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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [i]I hear there are actually female rapists, and I would just like to cordially invite them over to my place. Can a guy be raped? O_o[/i] [color=darkslateblue] Someone in my health class asked that, and my health teacher told us females 'raped' males by producing feelings in them to make them have sexual intercourse. Personally I think that's bull. Most likely they force the male to have sexual intercourse by (don't read if you're not comfortable with this stuff) [spoiler] forcing the penis into the vagina by maybe drugging the male or if they're strong enough to hold them down. [/spoiler][/color] [i]Did you know, that in this world, there are quite a few people who are 30+ years out of the womb and still have no brain activity? Can we still abort them?[/i] [color=darkslateblue] I guess brings up the whole 'Are zygotes people too?' thing. Although your first question is a good point. Hm. It can be viewed as 'unreasonable' that you compare and full grown person and a bunch of cells, but I get your point. I still think a mother should be able to abort a fetus before brain activity, but I have no way of actually supporting it with words. It's just a feeling I get when confronted with the question. And of course I won't go against my root feeling. It might sound horrible, but it's hard for me to have sympathy for a fetus with no brian activity when I do have sympathy for a 30 year old with no brain activity, although not much. [/color]
  2. [color=darkslateblue] I mostly hate people who fight over a parking spot just because it's closer to the building, when one person could just GO to the back and pick one of the many open spaces. It's like they're going to die if they get some excercise and WALK to the building. Woah! Walking! Never heard of that before... I mean, I was at this opening of a Korean supermarket in the Atlanta area, and there were lots of spaces in the back, but NO, two people had to come out of their cars and argue over this dumb spot in the front, and made about three cars (my mom's included) sit there and wait for them to stop yelling at each other. This other time, we were driving to my camp and there was traffic on the highway, and were at the place where two roads seperate (one being an exit and one being the continuation of the main highway), and it was pretty crowded and my mom was waiting in line, and this ridiculous girl driving some red sports car that was pretty wide think she can squeeze in before us. Jesus Christ! It's not like being in front of us will cut down our driving time or reduce the traffic magically. She kept on edging in and staring at us, as if expecting us to just open up and let her through. Finally my sister sort got really annoyed, rolled down her window and yelled at her to back off. Of course, I guess the girl had to salvage her 'pride' or something, and kept on edging in.[/color]
  3. [color=darkslateblue] Yes, it was quite the experience. It was like I was obsessed and I couldn't stop. ... Very vivid, too. Not in the sense that I remember all the details, but my visions and such. Very unique, I think. Everytime I was about to kill someone/killing someone I swelled up with this unimaginable fear, it was almost like I was some kind of.... Eh, whatever. Can't really describe it with words. I've also had many dreams about taking tests that were impossible, so I resorted to cheating in the dream. Most of the dreams I actually remember are usually about me being wracked with fear, stress, and worry. [/color]
  4. [i]I just simply don't understand how someone can just give their baby to someone. I'm not all against it, but I'd rather not see it happen. If you don't want a child, then take the responsible measures not to. [/i] [color=darkslateblue]Well, in some situations the mother may not be able to support the child or raise it successfully, so I guess they would, out of love, make sure it was adopted into a family that could give it a good life. And for the people who didn't want a child but had it...I don't believe they would be able to love it unconditionally. I have a friend who was just given away because her mother didn't want her, and she was adopted. I personally would rather live with someone who would love me unconditionally than someone who grudgingly accepted me. *shrug*[/color]
  5. [color=darkslateblue] I had a very distrubing dream once... I can never really remember my dreams clearly (I don't think you're supposed to remember them at all, really. Or not. I forgot.), but I once had this eerie dream that freaked me out a [i]lot[/i]. I was in this giant, giant mansion, the sort of mansion that's creepy and sits at the top of a dark hill and has a gate and such, and apparantly I was some sort of 'worker' or something for this extremely wealthy old man. I can't remember anything that's more detailed after that, but all of sudden a group of trained fighters or something trying to steal money/screw up some deal that was going on (Like I said, I don't really remember much) come in and I totally MASSACRE them. In the dream I actually remember me shooting guns everywhere and throwing knives and watching them go into peoples' bodies and blood coming out. Randomly, there were even some innocent people who just happened to come the house (don't ask) including helpless women and children, and I ended up killing them all with a knife. ... Yes, well. I woke up and I was just really freaked out. I'm not even that much a violent person, and I don't have any 'pent up rage', and all of a sudden I have this dream where I massacre tons of people. *shudder*[/color]
