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Everything posted by eleanor
[color=darkslateblue] The green hair? Hahaha! Never really thought about it like that before. ^_^;; Yeah, apparently a lot of fangirls like pairing Envy with Ed...and I've even seen Envy with Roy in which Envy SEDUCES Roy by pretending to be Ed. It was jolly. XD[/color]
[i]Argh, now you have got to tell me who they are. Do you mean they are other characters that have already been introduced? And which is the one with the green hair? Thanks.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] The green-haired guy isn't a spoiler or anything, so I can pretty much tell everyone that he's Envy (don't worry, it's not a spoiler for anything). I'm definately not telling you who the other ones are! :P You have you find out on your own...[/color]
[color=darkslateblue]There are seven Homunculi [basically the seven deadly sins (Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Pride, Sloth, and Wrath)], but it's who they are that will surprise the wheelies out of you. O_o Of course, Lust is the coolest out of all of them. :) And I have nothing better to do, so if anyone is interested, I've attatched two magazine layouts about the upcoming Full Metal Alchemist movie and an interview with the story editor. [b]WARNING: DO NOT VIEW ANY OF THESE IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE ENTIRE SERIES. [/b]And seriously, if you consider yourself an intelligent being and don't want any of the movie spoiled for you, don't read the interview. [b]Interview with the story editor.[/b] [i]Interviewer: The movie starts 2 years after the end of the television anime series: Fullmetal Alchemist. Have you (story editor) thought of what kind of man Ed would have grown up to be?[/i] [i]Story Editor: Personality-wise, he'll surely still be the same.[spoiler] However he's being unable to use alchemy, in a place with no friends, being away from his father, and still not achieved his goal... Even after 2 years of scientific research on how to return to his world, he's been denied a solution. He'll be starting to think it's a distant dream he's trying to chase... Kind of like, "What am I doing..?"[/spoiler][/i] [i]Interviewer: [spoiler]So he is still trying to return to his world..?[/spoiler][/i] [i]Story Editor: [spoiler]Well, yes. But having no means to achieve that is probably the most painful thing.[/spoiler] For example, having a dream like "I want to work as a (---)" and finding out how to actually go about doing it. Not getting any clue on that... well you'd work hard for about the first 1 or 2 months... Read books, meet people and all that, but you slowly lose focus. You'd gain more self respect, but being in that sort of helpless situation, one wouldn't really know what to do. Ties with other people would weaken and even you yourself would slowly stop expressing your inner feelings. Especially for [spoiler]Ed, since he knows this isn't his world, would think, "I'm not one of this place, so it's best not to get too involved with people here"and would avoid getting too close to people to have good friends or even someone he likes, and keep out of politics so he won't get distracted.[/spoiler][/i] [i]Interviewer: [spoiler]He must be lonely...[/spoiler][/i] [i]Story Editor: [spoiler]Well, how Ed thinks makes sense to himself, but to the other people of the world he's in, they probably think he's out of touch with reality.[/spoiler] Then again, there are plenty of people out there who think they're from a completely different world from everyone else. People who keep themselves from getting involved with other. I think there are lots of young people out there who are like this. The TV animation series was written with a rather fantasy-like feel, but I intend the movie to be closer to reality.[/i] [i]Interviewer: There's a new character who's together with Ed now. Alphonse Haidelihi (Translator's note: I'm not sure what his last name is supposed to be in English so directed translated it from Japanese)... who looks just like Al... *laughs*[/i] [i]Story Editor: Hehe yes, he's a guy one would think is a grown-up version of Al. [spoiler]At the end of the TV series, Ed 'bumped' into a young man who looked exactly like himself, and it was pointed out by his father (Hohenheim) that, "Somewhere, there's probably an Al of this world". Aside from looking just like Al, Alphonse Haidelihi also shares the same name. Ed would want to be in his company, hence them being together.[/spoiler][/i] [i]Interviewer: So they share a brotherly relationship?