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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [color=darkslateblue] The first episode was [i]ok[/i]. The second was ok, too. So was the third and fourth and fifth and then somewhere it went from ok to really bad and incredibly boring for me. I personally loathe the art style, and how all the characters look, except for like one. (sorry, but art style is a huge factor me when it comes to watching anime). Worst of all I can predict what will happen during the episode right from the start and most of the times I'm right. You cannot know how unbelievably and fantastically excruciating for me to watch the episodes after I do that. Most of the times I don't even watch the rest. I have NO idea why this anime is getting good reviews from many people. The idea of it, I guess, is original. It's the only reason I decided to watch it, and it's just...ugh. I really hate it. It tries to be funny, or something.* It also tries to add a nice romance.** *It's not funny. **Worst romance ever.[/color]
  2. [color=darkslateblue] I want to be rich when I grow up. (Doesn't anybody?) But there is one job that if I got, I wouldn't care if I were rich or poor, which is being a movie director. I've loved movies ever since I was born, and the thought of being a movie director and making a great movie takes up much of my daydreaming. I'm constantly thinking of random movie scenes whenever I see something else that triggers the thought, or just envisioning a movies I could make off of an original story I have cooking in my mind. I would die for that job... And getting an Oscar. *melts* But another job I would love to have is to be an important journalist for a magazine like Newsweek or Time, or a good magazine like that. I'm aiming to get into Columbia University. If I got in I'd scream and rave about it forever, lol. Being a journalist just appeals to me, because I love it when I'm under tight deadlines because I always produce my best work under pressure, and I love organizing things. Dunno, just the idea of being an important journlist is something I like a lot as well. Last but not least, a famous novelist. :)[/color]
  3. [color=darkslateblue] My parents are actually very loose when it comes down to me going out with my friends and such. I'm allowed to stay out as long as I like, and I'm only in 9th grade, but I do know they wouldn't let me if I didn't keep my grades up and etc. *shrug* But with my parents being a first generation immigrants, they don't let me do some very simple things, which gets me angry at times. So I've manipulated several times...>_>. Like Darkknight said. And I don't know a single kid dumb enough not to be able to do it. Or anyone who hasn't, for that matter. But mainly I deal with it. :) Makes you have things you can actually write about if you every write an autobiography.[/color]
  4. [color=darkslateblue] Wow. You know, it's pretty sad that a lot of people here are complaining about how some n00b or whatever is getting higher ranking than them. (which raises the question of why we even have a rating system of popularity on an online diary/blog site) Please, just get over it. It's not like your whole world will come crashing down because some other kid desperately wants to be #1 supposedly because it makes them feel special or something. It just gets really annoying them people who actually post good posts and such have to complain every other post or so: 'God, I'm at like...#87. I used to be #5 blah blah blah' or whatever number their at. I mean, holy crap. Is this really that important to you? [/color]
  5. [color=darkslateblue] A lot of people will get angry when someone pokes fun (in a joking way) and one's race, and I totally understand. It's just that people should also learn to just laugh along and get over it. There is a definate line between jokes and insults. Anyone who really knows me and hangs out with me a lot knows I made fun of all races many times just to get people to laugh, but I don't in any way mean to insult anyone. I mostly make fun of my own race, anyway, so it really doesn't matter. If anyone I knew were to say something insulting about a race, I wouldn't be afraid to tell them to shut up and never say that again and then be on good terms with them. And yeah, if anyone does try and insult you for your race, best thing is to ignore them and in your mind think of how utterly pathetic they are.[/color]
  6. [color=darkslateblue] I actually just want a bunch of movie posters that I desperate need. Then I'll be happy. :) [specifically Fight Club and Ocean's Eleven] And I'll be getting a scanner. :D Hm, wierdest present...well, I got a Bob the Builder poster from my friend Mallory one year. It was just random. But it was pretty funny and stuff. Oh yeah, and once I got oreos for Christmas, lol. Best present= my first CD player. ^_^[/color]
