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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [color=darkslateblue] Ah, summertime. I love you. I'm going to Duke for a three-week academic camp called TIP. It sounds hella lame and boring when I describe it, but this is going to be my third time going, and the time I've spent there has been the best times of my life. I adore it, really... I've made closer friends there in a short amount of time than the ones that live in my city and the classes are really great. Granted, my last class wasn't that excellent, but I have high hopes of the Contemporary Literature class I'm going to take this year. So I'm extremely excited about that...although it starts June 12th. *sigh* Until then, I'm lounging around. I usually walk to the park and play tennis or something with my friends, stay on the computer, watch TV, or play video games. But my mom signed me up to volunteer with handicapped kids through June 1st-10th, so I'll actually have something to do until TIP.[/color]
  2. [i]When's the last time you were around military guys? From what I'm witnessed aside from the married ones both male and female soldiers are rather shall I say juvenile. I do agree that this argument is stupid. But don't blame me, blame congress. Everyone is so focused on making this country uber conservative lately. You can't even teach kids about sex anymore. I can't think of anything to say right now. so I'll leave it here.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] I've never been around military people. But I assumed that if you have a bunch of gunfire and bombs coming your way you're not going to be staring at the girl next to you because she has big boobs. And I'm pretty sure that goes for the girls, too. That's what I was thinking when I wrote that, anyway. I didn't...blame you, I was just saying the argument was dumb. America has always been conservative, it don't think it's really gotten 'more conservative', either. I'm sure 50 years ago people were fighting against taboo ideas that are now deemed as normal as well.[/color]
  3. [color=darkslateblue] Yeah, they should, but I could see the reasons why they shouldn't. The problem is that the argument you posted is pretty dumb. I mean... Dunno. Just seems like such a dumb argument. Please, let's hope that the guys fighting in the army are over their high school days. Ok, so I could understand the physical aspect. Guys are just usually stronger than woman, but I know that some woman could definately become stronger then men. I mean, if they can past the same tests and trials men do, shouldn't they be able to? All I can say is that the US is a naturally conservative country, so I'm not 'woah like omg' surprised. Personally I think the congressmen are doing this just because they think it's morally right, since they seem to favor that now. [/color]
  4. [i]I have a question in regards to diet. If you want to lose weight, is a diet consisting mainly of vegetables a good idea? Everyone talks about low carb diets, but I know vegetables definitly have carbs. So what is the best diet? Low fat or low carb?[/i] [color=darkslateblue] Neither, really. If you went on something like the Atkin's Diet (an extreme low-carb diet), you'll live the rest of your life eating bacon and steak. If you went on a low fat diet, um...that would sort of just suck, lol. So, um... the big secret of dieting (if there ever was one): eat a balanced diet! :D Of course, you'll still have to cut back on the amount of carbs you eat, and junk food and soda and etc. But really...just make sure that you eat well-proportioned meals that consist of 1) Protein 2) Carbs and 3) Fats. [b]And take this note[/b]: there are two types of fat. One if a bad fat and one if a good fat. Foods that have good fats are things like fish, nuts, avocadoes (I love this things, I usually just eat them as a snack), seeds, and various oils (like olive oil). Bad fats are all the fried foods, refined vegetable oils, margarine, and other such things that you can pretty much figure out on your own. Seriously, learn to love fish. Fish is good. You [i]love[/i] fish. More specifically, you love salmon. Carbs, well, everyone loves carbs, right? Just don't eat white breads. Try and stick to whole wheats...and as opposed to this really insane and untrue rumor, rice is not 'good' for you. It's just as fattening. Less fattening, but still fattening. Why are a lot of asians skinny? Dunno. We eat kimchi. lol. I really have no idea. And... mangos, watermelon, and really sweet fruit has lots of carbs. Usually for snacks I just eat strawberries smothered in cottage cheese and it evens out. Protein: red meats, cottage cheese, fish, nuts, seeds, fish, red meat, fish. Eating a lot of fish gives you nice skin, too. But seriously, if you want to lose weight, read the Zone Diet book. It helps. *A lot* When I first started dieting, I lost 12 pounds in two weeks. It's nice, really. Other tips: don't eat after seven PM, don't excercise for three hours and not eat, don't think that eating a lot less with make you loose weight (you actually gain some because your body gets worried), drink lots of water, and you don't have to stick to your diet like you're going to die if you don't. I don't know about everyone else, but *after* I started losing weight *regularly*, I sometimes just ate some foods I loved (soda, lots of carbs, etc.) and it really didn't make a difference. You wouldn't loose weight, but you'd stay the same. Just make sure you don't do these 'rewards' everyday, lol. I usually do it twice a month.[/color]
