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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [color=firebrick]I just changed mine from a pre-set wallpaper since I just got my software re-installed. I liked the picture, so I just set it as my background. :)[/color]
  2. [color=firebrick] Well if you really want to play you should have a discussion about you getting more priveleges. Work out a deal or something...Like you could maybe agree with your parents that you get to manage your own time for a week or so and after that your parents can agree or disagree to continue it [based on how you manage things and such]. I did that with my mom when I wanted to get a gamecube; it might work with yours.[/color]
  3. [color=firebrick] I didn't mean to insult you, but when you said 'addicted' I really thought you were addicted in the sense that you played CS and did nothing else. That's my fault, I'm sorry. But seriously. All I can say is tough it out. Your parents aren't even close to what others do to some people I know. Your mother probably worries you're going to go out on a killing spree because of stuff other parents have told her or whatever she's read in the newspaper or seen on the news [same thing happened with me]. You should explain to her that videogames such as CS only give stupid kids ideas that they decide to do...because they're dumb or something, I don't know. If she's really being serious about sending you off to boarding school you should sit her down and talk.[/color] [i]They only let me play the game for an hour on Fridays and Saturdays, and Sunday, until Im done with my homework(which it legitimate), only a half-hour. They dont even let me play during the week either...[/i] [color=firebrick]So wait, are you saying they let you play an hour on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays and then after an hour you have to finish your school work before you play again? [/color]
  4. [color=firebrick] Loosen up. Your parents are acting like all the other parents I know. The fact that you're addicted to a game is bad. When you're addicted, it leads you to lying and other such things so that you may continue playing it...in the wee hours of the morning or whatever. I fail to accept that an addiction to a game would help postively in any major way. If you come home from school and the first thing to think about it playing CS and you don't stop playing until your mother shouts at you for the fifth time, I think there's something wrong. Chances are you can become very anti-social if you keep it up and even if you meet people you hang out through CS, the whole thing still ends up revolving all around...a game. Even if you say you're not going to throw your life away for a game, just think about it. You were so 'addicted' that you had to play when you were told not to. How many hours a day do you play this game? How is it affecting your school like...or your physical health? I mean, if my kid were to play CS 24/7 and start looking at websites with guns all day, I would get worried. The counseling thing...eh. My parents wanted to put me in counseling in seventh grade because my grades were dropping. [Because seventh grade was the worst year of my life...because I was addicted to the internet and anime.] And I would be glad to have your parents. If my mom caught me playing a game when she told me not to and expected me to study or something, I'd be grounded from the internet for at least a month, and she'd probably ban me from ever playing the game.[/color]
  5. [color=firebrick] Yeah, and not to mention that Bush totally crashed and burned at the first presidential debate. Hold back on the wise faces there, buddy. I'm just about 100% convinced that Bush is lying striaght through his teeth when it comes to the information dealing with Iraq, and now I don't really care about his foreign policy or whatever. It's his fault we're having a tough time with reconstruction and such...I don't care if things didn't happen they way Bush planned them to. Does it ever? And he did a crap job of preparing everything in the first place anyway. I'm just praying that Kerry wins the election.[/color]
  6. [color=firebrick] Hey all. I know this thread is old and such but I wasn't sure if I should have started a new one...so heck. Anyways, AWA is this Saturday! :D I think it's one of the biggest anime cons down here in the south...even though its attendance is nothing compared to Otakon or Anime Expo, lol. I'm only going on Saturday but I'm happy. :3 The cancellation of AWA of sort of questioned during the whole Hurricane Ivan thing but it's all the same...and I'm excited and etc. Sadly the thing I'm most excited about is getting a cool hat from the [url=http://www.genkigang.com/genkigang.html]Genki Gang[/url] [they're popular among cosplay-ish savvy people and they sell the most incredible hats] and I'm getting this hat that's the top of the lonely bunny from Chobits. XD People will stare at me when I wear it, but it's awesome. I'm also happy because my absolute favorite online [url=http://-coey-.deviantart.com]artist[/url] is going to be there...as well as another artist I like. :) In terms of official guests...I think the most popular one is Mari Ijimi, who voiced Lynn Minmay from Macross and has singing career. And the guy who made Megatokyo, but I'm not really a fun. *shrug* And meeting Naru again! ^___^ [/color]
