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Everything posted by eleanor
[color=darkslateblue] I thought it'd be a nice idea if I made a thread for people who are coming up with ideas/are in the process of writing short stories, long stories, novel-lenth stories, etc. and want feedback or advice on their planning (or if you just want to share with other people). Basically, I guess everyone can talk about everything and anything that comes along with the writing process: plot holes, plot bunnies, characters, setting, etc. Or you know...[i]grammar[/i]. Or, if anyone needs help with their literature homework, essay, whatever. I think we can all help each other out with questions. Note: I had a little hesitation of making this thread, so if there's a problem with it you can close it down or modify it or do whatever. :)[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] I just stumbled across this [URL=http://www.freewayblogger.com/index.htm]site[/URL], and I thought it was pretty interesting. For those of you who don't feel like clicking, it's basically a bunch of pictures of people who have make *freaking* big signs and randomly placed them on highway rails and bridges and such, so that a lot of people can see them. Most of them are political, of course. So, the main reason of why I'm posting this is whether or not you guys think this stuff actually makes people think. Personally, I think all it does is let the opposers get ticked off and angry, and the supporters happy. So basically, all it does is create more tension. Which can all boil down to what the title says: Power over minds. What sort of stuff [i]does[/i] make people change their minds about things? Has there ever really been a huge change for you in thinking or a change in your morals/thinking process? :whoops: Just thought it'd be nice to create some discussion in here. [/color]
[color=darkslateblue] Siren: It's just my opinion, but the curly gray bar that is going vertically throughout the picture would just be too long if Altron left it as it is after he took out the slanted main bar. Altron would probably have to cut it after the 16th note or something. There would be nothing else to balance out the lengthy-ness of it. [/color]
[color=darkslateblue]Oooh...I get Siren's point now. I sort of agree with it, now that I think of it. But again, it's something I'd have to see visually and play around with. The dimuendo would make sense then since there's only one bar. But if you take away the slanted bar, you'd have to shorten the curved bar that you have going through the two main intersections, so you'd have to also tune up a bunch of stuff if you cut it down.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] But on the contrary, if it was just one line, it'd be very boring to look at after a while, even if the simplicity of it is tasteful. Overall, the big one looks pretty good. Most people wouldn't be able to tell if it was a Sonata or not (most people wouldn't even know what it was, so you don't really have to worry) The diminuendo is sort of bugging me, although that's something that I would have to play around with and actually see how it would look without it and etc. You could clean it up a little, but I think it'll be ok as it is. But then again, I have to wonder if you really are trying to get across a sonata-y feel. The banner...eh. The banner looks too messy, because it's not as big and you can't see the big open spaces and how it all ends up, and the red font just makes it look hokey. Great job, though. :) Cool stuff.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] My opinion about group projects usually depends on what the subject and type of project it is. Sometimes I have a blast with group projects, and sometimes I feel like attacking my partners and mauling them to the ground. Usually I just get ticked off if the other person doesn't work, or works in a very crappish way that doesn't achieve much. Just recently, we had a project in my literature class, and we were in the computer lab doing research, and I got furious at my partner because all she was doing was typing in the same keywords into Google, clicking completely ridiculous links, and randomly highlighting phrases and trying to make me laugh. Worst part was that she was my best friend. But on the other hand, I had a group project once where we did a commercial on Catcher in the Rye and I had a bunch of fun and got a good grade to beat. But yeah...usually when I'm paired with someone I don't know or trust, I take control and do most of the work just for the sake of my grades. Personally, I don't mind the work because I handle big workloads pretty well for the most part. So basically, I can't have a real dislike for the person I'm working with, because I never get to know if they're a trustworthy person since I usually just take the work and do it. So that being said, I can't be angry for letting them get the good grade as well or anything. If they are a good worker, they can carry a good grade by themself. If they're a crappy student who doesn't care, I don't care if they fail the class. But then again, at the same times, I hate people who complain to the teachers about the members in their group after the teachers have made it clear you can't switch. I mean, seriously. Suck it up and just do the freaking work if you're so concerned.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] *jumps on Lord Rannos* Yes! I forgot that movie. :) I agree that the movie will probably be muy horrible, but I'll still see it. Just for the sake of going around and telling people that I saw it...[/color]
You would pay one million dollars to see...
