gifts for the underpriveleged, and I personally love spoiling my family with good gifts. I'm sure a lot of the people here aren't evil beings trying to suck money out of their parents. It's just a... list. [/color]
[color=darkslateblue] I drool in a fashion-induced way as I type this. [img]http://xs55.xs.to/pics/05461/whitejacket.jpg[/img] [img]http://xs55.xs.to/pics/05461/borwnjacket.jpg[/img] I'd also like a nice cover for my iPod mini, since I'm paranoid about scratching it and the one I have now is basically just very crappy. I'd ask for a camcorder and a tablet as well, but that's way too much. My birthday is in January, so I'll probably ask for a camcorder, and then save up money and get the tablet later. Later as in probably ten years or so.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] Um.. I wasn't sure where to put this thread, so I'm hoping this is an appropriate topic for the Otaku Lounge. >_> Anyways, I am looking to buy a digital camcorder. The highest I'll pay for one is $320 or so, but I don't want to end up buying one that's cheap and works horribly. Does anyone here have any suggestions? I also need for the camcorder to be small (as in about the size of an average man's hand), and if anyone here knows, do some camcorders record on small dvds? I feel dumb saying this, but I'm pretty sure there are some, but I'm not 100% sure. And if there are, do they record well? Thanks. :][/color]
[QUOTE=Sandy] [B]Lunox[/B], you said that neither sex can live without each other. That's not exactly true, you are forgetting us sexual minorities. But I assume you meant they can't [I]exist[/I] without each other, which is very true - as of now, both male and female sexual cells are needed in order to conceive a child. ;) Maybe some scientific research in the future is able to bypass that, but probably not for a very long time.[/QUOTE] [color=darkslateblue] No, I didn't mean we can't exist with each other, which is also true, but whatever. I really did mean we can't live without each other. Now, am I saying this as if it's a world-known fact? No, it's merely my opinion. Leaving out homosexuals and 'sexual minorities' (I don't understand what you mean by this... do you mean hermaphrodites?), I think men and women need each other on emotional and physical levels. I can't really explain my reasoning with facts, but it's just my idea that men and women (heterosexual ones, at that) need each other's love. Yeah, call me a romantic, but it's what I believe. :][/color]
[color=darkslateblue] Kiba is officially a sexy beast. [spoiler] I was pretty sad that this chapter was short... and I don't think much happened. I've only seen the raw, and I don't even know if there's a translation up or not. And... I still want to know what's going on with Sai. Actually, I now know that Sai is [b]a boy[/b] ([url]http://www.livejournal.com/community/chuunin/1560937.html#cutid1[/url]). He looks like Sasuke's other brother or something. [/spoiler][/color]
[color=darkslateblue] I love Stephen Colbert. When he used to be on the Daily Show, I'd be excited when Stephen did a special report or did the 'This Week in God'. God, I really love him. I've watched about two episodes of the Colbert Report, and I like it. I still enjoy watching the Daily Show more, but Colbert is pretty hilarious himself. Some parts of the Colbert Report was sort of akward for me to watch (I was sort of just staring at the tv when he did the 'bring him back or leave him dead' thing wondering what the hell was going on), but it's alright. As Brasil said, Stephen is amazing at doing the whole 'I'm the smartest guy ever and arrogant' thing without being insufferable.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] As a female, I know that America is still a male-dominant society. Families in which the mother takes care of the children and the father works is the norm for me, although I whole-heartedly support working mothers and families where the father takes cares of the children and the mother works. The only thing that will make me mad about the male-dominant society in America is when women get screwed over when it comes to equal paychecks, guys who think that it's a woman's place to stay at home and cook/clean/take care of children and won't let her to do anything else, and... more stuff like that. Women and men are superior and inferior to each other in different ways, but they can't live without each other. Being either sex has its benefits, but sometimes I'm just really glad I'm a girl. We can be just as smart/smarter and often times more sensible than men, and our society today is showing it. Women are becoming more than 50% of the populations in many colleges, and our media portrays many strong female leads. But just the way a lot of females act really annoy me at times as well. A lot of girls are just into the whole gossiping and sneaky bullying thing, and it's just pretty irritating. You don't really see a lot of guys becoming anorexic/committing suicide because they're peers are pressuring them.