[/i] [i]Story Editor: Ed probably can't help but see him as a brother. He even told Alphonse Haidilihi a little about his own past, "I'm from another world, and have a brother there who looks just like you". However, Alphonse Haidelihi doesn't know if Ed's story is truth or lie. He'd definitely be going, "What's this guy thinking...?" So being treated like some guy's brother all of a sudden is a little inconvenient, and vexing. He might even have to try to live up to Ed's expectations.[/i] [i]Interviewer: What kind of character is he (Alphonse Haidelihi)?[/i] [i]Story Editor: He's a youngster of German origin who was studying under the father of modern rocketry (Hermann) Oberth. That's where Ed met him. He wants to prove the worth (scientific) of his fellow countrymen after their defeat in World War I, along with other young people. That's his aspiration; by achieving a rocket that can actually be ridden, Germany's pride and honor will be restored.[/i] [i]Interviewer: In theTV series, Ed was shown to have matured gradually. Will the movie show him even MORE grown-up?[/i] [i]Story Editor: The "to return to my world, I'll do ANYTHING" sort of reckless attitude should be gone, so you could say he's changed some. On the other hand, he might become contented because there's a person with him who looks just like Al. To live like this, in a sort of dream for the rest of his life would be tempting, as long as it doesn't cause hurt to anyone else. Whether that's the kinda of maturity he's always seeked to gain though, is a different issue. In other words, the "have I really grown up?" theme is about the same as in the TV series. Hmmm but if he actually got taller, I don't know *laughs*.[/i] [i]Interviewer: I'm beginning to wonder where that positive-thinking Ed of the TV-series went![/i] [i]Story Editor: Actually, what happens to Ed in the 2 years before the movie won't really be touched on too much. Ed is confronted with an event close to him, and it's from there that the movie really begins.[/i] [i]Interviewer: Ed's lost some focus of his goal, and isn't as cheerful as before. To have an incident that would actually get him going again... what does it all mean?[/i] [i]Story Editor: Well, it's just that; After getting caught up in something, Ed will return to his old self. At the same time, the goal he's been losing faith in all this while will present its chance, [spoiler]a clue on how to return home[/spoiler], to him again. That's what makes Ed climb back up on his feet again.[/i] [i]Interviewer: Does that mean Ed will be able to [spoiler]return to his world?[/spoiler][/i] [i]Story Editor: Well that will be the main theme. There are, of course, other factors. To return, there will be the mysterious factor; something like the Philosopher's Stone in the TV series. Rocketry (that Ed is studying) will also play an important role.[/i] [i]Interviewer: So will the other characters of the Hagaren world appear? (Wnry, Al, the millitary people)[/i] [i]Story Editor: That... is still a secret *laughs*. [spoiler]In any case we've got Ed and Alphonse in this world,[/spoiler] so we COULD not have the other characters appear. Although in the trailer, there was Al in his armor form. What does that mean? You'll have to wait to find out.[/i] [i]Interviewer: [spoiler]So if Ed sees Alphonse as the Al of this world, does this mean other characters, like a Roy of this world will appear?![/spoiler][/i] [i]Story Editor: Yes, there is always that possiblity. Also, if originally Homoculus humans are around, in the same manner as Al (and Alphonse Haidelihi), people who'd look just like Lust or Gluttony would also exist. On second thought though, what happened the Homoculus who actually went through the Gate.... There're a lot of possibilities to explore there *laughs*. The TV series left a lot of questions. We'll be answering them bit by bit, so don't worry too much. But we'd be happy if everyone waits anxiously for any news/ information on the movie~ The movie itself is a continuation of the TV series. That is a promise. It can also be enjoyed by those who have never seen the TV animation series. Do bring friends who never watched 'Hagaren' down to the cinema. If you've seen the series, the movie will prove 10 times more fun.[/i] [i]-----End of Interview-----[/i] [b]Animage FMA Movie Layouts[/b] [url="http://xs19.xs.to/pics/05100/animage2005apr.jpg"]http://xs19.xs.to/pics/05100/animage2005apr.jpg[/url] [url="http://xs19.xs.to/pics/05100/animage2005mar.jpg"]http://xs19.xs.to/pics/05100/animage2005mar.jpg[/url] [b]Interview and pictures taken from [url="http://www.fullmetal-alchemist.com"]http://www.fullmetal-alchemist.com[/url][/b] [COLOR=black][SIZE=1][b]Added [spoiler] tags to blank out as much revealing information as I could. Even if it's only a small clue as to what happens at the end of a series, it's always courteous to blank it over anyway. I've not seen FMA yet but I really, really want to. I hope these spoilers aren't too serious, heh. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b][/color]