eleanor replied to CaptainAnarchy's topic in General Discussion
[color=darkslateblue] Mm. Make Kerry president... Or take all the guys who have ever intentionally insulted a girl about her looks, and somehow manage to shove them all in some room and let people throw pig blood at them...or some other vile substance. :) Or maybe get hugged my John Mayer. [/color] -
[color=darkslateblue] Ugh...dunno. I'm just a believer of the philosophy that humans will do anything to survive in the end. Unless...they're QUITTERS. Jk jk. Would I eat another human being? Hm...good question. I probably would if it meant I would survive. At the moment, disgusting, but whatever. Would a person kill someone else to eat them? I believe it could happen.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue]Most people wouldn't, simply because it's just a predisposition in their mind that tells them that it's 'wrong'. Now, if you were raised in from tribe that ate humans, you wouldn't really care. I would say most people think it's wrong because humans are our species, our own kind. Besides, we have a bunch of animals to eat. And on the whole cat and dog thing, there are plently of countries that eat dogs and cats. So that said, it's just a matter of where you grew up and what ideals you were taught. There isn't some textbook that says why it's wrong. What divine presence came down said it was wrong in the first place? And when it boils down to humans stripped of all necessities and stuck on some island with a dead guy named Bob, I'm pretty sure the humans struggling to survive will eat Bob.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] The Bourne Ultimatum? That's planned for a 2007 release...[/color]
[img]http://xs15.xs.to/pics/05064/main.jpg[/img] [color=darkslateblue][b]The Brothers Grimm[/b] Simply because my dear Mr.Damon is in it. [blush] [b]Charlie and the Chocolate Factory[/b] is another I'm looking forward to, the only reason being that I loved the book and Raold Dahl in general. :) Though I must say Johnny Depp was a very nice choice for Willy Wonka...that mad man. ._. He really does just scare me sometimes. [b]Brokeback Mountain[/b]. Stop. First of all, I didn't pick this movie just because it's about two gay guys...played by two very Hollywood-famous-good-looking-guys. Ok. Yes, I did. :3 But I do wonder if it will suffer just because it's about a gay relationship (no more of the subtle context...very blatant gayness here) or how its criticism will go. But of course, I can't help but think it will be a crappy movie in terms of just how well movies are made. Just my intuition, here. [b]Star Wars: Episode III[/b] is a given. Please don't take this and assume that I think the two recent Star Wars were good movies. They weren't. But I guess I'm still looking forward to this one because it has the words 'Star Wars' in it. And if Clint Eastwood is making a movie and/or if Tim Robbins/Edward Norton are going to be in a movie, I'm looking forward to it.[/color]
Anime What were the best things that happened to you at an convention?
eleanor replied to Dragonboym2's topic in Otaku Central
[color=darkslateblue] Hm...my friend and I were graced with three awesomely cool guys dressed as tetris pieces...how cool is that? They were my heroes for a long time. :3 [there was also a guy dressed as a giant Pocky box] And I KNOW that seeing people dressed as tetris pieces owns everything that everyone here just said. ^_~ Wait, well, two years ago there were three guys dressed up as the Powerpuff Girls. Hm. Thought meeting Tycho and Gabe would been awesome...I'd probably follow them everywhere and be their one-girl posse or something.[/color] -
[i]What really frustrates me are people who don't do anything and still get good grades. [/i] [color=darkslateblue] Hehe...you can't blame someone it they're just naturally very smart. A lot of my friends are like that. Sometimes it gets irritating, but they are pretty cool whenever you need help with something you don't get. ^_^[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] On my list of people I hate most, people who lie needlessly are near the top. Don't worry, I've had my fair share of lies. I used to have a huge problem with lying in sixth and seventh grade, but now I'm pretty honest. People who lie in order to cover up their mistakes or to manipulate people are just the worst. But I'm also one of those persons who think lying is a necessity to the real world. Not to say I'm proud or anything, but I am very good lier. The problem with me is that I hate other people who lie needlessly, but because of my experiences in 6th/7th grade, I have no conscience that makes me feel guilty whenever I lie. I try not to lie needlessly, though.