  7. [color=darkslateblue] I have shoulder length black hair, and I like it well enough. It doesn't take ANYTHING to take care of, I swear, lol. Sometimes I can wake up, not even touch, go to school and look fine. :) I got it straightened like a year ago (what asian girl hasn't? lol) and it's sort of coming out now, but I really like it like this. I didn't like the total straight-ness of it because it looked weird on me. :/ But anyways...my hair is naturally wavy so it just curls outward a bit by itself. And I have a side-split (can't stand middle-splits, >_
  8. [color=darkslateblue] You can watch both of the preview on the official site, [url]http://oceans12.warnerbros.com/[/url]. :) I personally like the first one better. I don't expect the second one to be as good as the first one either, but I'm still really excited about watching it. Humor is humor, right? Epitome: Yeah, that part was pretty funny, lol. I really liked the part where Rusty and Danny are sitting at the bar and Danny asks if he wants another member and such and Rusty just lies there. XD[/color]
  9. [color=darkslateblue] I've had this problem with my computer lately where when I'm on the internet and whenver a pop-up comes up (both ads and pop-ups I want to come up), a windows box pops up that says 'runtime error!' and shuts down the internet explorer. Any help?[/color]
  10. [color=darkslateblue]...is coming out December 10th! *cheers* When I first saw the previews for it I was so happy...and the preview made me crack up. :) I'm pretty excited about the movie, since Ocean's Eleven is probably one of my most favorite movies. The mix of humor and action is something I practically adore- and the humor they use it just plain awesome. Well. Anyways, I'm just very happy about the soon arrival of the movie. Comments?[/color]
  11. [color=darkslateblue] Hm. Well, I actually like his songs for their beats and such, I usually never listen to the lyrics of any song. Well, sometimes I do and I still like the way he raps, because I'm partial to rap. Most of them have cool beats/melodies/etc., and Eminem has a way of words, I guess. Well, most of his big hits are dumb considering all they do is make fun of people and stuff, but the songs on his CD are cool. And I really don't think he gives a **** about what the trends are and he doesn't care if he's following them or not. He just says whatever he wants to and is basically saying F-you if you criticize him for it. I still like him, though. :) [/color]
  12. [i]Bull, I say. Bull. Show me an overweight male model. Go ahead, look through any magazines you have lying around. I can weight wait. Turn on the TV to E!. Nothing? Okay, now I want the ladies out there to be honest. Have any of you ever been more attracted to a guy who was in shape, as opposed to an overweight guy? Judging by the casts of most TV shows, I'm willing to bet men are held to the same standards as women.[/i] [color=darkslateblue] If you read my post completely, I think you would have gotten the idea that I was talking about things like begin five-pounds overweight and such, and I'm talking about real people, not models. [obviously we shouldn't even bring the topic of how any model looks like when we're talking about regular people] Guy=he's five pounds overweight. No one cares. Someone compares him to a guy who's not overweight. No one still cares. Girl=she's five pounds overweight and we compare to a girl who's not. Do the math. So it's not really bull at all. The five pounds thing is probably an extreme, but it happens a lot. Let's take it to ten pounds overweight. Seriously, no one will really care if a guy is ten pounds overweight. You don't see many people who walk down a street a look a guy who's ten pounds overweight and think 'ew, he's fat' because 1) he's a guy and 2) guy clothing doesn't consist of skin tight pants and shirts. Now, let's say a girl who was ten pounds overweight walked down a street. This may sound cruel, but she's not big enough to not wear tight clothing and not small enough to actually look great in it either. She feels compels to, anyway. She does. And people notice. But let me say that I'm not trying to be mean, here. It's just that most guys like skinny girls. Sure, there are tons that like the more shapely ones, but still there are more guys who like the skinny ones. And while guys may feel comfortable with being overweight, you will never have any idea how it is to be an overweight girl. Even the ones who try to be proud of their body are just beaten down because guys refuse to like them and are teased for it. And like I said before, insults dealing with physical appearance are huge blows for most girls. Which brings up the point that it matters to girls more anyway. Ever walked into a girl's clothing store? See any baggy shirts or pants? No. It's like we're here to look pretty and stand there so guys can look at us and say, 'wow, she's pretty.' Although for most girls it's a fun thing to do, it's also somewhat demeaning if you think about it.[/color]