  6. [i]I get much more worked up over other subjects--call me a horrible person or whatever, but when I see someone pouring his heart and soul into protesting all forms of abortion, it just makes me sigh and wish he was out there fighting genocide or AIDS.[/i] [color=darkslateblue]Someone who feels the same way I do, joy! I totally agree with what Dagger said here, and I give her a hug for it. :) AIDS is just an example of one factor that is killing millions of people out there, and it's sad to think that some people could be fighting against something like this but decide to fight against abortion or gay rights, or something. Of course I'm not saying abortion isn't important, but it certainly is. It just doesn't affect me much at all when a woman gets an abortion. I don't feel any hate or dislike towards her whatsoever. Well. Unless she aborts the baby when it's like 8 months old.[/color]
  7. [i]My views on abortion are simple: Within the first trimester, (prior to the fetus having brain activity), I think the mother should be able to do whatever she wishes. That's a three-month period, so there's pleanty of time to make the call. [/i] [color=darkslateblue] This is the statement that I am fully backing up, here. I always thought this way, but I never really knew how long it took for a fetus to start having brain activity. Three months? Like Death Bug said, plenty of time. Although I have this vile annoyance towards teenagers who just have sex without protection and get pregnant... (I swear, how dumb can some people be?)[/color]
  8. [color=darkslateblue] WOOT! [size=5][b]Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince comes out July 16, 2005![/b][/size] I am so excited I can barely contatin myself... *celebrates* I'm definately pre-ordering mine as soon as I can. Edit: Whoops! ^_^; Guess I can't count years yet.[/color]
  9. [i]Oh please! LOL! I've always known that my dad is a man and that my mom is a woman. I talk to them each differently. Very differently! I always have. Your family life is so much different than life with your peers. It's where you learn to live. Peers are only temporary.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] This is possibly the first time I ever heard someone say that a child learns 'how to be heterosexual' or 'how to interact with the opposite sex' from their parents. Uh. Come on. 30 year old parents don't exactly behave like 5th graders, do they? Peers can be temporary, but they considerably have a larger effect on you and how you act in your social world. Most kids don't go home and talk to their parents about how they should deal with things at school. They go to their friends. You learn your root morals and ideals from your family. Peers can change so much of that.[/color]
  10. [color=darkslateblue] Well, I suppose it'd be hard to do so many studies with families like those, but I really don't think that children who grow up with gay parents will turn out to be abnormal or some freak who goes around killing people or anything. Let's face it. I don't know about the present times, but sometime in the future, homosexuality will be accepted and although prejudice against will never go away, it will lessen considerably. I really doubt anyone here who is strongly opposed to it can do anything to stop it in the future. Just remember when 50 years ago, it was illegal in some states to marry interacially. I know what you're thinking: "that's a totally different topic." It is, in some ways, but 50 or 100 years from now, people will look upon people trying to stop gays from getting rights with that same attitude when they look at people trying to stop blacks and white getting married. [/color]
  11. [color=darkslateblue] I definately want to join as well. :) I love books to death. For the reading calendar, I guess we could just upload a picture of the month's calendar and type in by what day we'd have to finish so and so chapter. I'm a pretty quick reader, but I have no idea how fast other members will be, so I don't have a good idea of how much to time to give and such.[/color]
  12. [color=darkslateblue] Actually, in a scientic study, children who grow up in families of gay parents are no more likely to become gay themselves or to have an odd lifestyle. They'll probably get teased a lot, but so does everyone. Perhaps it will teach them to love more unconditionally and to become more open-minded about things. [/color]
  13. [color=darkslateblue] Somehow, I find it hard to believe that you would treat a gay man the same way you'd treat a heterosexual man. Now by saying this I'm also going aginst what Drix said earlier, but sometimes using words like 'disgusting' leads someone to think that they will be prejudice against the sinners as well.[/color]