[color=darkslateblue] Hmm. After watching that episode on Cartoon Network last night, I must say: props to the editing staff! I barely noticed the cut they had in the episode, so they must be doing a great job. :) Oh, yeah, and [B]I LOVE HUGHES![/B] I was so glad that the US dubs nailed down the scene with Roy and Hughes on the phone. ;_; *tears of happiness* It's possibly one of my favorite scenes in the whole anime. [Oh yeah, and Angst!Ed is always a fabulous ingredient in a good episode of FMA. Hurrah.][/color] [i]The new episode was sweet. I practically jumped out of my skin hearing the ingrediant. I was like "OMFG!!! HOLY 5-17!". [/i] [color=darkslateblue] >_> I actually wasn't surprised when I first watched this episode. Maybe I have inner violence somewhere in me.[/color]
[i]=_= Fansubs, *sigh* its not that I hate them but they're hard to find! >_< Im sure once some fansubbing groups release it, people will flock. I'll never be fast enough to find them before everyone buys them out on Ebay or some place else *cries*[/i] [color=darkslateblue] ? You don't buy fansubs, you download them... If you want more information, you can PM me. :)[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] Sleeping. Ah. The bliss of soft pillows...warm sheets...no worries...comfy mattress... ;_; It's so good it hurts. The sad thing is that I'd rather spend a day sleeping then hang out with friends. No kidding. An actual conversation: Friend: Wanna hang out with us at the park? Me: ummmmmmmmm... *looks at bed. looks outside. looks at bed* I'm busy. Friend: What are you doing? Me: I'm uh...doing some work for my mom... Friend: *silence* Ok, fine. I slept for the rest of the day.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue][b]1. Have you ever attended an Anime related Convention?[/b] -Anime Weekend Atlanta, baby. [b]1. a) If so, what makes you want to attend an Anime Convention?[/b] -It's the highlight of being an anime fan: packed into a giant convention hall surrounded by geeks that love the same thing you do. Oh, and arguing with the Dealers. "THIS is fifty bucks?!" "Yeah, take it or leave it!" "I'll pay forty bucks." "Forty-five." "My little brother has an incurable disease and I live in a cardboard box." "Ok, forty bucks. God." [b]2. Have you ever attended any conventions that were /not/ Anime related?[/b] -No. Well. A food convention when I was really little, but only because my dad's in the grocery business. It was actually really fun, all the food was free and you just went around stuffing your face. Ah, heaven. [b]3. Assuming you would go to an Anime related convention, how much would you be willing to pay for a weekend pass for a reasonably large convention?[/b] -I would never do that at the door. O_o That'd be money suicide. [b]4. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on commercial products?[/b] -Too much, if I had that kind of money. >_> [b]4. a) On average, how much have you spent in the past?[/b] -$60-70 range. I know people who have spent over $300, though. [b]4. b) What's the most you've spent?[/b] -$70. [b]5. Assuming you would go to ANY type of convention, how much would you be willing to spend on NON-commercial products (fanart, doujin, "artists' alley," etc.)[/b] -Eh. Not much...only if there are any doujinshi that were really good. I would spent $30, tops...which would only get me about two doujinshis anyway, lol.[/color]
[i]What's funny is that it sometimes seems as if fans focus exclusively on what's turned out terribly (One Piece & etc.) while totally ignoring the fact that, yes, there are anime on TV which have solid dubs and manage to air pretty much uncut. Fullmetal Alchemist and Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, anyone? What about Witch Hunter Robin? Wolf's Rain? Big O? FLCL? We'll hopefully be able to add Samurai Champloo & Paranoia Agent to that list once summer rolls around (both of those series already have superb dubs, by the way; we just don't know if/how much they'll be edited).[/i] [color=darkslateblue] ARGH. Dagger, I love [i]you[/i]. You've just put into words what I've been wanting to rant while flicking someone's head, but was too doubtful to. Just lately, I was reading some peoples' opinions on the Full Metal Alchemist dub, which mostly consisted: GAH THE PEOPLE WHO DUBBED FMA SHOULD BE SHOT! and I'm sort of just sitting there in a dark corner thinking "...but I like Ed's dubbed voice...>_>" I always want to bring up Adult Swim in conversations like this, but I just assume everyone hates it or something! If anything, most of the anime dubs I loathe are 1) Pokemon/Yugioh and 2) Not even aired on regular US tv! Most of them are on the OnDemand section of Comcast. I mean, I think I died when I heard Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi, but I NEVER see anyone complaining about that! >_< Yeah, so. I LOVE ADULT SWIM. Take that, everyone.[/color]
