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Everything posted by eleanor
[color=darkslateblue] As James said, all the proportions look good and the coloring is very nice as well. I like the tophat, lol. :3 It's great! But I'm not really digging the filter that you put on it, or the background. I'd also like to see it unmodified, if it was possible. Other than that, awesome job. :)[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] Aw, she's cute. ^_^ *hugs her* Your proportions are very well done, yay! That's always a good talent to have. I applaud you on how you drew the face, because I can't draw frontal faces worth crap. V_V Kudos. The only complaint I will choke out is that wrinkles you drew in the head-scarf (sorry, I don't know the official word or anything >_>) are all fully connected. You could perhaps go on Google images and look up a picture of similar clothing and try and imitate the cloth wrinkles. It's very helpful. :) Great job![/color]
Michael Jackson: Guilty or not Guilty?
eleanor replied to foxfire_2008's topic in General Discussion
[color=darkslateblue] I have much sympathy for this guy. It's obvious his child life completely sucked a** and father messed him up somehow. It's so obvious that this is a mental problem, but all I can hear people say is "OMG MJ is a freak ew". Did I think he did it? Since the media is OH SO reliable, I'll definately come back to you after thinking about if for two years. Seriously, this is the first time I've ever actually written something about MJ. It's possible that we could all just shut up and realize that there are many, many child molesters out there. Go ***** about them, please.[/color] -
[color=darkslateblue] Immediate family incest would be bad for the children the two people would have. High, high, high chance of something going wrong during the fertilization of the egg. Even with extended family, the children have a high risk of being unhealthy or developing some sort of mental problem. But I really have no problem with them marrying. They should just re-think whether they should have kids of not, eh? Actually, what I'm most curious about when the subject of incest comes up is the psychological reasons brothers and sisters normally will not fall in love other than platonically. And all that fun mind stuff. :)[/color]
[i]You know what? I think I'm gonna take a survey on whether people liked the ending of FMA or not. Both of my friends didn't and they both called me up to yell at me about it. @_@ I only convinced one that it was still a good ending.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] They CALLED you on the phone to moan about FMA's ending? Holy crap. Hardcore fans... I love FMA's ending. [spoiler] What was Ed's ultimate and very final goal? To save Al. Who is the person Ed loves and would die for in a heartbeat? Al. At a sacrifice, he gave Al life, therefore accomplishing his goal. I love the ending so much. It shows the sacrifice Ed had to give, the one thing he kept close to him: his relationship with Al. And it also shows the love between the two. And it was just plain cool.[/spoiler] What I don't understand is why a lot of fans hate it. But then again, I advise them to not complain about it, because technically the FMA movie is the last 'episode'. So um...the only thing I hope is that they don't make the real ending lame. P.S. Um...I'm a girl. >_> [/color]
What deep thought or quote do you think of regularly?
