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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]Sally is Jack's lover, but I don't see anything in them similar other than the fact that both the Corpse Bride and Sally were dead. Victor may be clumsy and a bit "exciteable," but Jack was nothing of the sorts. Hell, he was King of Halloween for goodness sake. It took me a while to think on it, but I figured out the piano song Victor played (and others played) was Beethoven's Sonata #14. Quite the pretty song itself, but I definitely like Victor's version better. I can't help myself but buy the movie's soundtrack as usual.[/QUOTE] [color=darkslateblue] Whowzers. Beethoven's Moonlight? I listened to a song clip of Victor's piano solo, and it definately seems very Beethoven-esque in the beginning, but it goes off into its own tangent. I personally like Beethoven's better. v_v Even though it was pretty. :] I just downloaded the sheet music for it, so I'm probably going to play it tonight.[/color]
  2. [color=darkslateblue] My only dissappointment was that it wasn't longer. :] I think it would have been great if the movie was more extended so there was more build-up in the situations that occurred, but all in all, everything was done well as it is. The animation was stunning, the colors were spot-on, Victor playing the piano equated to my friend and I spazzing, and I just loved it. Added bonus because I loved Victor from the moment I saw him. :D I also loved Emily, but I didn't really feel for Victoria much. She seemed a bit boring, but...eh. Overall, the movie was fantastic. Although I have to say that the musical numbers were pretty much forgettable for me. :/ At one point the song with [spoiler]the maggot and the spider[/spoiler] was starting to annoy me a lot. [/color]
  3. [QUOTE=Shadow Blade][SIZE=4][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Chiller]Hmmm....... Several interesting replys. However I do agree Lunox the most. I guess that all I'm trying to say is if any of you guys are really into books, and a majority of books that are now major motion pictures have a really messed up ending then I'm sure you would understand. For an example the Lord of the Rings Triology was a major break in the movie making industries, however they made the elves too stuck up and made Frodo look like a weak little soft-footed idiot.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=darkslateblue] This is all personal opinion, you can't really blame anyone for what you just described about the elves and Frodo. First of all, if audiences really have read LotR, they should understand the immense power of the ring, and actually realize how amazingly strong Frodo is. It's not like Peter Jackson skimmed through the LotR once, and randomly decided to take a huge risk and make it into a movie trilogy. I daresay he probably has read and studied into the LotR trilogy more than anyone here, and I took a three week course on the freaking topic. I really despise canon-freaks who immediately label book-to-movie transitions as worthless if the director doesn't so everything according to the book. If they really appreciated the literary aspect of it, they should realize that film and literature are two different things, and that the director has an artistic liscense to change stuff. The best thing I liked about the third Harry Potter book was the background history on the Mauraders, but I wasn't exactly bitching after I had seen the movie. There were tons of other things that were great about that movie, and some of them weren't even in the book to begin with. I mean, seriously, there are some people complaining about the color of Hermione's dress in the fourth movie. It's ridiculous. So anyways. Novels. Film. Two different things. [/color]
  4. [color=darkslateblue]Yes, the number of tails should probably become a very important thing later on in the series. [spoiler]When I first watched episode 133, I took note of how there was only one tail (I haven't started to keep up with manga until very recently), and thought it could be expected that later on the problem of Naruto controlling Kyuubi while in that form would definately come up. I think once Naruto reaches the 9 tails, Kyuubi's power could just break the seal entirely and come out.[/spoiler] In other news. [spoiler]OMGILOVEGAARAIHOPEHECOMESBACK.[/spoiler][/color]
  5. [color=darkslateblue] I think Hollywood is sort of in a slump right now. The number of movie-goers per year in the US is decreasing and such. I actually don't think it's that people running out of ideas, but more that people in are more interested in making more money and concentrated to getting out mainstream stuff rather than really original things. I mean, the sheer number of remakes that have been coming out has astounded me. But perhaps after this period, more new stuff will come out. :) As for book to movie transitions... I love both literature and film. It makes me angry that some people just use books to make ****** movies that are a sad attempt to use a good story to make some money, but if a director is really inspired by a book, I'm all for it. I love film in the fact that it can make things more emotional, because of the actual visuals of the acting and etc., so I enjoy it sometimes. The third Harry Potter movie was good, and I think the fourth one coming out this year is going to be great as well. Needless to say, LotR was a great book to movie transition. Peter Jackson really loved and knew the books and what he was doing, which turned into an amazing result. I'm excited to watch the film version of [b]Everything is Illuminated[/b], being that it's one of my favorite books (and I thought if made right it would make a very good movie). Also, [b]Brokeback Mountain[/b] is coming out this winter, and it has already won an award in a Venice film festival. [/color]