  7. [color=firebrick] Gee, when did Azurewolf become a mod? I didn't know about it. I thought Gravitation had a nice ending, even though now that I've said this thousands of Gravitation fans will probably maul me. I don't really enjoy animes that have 25+ episodes since they tend to have billions of filler episodes, and I thought Gravitation was paced at a good speed. It was amazing that [i]all[/i] of the episodes actually held my attention through the whole thing...actually, I like all the endings of the episodes as well. They sort of leave of both wanting for more and most of the time a bit sad or bitter. And the ending to the series was sweet, so booyah. Go shounen-ai. :P Cowboy Bebop had a nice ending as well. Though I can't think to elaborate on it because I just like the very last scene lol. [/color]
  8. [color=firebrick] You shouldn't get so angry at your school about their dress code. It's not like the end of the world is going to come if you can't wear t-shirts with beers on it. And I don't exactly want to see people running around with skirts that show butts and shirts that have a bunch of sexual crap on it. The principal was not 'wrong' or 'cruel', he was merely following the rules that the county probably set for the school. It's his job. And stopping someone from wearing a shirt with a beer can on it doesn't exactly raise a concern with censorship. Even though a picture of a beer bottle is sort of 'who cares', it's not like it's deeply violating someone's right to show opinions or whatever. [/color]
  9. [color=firebrick] ^_^ Thanks. I did quickly think of making someone cry when I was writing the story but it just my personal preference that made the story have no crying or whatsoever. I just think a character crying makes the mood somewhat different and takes away from what I made in the story. *shrugs* Just my writing style, I guess. Oh yeah, and I'm 14. :)[/color]
  10. [color=firebrick] This is a story I had to write for literature [maximum 4 pages, that's why it's not longer] and I'm just posting here to soak up ANY thoughts you may have on it. I'm trying to get a good grade on this and stuff. [/color] [b]Dead Letters[/b] All that Marcus had really left behind was an empty house, rotting from the inside with peeling walls and the occasional bug skittering around and disappearing into one of the many nooks and crannies of the house. There was nothing left in it, except for aging windowsills and creaking floorboards; and it didn?t matter that seven other people were there discussing their lives: war, politics, how many times they had lost of their jackets or one of their hats in this house. Death. The absence of Marcus seemed to loom over every corner I passed by, whispering at me whenever I walked past a dirty curtain. The house seemed to be full of him. The kitchen brought back memories of disastrous attempts to cook when they were little, spilling bowls of flour and dropping eggs on the floor. The floor used to be white, filled with small little tiles that Marcus? mother scrubbed about every month or so. Now they were specked with dirt and dust, driving away any idea to scrub at them again. The plaster was brown, peeling, a constant reminder to what the house used to be. I remember just two years before, the leaves growing into waves of red and orange, dotting the sky as the wind blew them away. Marcus had tried to clean the house up. ?It?ll be good as new,? he had said, lifting pails of red paint out of the car. At the house we had run around like the children we once were, throwing bits of paint and rubbish at each other, tumbling down the rasping stairs and making the house more of a mess than it originally was. The house that Marcus had tried to leave behind when his father died and had been buried in the backyard under the large maple tree he loved so much. But even death hadn?t knocked out Marcus?s confidence. In all truth, it made it stronger. After that, he lived out his life like one big joke. Like it was something that didn?t really matter, and he had one day casually remarked that life was no good for being serious and decided that he wasn?t going to die soon so he might as well have some fun. He used to joke about that a lot. But now he was dead and his family was sitting at the old oak table in the kitchen, solemnly going over past memories and stifling laughs at the things Marcus used to do. How his nephew Joshua had followed him everywhere he went, choosing to walk home with Uncle Marcus after