eleanor replied to Kyoko Makashiro's topic in General Discussion
[color=darkslateblue] Not exactly a famous quote or anything, but I keep it to heart: [i]"Pride is the root of all sins."[/i] ^_~ I hate arrogant people the most, so I try and live as modest as I can. And while the quote may not be 100% true, it is very much accurate in many cases. :)[/color] -
[i]I really like the music for it to, especaily the openings for the 2nd season(season? hmmm im not sure what they are called) and the opening before the current one. The music during the show is amazing to. I love shikamaru's thinking music!!![/i] [color=darkslateblue]I also like the opening to the current Naruto anime season...and the opening sequence itself. [spoiler]No more Sasuke![/spoiler] Hurray! :D I think I just natually hate the guy. But he can be lovable...[i]sometimes[/i]... But I also recently watched episodes 126-128, so I probably hate Sasuke more now. Even his evil laugh is lame. As for the manga: [spoiler] I just read the latest chapter. I was never really interested in Itachi or Sasuke's little "I-need-revenge" romp (I think I died at one point when watching episodes 129-131), so it's just a passing thing for me to do when I'm bored. I was sort of 'what?' when I learned that using the Sharingan too much would make the eyesight go bad. What a crappy side effect. *sigh* I wish there was more of Gaara. >_>[/spoiler][/color]
[color=darkslateblue] I like a lot of hip-hop/rap songs, so when I first heard Candy Shop, I thought it was a cool song. First of all, as a girl, I don't care about the lyrics 50 Cent is singing. [i]Hello.[/i] It's a mainstream rap song. A lot of guys are perverted jerks anyway, so it's not like 50 Cent is something evil that stands out against the billion other guys. Second of all, I wanted to point this out: this is song you can play at a party and dance/have fun to. Anyways, what the heck would we dance to if we didn't have hip-hop? [/color]
[color=darkslateblue] *spasm and die* I just watched episode 132 raw, but it was still cool. :0 [spoiler]By the end, Kyuubi came out (as expected)...but I was especially happy because maybe now he'll kick Sasuke's ***. :D It got pretty sad at some parts for me, though. Naruto is probably my favorite character out of the anime, so um, I mourned for his mourning. I couldn't help it, there was a sad piano piece playing as the background music (I think). :3[/spoiler] I think this show is battling for my 'favorite anime' spot. [/color]
[i]I can't wait unitl this up-coming saturday's episode. I have a feeling DA and Gaia will have a lot of messages about that one. The preview didn't even give away anything! No one will be ready, they'll all be like "Woh, I didn't see that coming" (or maybe some will, I'm exaggerating). I just want to see what everyone's reaction is going to be.[/i] *do not read unless you've seen episode 25, I'm warning you* [color=darkslateblue][spoiler] ACK! NO! *hugs Hughes* He's still alive...in my heart... ;_; By the middle of episode 25 (when I first watched it), the thought that Hughes would die entered my mind. It haunted me until he did. Which left me...with a face like this: *___________________*. Hughes was my favorite character....*sniffle* So far, I don't think anyone from the audience of the AS shows has predicted it (as far as the FMA communities I go to), but then again...I believe many people will expect it halfway in as well.[/spoiler][/color]
[color=darkslateblue] Hm...this is probably the first time I came into this thread. I'm surprised there isn't as much discussion about the actual anime. The last several episodes have really been mind-gnawing, as in I want to see the fight between Naruto and Sasuke. >_> Even though I'm probably missing the whole point...but still. *shuffles* Question: [spoiler] I have never really kept up with the Naruto manga, but does the anime follow the manga or does it go off on its own? [/spoiler] Though I was always curious: I will assume that many people have downloaded fansubs of Naruto up until now (even after it was licensed I could very easily find places that were still distributing fansubs of current releases), so...why do so many people get upset over American dubbing and such? You have your fansubs. :/ [/color]
[i]Oh, and Lunox, I don't want any more of the movie revealed to me! =P Otherwise I would discuss it more. Although, I'm curious: [spoiler]what does it matter what Al or Ed wear?[/spoiler] O_o[/i] [color=darkslateblue] :3 Haha, I'll try. As for the [spoiler]clothes[/spoiler] thing, I have no idea. When I first saw it, I barely thought about it, but a lot of people were cooking up some pretty wild theories. *shrug* I wouldn't be surprised if it barely had any meaning, lol. [/color]