  14. [color=darkslateblue] In the bible, God tells humans to multiply, so I don't see how anal sex is less worse than homosexual penetration.[/color] [i]I think male-male sex is extremely disgusting and wrong. Do you want an intellectual reason? Well, like I said before, it's akin to bestiality and adultery. It is unnatural, perverse, and disgusting, just like bestiality and adultery.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] Huh. I agree wholeheartedly that in the bible, homosexuality is a sin. Too bad anger and hate are also sins, and as a Christian, you should know that no sin is 'worse' than another. As a Christian you're supposed to love and embrace everyone, and saying that something is 'disgusting' is not exactly what I'd say is loving. It's hardly your place to go around judging things. Dislike/hate homosexuality, I could really care less. Using religion as a scapegoat for your hate is something I depsise. So much for an 'intellectual' response. [/color]
  15. [color=darkslateblue] I have openCanvas 3.05e Plus, but I've never really used it yet, since I'm still waiting to get a scanner/tablet. But I have played around with it, and by all means, I think it's wonderful. It's true that Photoshop is much more powerful and has a bunch of filter (bah, filters, who needs them anyway?), but of course it's about $600. openCanvas is actually meant for coloring lined art, while PS is made for digital editing with photographs and such. It has a very nice watercolor option and it's wonderful with a tablet, and it has a pretty easy interface. Although in this area Painter 8/9 would dominate, that's also about $350 or something. [/color]
  16. [color=darkslateblue] ^_^ Yeah, I figured you would think that. I'm just talking about the other people... [/color]
  17. [i]Another one of my hobbies playing the violin. I love classical musical.[/i] [color=darkslateblue]Woot! *high-fives you* Go strings! Lol I meself play a cello...although I wouldn't call it a 'hobby'. I'm in orchestra and such, but when it comes to strings, I'd rather listen to good musician than try to be one. Although, I love playing the piano. In this case, I'd like to the one playing well. ;) So, yeah, I like playing the piano when I have free time. I started taking lessons at four or something, up until 13, and I haven't gotten lessons in about seven months now, but I'm going to start getting them again in January or so. :) I'm pretty happy about that. I also draw...correction, I used to draw like a maniac. Now, however, I only do it when I'm really bored. It gets stress off of me pretty well, and I can go one for hours if I actually start. [i]Sometimes[/i], when I'm really in the mood I'll write a short story or something. Although, most of the time, I just sleep.[/color]
  18. [i]But please, if you are asking my opinion on your lifestyle and how it should be publicly recognized; I?m going to examine my moral fiber and give you a vote/answer. When homosexual marriage is brought up to change our definition of marriage for the sake of ?equality? I chuckle to myself and say, ?Sorry buddy, you got to meat the prerequisites.? I don?t think homosexuals should get married for the same reason rich people shouldn?t get welfare: they don?t meet what I see as requirements for marriage! My ?requirements? aren?t very difficult? they are the same sociological non-religious purposes that I think marriage was created for: the benefits are for the baby. There is nothing sociologically unhealthy about too many heterosexual marriages. Can there be too many homosexual relationships? It is certainly possible. Not only that, bringing the idea of homosexual marriage into a public forum such as government, especially within a republic ?of the people? you demand my ethically-supported response. I would be deceiving my moral obligation as a Christian and a voter to just vote ?yes? when I don?t believe it is ?right?. [/i] [color=darkslateblue] Just to say, right off the bat, I am NOT directing the rest of this post at you, Drix. I'm merely using it to direct it the people that I'll soon be talking about. Personally, I think that's an excellent response. Most of my friends would go with that response. I'm really very glad that you're not running around screaming 'bloody murder' everytime you hear about a gay marriage and saying 'homos sucks' or w/e people say, so I respect you. :) Well, actually, now that I think of it, the quote doesn't fit that well with what I'm saying... >_>. Anyways, I get really sick when some people say 'I don't care about gay people getting married, but I still don't think it's right because it violates the meaning of marriage and etc. etc. etc.' BUT, they think Britney Spears's, what, 40 hour marriage or something, is better than two gay people getting married. Hello, people! In my opinion, and possibly many other people's opinion, marriage is a very SERIOUS thing and it should not be taken light in any way whatsoever. What I'm basically saying is that I get angry at people who dislike: Two gay people getting married and having a very good and positive relationship for the rest of their lives but they think: Britney Spears running off and marrying some guy for like, a day, is better than the above happening.[/color]