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] There's a lot of hype about iPods, but there's also a lot of unnecessary rag on it. I've heard a lot of people complain about how they break easily and the batteries run out really quickly, but I really have no idea what they're talking about. I take good care of my iPod mini, and it's fantastic. I've had it for a year now, and no problems at all. And most everyone I know who has an iPod on some sort has never had any real problem with it. But I think the iPod nano and shuffle are both lame, and it's a shame Apple discontinued the iPod mini and original iPod. I don't know much about the other mp3 players, but the one by Dell is pretty nice. I used my friend's for a day once, and it was good. [/color]
[color=darkslateblue] And then one day a group of minorities attacked their house and they were shot. :D I listened to one of their songs, and I think they should learn how to play in tune and and you know... keep up with the tempo and stuff. And harmonizing. And uh. *coughs* It was really bad music. And I wonder if the Olsen twins know about them. *snerks* Seriously, I don't know how they think they're going to revolutionize America with their (crappy) music. They will spend their lives singing at random white-pride conventions and then die. Woo-hoo.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] Mm... I am excited that American viewers are getting into the 2nd season of FMA. It's basically when the anime shoots off into its own tangent, and I actually think they did a very good job of it. Although I still think the FMA manga is just much tighter. I think episode 34 is when it really starts kicking up for me. :] I've gotten a bit used to the voice-overs for FMA. I actually really like Izumi's voice, and Envy's is...er... sort of growing on me. A bit. o_o [/color] [i]I agree about you have to have seen the wholes series, cos there are some bits that are unexplained or leave you wondering why. I did enjoy it though, i thought again that there could have been more going on invlove some of our old favs but then again we can't do anything, i was NOT happy with the ending though ![/i] [color=darkslateblue] The ending of series is not technically the ending of the whole FMA anime. The movie Conquere of Shamabla is supposed to be the last episodes, except in movie form. But anyway, I actually really liked the original anime ending of the series. Could you explain why you didn't like it?[/color]
[QUOTE=sand dragon 19][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Times New Roman]Sorry to break the trend right here about all what has happened in 280 and all...But I have come with urgent news!!!! Alright...This is just plain madness...I mean I was happy with the fillers and all. I was partially excited about them ending so we can see more of the characters development but holding out until spring of next year!?!?! Dont mind me saying but doesnt that seem a tad much? First I saw this when the new episode of naruto came out. I though it was a joke until I actually read the speech for myself and saw this. I was literaly saying... WTF!?!?! I was alright with waiting the first time since they were advancing the anime to fast. However now the anime will be waaaaaay behind. I wanted to see the fights also ToT. As an off note..Whats is up with the guy[spoiler] with the big swirl for a face..I have been wondering how does he even see with that..HE HAS NO EYES!!! He must be very strong then...[/spoiler][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkslateblue] The announcement of the length of the fillers surprised me slightly, but after thinking about it for a while, it seemed very reasonable. Seeing as recently the Naruto anime got dangerously close to catching up with the Naruto manga, it'll be better if they just do fillers until next year. I admit, it does seem like they're stretching it too far, but by spring of next year, the manga will be far, far ahead of the anime. So... they're safe. And I'm guessing the Naruto anime won't go separate ways from the manga, which is good, because the manga is excellent. I sort of wish FMA would have done the same. In other news? AH CHAPTER 281! [b]Spoilers below.