  13. [color=darkslateblue] Well, just because you have a flat stomach doesn't mean you're starving yourself. >_> I mean, I have one and I eat like a maniac, I just play DDR a lot as well. :) I used to be overweight, so I get your drift. I never called myself fat in front of other people (although I knew I was overweight) because it makes them go "Oh, blah blah blah." But yeah, it's hard to deal with. Just the fact that you have a bigger tummy makes you feel infinately insecure (well for me it did) and insults that deal with physical apperance are possibly the worst you can jab at girls. And guys will be guys, I guess. And it sucks, really. For GUYS it's ok to be a little overweight, but for GIRLS if you're like even five pounds overweight you're viewed as a fat tub of lard by guys, which is digusting. And it's worse in the south. Guys here just love the anorexic kind.[/color]
  14. [i][b]Posted by Deathknight[/b] As I said, I respect nature- but I do it logically. If you think I'm some sort of mad man just because the way my meal was treated before it was killed is of no concern to me, that's your choice.[/i] [color=darkslateblue]What I meant by 'let's just beat up your pet etc. etc.' was that it's dumb to say it's ok to beat up chickens before they die because they're going to die anyway. I don't think your 'mad', I'll still eat plenty of chickens after reading this. I'm just saying it's sort of pointless and dumb to beat up chickens. I mean, what the hell... are they taking out stress or something? I mean, holy ****. Go punch a punching bag or something. [/color]
  15. [color=darkslateblue] Well, I don't really care about the chickens enough to start a nationwide protest, but to the losers saying it's ok to torture chickens because they're going to die anyway: Your pet's going to die anyway, let's just beat the hell out of, it doesn't matter. They're animals, too.[/color]
  16. [color=darkslateblue] What is ugly about the war? War is war. Even if the soldiers are happy to be protecting their country, it doesn't mean it's ok that thousands of soldiers have died, leaving families devasted. But anyways, since 'Next Four Years' has been added on to the topic, I wonder what Bush will do when it comes to North Korea. I know Iraq is our main concern, but I think a country that's building a bunch of nukes should be a concern as well. And then the federal deficit...Bush's numbers especially never added up. But nonetheless...I'm most concerned about jobs for young people. Like...fresh out of college people and then people in college. Kerry said he would work on those two problems (the money-wise problems for people in college), which is one reason I liked him since my sister is in college and she goes to NYU...the freaking motherload of big college tuitions. I'm not even going to bat an eye for the issue on gay marriage. Chances are it will become legalized sooner or later. All civil rights movements have taken some time and lots of fights.[/color]
  17. [color=firebrick] Ok, so I've (partially) gotten over the fact that Bush has won, but now I'm wondering how the next four years will be like. I'm wondering how Bush is going to deal with 'unifying the country', and how things in Iraq with progress. I haven't really been keeping up with what's going on in Iraq, and all I really know if that the elections there are being held in January. And I'm still wondering what the Bush administration will do with North Korea, for that matter. And of course the economy is always at the top of my list. I know the president doesn't have a large impact, but I wonder what direction it will go in the coming years. Comments?[/color]
  18. [color=firebrick] Well, I'm glad that Bush talked directly to all the people who voted for Kerry and his hopes to unify the nation, although I'm still riled up over his win. And I love Kerry even more for that speech. :) All day today I've been going over the pros of Bush and decided not to bash him at all at school or anywhere. He is right about one thing, if we want a unifed nation we're going to have to cooperate.[/color]
  19. [color=firebrick] Yeah, I just watched a recap of the Daily Show where they made fun of the mess in 2000. Needless to say I was laughing my head off. :) George Bush is leading 197 to 188, but there are still 12 states that have closed polls but have not yet turned in results or anything. Most (or all) of them are close, like 51% to 48% and such. So right now I have a bad feeling George Bush is going to win, but I'm still pulling. Basically:[/color] [i]Projected wins for George W. Bush and John Kerry in the presidential election are largely painting a familiar picture of red and blue states. Voting is over in the key showdown states. CNN projects Pennsylvania will go to Kerry but in the other two states expected to be crucial for the eventual winner -- Ohio and Florida -- there is not enough information yet to project a winner in either of them.[/i] [color=firebrick]*taken from CNN.com* Anyways...I was really hoping that many young people would vote so I loved MTV's 20 Million Loud, mostly because the majority of young people support Kerry, and with good reason. [/color] [i]On the other hand, I've never understood the logic behind saying, "Vote, even if it's not for my guy". If I'm voting for my guy, why would I want to encourage people to vote againat him. So, in the futre, please clear your choices with me, and I'll let you know if you should vote or not.