they went out to eat and how he giggled as Marcus swung him around and perched him on his broad shoulders. They had gone through Marcus?s room and quietly picked out some things and put them in a box, placing it in Joshua?s room. But Joshua had never looked at it and now it sits in the hallway, along with the yellowing walls and the growing collection of cobwebs. And without Marcus everyone in the house seemed a ghost, drifting along the hallways and fingering tables trying to remember with clear thoughts their fondest moments with him. And I drifted as well, lingering on doorknobs and closing doors, trying to pick out a memory that stood out from the rest. But for now it was clumped together into one big ball and rolled into the deepest corner of my mind, and I couldn?t seem to pick just one out anymore. Just unimportant photos of the past popping up- how Marcus had worn brown shoes when we were at the hospital, watching his father slowly die and how he rubbed his hands against his pants when he was nervous. Because when his aunt had phoned me with a sobbing voice and great spurts of unintelligible dialogue, I did the same thing. Rubbing my hands all over my pants, probably making them wet and smeary, I swear. He had died and I was his best friend and he was never going to come back unless it was all a nasty dream. I knew it wasn?t. And I wasn?t going to throw a fit like those people in the movies and throw things against the wall. I wasn?t going to slowly rot away and spend the rest of my life moping over his death. [i]To: Terrence Wiltsmore, 113 Eastmore Way. From: Marcus Baxtor Terrence, Sorry for all the fuss. I left this with Aunt Tracey, oh, maybe somewhere in August, 1994. Right after I moved out of the house. I hope you got this. Maybe I don?t. I wouldn?t like the idea of being dead. I?d say it?s around 1999 now, am I right? That?s what the doctor said. Five years. But for all I know my cancer is gone and I was stupid enough to fall over and break my neck on something. Maybe that loose ledge that kept on falling down and waking us up at night. But at any rate if you?ve gotten this I?m dead and buried and Aunt Tracey has not given you this as a nasty joke, which I doubt because that?s not really her style. Tell Katherine that I love her more than anything, even though she left me years ago and I told her I hated her. I don?t. The ring is still sitting behind all the clothes on the last drawer on the right. I didn?t know what to do with it when I found out. I only had five years. Tell Joshua I miss him and I hope he doesn?t grow up to be a morbid bastard like me, which I?m sure he won?t since you?re there. Oh, and my aunts and uncles and everyone, but they don?t really matter. They probably liked you better than me anyway; you were always the good boy. You always managed to get us out of trouble, you did. Or maybe my mom just let slip by because you were there, I don?t know. Don?t mind me. I?m old. I just get stupid some days? I feel like an old man. I worry too much. Never really thought that would happen. Remember when dad ran away for a bit and it was just you, me, and my mom sitting at the table? Somehow managing to laugh at jokes and smile at small mistakes- when we were so little. When did we get so old, Terrence? Like my father. And all the relatives that squeezed our cheeks. I guess by now you want to tear this letter apart. I spend too much time thinking about the past. I don?t blame you. I guess I?ll just move on. Take care of my mother for me. She wasn?t the best, but she was there. And she knows that, I guess. I?m not sure. But you?ve probably already taken her under your wing, it?d be just like you. I guess to make things feel better by saying we?ll be together again. We can sit around at the table on Sunday night. Always at seven o? clock, I remember. And you?d swing your legs back and forth and then we?d look at each other and giggle. Giggled, for god?s sake. I don?t remember clearly the last time I had done that in a while. Like I said, don?t mind me. I guess I?m just extra weight now, or maybe you?ll burn this letter after you?ve finished reading it. I hope not. But there is one thing I?ve been wanting to say for a while. Well, two things, but that doesn?t matter. And when I say for a while, I mean ?forever? so I might as well just go ahead and say it because I?m horrible at these things. I love you. I?m sorry. -Marcus[/i] In the silence the dust started to gather. The house was old, I knew. Spread newspapers littered the floor, reaching all the way to the stairs; various paint cans were placed throughout the hallway. The wall was peeling, brown stains spreading across the walls. It was fall again. Red leaves swayed together on the trees, barely clinging to the branches, holding on for just a short while. And the lone maple in the center, now with two headstones sitting at the base, staring up at me like eyes. I looked away. A fresh layer of paint I painted on the walls, and in the curtains there was a slight rustle that sounded like a sigh. [color=firebrick] Yeah, so please feel free to tell me anything you would change or...anything. Lol.[/color]