  5. [color=darkslateblue] For me... I got DDR and I play it everyday until the workout mode says I ran 6 miles. A lot of people think it doesn't count as excercise or something, but that's really a bunch of BS. It works out your legs and stomach a [i]lot[/i] and by the time you've done an hour of Heavy mode songs, you'll be sweatin'. In other words...I look good in a bikini now. Also, I don't drink soda, I only eat any chips/processed snack foods/pizza/junk food/etc. about twice a month and I eat lots of protein and good fats. Motivation... *shrugs* I'm a girl and I like looking good. And I love clothes shopping, so if you stay in shape you can wear anything and look good in it. [/color]
  6. [color=darkslateblue] ^_^ I'm only a freshman in high school, but I am [i]definately[/i] going to Prom sometime. I don't even care if I don't have a date, what's wrong with dancing and having fun with your friends? :) I'll be so excited when it comes, lol. You get to spend hours getting yourself pretty and then having a bunch of fun and then going to other random parties. :D Actually, my friend suggested renting out the skating rink or the bowling alley after Prom and skate/bowl with our dresses on. (me: AWESOME!) And our circle of friends has enough people and rich parents to supply us with money... *plots* Anyways...until Senior year. >_>[/color]
  7. [i]And same here. I'm often influenced by the animes I watch, and the mangas I read.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] Yeah...after my Fullmetal Alchemist craze, I think I made up a new character that had a man-ponytail. *laughs* [/color] [i]It reminds me very much of the Korean manwha ?Kill Me*Kiss Me?....for some reason. It may be the very slim waist and arms you do...hmm... But I adore the poses *envy* and your proportions are all brilliant. The clothes are gorgeous, too. Not very over the top but very, very pretty. Again, I love you style, I'd love to see more of your pictures. Do you have a DevART account?[/i] [color=darkslateblue] Haha, I am actually Korean. In general, I think a lot of Koreans cartoonists just always end up having long bodies that encorporate thin, lengthy waists and arms. I actually really liked the art of [i]Kill Me, Kiss Me[/i], and it definately had some sort of impact on how I drew. I've been trying to get away from that style lately, though. Sometimes artists make their characters' limbs way too long and they end up looking slightly deformed. Thanks so much for the comments! :) I always put huge effort into making sure my proportions are in check, since it was the thing I had most trouble with when I first starting drawing. As for clothes... I love fashion! ^^;; I particularly like the girl's jacket, but it's heavily based on a jacket I saw once. Yes, I have a DevART account, but I only use it to favorite artworks, so I haven't put anything up yet.[/color] [i]The only thing I noticed is that guy2layout's eyes (collectively) are really huge, which gives him a fish-esque face. Do you see what I mean? Perhaps not ... but even still, really really good attention to proportion as far as the body goes.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] Teh coolness! Actually, I've always loved the idea of people controlling water, so for fun I made the guy in the layouts be some...water element guy, dunno. So unoriginal, but it's not like I'm making a story. I just draw for fun. :3 So, I find it pretty cool that he seems fish-esque, lol. Although I agree with you, he does have huge eyes and a narrowing face. Thanks for comments, everyone. [/color]
  8. [color=darkslateblue] Oh my god... if an intruder ever came into our house, my dog would probably be tearing their face off twenty seconds after encountering her. She is [i]so[/i] violent and aggresive towards anyone that isn't our family. She even almost injured my friend once because she accidently got into the house (but we always put her inside the house during night). But as for actual intruders, we've never had any (we live in a suburb in northern Georgia...nothin' much going on here, lol). As for [i]dreams[/i], that's another story. I often have dreams that someone or another is trying to kill me. So I usually wake up in the middle of the night scared shitless just because of my dreams. I mean, just two days ago my mom and dad left for New York to get my sister from NYU after her summer break started. I was home alone for two nights and on one night I had a particularly horrifying dream. I woke up at about three in the morning and heard strange noises for thirty minutes. My heart literally pounds and I contemplate how I would feel in some guy just came up to me in the bedroom and had a knife above me. It all sounds silly even to me now, but ug. The fear that strikes me at times like that...[/color]