  19. [color=darkslateblue] Like, omg! I love this anime enough to say, 'like, omg.' Yes...51 great episodes. Mostly because I think Edward and Hughes are...the coolest anime people [i]ever[/i], lol. (Well, in all seriousness it really is because I love Edward and Hughes. And Roy, that snarky bast***. ^_~) So...*fiddles with fingers* [b]Anyone here seen the last episode?[/b] I'd feel sort of dumb ranting about it if no one here has seen it. >_> So yes...please post soon. :)[/color]
  20. [color=darkslateblue] I like this movie. First of all, Edward Norton is possibly my favorite actor, and he is absolutely brilliant in portraying Derek. It's a very good movie when it comes to dealing with the subject matter (although it does get preachy at times), and it does have a certain way of disturbing people. What I found I didn't like was that Derek was the only good character in the movie, as the others were mostly one-dimensional. Again, Edward Norton carried the whole movie, and I love him. :P Good movie.[/color]
  21. [color=darkslateblue] I have a problem with the 'coolness' of bisexuality. Trust me, I have no problem with homosexuality/bisexuality, and I am a huge supporter for the rights of gay people. What I have a problem with is that all of a sudden, it's 'cool' to be bisxual so all these teens just 'decide' to be bisexual because they think it will make them cool and/or rebellious or whatever. You don't [i]choose[/i] to be gay. This is so dumb.[/color]
  22. [color=darkslateblue] The sixth Harry Potter book is called Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and it's rumored to come out next summer. Some bookstore lines have even gotten memos saying they should expect a summer arrival, so I hope it does come out next year. [/color]
  23. [color=darkslateblue] Wow, count me in! I heard of Degrassi about a year ago, and I only started watching it about three months ago, and I love it. I don't exactly turn on the TV just to watch it, but if it's on I'll definately watch it, and I am actually planning to watch the new one. (sorry for the contradiction, lol) It's probably the best teen show out there (I agree with Manic, 15 year olds and such wouldn't relate to The OC well) and it IS shame it's on a network like Noggin. I love Noggin, but you know, I think Degrassi would be even more hugely popular if it was on a channel that the majority of people could get access to. [/color]
  24. [color=darkslateblue] The fact that the girl had to throw FOUR rocks at you is proof enough that she's not even worth a second of your time. Just think about it in your head. The girl will probably not even finish high school, live around in some dump trying to provoke people for the rest of her sorry life, go around and have sex (probably get a STD or pregnant) and then die. You on the other hand will have a sucessful life and the girl won't be worth anything. I go through the same thing, except dealing with racial slurs, and has led to me have a huge discrimination against black people at my school, even though it's not fair of me to do so. But the best thing to do is to ignore them. Usually when you don't answer they'll call at you several more times, feel dumb, hide it by laughing with his/her friends, and then go away and harass some other poor kid. It's just personal gain and satisfaction that you'll feel in the end if you just ignore losers like these. It's not really a matter of showing these jerks that you have to power to beat them up, squish them, or to show them your own power and make them feel inferior. If you beat up the next bully that encountered you, all you'd be doing is fulfilling the bully's goal of trying tp provoke you. Driving a knife through their heart will not change anything. People will still pick on you, do whatever they can to hurt you. Let me tell you something. You're only 12 years old, and you've gone through all this ****. If you're strong it will make you stronger. Get tough. You are better than all the losers that have picked on you by tenfold, even more, just keep that in mind.[/color]
  25. [color=darkslateblue] I guess it has something to do with me being young or something, but I eat a LOT of take-out and it never really effects me. Of course it's not junk food like McDonalds or anything, but like sandwhiches and stuff. Or like a salad from Chick-fil-A. Mostly because we're a busy family and my mom just picks up something on the way home for me to eat, even though she's an awesome cook. :) But my mom never gets soda, sugary breakfast items, sugary snack items in general, chips, or anything 'fattening' and our house is usually only filled with orange juice (I'd die without it), fruits, and random Korean food. The only times I can actually eat junk food is when my mom gets it for me (rarely) and when I'm at a friend's house/party. Then I'm like a pig, and I will eat anything that looks fattening and good in my sight. :D[/color]
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