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] I guess this gets pretty sad at times. I'm only a freshmen in high school, and I'm already trying really, really hard to keep my 3.8 GPA (I took some high school courses in middle school). My mom is always reminding me that my sister for a 4.0, and I go crazy sometimes. Sometimes I just slack completely and don't do any of my homework or study for even my hardest tests. And then I go on this academic overload and do everything and more to try and get a 100 on everything. I mean...right now my huge goal is to get a 100 unweighted score in my literature class because my teacher told us that noone has ever gotten a 100 in her class. ? But that's probably talking more of my challenge-loving personality. Anyways...bringing up the asian parents thing. Sometimes they can be very narrow minded about this stuff...like they go crazy over a B. I've been raised in an environment of asian parents always bragging about their kids, and the importance of grades, so now I automatically think anything below a 95 is bad for me. Asian parents sometimes suck when it comes to school...but there are a lot that are very cool about it, too. I KNOW grades are dumb and don't really reflect how smart people are, but I take it very seriously because I want to get a scholarship to my dream college and such. But at the same times it sickens to see people who don't give crap about what grade they get. [/color]
[color=darkslateblue] ARGH. Clint Eastwood! I worship the ground he walks upon. *blush* *and then sweeps [i]Blood Work[/i] into a far, dark, very far away corner* Of course Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman hold up to their good-actor-reputation, but Hilary Swank really kicked it up in this movie. I think it's her best performance since [i]Boys Don't Cry[/i], hands down. I liked this movie a lot because of the sheer amount of emotion they managed to pack into it, shown throughout a good plot that doesn't go down the same path most other 'emotional' movies do. And it didn't seemed rushed at all... :) I loved it. I tried seeing which movies I liked better: Mystic River or Million Dollar Baby. :P Don't try it, I tell you.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] *jumps on Dagger* [b]Please[/b] post it! Fai is my favorite character. Aside from Touya and Yuki, but they're barely in the manga. ;_; [/color] [i] I still think they're much too skinny, (especially Sakura--look at those arms!) but that's not really a big deal. [/i] [color=darkslateblue]*snerks* Yes, because anime artists have been known to draw sexy, well-rounded people. ^_~ But yeah, I totally agree with you. I mean...I know anime characters are unrealistic, but Shaoran's waistline is sort of scaring me. Although I should be shutting up now because that's how I draw anime guys... ._.[/color]
[color=darkslateblue] Ethnic discrimination will always be a problem as long as there are different races. All sorts of discrimination will always exist. Until the end of the world, I say. Quote me, if you want. Anybody who thinks it's not a problem 1) Is dumb/ignorant or 2) Comatose on a bed since birth. [or if you want to hear my mean and biased side, they're white and have never been the minority wherever they live.] [please note that what I just said wasn't serious.] Although it's awesome to see how far we've come. I'm just saying...there will always be discrimination. Maybe even 100 years from now, people will accept gay people as perfectly fine (they already are, mind you) but they'll still be discriminatory against, say, incestuous person. Bad example, but whatever. You guys should get my point.[/color]
[i]Hmph. And I'm not marrying a Korean bloke. The traditional ones are so... so... primitive at times, I swear. But then again, you find that in any race, but I don't know. I just highly doubt it'll happen. Ah well, disappointments happen. [/i] [color=darkslateblue] Ugh...yeah. A lot of Korean guys expect us girls to be their little slave-people...it's sad. But for every ten Korean guys like that there's one really cool one. :)[/color] [i]PS, I have this big manwa book that's all in Korean..if I scan a part could someone translate?[/i] [color=darkslateblue] Yeah, just PM me. n_n[/color]
Art New sketch~ (pg13-ish? Slightly mangled pretty boy)
eleanor replied to GTK's topic in Creative Works
[color=darkslateblue] Ahhh it's so pretty. :) For some reason I LOVE artists who can draw lips like that on anime characters. So...kudos to you! Nice hands as well, although the fingers look a bit anorexic, there. Unless you make him a master pianist, hehe. Anyways, overall it's amazing. ^_^ I actually like the fireballs because they're nice and simple. [b]50 ferrets out of 50![/b][/color] -