[i]Your parents can't tell you what you can't and can buy with your money.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] Oh ho ho ho ho. What a wonderful world you live in. It sucks that you go to a school like that. The whole 'anime porn' thing was pretty unnecessary... But I'm doubtful that the school would make a rule against anime. :) I'd follow Japan's advice about the family situation. Don't hole yourself up with only anime/manga. Talk to your parents about school and you life (you can even make it up, really), and they'll be pretty happy. If it doesn't work, you have my sympathy. (You could always try and sit down and talk to them seriously about the subject). My best friend's mom is anti-anime, and she wouldn't let her go with me to an anime convention once. I'm sort of a closet anime fan as well, but only because I don't really talk about it in school a lot. But my school is pretty cool. A lot of people I talk to openly talk about it, read manga, and etc. and the faculty doesn't think twice about it. Heck, they make announcements about anime club on the intercom. [Yet they never talk about orchestra. >_>][/color]
[i]Have you seen all the crap out there nowadays...[/i] [color=darkslateblue] There has always been much crap in the anime world, so I don't know what you're getting at. [/color] [i]Lets not forget all these American ripoffs.[/i] [color=darkslateblue]As a matter of fact, anime style is based off of Disney's works. Hm. [/color] [i]And even worse, all the local & cable channels stopped showing the good shows, probably because of stupid parents that saw their seven-year old watch someone get ripped in half or the corner of a boob. Something must be done.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] I really don't see why so many complain about anime on TV, because I mostly watch Adult Swim for that kind of stuff and it's not like it's horrible or anything. Buy the DVDs if you're a big fan of a particular series. [/color]
[i]Vague Utena spoilers: [spoiler]On the other hand, it would be kind of amusing (in an evil scientist sort of way) to show Utena to impressionable young kids and see what kind of effect it might have on them, haha. Especially with all of the blatant incest, rampant hormones and homoeroticism in the second & third seasons. And then there's the movie, which has all of the above plus stylized nudity and a homosexual rape scene... [/spoiler][/i] [color=darkslateblue] ... I'm hoping you won't have kids, Dagger. O_o[/color] [i]It probably ranks up there with EVA, Utena, and Justice League Season 2 in terms of "kids' shows that were really not kids' shows".[/i] [color=darkslateblue]I don't know what age group you're talking about when you say 'kids', but doesn't Justice League air at like....10:30 or something? And I didn't even know that Evangelion and Utena were aimed at kids... *raises thoughtful eyebrow* Then again, the culture in Japan is so different.[/color]
[i]Maybe he was [spoiler]sent to the other side of the gate. (I didnt know if that should be in spoilers or not XP I had no idea what the gate was until I read a little more on it) [/spoiler][/i] [color=darkslateblue] Yeah, I did see [spoiler] a picture of a dragon in a scanned layout of Animage about the FMA movie...so...[/spoiler][/color] [i]When you say "ed's secret" you're talking about what he was going to ask Al, right?[/i] [color=darkslateblue] Yeah. It's not like some earth-shattering secret that will forever change the plot of FMA, it's just a secret question. And it's sweet. ^_^[/color] [i]There is one thing I have been wondering about [spoiler] in various pictures I have seen ed with brown and black hair, when and why does he do this, at first I thought it was just some fanart or something but my friend told me he really dyes it[/spoiler][/i] [color=darkslateblue] If I tell you, it'll spoil something, so read at your own will: [spoiler] Later on the series (around the middle of the 40s episodes) Edward and Al are wanted by the military. Ed dies his hair black in order to disguise himself. Never brown hair, though. [/spoiler] The movie is supposed to come out this summer in Japan, but I've also heard that it's coming out this August. I have no idea whether it's going to be officially released in the US, but I'm pretty sure fansubbing groups will release it on bittorrents or something.