  9. [color=darkslateblue] Heehee. We get to see Ron fume over Hermione going out with Krum. :D The thing I'm really pleased with is the casting. I don't know about their acting abilities, but all the new characters seem rightly casted. The trio has grown up a [i]lot[/i] as well. When I first watched Prisoner of Azkaban, the first thing that ran through my mind was: "Daniel Radcliffe is [i]good-looking[/i]. :P And Emma Watson looks gorgeous, and Ron is so adorable. :) I have good hopes for the fourth movie in general as well. The first two were complete failures as a good movies, but the third one ok (I usually judge my personal favorite movies by seeing how many times I can watch it without getting bored...I couldn't finish the third movies when I was watching it a second time >_>). I am hoping that they will continue to get better, although as many HP fans, stuffing a large book like GoF into what, 2 hours or something? I read the offical timing on Mugglenet once, but I've forgotten it. The biggest problem I had with the PoA movie was that the background information of the Marauders were sort of left out. :( I love those guys! [/color] [i]I'm sure you've all heard people criticize Harry Potter in general about being for little kids. :/[/i] [color=darkslateblue] Well, they [i]are[/i] 11 and 12 year olds. :/ People can't expect them to be that mature. Maybe in the sixth and seventh book we'll see even more character development. :)[/color]
  10. [color=darkslateblue] [B]Pirates of the Carribean[/b] -.... I was at camp when I first watched this. I was excited, because I heard nothing but great, great stuff about this movie. I was not tired in the least. I fell asleep halfway through because I got that tired. There were about two funny parts, and then I think something in me died as I kept on trying to watch it. My friend woke me up when it had finished, and I never hope to watch that movie again. It's probably not one of the worst movies compared to some others, but it's the first thing that comes to mind when 'worst movie' comes up. [b]Battle Royale II: Reqiuem[/b] - *coughs* *coughs again* Ok. First off, the first movie sucked, too. It had the potential. It *had* the potential to become an awesome movie. Somewhere it died and Bill O' Reilly came with a flaming hearse and drove it down to hell. Second off...the actually made a sequel to an already bad movie. The result? A mess. Ok, so, the plot. Two survivors from the first movie now head a terrorist group that blows stuff up to rebel against the government. So the government decides to enact Battle Royale Act II, where they sent a bunch of kids to the terrorist group's island base or whatever. Somewhere along the lines of the boringness, crappy acting (please insert "[person's name]-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AYEEE!!!!!! AYEE!!!!!!!!!" after each time someone died), the director decided to put in this whole freaking side plot about how much the US sucked in all its suckiness and because of the sucky suckiness of the US he was going to put in a whole point in the movie that made me go 'wtf was that *rewind and watch again because that was so messed up and lame*'. If I ever meet the director, I'm going to give him all my money to never make a movie again. [b]Darkness Rising. Or Darkness Falling. Or Rising Darkness. Whatever. The movie about the deformed Tooth Fairy who Kills People.[/b] -It was so bad that I don't even remember the title correctly. It was supposed to be a horror movie. That's all I'm going to say.[/color]
  11. [color=darkslateblue] ??? Has AS decided to continue FMA? I thought they hadn't even finished dubbing the rest of the series. I was told by many people that it would stop airing after episode 25 because of the catching up Funimation had to do.[/color]
  12. [color=darkslateblue] ... I am sorry for being an ***, but I fail to believe that you can just suddenly change your whole outlook on this. Judging by your light comments of how 'amusing' we were, I can not see your post as anything but something you wrote just to end this. [/color]