  6. eleanor

    My Art

    [color=darkslateblue] There seems to be no link. ^_^;; [/color]
  7. [color=darkslateblue] I liked this novel more than I enjoyed 1984. Not that 1984 is an amazing novel, it is. It's style is just... boring for me. Amazing content, I just didn't enjoy reading it as much as Animal Farm. I like this novel muchly. When I was little (4th grade or so), I would go to my sister's bookcase and read random novels. So, as a result, I ended up reading Animal Farm, Of Mice and Men, The Red Pony, and The Black Pearl when I was in 4th grade, lol. After I read Animal Farm for the first time, I just thought it was about a farm that the animals took over, and thought [spoiler]it was neat that they turned into humans[/spoiler]. XD My sister [spoiler] asked me what happened to Boxer, just to humor herself I believe, and I was amazing when she told me the truth *gasp*[/spoiler]. I read it a second time in 8th grade, fortunately. It really is a brilliant book, I love Orwell. [/color] [i]I don't know if it's uncannily nerdy or just bizarre that my friends and I tend to make reference to this book at least twice a day in regular conversation, however. *eyebrow* A very funny thing I once heard said about it went along the lines of, "I just hate that book. It's completely unrealistic. The animals are just so stupid." Made me laugh... ...and laugh and laugh and laugh. Until my sides hurt.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] I actually started laughing after reading that. If you ever think you're a nerd, just remind yourself of me, the person who eagerly awaits spending three weeks during the summer at an academic camp. [/color]
  8. [color=darkslateblue] [b]Persepolis: A Story of a Childhood[/b] and [b]Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return[/b] by Marjane Satrapi are both very amazing comics. :] There's a third one coming out, so I'm excited for that. The art isn't much to praise, but just the content of it is great. I studied it in a class I took at the camp I went to, and it was much fun. I also read [b]Maus[/b] by Art Spiegelman, which is also another one of those serious comics. [/color]
  9. [QUOTE=Godelsensei] I don't think the phenomenon (internalised racism, not spinners >>; ) is really prevalent in the West today. People might stereotype themselves like there's no tomorrow, but it doesn't mean they view themselves as inferior. (Remember! Racial stereotyping & racism = different things.) [/QUOTE] [color=darkslateblue] Firstly, thanks to everyone who replied. :] I'm mostly just trying to focus (my paper) on a universal theme, rather than whether it is prevalent in the West today or not. Of course, there is definately what Ilium said about when someone is immersed in another culture, etc. I'm sort of shooting in the dark for an idea that I kind of write a lot about. >_>[/color]
  10. [color=darkslateblue] Same here! :) I used to watch the movie every day when I was a kid. I still love the movie. :] To my knowledge, there have been no other anime about Totoro. I'd rather there not be, actually, because I think the movie itself is wonderful as it is. [/color]
  11. [color=darkslateblue] To make a short definition, internalized racism is when one race starts viewing themselves through the eyes of the 'superior' or more 'dominant' race. It gives people a feelings of unworthiness and inferiority because of their race when compared to what they think is the superior race. I'm just posting this to get thoughts on it. I got it as a topic for my oratory speech in debate, and I've only come up with several examples (the SAT, literary examples, and personal experience), and any thoughts or views on it would be very welcome. :) I'm mostly looking for a right universal theme that would work well, so I think the thoughts of other people would help me do that. Any comments?[/color]
  12. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] Just a thought: Maybe Bush waited a week because he didn't need the votes. Maybe it's because it's a predomenently Democratic, Black, bleow-the-poverty-line city. Things to ponder...[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkslateblue] I completely agree with you that this is a very possible idea. I was actually arguing over it with someone at church the other day. Anyway. Think about it. Bush. He's the picture of a rich, white guy who happens to be obsessed with bringing Christianity onto others and being slightly racist. New Orleans. Black people and poverty. Seriously, I now have to go against what I said and question why the hell Bush didn't answer so immediately. It probably wasn't the main reason, but it's still possible that it was a large side factor. Which is ******* disgusting enough as it is. Cops do the same thing, too. They just don't respond to some crimes when it's too 'sensitive', load of BS. I don't care, right now, about whether Bush's budget cuts caused greater damage or whatever, but when party of YOUR COUNTRY happens to be ravished by a natural disaster and people are dying left and right, you don't wait SEVERAL DAYS to send help.[/color]