[color=darkslateblue] I had been meaning to post this thread for a week or so now, but I never really got around to it until now. Anyways. I was reading Newsweek and read an article about anti-Japanese riots in China, which interested me greatly, so I read the whole thing. First of all, let us all revel in the stupidity of the Japanese government or whoever it was that decided to "slightly change" their history textbooks. Please. As if the rest of the world doesn't know what Japan really did during WWII. I'm not sure as to what exactly has changed in the textbooks, but changing history in the first place is one of the dumbest, lamest, stupidest, did-I-mention-lamest, things ever. [i]I'm sure it's happened before[/i], but I'm just going to *vent* now. Of course, it didn't help that was a Chinese nuclear submarine practically just lurking around Japan. Good job, both of you guys. And now Japan is getting all huffy and criticizing China's textbooks. Holy. Mother. Make like Germany and be honest. Second of all...um...now Japan has 'claimed' the Tokdo islands. Korea is going freaking nuts. A Korean man whose father was forced to serve in the Japanese army has LIT HIMSELF ON FIRE in front of the Japanese embassy in Korea for a demonstration. Yes, that Japanese ambassador just HAD to mention that the Tokdo islands were "historically and legally Japan's territory." Yes, because a tiny island matters so much that you must claim because the future of the world lies in that island. You know, things were actually going sort of good between Japan and South Korea. Smooth. Nice. Enter lame-*** ambassador who sparks a huge fight because of two small islands sitting somewhere in the ocean. Or Maybe the Japanese government wanted him to say it. Ugh. Being Korean, it's practically just in my gut to be biased against Japan. My mom practically loathes the country because of the things that had happened to her family. But still...this whole thing is ridiculous.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] @ Dagger: I agree with you as well. It was just one of those cheap suspense things to lure people in... but damn, I did warn you about getting too worked up about that. I didn't really care about it, though, because I was pretty much sure of Ed's GIANT QUESTION from the beginning. I had remembered that scene from Episode 3, [spoiler] when Ed is getting his automails attatched and he says that line about "this pain is nothing etc. etc." [/spoiler], and it was so-much-for-the-suspense. But Ed's freakishly large, burning guilt-complex makes up a huge part of his character as well. :D And I like brotherly moments, anyway. And father-son moments. Which is probably a huge reason as to why I like FMA so much. :3[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] @xmystic_silverx: your banner...lol...Roy looks like a sleazy bar owner... XD It that air freshener? Winry looks cool. D: Anways...my lame attempt to spark discussion. [spoiler] I'm pretty sure most fans know, but in the FMA movie, Al has dressed up very similarly to Ed. The only exception is that his pants aren't leather and his shirt has a different buckle. Any reasons why? When I first saw the picture of movie!Al, the first natural thought that came to me was Al was merely dressing like Ed as if to honor or remember Ed. So far my opinion hasn't changed, but a lot of people are making up some theories as to why he's dressing up like Ed...one I remember is that he's trying to impersonate Ed and something to do with the gate. :/ Opinions? [/spoiler][/color]
Writing Salinger-esque for school [PG13 - L]
eleanor replied to Roxie Faye's topic in Creative Works
[color=darkslateblue] From what I remember while reading J.D. Salinger, he did not use the same phrases that often in a short amount of space. I could be wrong...but I read a lot of "and all"'s in there. Holden uses some phrases a lot in the book...but I don't really remember him using so much of the same thing. The way I've always though of Holden's language is that he just uses regular English (not so many catchphrases) from a very cynical/sarcastic viewpoint, and then threw in something funny. I could definately feel the whole 'the world sucks' thing, but not so much the sarcasm that's in Catcher in the Rye. But nonetheless I think you'll get a good grade. :) Excuse my nit-pickyness...I just really love Catcher in the Rye. It was fun to read. [/color] -
[color=darkslateblue] Although I hate writing them, essays are one of my fortes in writing. So yes, when I'm in a timed environment and I have to write a 4 or 5-paragraph essay, my best work comes out. My literature teacher loves replacing tests on books we've read/or anything else with one-hour class timed essays. So far I have developed a great relationship with them....they keep my grade up easily. Most people hate them because a lot of people in my class spend about 20 minutes planning the damn thing and then end up not finishing. I never really use pre-writing, I find it easier to just go in and write it. Most of the time I just write something as briefly as possible in the box my teacher gives us for prewriting so I can get credit for it. I just find essay writing so... easy, if I have to be blunt. But if anyone ever timed me with creative writing, I'd die in a heartbeat.[/color]