  11. [i]All I have to say is most guys think two women together are hot yet are made because most lesbian women are beautiful and most girls do not like gay men like men like the women why don't ask me.[/i] [color=firebrick] Wow, that was the lamest thing I've read in...well, I've heard a lot of lame things in this thread. It's a pity that you believe tv shows and movies that show pretty lesbians making out. I guess one day you'll be shocked and have a heart attack when you find out the truth. Gee. Oh well. And all I have to say is that a lot of women think two gay guys are hot together. Sorry if I'm making you gag.[/color]
  12. [color=firebrick] I swear I'm not trying to argue here, I'm just curious about what Kerry has changed his mind on so often on. I've only heard one example so far...I'm really just wondering lol. :) As for the abortion issue I'm totally against banning it. What I think would be good is if a woman has about eigth weeks or so to make a decision but after that shouldn't be a able. I'm actually just guessing here with the time frame because I don't exactly know when the cell starts to...actually grow into a fetus and stuff. I do believe there is a difference between abortioning a 8-month baby and abortioning a two week old baby. If two weeks even makes a fetus. On the war in Iraq...when the issue of going to war came up I was undecided. Almost perfectly in the middle. I saw reason to go and saw reason not to go. Now that we have gone, it's awesome that we've gotten Sadam BUT I don't like how George Bush is handling things in Iraq. Was he really prepared for Iraq's reconstruction at all? And I just hate the idea of war. I knew a guy at school who's father went to war and he just totally...was just flipped out and scared the whole time his father was gone. And even worse we went in without any allies and we DID NOT find any weapons of mass destruction. I know that we can't let terrorists walk all over us but I don't think Bush did everything possible to help the problem without going to war. And that whole 'there's a lot of oil in the Alaska Wilderness Reserve' thing. It made me hate Bush more.[/color]
  13. [color=firebrick] 1) Gay men aren't going to hunt you down and rape you. 2) So stop believing Law and Order and South Park. If you do, you're just lame. 3) There are probably more rapists that are straight men. 4) And women don't go around screaming at straight men not to touch them. It's like saying it's ok if a guy hits and touches a lady in a suggestive way [and I KNOW one of you has either done it or has seen it] but if it's a gay guy all of a sudden there's a bell ring and the first thing that goes through your head is: WAY WRONG. Whatever, that's nice, if you think it's wrong that that's just fine and dandy. It's when you start insulting gays and calling them 'disgusting' that I start to get aggravated. And duh, many guys like lesbians because their filled with hormones and think that two women getting it on is sexy. I guess women are just here to serve, right?[/color]
  14. [i]Foreign policy is incredibly important to the domestic environment. It has a direct impact on jobs, education/training and security. So, whether or not you view the outside world as being important (and it is, especially in the global village that we live in today), it's still something that should really be taken into account. In regard to the economy, people generally give far too much credence to the presidency. Yes, there are things that the Government can do to improve or hinder economic progress. But the Government doesn't control the economy. All this stuff about "it happened on whoever's watch" is largely garbage. The president doesn't control employment and he doesn't control innovation and corporate spending. Especially in a capitalist democracy, you have an economy that is generally quite independent of Government. So, yes, Government can make certain regulatory choices that will have an impact on the overall economy...but it annoys me when people (in general) tie job numbers and such directly to the president. The economy (as with many things in life) just isn't that simple.[/i] [color=firebrick]I know foreign policy is important and I certainly know that the outside world is important. And for the umpteenth time, I am NOT [i]blaming[/i] George Bush for our bad economy. So to the point across, I'm not blaming the bad economy on ANYONE. What I'm angry about is that I believe he's spending way too much time on Iraq and isn't really helping the economy. I don't know what the president does to make the economy better, but I'm guessing that he could spent some more time on it. [/color]