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] ARGH. I used to be a huge fan of Evangelion, but now when I'm bored and randomly watch Evangelion episodes on the Anime Network, sometimes I feel like throwing stuff at the screen. It's insufferable. *chokes* The dialogue....*dies* Sometimes it got downright [i]boring[/i], and I wondered how I was ever so obsessed with the series. .hack//SIGN bored the shizzle out of me, too. (If anyone replies to this and yells at me and tells me it's because .hack//SIGN is supposed to be meaningful and intelligent, I will personally hunt you down and hurt you. I can't count how many times people have thrown it in my face and then tried to shove it down my throat...before I could say another word). Funny anime...there's only one anime that has managed to make me laugh multiple times in one episode. It's my baby. (I will love it forever). Which reminds me. [B]I HATE EXCEL SAGA.[/B] It's humor falls on me like...nothing. I've never laughed at it. I've never even chuckled at it. The thought of thinking about chuckling has never entered my mind while I watched that anime. People tell me it's because I don't know what they're referencing to and etc. Don't worry. I'm fully aware. I still hate it. Another thing I can't take is when 14-year-olds find their 'true love' and of course they're going to be forever together. *coughs*DN ANGEL*coughs* Yes, Daisuke and his 'holy maiden' or whatever annoy the ferrets out of me...especially in the anime. But yet I still buy the manga. =_=[/color]
[i]Crap! I had to go and read Maladjusted's spoiler! Thank god I didn't understand it.....[/i] [color=darkslateblue]*laughs* Don't worry. Nothing you read isn't too major....in some ways. >_> I went back and rewatched episode 50, so I don't need an answer for the 2nd question I asked. I actually felt pretty stupid when I fully watched all the episodes before it, because then it made perfect sense. And it was just one fact.... =_=;;; But I still don't understand [spoiler]WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO ENVY. O_o[/spoiler]. [/color] [i]Anyway, the recent episode was very cool. I found it relaxing, because the series has been so dark lately. I am also wondering about Ed's secret, but I think they didn't reveal it because they didn't want to ruin the tranquility of the moment. The next episode though, looks to be as dramatic as ever.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] T___T It gets worse as the series continues...by the end I was like 'Please give me a filler episode...just to make me happy...;_;' But then again, that's one thing I like about FMA. It always holds your attention and moves forward with the plot. If you would like to know when Ed's 'secret question' is revealed, you won't have to suffer too much. You can highlight the spoiler if you want to know what episode he asks the question. [spoiler] Episode 24[/spoiler]. And it's so sweet. ;_; I die everytime Edward and Al have a brotherly moment. Ep. 15 is one of my favorites just because it has one of those moments. Oh, and just a thought. I've seen all the different versions of the opening/ending of the show... Does anyone else here love the opening for eps. 42-50? I think I was um...slobbering or something...I love the fight scenes. *_* [/color]
[i]On a lighter note, I love the female characters in this show. Lust, as I mentioned in my earlier post, is both excessively cool and very, very hot. It looks like we'll be seeing quite a bit of her in the next episode. Winry manages to be adorable, practical and rather unique--it was a real stroke of genius to make the token cute girl/childhood friend an obsessive mechanic. I really like her dub voice. And of course Hawkeye is also awesome. [/i] [color=darkslateblue] :D I love all the female characters in FMA as well! It's pretty amazing for me as well...it's the first anime that has managed to do that. (As well as make me LOVE the main character) This episode was never a favorite of mine, though. It managed to keep my attention nonetheless. :) And I love it when Edward explodes when someone calls him short. On other things, (don't read if you haven't seen the whole series) [spoiler] 1)What [i]does[/i] happen to Gluttony anyway? Does he just dissappear or what...? 2) I still don't understand the whole things when Envy turns into Edward's father thing. But I did skip a couple of episodes...and I'm too lazy to watch the episode again. =_=[/spoiler][/color]
[color=darkslateblue] Haha, don't take it to heart. ^_^ Dagger, you're undoubtedly far more knowledgable about recent anime and such. I was basing what I said about FUNimation on earlier anime when I was more 'obsessed'... But glad to hear it's not edited. :)[/color]