  13. [color=darkslateblue] Don't compare apples to oranges. Murder is totally different from incest. Logic can be applied differently to different cases. As everyone else has said... if there is law made against incest, law enforcement would be lacking. Perhaps if there was a law against incest marraige...but I think there already is. I'm not sure. On another branch of thought: Do siblings who have incestous relationships have a mental or genetic issue? I was almost afraid to ask this, just because of the rudeness of it, but I just wonder. If indeed they do, there is a greater chance that some law is not going to stop them. This whole paragraph has been written solely on a thought, I'm probably wrong in some way.[/color]
  14. [i]Everyone attack the 14 year old Japanese girl why don't you... Ancient Civilizations and their Achievments Art of the World Other culture's achievments That's what. And I think Japan should close it's doors to America. China did it and look how far they came along. Props to China, boo to America. America coud be the "greatest" country but those poor immigranst don't know what they are getting themselves into. America could be a land of opportunities, but it really isn't all that great. And I think all Japanese items should be drawn out of America. They should take out the people and bring them home, take out the car's, food, anime, manga, language. The American children could still learn about Japan, but they just won't have a taste on it. And I think that's why all guns and missiles are pointed straight at America. Face it everyone hates them. And I can see why.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] Oh please. You don't even have the guts to respond to me, the one person who has been repeatingly attacking what you've said. Yeah, I'm attacking the 14 year old Japanese girl. You going to do something about it or just sit there and spew out random and unrelated topics to try and protect your damned dignity or whatever the hell you're living on. Japan would die without America. It might as well just sink under the damned sea. America could be the "greatest" country? Those poor immigrants don't know what they're getting themselves into? Do you think any other country is more nice to immigrants or something? Do you even know what it's like to be an immigrant minority in the US? It astounds me that you can be so elitist about your country. Do you realize that American culture is something that a lot of Japanese youths fantasize about? I don't understand where you're coming from. Did you ever recieve some part of your education in Japan or have you lived in Toronto your whole life? [/color]
  15. [i]So now your saying Japan is a motherland. Japan does deserve to be blamed partially for their war time past. Of course they killed "millions" of people during their Asian Domination. And Japan isn't some country that thrives over war, blood, and savage like you are describing it.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] First of all, if you ever joined a debate team, people would be ripping your guts out right now. [i]Hello[/i]. Learn how to read correctly. I never said Japan was a motherland, I said, "stop acting like Japan is some holy motherland." Second of all, in no way did I say that Japan was a country that thrived off of war, blood, and savagry. Shut up, please. I have no respect for you, so I'm not even going to try and be decent when talking to you. Oh, so people who's country hasn't had war on their land doesn't deserve to talk about war? BS. But fine. I'm from Korea. We've had plenty of war. Let's talk war. You're right. War isn't about some elf who hops around, gets shot, and then recovers. War is a hell you'll never imagine. Whoop-dee-doo, your ancestors went through it. So have a million others. Some kid in Iraq probably just lost his whole family. Shut your mouth. Japan is not some special country that is exlcuded from all the other countries. There are tons of country that went through stuff that was worse than what Japan went through. The "millions", as you so wrote, of people killed by the Japanese army has suffered more than you. [/color]
  16. [color=darkslateblue] Actually, the proportions aren't that bad at all. You can fix the ankle thing in about two seconds, and the only other problem I see is that the hips are too thin. Other than that, it's a great picture. :) Nice stance and head/torso proportions, since those are the proportions most people tend to have problems with. Nice job! [/color]
  17. [i]Well well well. Your ancestors had to eat tulip buds and they had to "prepare" to wait and see if men came with guns came to their door. Hmpf. My last name is proudly Hiroshima. And my ancestors during that time did not "prepare" for a large bomb dropping right on their roof. They had no time to "prepare" for half of their family, which let me tell you almost wiped out the whole family line all together, to be wiped out. My great-grandfather didn't get a chance to see what his daughter was going to look like. He died instantly once that bomb hit the ground. And my great-grandmother died with her baby still in womb of leukemia. For that, little "incident", I have grown up in fear that someone will drop a bomb on my house. As I had said before I didn't learn better details until recently. Of course it made me mad that our kamikaze warriors crashed themselves into Pearl Harbor. But what was Pearl Harbor, wasn't half the opulation of Pearl Harbor men injured in the war? Weren't they going to die anyways? And Retribution like you have said before about your aunt thinking that the Japanese are sneaky people. You can tell her yes we are. We are a very,very, sneaky people.