  13. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] Actualy, Bush did spend the rest of the day after the hurricane getting guitar lessons and biking - Condi was at an Eric Idle show and buying new shoes, go figure - guess they call him the Vacation President for a reason... Even with the money being pissed away in Iraq, I gotta wonder what Bush and congress are up to. This basically how the conversation went: Paul Martin: Gee George, I'm really gosh darn sorry to hear about Katrina and the loss of the Big Easy... Is there anything I can do to help? I've got billions of dollars, well-trained rescue personal, tonnes of supplies, Canadians everywhere are just waiting for the request. George Bush: Nahhh I'm good, umm... What was your name again? Ahh it's not important. Well anyway, I [I]could[/I] accept DART and JTF2 aide, I [I]could[/I] accept the largest cash donation of any nation to date, I [I]could[/I] do what I promised and save thousands from the hell that is the Superdome. Buttttttt... nahh. We're the US! We don't need any help from [I]Canadians[/I] of all people. My personal ego is much more important than the well-being of the American people. Paul Martin: But George, there are hundreds still trapped on roof tops that have gone without water and food for days, nearly 70,000 people trapped in the Superhell, and not nearly enough National Guardsmen to save them all - I seem to remember a certain conflict their all tied up in. George, ask congress. They'll make the sensible decisions. George Bush: *Snicker Snicker* Okkkk whatever you say. Congressssssssssss... Conservative Congress (Majority): ALL GLORY TO THE VACATION PRESIDENT! Lib Congress (Minority): Well comon, that doesn't sound right! The American people come before the presidents ego! Conservative Congress (Majority): QUIET YOU UNPATRIOTIC HEATHENS! HOW DARE YOU QUESTION OUR PRESIDENT! ALL GLORY TO VACATION PRESIDENT! Lib Congress (Minority): **** it, let them have their ego. I've got five dollars on me, lets go see if we can find some imported beer. Beerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeerbeer... George Bush: Funny what a little money and electroshock can do... Well, anyway... you, we're turning down your aide. *snicker* Oh, while I've got you here, how's the lumber industry do- Ah, sorry, gotta go. My guitar teachers a'callin. Condi'll be right... oh that's right, shoe shoping. Umm... Call back later! Paul Martin: What the **** just happened here? The saddest part is that's the basics of what happened: Canada offered the most aide of any nation and were brushed aside by Bush and the Cons for whatever reason, costing hundreds if not thousands of lives in the process. What's so hard about letting Canada help out? The gov't make to much money screwing us to allow us some leverage? Comon, this is just pathetic on behalf of the Government. Trucks full of aide can only do so much; nothing the US has at home can match the DART or JTF2 for search & rescue prowess and they just laugh in our faces. Pathetic...[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkslateblue] Sadly, I almost believe it. But do you have any sources? I've looked around on Google and I can't really find any article that directly says the US is rejecting Canada's aid. [/color]
  14. [color=darkslateblue] Our school just started a relief aid program for the disaster areas of Hurricane Katrina. We're even collected parts of the football game ticket money to donate, and anything else that students pay for. So...I'm just encouraging everyone to donate. Don't be a effball and be cheap, or say you're poor or whatever. I've gone around trying to collect money because I'm on Anchor Club, and people I know who get 80 dollars a week for allowance (for their own spending use!) wouldn't budge. I mean, I don't know about comparing this to 9-11, but this definatly is one of, or possibly [i]the[/i] worst natural disaster occurance in the US. My history teacher backed me up on this one, but I'm not sure. And to everyone complaining about Bush... Yeah, a lot of our money is being pissed away in Iraq, but what's done is done. It's horrible and somewhat disgusting that we've been watching so much money drain in Iraq, and that preventing us to have better programs in which to help these people, but all we can do is just hope and pray. Bush is trying, it's not like he's sitting around getting a tan somewhere. But, people there also have a very good reason to be angry. This is our country...it should be the president's very first priority. I wonder how this will all effect his popularity. [/color]