[i]I am full-blooded Korean. If you ask me North or South, I'm afraid I'm going to have to slap you with some random large solid vegetable. [And kimchi.][/i] [color=darkslateblue][size=5]ROCK ON.[/size] :) Anyways, I'm Korean (obviously) and I'm proud to say...I eat kimchi on a daily basis. :3 It is quite good if you Americans get used to the smell. XD Excuse the discrimination, there. Hm. Koreans. We are pretty dang cool people. I'm an odd one because most of my friends are white (Koreans in the whole Atlanta area tend to stick together in this massive Korean group), but I still like to hang out with Koreans. Most of us are proud to be asian (You'd laugh at all the people at our high school who want to be Korean, so they ask us the 'dub' them Korean. The initiaiton is to be able to twiddle your pen in a circle with two fingers, LOL) and we're supportive and all that junk. Some downsides: I tend to dislike the 'FOBS' [Fresh-off-the-Boat], basically Koreans who just moved to America, because most of them have this very irritating America-sucks-Korea-Owns-Everything attitude. Once I heard one of them say she didn't care about the election because 'American wasn't her real country' and I wanted to slap her. A lot. Another 'bad' thing...I have to go to Korean school every Saturday. I've went there since what, Kindergarten? I'm fluent in Korean [which gives me another cool thing: I'm bilingual!], so basically I just go to Korean school now to learn evil grammar things and read poems and stuff. Fun. And then there's the racism...bleh. A lot of Koreans my age (and parents) expect all Korean guys/girls to marry other Korean guys/girls...I think I'm the only one in the group of Koreans I hang out with that would marry another race. And a lot of Koreans (in the Atlanta area, as far as I know) tend to not like Japanese people at [i]all[/i]. Or white people... *shrug* It's understandable for me, though. Eh...anyways, I love being Korean. [/color]
[color=darkslateblue] I took the test about gender and liberal arts, and I ended up being told I related math/science to males and liberal arts to females. It's pretty true of me, although it may also be because of the fact that I like liberal arts and I hate math and science, lol. I just love guys. But I guess it is saddening for me, because males usually end up dominating most areas in...um, everything. :/[/color]
[i]Sure, Bush has made some people angry. But to protest his innaguration? He was voted by the people, and we need to respect the people's decision. Those protesters at DC aren't just protesting Bush, they are basically protesting my vote for him. Hey, free speech, doesn't really bother me... but if they want someone to blame for getting Bush into office, they probably shouldn't lay it on him.[/i] [color=darkslateblue]Like I said...sometimes I think protestors are just wasting their time. I'm not trying to use this thread to blame Bush about stuff. But then again you can't deny that Bush indirectly caused the behavior of these people. Am I saying I support the protestors? No. I'm just pointing something out. Maybe, just [b]maybe[/b], the protestors had a right the last time because of Bush's supposed cheating or whatever (I wasn't remotely interested in politics then), but this year's was sort of dumb. Would I have protested at his inauguration if I had the chance? No.[/color]
[i]One of my favourite horror movies is Rosemary's Baby. I like it for various reasons...but primarily, because the audience is being taken along for the ride with Rosemary. So we feel what she feels and we see what she sees. We know that there's a conspiracy (us and Rosemary), and we're always trying to support her and encourage her to reveal the truth. But nobody will believe her...considering that just about everyone is in on the conspiracy in some way.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] Me, too. *shudder* It didn't even have any traditional 'horror scenes' but to this day it's possibly the best horror movie I've seen. Basically, Rosemary's Baby and The Exorcist are the only 'horror' movies I liked. All of the recent movies that were made to somehow spook or scare the audience failed horribly with me. The Ring? I didn't even flinch. The most recent movie I saw makes me sad to even write about it: Darkness Falls. Puh-[i]lease[/i]. But then again, I don't really get scared easily by movies. Everyone rants that Halloween is amazing, and I didn't find it scary.[/color]