[/b] [spoiler] Gai giving Kakashi a piggyback ride and everyone else's reactions were priceless. :] Lee is so adorable. And I'm just do glad that Gaara is back. I hope Naruto and Gaara strike up a good friendship or something. As for Sai... the first thing I thought of when I saw him...her... whatever, was Sasuke. I mean, they have the exact same face and black hair...and girly figure. >_> I half-doubt that it's Sasuke, but it would be devishly clever to just introduce him like this. I was sort of expecting some grand entrance and him wangsting or something, but whatever. And the next chapter is named The Road to Sasuke, but considering the 'Death of Gaara' was like 5205828 chapters ago, it will probably just give us a giant cliffhanger. *dies* Ah. Well, I loved this chapter.[/spoiler][/color]
[color=darkslateblue] I just like to think that society is changing... so.. whatever. I'm sure it won't bring about the destruction of the earth or anything. When I was in middle school a lot of people I knew talked about that stuff, but now a lot of people have mellowed out and act normal, for lack of a better word. Considering that they're elementary/early middle schoolers, they're probably making up 60% of what they say. Which I find amusing sometimes. >_> I also wonder about the parents of these tweens/teens. But not too much. Sometimes I'll be in American Eagle or A&F and I'll see like a pack of tweens swarming all over the place. A lot of times they annoy me because they have to stick together in a group or else. They're like those giant schools of fish that move as just one giant glob of people. And the fact that they don't even have a chest to fill in the shirts sold at the stores they're in.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] Has anyone here been keeping up with the FMA manga? [spoiler] I'm dying to read chapter 53 so we find out more about 'Father'. Of course there are obvious similarities between this guy and Hoenheim, but then again it seems pretty obvious. >_> I entertain the idea of Hoenheim having an evil twin, which would be ridiculously hilarious. But anyways, with chapter 52... I hope Ed and Ling are alright. :/ And Roy. The whole Riza getting transferred to work at Central was a bit of a surprise to me.[/spoiler][/color]
[QUOTE=r2vq] [spoiler]My theory is that Gaara lost his powers.[/spoiler] What do you guys think? -ArV[/QUOTE] [color=darkslateblue] [spoiler]I'm also pretty convinced that Gaara won't be as powerful as he was before. But I also think that that's not exactly a bad thing, as it might lead Gaara down a different road with new talents. Mostly I'm just curious as to how he will react to all of it, seeing as Gaara is one of my favorite characters. :] I was so glad he came back to life.[/spoiler][/color]
[color=darkslateblue] Considering I used to be a huge anime fan and now find most of it especially cheesy and horrific, er... 90% of anime is just bad. Of course there is always personal opinion, and that will vary from person to person. But I also agree that there is an anime for everyone who will give it a try. One of my friends who didn't like anime really liked Paranoia Agent when she saw it, probably because she likes thought-provoking things and such. I've tried to get her into FMA, but she's not really enthusiastic about it. Eh. I'm a bit of an odd anime fan. I watched Totoro everyday when I was a toddler (it's still one of my favorites), but then didn't watch anything anime-related until Pokemon and DBZ, which pulled me into the fandom. I started watching Cowboy Bebop, and then Evangelion, which I became obsessed with. And then between all of this I would dabble about watching other series, even if they were bad. I fell out of the fandom later, and then about a year later I re-watched some Evangelion shows, and sort was amazed at how much I didn't enjoy anime anymore. ... Except Kaworu. I love him. :] Then I re-watched some other anime to see how I liked it, and I ended up cringing at some parts and/or getting extremely bored. I had basically just dumped the fandom by then, only reading some fanfiction when I was bored. But recently I was swayed into watching Fullmetal Alchemist and I immediately fell in love with it. From that point on I've maintained a barely visible interest in the FMA manga (since the series has long since ended) and the Naruto manga. Sometimes I watch some new anime, the ones I remember