  15. [QUOTE=elfpirate][b][font=Comic Sans MS]Thanks to you and your family--it's appreciated. Indeed, the prices of gasoline, etc, shall rise considerably, and it'll be expensive to take my trip in mid-September, and to heat my home when winter bears down on us...but I'll gladly pay it, if that is the worst loss I shall suffer from this tragic event. Money means very little to me. A few dollars more per gallon is bearable considering what so many have already lost. At least I have a home and a vehicle to heat and fuel up, and I still have my life. I am much more concerned about the loss of human life than I am about the economic results of the storm. [/font][/b][/QUOTE] [color=darkslateblue] Yeah, definately human lives are more important than gas prices, but I just wanted to bring the topic up. Hope no one misunderstands. :/ I was talking to my friend from Chicago, and he told that where he lived the prices have already risen up to 4 dollars. My mom just called me and told me she spent 80 dollars. o_o I stopped watching news coverage on the hurricane (I only check online now) because of the huge amount of stories about peoples' wrecked homes and families. I remember about two days ago, my friend's mom was praying nonstop because their whole family basically lives in the New Orleans area. My friend lived in southern Florida and I was out of contact with him for three days, I was pretty worried. :/ And not the mention the diseases that will come about to further plague the people...cholera, typhoid, and just other water-related sicknesses. [/color]
  16. [color=darkslateblue] Although I'm concerned for all the people getting/have been hit, I'm also concerned about the gas prices. This is will make them rise even more, and more quickly, and I while I have NO clue about talking about the economy, I'm sure this will make it worse. I'm even guessing that energy bills will rise, and most of the working class will suffer. A lot. I mean, today our local gas stations announced that they won't be giving out gas after 5, and my mom is in this gigantic line to get gas. Down here, the gas is usually around $2.60, and it will probably rise up to $4.00. Yeah, I know that there are tons of places in the US that are already paying $3.60 for gas, but we've been accustomed to paying $2.60, so...I just don't want 582752 people yelling at me saying that we're lucky or whatever. It's particularly bad for our family, because we run a food market for lower-income classes, and the rise of gas prices will probably make them buy less. And our business was not exactly booming to begin with. On the other hand, my friend has a family of six, and five of her relatives are coming to stay with her for a month because their house is half underwater. I think I hate hurricanes forever.[/color]
  17. [quote name='ThoraxtheImpaler']Ah, how could I forget of End of Eva? That battle could only be described as ******* crazy. Also, does the battle between Oren's dad and the thugs from Kill Bill count? It was technically anime...[/quote] [color=darkslateblue] Ah, yeah, I forgot about Asuka's fight [spoiler]with all those other Eva-machine things[/spoiler]. It was bloody...but also fluid. :D It was still cool to watch, in general. [/color]
  18. [color=darkslateblue] The fight between Naruto and [spoiler] Sasuke in episode 133[/spoiler] was stunning. I know that a lot of people complained about it for some ungodly reason, but I thought it was the most amazing thing I ever saw in anime. Really. It was so fluid and action-packed and just WOAH, can I marry the guy who directed this fight? Amazing, really. [i]So[/i] fluid... *sighs of happiness* Sometimes I just watch it becuase it's animated so well. And this animation lasts the whole episode, which is even more amazing. Second place, I'd have to put Edward Elric against [spoiler] Greed[/spoiler]. It was great to watch for the .00038582 seconds it lasted.[/color]
  19. [color=darkslateblue] I always like to think there always a bunch of BS in the media, even during the golden ages or whatever you call it. Even if a vast majority of people are, in your opinion, pulling music down, there will always be a select few with enough passion and talent to move music forward. Music, like everything else, is always evolving. I never understand why so many people are always saying that their generation is shot to hell, or we're degrading everything in sight. EVERY generation has had people say something like that, and the end of the world hasn't come yet. Within every music genre there are people radiating with talent, so I try and respect every genre. Yes. Even country. :] Every genre has had its impact somewhere...and hip-hop/rap being freakishly very important to music history, I think at least everyone has to have one ounce of respect for one facet of it. And not to mention everything is based on opinion. Music is too...vast for anyone to judge it as a whole. Other than the fact that it's amazing. You can only imagine what classical geniuses might think of modern music. Would they imbrace it as music or think of it as horrifying? Eh.[/color]
  20. [QUOTE=Osaka]I dont know how to do the quote thing but i noticed that Lunox said that rock has many diffrent styles.[/QUOTE] [color=darkslateblue] Uh, no. No, I didn't. Yeah, rock does have many different styles, but if you READ my post, I was trying to defend hip-hop.[/color] [quote name='Ilium']Besides, as talented you need to be to come up with lyrics on the fly, have you ever tried to play guitar? As easy as it looks it is probably one of the hardest things to learn; and to be as good as people like Hendrix or Clapton or Lifeson or Page, it's nearly impossible. Listen to the band Rush; it has one of the best guitarists who's ever lives (Alex Lifeson) the single greatest drummer to ever play (Neil Peart) and a not-to-shabby Bassist and Vocalist (Geddy Lee) and they cordinate so well, it's amazing the amount of talent. It makes rappers, even free-style ones, look like children hitting sticks together. [/quote] [color=darkslateblue] That was...stupid. Really. Yeah, I agree that playing any musical instrument is very hard (I play the cello and piano), and even harder to make what you play musical. You know what? It takes an amazing amount of talent to play string instruments as well as people like Gil Shaham or Yo-Yo Ma. A tremendous, gigantic amount of hard work, studying, practicing, and talent. They their lives into their music, and they're effing good at what they do. But it is disgusting that you would just throw down another talent you've never even stepped into like that. What, you think playing the guitar trumps any musical talent? [/color]