[i]I think, if he's like me, he didn't understand the relationship between [spoiler]Alchemy and the Gates[/spoiler], or, more directly stated, [spoiler]how the two worlds (really dimensions) interact[/spoiler]. I imagine the foreshadowing they did when Mr. H was talking with those dudes at the end will clear things up in the movie? O_o[/i] [color=darkslateblue] Hm. I never really thought much about the [spoiler]relationship between alchemy and the Gates (I just took in what information the dialogue gave me and didn't think much about it). Mostly I was sort of 'NYARGH' because Edward was in this other world and Al was seperated from him. And Roy's huge, gaudy eye-patch (And the fact that he even managed to survive).[/spoiler] Oh well. I guess the movie will clean everything up. Personally, my theory is [spoiler] that Ed will just stay in the 1920-30ish world after coming to some sort of touching resolution or whatnot. Which sucks for me. [/spoiler] Question: Are the DVDs of FMA going to unedited? Then again, we're talking about FUNimation here, so I guess that's sort of a stupid question. Unless...a miracle...?[/color]
[i]Anyway, everything is revealed about the movie on the first website you come across when you google for "Fullmetal Alchemist." I think the person they interviewed was an idiot, because he/she gave too much away. Does he/she think we are so dumb that we can't put two and two together? So, yeah, the movie will be the finale (aka the last episode). But read at your discretion: whoever they interviewed doesn't know how to keep secrets. I didn't read all the way through, so I don't know how much is spoiled (when I came across the first major spoiler, I stopped).[/i] [color=darkslateblue] Hahahaha...yeah, that happenend to me, too. Although I didn't stop myself and just read the whole interview. [Do I even NEED to watch the movie now?] Yes, of course I do. I love FMA...>_>.[/color] [i]I watched all the episodes of fullmetal alchemist. Can somebody explain to me that last episode a bit?(ep.51) I didn't fully understand the ending.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] What exactly did you not understand?[/color]
[i]A question of taste: I know that I, personally, tend to favour subtler series (where the pairings are mostly fangirl fluff and nonsense) over their more explicit counterparts, which tend to be plagued by the same troubles and tired cliches as het romances (where the pairings are mostly canon fluff and nonsense). I'd rather the characters' relationship intrigue me so thoroughly that I'm happy out in left field with nothing more than a half-baked misinterpretation of meaningless dialogue to show for my agonizing analysis than be bombarded with the coagulated mass of trite stereotypes and unengaging drama that romance series (the ones that intend to be romance series, anyway) seem fraught with. [/i] [color=darkslateblue] Eh. I am a wierdie, but a lot of people also agree with me at the same time. My taste, basically, is this: obsessing over gay couples that are either 1) A minor part of the show (i.e. Cardcaptor Sakura w/ Touya & Yuki) or 2) Not even gay in the show (i.e. Right now, it's Full Metal Alchemist w/ Roy & Edward) A large part of the whole 'OMG YAOI!' fanon is that we like to take regular characters and bend them, hence emphasizing the word 'fandom'. For some reason, I just never get into series dedicated to gay people...like Gravitation. I watched the anime series and like it for a while, but I haven't even touched the manga. Full Metal Alchemist? I think I obsess over every scene that even show Roy and Ed in the same room. Oh yes. :whoops: [;_; The characters in shows that aren't about gay couples are better looking, too!] The only series I like right now that could be considered 'mainly' about a gay relationship is Legal Drug. But then again, that's a maybe. I don't even know if CLAMP intends for the two main characters to get together, or it's some fanservice thing.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] No. For me, it is a waste of time. I suck at faking sick. How do you guys even fake sick and get away with it? Me trying to fake sick consists of me laying in bed akwardly, telling my mom in a groggy voice that my stomach hurts because that's the only thing I can say without my mom being able to tell if I am or not (like if you say you have a fever and you're forehead is as cool as a cucumber), and randomly throwing in two or three coughs to add in some drama. Anyways. I salute anyone who can do a good job of faking sick.[/color]
Manga Suggestions on a beginner's first manga..