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] *curse* I really tried to hold myself back in the last post, but you are really just pissing me off. Stop acting like Japan is some holy motherland that doesn't deserved to be blamed. Effing heck, I feel like slapping you. I feel like slapping a lot of people, myself included. I KNEW something like this would come up when I wrote this thread, but I wrote just in spite. So saying that I'm being an utter lameass right now, I can say this: SHOVE IT. Every country in this damn world has done some pretty crappy things, Japan included. You say your great-grandfather never saw what his daughter was going to look like. You know what? A million other people saw their best friend get blown up in front of their faces. A million other people saw their parents killed brutally. A million other people saw a hell that you will never see. I am mad. I am so mad. You have no idea how angry and frustrated I am. My hand is literally shaking while I write this. WOE IS YOU. Your ancestors had a horrible past, and I have sympathy for them. Well then, woe is all the soldiers who have died for nothing. Feel bad for the people who has suffered everything. I can't believe you are sitting there trying to say that we should all feel bad for Japan and not get angry at them in the slightest. Well, hell, just sit there and don't get angry at the US then. Oh, and you are sneaky. Good job. [/color]
  18. [color=darkslateblue] I was bored, so I went through a bunch of drawings that I had on my desk. It was mostly what I had drawn over the last four months, but I realized that mostly I was drawing one guy over and over again. I thought it was pretty amusing to see how I kept on changing him and how my drawing style itself changed over four months, so (like the dork I am), I scanned in 20 versions of the guy and put them all on two pages. :) And also a random girl. She definitely changed a lot ever since I drew the first version of her. [url]http://xs27.xs.to/pics/05185/guylayout1.png[/url] [url]http://xs27.xs.to/pics/05185/guylayout2.png[/url] [url]http://xs27.xs.to/pics/05186/girllayout.png[/url] Notes: I really dislike #1-5, 9, 14, 15, 17, and 20. Especially #20. >_> Random Stuff: The anime I'm watching usually effects how I draw, so um, I suppose the dark-ish eye-lines of the guy are taken from Gaara's eyes from Naruto. And if you notice, the guy's final clothing's upper-neck part is similar to Sasuku's from Naruto. And for the girl, her hair is pretty similar to Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist. :) I also feel a bit dumb, because in the second page, all of the versions are facing the same direction, lol. Same with the page with the girl drawings on them.[/color]
  19. [color=darkslateblue] *dies* Anything I ever said about an anime having good fight scenes? Anything? CROSS IT OUT AND REPLACE IT WITH NARUTO EPISODE 133. The animation was effing [i]gorgeous[/i]. My respect for the animators of Naruto just got multiplied tenfold. *0* So...wonderful...*drools* [spoiler] When I was watching the episode (gleefully, as Sasuke was getting served in a way no one could make him get served), I noticed that when Naruto when into stage 2 (or whatever it's called) of his Kyuubi power thing, there was only one tail. First though for me: Gasp, only 1/9 of Kyuubi's power? It seemed ridiculous for me at first, but hey...this was a beastly demon after all. If I'm right, and Naruto does keep on levelling up, he won't be able to control it and the seal will be broken. And so on and so forth. Random question: do you think the animated series will keep a more serious tone from now on? I realize that during this episode, things were more serious, excluding those random face expressions. When Naruto's clones burst, the sound wasn't as poofy and happy, more like a 'pung' (I feel dumb writing this). And...I'm still digging the animation. I felt like a little schoolgirl after the episode was done. And the previews for the next one...I am dying of excitement. I hope it's one of those teary episodes. >_> (wet Kakashi, woot woot).[/spoiler][/color]
  20. [color=darkslateblue] I find the whole 'omg my country is justifed' ridiculous. Everyone makes mistakes. Get over it. But Japan shouldn't mess with history. (China and Korea should grow up.) The End. Hoorah. P.S. Don't compare WWII to the Iraqi War. That is so lame on many different levels.[/color]