  21. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] Green Day and Linkin Park don't quialify as Rock. They're Power Pop at best. Green Day was rock, but now their terrible. And KoRn, SoaD, Metallica, that's not what Rock is confined too. What about Dire Straits? Rush? Led Zepplin? The Beatles? Rock has many genres, many styles, and if all you listen to is this 'rock' that comes out now-a-days I can see why you'd dislike it. Download Sultans of Swing or Roll the Bones and than tell me you don't respect Rock. Usher, Alicia Keys, Carey, they aren't the people out there singing 'SMAK HER WITH YA DICK SMAK HER WITH YA DICK' and 'I got ho's in diffrent area codes' and Snoop Dog is more talented than your average rapper, but he's still just out there making MVs about landin' tail and exploiting women. It's not about the music with rap. They count on the MV. It's liket aht with most new music. Bloody new music... Even if they had talent it's just squandered.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=darkslateblue] Most of them are just entertainers. Er. Yeah, that's what I think. But rapping itself is a talent, I overflow with awe for people who can free-style rap or a capella it just out of nothing but their minds. AND...basically, you've only been listening to mainstream rap. Seriously, would you like it if everyone judged the 'rock' genre on what they hear on MTV and the radio? Because, yeah, that would suck, too.[/color]
  22. [QUOTE=Your Mother][SIZE=1] Looks like I'm the lone defender of Gangsta rap, hip-hop, and R&B. Look, say what you want, but there are some seriously talented artists in there. Usher has talent. Alicia Keys has talent. Snoop Dogg and Pharell have talent. Mariah Carey has talent. I could go on and on. If you guys dislike artists, fine. But don't go hating everybody else and calling them idiots for liking the song, or genre, or whatever. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=darkslateblue] Naw, I'm right here with you. I have tremendous respect for hip-hop and R&B. Hello? Kanye West? Alicia Keys? Ludacris? And I [i]really[/i] don't want to start dancing to soft rock songs. Now onto the songs I hate. [b]All the Way Down[/b]. Ryan Cabrera. Ten seconds of this song creates within me a homicidal rage. [b]I Don't Wanna Be[/b]. Gavin McGraw. Possibly worse than [b]All the Way Down[/b]. Just one question: HOW. How did those two songs become so popular? I even LIKE pop music, and I wanted to throw up all over these two singers. [/color]
  23. [color=darkslateblue] In general, I think adoption is awesome and such. :) I hope everything works out, and your child has a good life. But on other subjects, I just get pissed off when I hear about all these stories of when people take in foster kids from orphanages just for the money and end up abusing them or something. Makes me sick, really. I have no idea of how often this kind of things happens, or anything, but from what I've read... Ergh. It is sad that so many social workers are given so many cases, and can't look over every case properly. And money given is just a tax raise for civilians... If anyone knows the specifics on this, I'd love to hear it. I know there is a difference between adoption and foster parenting, so if this is off-topic, I apologize.[/color]
  24. [color=darkslateblue] I don't mind the fillers. Well. I don't even watch them, actually. But I'd rather wait it out than for the anime creators to make up a new tangent and stray away from the manga. It happened to Fullmetal Alchemist, although I can't give an opinion on anything as I've never read the FMA manga. But- does anyone know when the anime will go back to the real plot?[/color]
  25. [color=darkslateblue] While the fact that she has those four Japanese girls under contract or whatever creeps me out slightly, I don't dislike Gwen Stefani. I love [i]Hollaback Girl[/i], and she looks great. Why is that now everytime someone loses weight, everyone else freaks out and calls them unhealthy or anorexic? It really pisses me off. When everyone was freaking out about Lindsay Lohan, I didn't see the big deal. So what if she wants to be skinny? Who cares, really? All I see is jealousy or some sort of ideal that tells people that losing weight to look skinny is something immoral and narrow-minded. I mean, ok, I did it. I'm not 'unhealthy', and I feel awesome about myself. She's changed. I personally think her new music is pretty cool. If she's in it for the money, whatever. I see no reason to single Gwen Stefani out of the thousands. [/color]
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