eleanor replied to SaiyanDestroya's topic in Otaku Central
[color=darkslateblue] First of all, I am an avid supporter of NOT TRACING when learning how to draw manga/anime. I am a huge supporter of USING PICTURES AS A REFERENCE when learning how to draw manga/anime. All tracing does is influence your style, and a lot of times people just end up doing fanart for the rest of their lives, which, let me honestly tell you, is about 100 times easier than original art. What I would [i]suggest[/i] is you use picture as a reference, but not to copy the picture! Use it to get down how to space eyes, where to put the hairline, learn proportions. After you get the basics, be eager and willing to go out on your own and create your own characters and clothing and such. As you practice more and more, you'll perfect your own style and everyone will love it. Or else. :whoops: But if you decide not to use my way, there is a universally accepted idea: Practice, practice, practice, practice, practice...[/color] -
[color=darkslateblue] Very nice. :) I am loving the whole solid black against orange in the top half, so with that I'd like to suggest taking out the swaying plant-things and making the ground solid black as well. Yet again, it is something I'd have to see visually and compare and contrast before making a final decision. But it's totally up to you. I agree with Semjaza that the sword hilts (are they sword hilts?) looks a bit too cartoonish for the picture. Awesome job, though. [/color]
[color=darkslateblue] It looks wonderful, so...good job! :whoops: The only advice I'd give is to raise the hair line a bit and make it symmetrical, and to make the shoulders not-too-round. And just for a general tip, try and make your line strokes quicker and faster rather than slow and sketchy. Sounds a bit crazy, I know, but a lot of times artists will draw lines v e r y slowly and it ends up making the lines more lopsided and such. Hope to see more art. ^^[/color]
Writing Writing Workshop/Discussion & Literature Help [E]
eleanor replied to eleanor's topic in Creative Works
[color=darkslateblue] Hehe. I usually go through writing with much more less-technical process (unless I'm writing an essay). Basically, this quote sums it up: "You write the first draft with your heart, and the second draft with your head." Whenever I have a feeling to write, I'll write anything that comes to mind. When I get on a roll, I don't stop until I get a good chunk of it done (problem is, that rarely happens to me). It's during the massive amounts of time when I'm not on a roll that I'll bring up things I've started to write, cringe a bit at what I did write, and edit. Furiously. Word usage comes sort of naturally to me, but I do come across problems with word usage whenever my knowledge of vocabulary lacks and I have to use online dictionaries and such. Dialogue, on the other hand, comes as a discomfort for me. Whenever I'm writing dialogue, it's always: 'does this seem natural?' or 'would a high school kid [i]really[/i] say this?'. Sometimes I'll read dialogue from another story, and it'll just be something I can't believe. Other times, I'll read novels and completely worship the author because of his/her dialogue skills. I get with words many times whenever I'm actually writing the dialogue between two people, and I end up using very plain terms that 'normal' people would use. Here ends my ranty opinion paragraph. Lit. Quote of the Day "It's tougher for the [i]fish[/i], the winter and all, than it is for the ducks, for Chrissake."[/color] -
[color=darkslateblue] Definately Edward Norton. I first watched him in Fight Club, and I wasn't expecting much. Basically, this was me: Edward Norton? Who's Edward Norton? I've never heard of him in my entire life. That's it. He probably sucks. WRONG. Edward Norton is one of my favorite top actors, because he's f-ing brilliant when it comes to acting. One of the main reasons I adore Fight Club is because of Edward Norton's acting. Then I watched American History X, and GAH. He's amazing. I love him. Why hasn't he won an Oscar?[/color]