[/i] [color=firebrick] Well, the whole point behind voting in America is that we actually have the right to vote, and it's important to get your opinion heard. You know. It's that thing called democracy.[/color] [i]You know, it's funny; that's the only reason Kerry-supporters ever give me for wanting him. =P[/i] [color=firebrick]Well, when there's two major candidates it's either you support one guy because you hate the other or your have reasons. It's dumb to dislike people who are like that. (I'm directing this at you, I'm just using the quote to bring it up)[/color]
  20. [color=firebrick] *curses a lot out of sheer nervousness* [look at my signature, please] Unfortunately I can't vote but I'm a huge Kerry fan all the way. You bet your butts I'm staying up until three or later just to see if there's a chance of finding who wins the popular vote. Which I hope is Kerry. *pets New York and California* I've been randomly putting Kerry stickers on people I know who really support Kerry [which was great fun] and I put one on my cello case, for Christ's sake. I also agree Inari about our state being so Republican people at our school just don't care. They only people who show support for a candidate are for Kerry. God. [i]Georgia.[/i] *shudders* I wish I lived in a swing state and was 18. Right now Bush is leading 102 to 77 electoral votes, but of course that's because of the south. >_< New York will be closing at 9 which is a sure state for Kerry. *sigh* I'm hating Georgia right now. And all the other southern states. And the wanna-be southern states in the midwest. *groans*[/color]
  21. [color=firebrick] Yeah, I don't really see why so many people are complaining about the song selection. *shrug* I think it's fine as it is. Not everyone is obsessed with Japan and wants to see random JPop girls or whatever in the background. What I'm more concerned about it mastering the game... >_> Does anyone have any tips for moving up in heavy? The highest I get in it is usually a C or D, and it's almost impossible for me. I'm like sweating like a pig after doing it about two times. V_V [/color]
  22. [color=firebrick] I'll probably get killed for saying this, but I don't get why so many people love the Neon Genesis Evangelion opening. I think it's the lamest thing EVER and the song! ARGH! Every time I watch a Evangelion episode on the Anime Network I have to fast forward through the opening... O_o Anyways, any OP that has good music is an OP I'll like. So truthfully, the only OPs I actually enjoy watching are Cowboy Bebop and uh... I think FLCL. I personally hate the drawings in the Cowboy Bebop OP, but I'm music fan. :) [/color]
  23. [color=firebrick] Basically, I think it's just maturity. When you were four years old and your mom told you to stop watching tv during your favorite program, you'd throw a fit and cry or something. When you're 14, you don't. Well, I hope you don't. Mostly you tell your friends your parents suck and then get over it in about thirty minutes. (I know, it's amazing, right?) Although I don't think being interrupted during your favorite TV show really qualifies as hate. But you get my drift. But of course it's not really healthy to just keep in all your anger and stress, which is why it's healthy to be active in some sort of hobby or sport so you can vent your anger without blowing up at your friends or siblings. But then of course there are some sorts of things most people can't stop from 'hating', like if you had a son that you loved very much and some guy came up and shot him with a gun. I mean. Most parents wouldn't stand there and go punch a punching bag to vent their anger. [If I were that parent I'd probably go into a mad rage and beat the guy with a sharp object of some sort] But um. ... *looks at post and raises eyebrow* I think I should stop there. [/color]
  24. [color=firebrick] Wow, any kid who willingly smokes illegal drugs just to rebel against parents/society/whatever or because they think it's cool is dumb anyway. If I could I'd like to meet each one and punch them. And you know...marijuana is a gateway drug as Godelsensei said, and it's addictive. Making it legal is something I'm totally against. Basically everything Godel said is what I believe. It's not like once marijuana is legalized, parents will say it's ok to take. Most don't like cigarettes. Kids still do them. *shrugs* I see no point in legalizing mariguana, and it's dumb. More people would do them if it's legalized.[/color]
  25. [color=firebrick] I'd keep my maiden name just for the sake of retaining my culture and because I don't feel like using some guy's last name for the rest of my life- even if I love him. Feminism, woot! Besides, if the guy I was marrying objected to that I would reconsider marrying him in the first place, anyway.[/color]
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