  15. [i]You can't blame the crap economy on Bush. That Dot Com bubble was entirely out of control when Bill Clinton was in power, and it was going to explode regardless of who was elected next. Bush did not have any sort of option available when everything began to slide downhill. Every president had a major focus. Bush's happens to be foreign policy. This could, in theory, be blamed on JFK who said quite blithely that the only famous presidents were active in foreign policy. I'm sorry you're having economic troubles, but it's kind of naive to think that when Kerrry is elected, they'll all just...go away...[/i] [color=firebrick]I never said I blamed George Bush on the economy. What I don't like is that he's not really doing anything help him. Therefore most of argument just fell apart. If George Bush's major focus is going to be foreign policy, then it gives me more reason not to support him. Yeah, let's try and help every country out there but just let the country you're supposed to be leading go down the drain. And secondly, I never said I thought 'everyone will be ok' when Kerry is elected. Obviously, it won't. But maybe things will start to get better.[/color]
  16. [color=firebrick]I don't know nearly as much as I should about George Bush's foreign policy, but basing your judgement on what George Bush does outside the US isn't what I'd do. There is one HUGE THING that's stop me from voting for Bush [if I could], and that's the economy. I don't know about anyone else but my dad just started up a grocery store and it's going badly. My family is going through tough times and even some of friends are having serious money issues, which is saying a lot since I live in an area filled with rich people. And then you can add that millions of more people are also going through this. I don't get it. The economy is going down and George Bush is spending more and more money on Iraq...he have a giant debt and he's still rising in the polls. It just angers me sometimes.[/color]
  17. [color=firebrick] Bigspike, that was the biggest pile of **** I have seen in quite some time. Yes, let your thoughts about gay people sway the decision of who's going to lead the USA. How incredibly intelligent! Why didn't WE think of that? Oh, right, because it's a bunch of BS.[/color]
  18. [color=firebrick] Right, Alchemist, and you're doing what every 'old and mature' member of OB does. Beat others down for being young. And using the reason 'Kerry irritates me' isn't exactly what I'd call the greatest point raised in the universe. And obviously, if I were able to vote I'd be voting for Kerry no doubt in mind. Yeah, Bush caught Sadam and I'm thankful for that, but I guess it sort of comes short when inoocent people have been tortured and killed, when prisoners have been violated in prison, and when his views cross so strongly with mine.[/color] [i]2a. Gay Rights. Its insulting to true minorities like African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, ect. to even use these terms. Sexual preference is not in the sphere of civil rights, nor should it be infringed upon. I in no way support killing/discriminating against gays. However, they cannot be allowed into the institution of marriage. To let them in would be like letting a woman become a member of Augusta National Golf Course. Unforgiveable. (Women are my favorite people, but some things aren't for you. Sorry to all the hotties round the world.)[/i] [color=firebrick]Right. After reading that and being a women and an Asian-American, I must say... What. The. Hell. Was. That. Why should YOUR idea of marriage affect thousands of people in America who are fighting for a right to marry? It's not like the US is going to freaking blow up because gays start marrying. In fact, gays HAVE started to marry? Let's review the negative affects of gay marriage on the US: Oh yeah, there is none. Oh, wait. I left this out: It pisses off people who think it's 'wrong'. Woah. The world's going to end. All I can get from that post is that you're an ignorant and sexist man. Congradulations, really.[/color] [i]5. Christian Judges. Do you think nominating Muslim Judges will prevent Muslim spin on things? Jewish? Buddhist? Athiest? Secularist? Confucianist? The list goes on. By making that statement, you define yourself as a bigot. And yet people like you call rational thinkers bigots all the time. You don't like a Christian influence on law? We sure don't have one... [/i] [color=firebrick]You obviously 1) Are extremely ignorant or 2) Know what Semjaza's talking about but you made up some sort of cracked up defense. [/color] [i]My point is, like it or not, Christian or not, it was and is Christians who protect your rights to be a bigot. Christian men fought and defeated the British. Christian men drafted and signed the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. Christian men wrote the bill of rights giving freedom of religion to ALL people of ALL faiths. If an Islamic man had wrote that document, all non Muslims would be illegal, I guarantee it.[/i] [color=firebrick]Christian men lynched black people. Christian men harassed Jewish people. Christian men made up the KKK. Christian men did this because it was the right thing to do. I mean, how could they ever love a Jew? A man with a different skin color? Obviously, white supremacy was just so holy. Christian men raped women in different countries to entertain themselves when at war. But no one cares because all of that happened a long time ago, right? So go ahead. Claim your intelligent superiority. You say you pity us. That's very Christian of you.[/color]