[i]a) He advocates freedom, yet he is hardline Catholic, against homosexuality, female priests, abortion etc. Freedom for who? Your average white male?[/i] [color=darkslateblue] The main reason I was sort of 'eh' about this guy. When my mom brought up the topic while we were at a restaurant and I sort of just burst out "it's obvious this guy is probably going to favor your regular white guy!" and stuff. Dumb of me to say since I haven't really looked into this, but whatever. It's probably true. And I just don't like conservative people. Most of the time they make ugly faces at me whenever I walk by them with my cello case (which has a Kerry Edwards sticker plastered on it). :)[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] *heehee* I actually came across this while I was reading Entertainment Weekly. I didn't read the whole article, but I hope it comes to theatres. If it's made by this guy, it's good enough for me... Miyazaki is a freaking genius. When I learned that he practically made Spirited Away in one job with no revisions, I was blown away. It's like writing an excellent novel without making any edits (although that analogy is also a bit redundant). Every Miyazaki film I've seen has been great. Once I went to a friend's house and watched Princess Mononoke and The Cat Returns for the first time... *0* (The baron from The Cat Returns is just plain sexy.) I meant to borrow Nausicaa, but I forgot to take it in the morning. >_> Ah well. And Totoro remains one of my favorite films ever. :3 [/color]
[color=darkslateblue] People actually just play DDR with the controller? *odd look* Strange... You really are missing out. :D Playing with feet is really just plain fun...I've tried it with the controller (I had plugged in the game controller and the dance pad, and I played with the controller for a while...pretty boring if you ask me) And you get abs! lol Right now my goal is to get an A on Paranoia Eternal on heavy. >_< Highest score I've gotten B. Someday I'll get an A. Someday. *glares at PS2*[/color]
[i]Lunox, could you tell me specifically what the three plotholes are? FMA more than likely has plotholes, but I was wondering what they were and couldn't find it explicitly stated. ^^;[/i] [color=darkslateblue] *scratches head* I wasn't saying there were exactly three plot holes... I was referencing back to when I addressed the plothole problem in FMA (IMO I could care less about the plotholes because the overall impression of FMA is so positive to me). As for examples...many people still blow up about [spoiler] Wrath being able to do alchemy, when Envy's face turns into a young Hoenheim (people complain that "if Hoenheim was switching around to a bunch of bodies he probably didn't have that current body at the time he had Envy blah blah blah", something about Wrath's age (the nit-picky people attacked it), how homunculi aren't able to do alchemy but Envy brought that bird back to life when he was imitating that priest, and a bunch of other stuff.[/spoiler] Once again... I could care less. The plot holes that many people point out are often insignificant and dumb [Hell, once this guy complained that Hawkeye shot 6 bullets at Black Hayate but there were 7 bullet holes or whatever. Dumbest thing ever. And then other people are going "OMG when is rains why doesn't the water seep into Al and wash off his seal huh huh?!" and I feel like smacking them.] @ the writing problem: I am a huge literature fan, so if an anime has horrible enough writing, I'll hate it. What I mainly don't understand is that FMA [i]doesn't[/i] have horrible writing. Yes, it's cheesy [i]at times[/i] (rarely) but as I said, there are also good dialogue (from what I read from the subs, at least). Besides, if people actually want to complain about horrible dialogue in anime, they should not be pointing at FMA. But then again, I think most people use the term 'bad writing' to refer to the plotholes. Plotholes that are dumb and small to begin with, but whatever. What annoys me in a lot of reviews is that people say that there are giant plot holes but fail to give us good examples. I mean...I do know there are plotholes and I would probably find them if I was bored enough to re-watch the series and jot down notes like a loser, but I'm not going to. So what I'm saying is that if you're going to officially review something (as in host it on a high-quality anime fansite where tons of people will read it) you should have some examples. @ poor planning: Once again...people use the term 'poor