  21. [color=darkslateblue] @DDG: [spoiler] It was definately in chapter 257 somewhere...Kakashi was talking to Itachi and um...yeah. I'm pretty sure. A lot of people were discussing it, so I'm sure it's there.[/spoiler][/color]
  22. [quote name='Cap'n]I totally agree with you. [spoiler]I was so excited about him being the Kazekage and his fight with Deidara was awesome. But he got demolished so quickly and now he looks all helpless getting Shukaku sucked out of him.[/spoiler'] Makes me want to cry...almost...[/quote] [spoiler]Argh! I know! Poor Gaara?but then again, what will happen to him without Shukaku? Maybe he?ll learn some new moves or?possibly his strength could weaken considerably. I?m guessing that Gaara does not use Shukaku like Naruto uses Kyuubi. In episode 125 or 126 when Gaara was fighting the?bone guy (I forgot his name), he said he didn?t have a lot of charka left and performed that quicksand thing as a last attack. If Shukaku really did give him extra charka, he wouldn?t have had a problem. But? I think Gaara has a lot of strength alone. Although we can?t be sure. The manga or anime never really tells us what Shukaku contributes to Gaara. Um, yeah. Well. I hope he doesn?t die. >_> I personally believe that Gaara is still conscious. I mean, a Kazekage unconscious for four days? Holy crap. And it was only one bomb. *sigh* I hope Gai?s team or Naruto rescues him or something. T_T[/spoiler]
  23. [i]We disagree on the point of his childhood. Lots of people have problems, and while your growing up, you're so impressionable and being treated badly molds you in the wrong way and could possibly scar you for life. However, that does not give him the right to do what hes done. Anyone can see that hes had some problems, but who hasn't? Hes doing the same thing that was done to him, scarring young children and just adding to the numbed of fu*ked up people in our world. The kids hes hurt and/or touched could become just another michael jackson down the road. Its proven that those who suffered from this when they were young are likely to do it when they're older. Lots of people sympathize with him, but personally, I can't even bring myself to think of him as anything other then a washed up musician who has way to much money with nothing better to do but sleep with small children.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] I never said that he had a right to do whatever he did, and we don't even know if he did them in the first place. I agree with your whole cycle of problems thing, and the fact that if indeed these children were actually molested, MJ should be punished in some way. I agree with most of the things you say. What I disagree with is that many people have the same idea of MJ as you: they can only see him as a disgusting man. How do you know what it was like to have endured the things MJ went through in his childhood? Can you really just come in and say "life's tough suck it up" when there are some events in peoples' lives that you can't even begin to comprehend? Yeah, I'm sure there are many people in this world that has gone through some really tough stuff, but they react to it in different ways. Now, I can't use this argument and apply to whether or not his childhood problems resulted in him molesting kids, because I don't know if he molested them or not. So let's take into account his multiple changes to his face. I will take it as a reaction to the problems rooted into his mind from childhood. We would be nothing but cold-hearted losers if we just brushed it off and said "he's a freak and nothing's gonna change that." Well, ****. Maybe we could all just try and imagine the stuff he went through (if you want examples, I'm sure you could get plently of info from Google). As far as I know, it's his attempt to escape his father. Is that his fault? No and yes, but we could be a little more sympathetic towards him. So to everyone who is sure that he did molest those kids... But I can't help but feel lame as I write this. What if one of you know someone who has been molested. Has been molested? As I said earlier, I definately agree with the cycle thing that was brought up, so we can't just dump the blame on one guy and call him a freak. I feel just as ignorant writing this, because I have not gone through being molested. Or anything. So I should just wrap up this random jumble of thoughts into one word: ridiculous. [/color]
  24. [color=darkslateblue] The episode 25 I have (fansub) basically shows [spoiler] a sequence in which the military is having his funeral, and in the end Roy cries, but all this goes on while the credits appear in the corners of the screen.[/spoiler] I guess AS had to edit it or something.[/color]
  25. [color=darkslateblue] Eh....I don't know exactly when, but it's sometime during the fall. Or when school start again. Or something. They'll be playing re-runs of the already shown episodes, though. Note of Nina's voice: She sounds like a 12 year old. :/[/color]
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