right now being the Tsubasa Reservoir anime series, Loveless, and Kyou Kara Maou. All three weren't exactly my most pleasantly spend hours, but uh... whatever. I think at one point I watched RahXephon, which was excellent, just not my cup of tea. But during the summer next year I will force myself to find at least one other anime series/manga that suits me. So, with my overly long and irrelevent post about why some people don't like anime, I'd just have to say that a lot of anime in general could come across as very cheesy, akward, and bad to people. I.e., me. I know this whole post seems like I'm dissing anime, but I'm trying not to. I really love the FMA series/manga and the Naruto manga, and I'm sure there's more good stuff out there. I'm just too lazy to find it.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] I would never be able to exactly pinpoint my 'perfect man', considering I've liked lots of different guys, but these is my usual likings. :] [b]Appearance:[/b] Dark hair and dark eyes, and for some reason I find guys who can pull off the 'sleepy eyes' look very attractive (i.e. John Mayer). And... they have to be taller than me. 5'11"-6'2" is nice. Sort of muscular, but not beefy/bulky. I like arm muscles, since it gives you that sense of protection. :3 I don't like super-skinny guys, don't like obese ones, etc. [b]Personality:[/b] He *must* be funny. If a guy can make me laugh very often (real laughs), odds are I will have a crush on him sooner or later. But I don't really like obnoxious class clowns, either. So... a guy who knows when to be serious and when to relax. And call me weird, but I also like just plain old manliness (i.e. being competitive over dumb stuff, protectiveness). Open-minded, intelligent, nice but not a pushover...all that good stuff. [b]Turn-ons & Weird Things I Like:[/b] Similar political views/ways of thinking and such, guys who are good at sports and academics, guys who can smirk well, good singing voice (probably why I love Ewan McGregor so much), a nerdy/dorky side, guys who can play the piano well, similar hobbies. [b]Turn-offs:[/b] Arrogance, bad hygiene, sexism. [/color]
[color=darkslateblue] I have never listened to MCR before, but several days ago I heard The Ghost of You and I got it immediately. I'm not really into the kind of musc MCR plays, but I just liked this one for some reason. :] My only complaint is that it's very short. And the random mellow part near the end. Hm. So, yeah. I just had to quickly profess my love for this song. [/color]
[color=darkslateblue] I was a big n00b when I first joined. Usually when I look back on myself at any point in time, I want to kill myself. I understand that we all mature and such, but I was seriously just a large waste of space when I was in middle school. Eh... I might have a problem though, seeing as I can hate my past-self from even just three months ago. >_> I have a bunch of threads where I basically ranted on subjects I basically knew almost nothing about, which makes up most of why I want to bang my head on the desk when I read back on them. [/color]
[color=darkslateblue] I'm not much of a giant prank person, but I've always wanted to pull one particular prank on my friends (sorry if this is off-topic). Two of my best friends are seriously scared out of their wits of The Ring. If we're outside and it's dark, and I say "SUMARA!", they'll start screaming and then hit me later for saying it. So anyways, I think it'd be great if we made a recording of the movie from The Ring, and then place it into a VCR secretly. Somehow we'd get those two into a room and control the VCR from the next room (I don't even know if this is possible) and then have it play. I know, I'm an evil *****. It's my life aspiration to do this...[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] *snorts down a laugh* My friends and I joked around about being stereotypical emo kids for halloween ("We must start fasting now!"). I personally want to do it, seeing as I find it hilarious. But I'm probably not trick-or-treating this year, since it's on a Monday. >_> But my friend is hosting a scary-movie thing, which has always been fun. I saw Rosemary's Baby for the first time last year there, and it still remains the horror movie that freaks me out the most. v_v I do remember one year when we got a group of friends and dressed up as the monk-people from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. We had the chant and head-hitting boards things down perfectly. ;) [/color]
Anime Is there such a thing as TOO obsessed?
