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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [quote name='Magus'][font=franklin gothic medium][color=darkred]Take your own advice, girlie. Don't ruin it for Canz, he has me convinced a bit.[/font][/color][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms]i just tell it like it is my man [img]http://i40.tinypic.com/1z3se1h.jpg[/img] in other news I had a publicist offer us the chance to interview Mintz-Plasse and Duke this Friday but OF COURSE finals studying gets in the way...curses because I have started to really like Mintz-Plasse since Role Models. [spoiler]double curses because finals studying has also prevented me from snagging a seat at an advance screening of Iron Man 2. i bled tears[/spoiler] [/font]
  2. [quote name='Magus'][font=franklin gothic medium][color=darkred]I'm curious. What kind of remedies do everyone take when they have colds? I hate drugs, but the only one I'd actually take is Alka-selzer (sp?) (and that's just as nasty as everything else). I call myself drinking a lot of tea, and just started eating spicy food (I eat spicy food often, I just never did it while having a cold). I just recently got this cold (2 days ago). Started out with the throat feeling all weird and funny, then the ears started tingling, and now the nose and ears are clogging up. Sneeze here and there too. I hate having colds. It ruins a lot of my days when I plan to have a bit of fun.[/font][/color][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] I have never tried this myself but I almost want to get a cold so I can. [url]http://www.ehow.com/how_5573567_treat-cold-dr-pepper.html[/url][/font]
  3. [quote name='Magus'][font=franklin gothic medium][color=darkred]Good luck convincing me. I'm pretty thick-headed when it comes to seeing movies that don't interest me. The movie just comes off as another one of those parody types, and I have no interest in those.[/font][/color][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] If you're not interested in a hilarious movie with a ****ing bad-*** girl who delivers some of the most satisfying actions scenes I've ever seen, then don't watch it[/font]
  4. [quote name='Ace'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]You know what an awesome place to discuss Kick-*** would be? In a Kick-*** thread. :-D[/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms]chill out bro[/font]
  5. [quote name='CaNz']i loved it as well, Im really glad i went to a theater to watch it. how did you like the ending Lunox?[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] [spoiler] Actually I thought the part with KA and Hit Girl flying through NY and then the scene on the rooftop was sort of too cheesy, but otherwise the very ending with Red Mist was aweesome[/spoiler][/font]
  6. [font=trebuchet ms] kick *** was amazing[/font]
  7. [quote name='Justin']That's just disturbing. Like ketchup and potato chips...ick. I was stationed in California for a little over a year. Anyone here who knows me knows that I'm from Alabama. Therefore, I like sweet tea. I had no access to sweet tea for a year. I have, since coming on board the new station in Georgia, gained three pounds. I blame sweet tea. And good barbeque. And good fried chicken. And Bojangles. And Waffle House. And all the other things about the South that make it the glorious and alluring land that I love. Mainly awfully unhealthy food. Have you ever deep fried a Snicker bar? Go do that. You'll hate life when it settles on your unprepared stomach, but good googly moogly, it's good on the way down. -Justin[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Apple and cheese is the bomb diggity also other southern foods that rock: - creole/cajun - dumplings - biscuits and gravy...or honey - cornbread - Chick-fil-A - Zaxbys - georgia peaches god we are awesome[/font]
  8. [quote name='Justin']Don't you love people who skip the funny part and go into totally incongruous details barely pertaining to the conversation? [/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] [img]http://i40.tinypic.com/2ewcdjs.jpg[/img][/font]
  9. [quote name='Clurr'][SIZE="1"]Go to the freezer section in your local grocery store and buy Morningstar Original Chicken Patties. They are totally vegetarian, but terrifyingly convincing. I've had to scrutinize the box to be absolutely certain they weren't made of real meat. Then get some Pillsbury biscuits. Go home and put the biscuits in the oven, warm up a chicken patty in the microwave. Make a sandwich. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] As a southerner, I laugh at this.[/font]
  10. [quote name='Stephanie'][size=1]No... just the local theatre's production of Harvey. But I did get to be an extra on the set of Vampire Diaries last semester! :D[/size][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Oh are you from Atlanta?? One of my writers wrote a piece about how Vampire Diaries filmed at Oxford campus of Emory[/font]
  11. [font=trebuchet ms] There is no one "right" way to go about writing a paper, so there is no "best" way to writing it either. The writing process can be wildly different between two people, but this is my way: - create a very detailed outline, including quotes and phrases that basically make up the full sentences in my first draft - continually edit my thesis to fit my outline. In most cases, my original thesis changes pretty dramatically by the time I'm done with my outline, and then changes a little more when I move from outline to paper. - make sure all my transition are crystal clear and smooth. (this is an essay-writing rule no one can escape: write for your reader) - make sure everything you write relates to your thesis, unless at one point you are posing questions that other scholars could possibly address (although this is more suited for concluding paragraphs) - the conclusion is not just a neat summary of your paper, it's where you also explain how your research changes/effects the particular field you're writing in/pose more questions/etc. Honestly the longest paper I've had to write so far was a 10-page paper in high school. In college the longest I've had to write was 8 pages. But a lot of people are surprised at how much time I put into writing papers. In one of my classes last year, I had to write a 2-page double-spaced paper every week. My friends brushed it off as very easy, since it was just 1 page singe-spaced, but for me it was one of the most challening/rewarding classes, writing-wise. IMO short papers are often harder to write than longer ones, because it takes good control of simple but expressive language and tight organization to convey the same amount of information in a shorter space. I literally spent anywhere from 2-8 hours working on each of these papers, and my professor was ruthless with grading. He gave everyone Cs on the first paper, which pretty much gave me a panic attack at first. But it takes those kinds of professors, who actually want to challenge your level of writing, that makes a writer improve. Also for me it takes freaking stamina to crunch out a paper. orz Just last night I forced myself to stay awake until 7 AM (with 2 hours of sleep from the previous night) to write a paper so I could have substantial time to edit it the next day. And today, I've spent about 4 hours completely restructuring and rewriting it. Tomorrow I'm taking it through another round of editing and turning it in at 11 PM. Whenever people say they writing critical essays is really easy/"they don't need to edit," I seriously doubt they are good writers.[/font]
  12. [quote name='Stephanie'][size=1]I am so happy.