  19. [color=firebrick] Unfortunately for you, South Park wouldn't even be aired if it weren't for commercials.[/color]
  20. [color=firebrick] Uh, maybe we should just take a freaking chill pill and remember that this is a commercial. A commercial. I'm sure this will be front line news tomorrow. The point is so painfully simple: if you were a friend and you're friend was smoking, wouldn't you help them? Who CARES if smoking is a choice and drowning is an accident? No one SHOULD, because the whole commercial is directed to friends who should care enough to stop their other friends from smoking. The TRUTH commercials aren't out there because they think they're fun to make- it's trying to get across a message. [/color]
  21. [i]Evangelion--But only IF Hidaki Anno has learned how to make a good series finalle[/i] [color=firebrick] No, no, no, NO! I don't understand why so many people want to see a sequal to Evangelion! I mean, what's there to see? The last episodes of Evangelion are justified, and I do NOT want to see a change. You can't 'learn' how to make a good ending, that's like giving the audience whatever they want. He's already made End of Evangelion, the Director's Cut came out, the platinum version is being released, and a video game is coming out. People keep on insisting that a 'new ending' is made, but it's so pointless.[/color]
  22. [color=firebrick] Basically it's Pokemon and Dragonball Z, and I really don't think anyone can argue with that. Both brought thousands, probably millions of fans to other anime series and basically opened the door for anyone who was interested. [i]And[/i], I think this is just the beginning. Look at the anime/manga fanbase twenty years ago, and then look at it now. But I don't really think it will ever get bigger than shows like the Simpsons or whatnot, it's just too restrictive. Like the other people in this thread said, the only anime shows that will ever get played on TV are shows like Inuyasha. It was action, it can interest people greatly, and there's no touchy subject material. And if there is, there's not much and they can cut it out. If they ever did start playing something like Fruits Basket, even I wouldn't watch it. [/color]
  23. [color=firebrick] Um, I wouldn't anyone from Evangelion [except maybe Kaworu] because they're all insane and...psychologically screwed. Jeez. Actually, I wouldn't date ANY anime character. Well, maybe some of the background people who are actually normal people. I wouldn't feel particularly happy if I was going out with some guy who had to go and battle 70-feet monsters or whatever. >_>[/color]
  24. [color=firebrick][b]Name:[/b] Julie Sanders [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]In Your Own Words:[/b]Hey, I'm Julie Sanders and I've been here for one year. To start of with the basics, I'm about 5' 6" and 125 pounds, with gray eyes and chestnut-brown hair that is slightly curled towards the end and reaches mid-back. I don't enjoy sports much, but I can play lacrosse and soccer well enough, although I'd rather be playing either the piano, guitar, or violin. I love drawing and enjoy writing, and I love books. My parents sent me to this boarding school after taking me out of freshmen year at my old high school, something that I still resent them for. I had a small circle of good friends at my high school, but I don't expect it to be like that around here. Most of all, I sorely miss my older brother, someone who I haven't seen for five years. [url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/7493117/[/url]
  25. [color=firebrick] Actually, I didn't know what 'Chicken of the Sea' was, either. I knew it wasn't chicken, but how was I supposed to know it's tuna? I mean...unless it said 'tuna' right underneath it. So Jessica Simpson is probably some sort of genius. We have about three complete idiots at your school who have no common sense like Jessica and they're all freakishly smart academically. You know what they say geniuses... Anyways. During the summer I always get brain-dead. This year someone asked my what 'cynic' meant I answered that it had something to do with jealousy. >_> And sometimes when I'm tired I speak really wierd: "Give me ten money." I really said that when I was about eleven or something; my sister still teases me about it. [/color]
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