eleanor replied to Yoru4Kakashi's topic in Otaku Central
[color=darkslateblue] I think people are too obsessed with the fandom, or whatever you'd like to call it, begins to take over their life. Example: the first thing they absolutely must do when they come home is go check the newsite for their favorite show, and then they really have to discuss something about it with others on a forum, and then they also must begin downloading the new episode. And if they don't, it bugs them a lot for possibly an hour or more. AKA, if you spend more than three hours doing it, uh... you're sort of really obsessed. School usually lasts 7-8 hours for us, which means most people get home at 4:00. If you go to sleep at about 11, that's seven hours. If you spend three or seven hours on your hobby, it's not really a hobby anymore. I also think that when someone starts to let their 'hobby' control other aspects of their life, they need to cut back. If you're grades are going down because you spend too much time watching anime or doing anime-related things, you can't talk about anything other than anime, etc. I'm writing a lot on this because it happened to me once. My obsessesion with the internet/anime/manga seriously went overboard. I started to slack on school work and didn't bother studying for anything. I drew WAY TOO MUCH. I spend about three hours drawing everyday, not including the time I spent in school drawing in class while not paying attention to the teacher. The only good thing that came out of that is that I draw anime well now, which is something I don't even care about anymore. I draw about one hour every two months now, for heaven's sake. So. Yeah. I wrote too much. o_o[/color] -
[color=darkslateblue] I agree with Dagger. I think it's just very hard for people in general to place themselves in that extreme of a situation (hurray for novels and movies!). Without personal establishment with someone involved in a tragedy, or actually being in it, most people can only say that they feel very bad for the people who's lives have just been destroyed. That's why I brought the novel/movie thing. Those mediums allow audiences to connect and know a character, whether he/she is fictional or true, and then we can actually get emotional over things like this. Are you bad person? I heard about the earthquake and I didn't feel any real pain or sadness. I thought to myself "I'll donate some money when a fundraiser starts up at our school, or help with the fundraiser with anchor club", and then I was on my way to the mall with a bunch of my friends. I don't think I'm a bad person. I think the society we live in has affected us this way. News is now media, and media is here to entertain audiences.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] edit: AH I'm sorry. I was in a rush and my mom left the door as soon as I typed the 10th thing and I just posted it. I promise I'll fix it... [strike]right after I eat. >_>[/strike] :] FYI this list in not in order from greatest or least or least to greatest. 1) Self-proclaimed intelluctals. - Basically, people who really aren't intellectual and say they are. I use the word 'intellectual' to mainly describe who are rational and intelligent, and respectively I use the word 'intelligent' to describe someone who gathers and looks at all their sources. So I get ticked off at people who judge a giant thing and act as if they know everything about a subject, when they've only read or heard one thing about it. Case in point, people who go around saying they hate George W. Bush and republicans, but can't give more than three good reasons as to why. Sometimes I do it, and I look back on it and I get pissed off at myself. 2) Arrogant people. - Possibly my worst pet peeve. I don't even know if I can call it a pet peeve, that's how much it ticks me off. It's just a basic turn-off for me. Yeah, I know there are some people who don't mean to be, they're just very factual and state the truth (I have a friend who is very smart, and she knows she is smart, so she says this), but people who are rude to others because they think they're superior just really is disgusting. The concertmaster of my orchestra is undoubtably a very talented violinist, and possibly one of the best in the state of Georgia. I love listening to him play solos; I'd be lying if I said I didn't. But he also just gives off an undeniable air of "I'm better than you'll ever be a playing, so don't even try and talk to me." One of my good friends is also very talented at the violin, and she practices [i]a lot[/i] (I'm sure anyone here who plays an instrument knows how much dedication it takes to practice your instrument every day for several hours). So when she messes up during a concert or something she just gets very upset and sometimes cries, and our concertmaster will just say "You need to practice more." in a very rude tone. I really want to strangle his neck sometimes. 3) Musical elitists. - I think this can fall under arrogance. 