  13. [font=trebuchet ms] After watching Yugioh The Abridged Series, all the villians from Yugioh.[/font]
  14. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Calibri]I like watching puddles gather in the rain.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] do your facebook interests include "stepping on crunchy leaves" too[/font]
  15. [quote name='Pumpkin'][font=arial narrow][size=2] 13.) [B]College[/b]: All the nerds including you are now hot. And the hottest jock in school that u dated for about a month freshman year when you were a nerd, is like 300 pounds and cant get a date. Lesson? Karma's a b*tch. [/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [font=treubuchet ms] UHHHHH this is like the falsest thing I've ever heard.[/font]
  16. [font=trebuchet ms] Other than the weird sexual **** going on (incest fetish, rape fetish, dub-con porn, 12-year-old innocent schoolgirl fetish, tentacles, hentai chicks saying "thank you" when you-know-what happens jesus I could go on forever) the whole "repressed" side of the culture is also irks me. My cousin's wife is Japanese, and they just had a kid, and this is how meal time goes: 1) kid finishes plate 2) mom asks if kid wants more 3) kid says yes 4) mom gives disapproving look and asks again if kid wants more 5) kid says yes 6) repeat step 4 7) kid looks like she's going to cry but says "no" I mean obviously not all Japanese moms do this, but I just found it so representative of the part of Japanese culture I dislike. Random point: - the whole Japan vs. Korea thing. Like damn, can we let this **** go? Even in that freakishly popular series Hetalia Axis Powers manga "Korea" is this randomly really perverted guy. WHAT LOL. Like I understand all the country portrayals are based on sterotypes, but when they hell did Koreans have a stereotype of being perverted? Same goes for Koreans, who pretty much flip a **** whenever there is something remotely worthy of being seen as a "Japan vs. Korea showdown" [/font]
  17. [quote name='Allamorph'][CENTER] [IMG]http://www.marriedtothesea.com/022310/i-hate-thinking.gif[/IMG] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet]idgi[/font]
  18. [font=trebuchet ms] - No matter how much I work out, snowboarding always finds a way to defeat me. - Also Oscars rocked last night. Sad Up didn't win best picture, but of course that was never going to happen anyway, but I'm glad Hurt Locker beat out Avatar. - [b]Soooooo glad[/b] Up in the Air got snubbed for Best Adapted Screenplay and lost every other category it was in, because I thought it was a stupid movie and I hate Jason Reitman. - Glad The Cove won best documentary. Entertaining that Bullock won best actress. - [size=5]AWESOME THAT WOMAN FINALLY WON BEST DIRECTOR. [/size]Tired of Hollywood being the biggest shitbag of sexism and racism in the U.S. Will defend Katherine Bigelow to the death. **** everyone who says she didn't deserve that award. - However, lame that montage honoring Hollywood people who have passed away didn't include Farrah Fawcett. - Kirsten Stewart needs to learn how to stand up straight and not being really ****ing awkward every time she appears in public. Even that amazing dress she was wearing couldn't save her. - Am lesbian for Zoe Saldena. - But really the greatest thing about Oscars was the Modern Family commercial - Caprcia becoming AWESOME. Glad it did not stay as ****** as the pilot was. [/font]
  19. [font=trebuchet ms] College has made me more racist. I imagine the real world will only make matters worse. High school was the most non-racist environment I lived in, funnily enough.[/font]
  20. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]Time constraints and a crappy internet connection have kept me from it, though I am aware of it. And thanks, but I think I'll just wait for the album itself, mostly due to my crappy connection. When does it come out? I've only been able to find the Japanese release date.[/color][/QUOTE] [font=treubuchet ms] March 9 in U.S. and Canada[/font]
  21. [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]**** YES. I need this thing yesterday.[/color][/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] Have you listened to the stream? If you're not against it I have an advance copy of the album.[/font]
  22. [quote name='chibi-master'].....It's very faint, but I can sense some passion around here somewhere..... *looks up* Oh. I need to lose a few pounds... I think I'll go on a diet again... It should be easier as I seem to be getting my taste for salads back!:animesmil[/QUOTE] [font=trebuchet ms] I don't even remember the last time I was this excited over an album. Wait, yes I do, n'sync[/font]
  23. [font=trebuchet ms] [size=7]GORILLAZ 4EVA PLASTIC BEACH IS THE ****[/size][/font]
  24. [quote name='John']I guess I'll try to be more impressed by the same stuff other people are impressed by from now on...[/QUOTE] [img]http://i48.tinypic.com/2qty68l.gif[/img]
  25. [font=trebuchet ms] Yu-na Kim is BOSS.[/font]
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