planning' to refer to the 'plot holes'. Right now I can't think of many plot holes off the top of my head that came up during the last episodes (mostly because I don't care about them). *shrugs* Seriously, I just do not care that much for the supposed "poor planning" of the last 20 episodes. @ character development: Well...I love character development, so I'd probably be sort of peeved that if Ed didn't change at all. :/ But he [i]did[/i]...so, um... *sticks tongue out* I get the most annoyed when people say there is no character development...because there obviously is. As for the whole 'why do character have to even change' thing...well, I don't know. It has always been a huge thing in literature and has been passed on to other mediums. Possibly because of the Hero's Journey. In the process, the hero obtains the "elixer of life", which most likely stands for new knowledge/maturity. The Hero's Journey applies to almost every fantasy/myth/whatever book ever, so I wouldn't be surprised if you could find traces of it in modern literature. P.S. Erm...I'm not sure if people understand correctly, but the 'flaws of FMA' thing I'm doing is like just tackling each one. I do [i]not[/i] agree with 99% of the complaints people throw at FMA. I'm just 'addressing' them, for lack of a better word. Personally I think everyone complaining about every aspect of the show should just shut up and go sit in their corner and watch the anime they like. [/color]
[QUOTE=xmystic_silverx] 1.) [spoiler]When Al brings Ed back to life he doesnt have his automail arm, but when he sends himself through the gate and ends up in London or Munich (where ever it was..) he has it, again 0_o Can someone tell me why that is? Maybe I was seeing things and looked at the wrong arm when he was brought back, I dont know..[/spoiler] 2.) [spoiler]When Mustang confronts the Furher about his sercretary he comes out of the room and he looks like he was going to cry or he got hit by the Furher and Hawkeye wipes something on his face... What happened to him?[/spoiler] These just may be things to over look or I probably missed something while I was watching it but these 2 things have been bugging me all day and I wanted to know if there was any explination.[/QUOTE] [color=darkslateblue] [spoiler]Well, to explain the whole thing... When Ed was first taken by the Gate, his soul and body were 'split', so his body remained in the Gate and his soul took over the Ed that was in the other world (the one with the shorter hair and no braid). And then that body was killed by the zeppelin, so his soul traveled back into the Gate and went back into his body. If you recall, Wrath's arm and leg (limbs that were originally Ed's) was taken from him by the gate during that time. Remember? When his leg/arm were taken, Ed was still in the Gate, so he came back to his original world. So when Ed was killed by Envy, his soul went 'into the gate', and with Al being the Philosopher's Stone, he was able to get Ed's arm and leg and soul and bind them all together (because at that time, Ed's arm/leg, and soul were all floating around somewhere in the gate). Then, Ed decided to bring Al back....well, as for that, I still don't quite understand. It could be possible that Ed's arm and leg were offered up for 'equivalent trade' once again...*shrug* And technically, his automail arm and leg would be in the Gate after Al replaced them with his flesh limbs. Um. Yeah. I hope you understand my ramblings. :3 As for the Roy thing...what episode was that? I recall it, but I don't really remember Hawkeye wiping something on his face. :/[/spoiler][/color]
[color=darkslateblue] Well, the only game I play on PS2 is DDR, so I'm practically going to have to save more than 4 times every hour (it saves after every 'game', which lasts approximately 10 minutes each). I have a liscenced Sony brand memory card as well. :/ Have no idea... yesterday I just erased everything and started from scratch. Thanks for all the help, though. :)[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] I've never turned the system off/taken out the memory card while it saved...*sigh* But that means the problem is with the memory card, right? [/color]
[color=darkslateblue] I'm *really* sorry if this is in the wrong place, but I thought it'd be the best place to put this thread. :/ I just bought a PS2 recently, and I've played DDR on it for about three weeks now. I pretty much had a whole bunch of stuff saved on my memory card, but yesterday it said that the 'system data is corrupt' and I couldn't load up any of my saved info. Is this just a memory card malfunction or something wrong with the PS2 itself? Any help would be greatly appreciated.[/color] [color=#4B0082]Yep, this is the right place. I'm just gonna merge this with a previous PS2 thread. ^_^ - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]