4) Any of type of elitist in general. - ... And this as well. >_> I don't understand how some elitists, let's say literature elitists, can talk about how much they love literature, yet condemn others for reading books like... I don't know, a book about teenage girls or something. I'll take the liberty of saying you guys know what I'm talking about. Another example could be the Harry Potter series. I remember at one point on OB, there was someone who refused to read Harry Potter because he/she thought the themes of the novel could never match up to the ones in other famous novels, like Catcher in the Rye and whatnot. I'm sorry to break it to you, but themes aren't the only important things in literature. JK Rowling is very talented in making the HP universe seem alive and real, and basically just pulling you into it. I've never read any other book that pulls it off as well as JK Rowling does. That's also an important thing about literature, not themes. 5) Self-proclaimed emos who freely talk about how they cut their wrists last night. - I am going to just say that I don't think people who really cut their wrists will go around and tell everyone. Even people they don't know. Some 'emo' chick told me she cut her wrists before, and I had JUST met her. I didn't even know her name, and she didn't even know mine. I was just like, "[i]Okay[/i], well... thank you for that. I'm sure your hideous inner pain is something you can just share with everyone and anyone." I may be wrong here, but something about it sets off my 'wtf' alert. 6) People who disregard current events and believe it's dumb for high-schoolers to be concerned about politics/elections since we can't vote. - Imo, I think that's the same as saying "I think it's dumb for people to worry about a huge natrual disaster in another country. We don't even live there." I don't know how I'm supposed to explain this. It just gets on my nerves. It's really not going to harm anyone if I take time to catch up on current events and watch news stations instead of watching the OC everyday (fyi I do keep up with the OC, so don't pound on me). 7) Arrogant people. - *bangs head on desk* 8) People who are rude to others because they deem them as less smart or ignorant, because obviously they are so much superior than them. News flash: No one cares. - Is it me, or I have a written another pet peeve alluding to arrogance?! 9) A giant one of mine: when people call famous novels 'dumb' or say the author is stupid. When we were reading Of Mice and Men in lit class, this one girl said "I think the author ran out of things to say, so he just [spoiler] killed Lennie.[/spoiler] This is [i]such[/i] a pointless book." - Um, no. John Steinbeck did not become one of America's most celebrated novelists because he "ran out of things to say". I hope I'm not coming across as elitist here, but that was the dumbest thing I've ever heard anyone say about a novel. She said the same thing about the ending of A Separate Peace. Basically I wanted to yell in frustration and hit something. And then I realized I was a huge lit-dork. 10) Arrogant people. -Ok, so I will confess that I used to be THE biggest arrogant ***** on this side of the universe. I do not understand why I had friends. Really, I don't. Maybe it was just me being a 13-year-old, but if I could I would go back in time and smack myself around a bit and yell at me. And then, I don't know. During one summer I changed a lot for some reason, and I've been trying to be as humble as I can be. It's a nice life. Added # 11) Eating late at night. It makes me feel like I'm going gain 5 pounds while I sleep, so I force myself to DDR for like... an hour. And then I'm sweating like the Apocalypse is coming and my legs are sore and I collaspe on my bed dying.[/color]
Mandatory Curfews: Good idea or bad idea
eleanor replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[color=darkslateblue] Being a teenager...uh, no. Having a curfew of 11:00 would be horrible. Our football games last longer than that sometimes. And there is also the fact that the area I live in pretty much safe. Crimes rarely occur around here, so most teenagers and their parents feel safe. Yeah, and having an 11:00 curfew on days like Homecoming dance would be... bleh. If I lived in a dangerous area, I think I'd be smart enough to know when to go in. It may sound selfish of me saying so, but curfews could be made for areas with more crime rates, but not in places like... surburban Georgia towns. [/color] -
[color=darkslateblue] I like living in America. But considering that I've never really lived anywhere else, I don't know what that really means. But I'm content with staying here. :] The only reason I would move would be if something disasterous happened (no, the Bush administration doesn't count) or just to experience another country. Of course, I have a giant problem with the Bush adminstration. I am so glad that he only has one more term left. I have a feeling he doesn't know what the 1st Amendment is. Or self control when it comes to mixing politics with religion. Or with his brain. I wish he'd read [b]1984[/b], but I'm afraid he's too stupid to actually understand that the novel is trying to get across. I just hope that a Democratic president will be elected for the next term, and that the Republicans don't get 60 spots in the senate. Oh God. I would have a seizure and die if that happened. Other than the Bush Administration, I'd say I like the US. We have good rights written to us in the Constitution (even if the government screws us over) and we have a large amount of freedom. Sometimes **** happens and I want to kill some people, but whatever. I will start worrying if the next administration continues to follow Bush's vision.[/color]