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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [color=firebrick] I like your first picture a lot. ^_^ Proportions are good, etc. etc. I love the eyes, too. :) The only problem with it is that the shading looks very 'messy' in the sense that you can see every single place you switched directions and every line. You might want to try and smooth it out a bit. Same goes for the second pic. I like the angle in the second picture, but if you draw the basic circle of the head, you can see that the hair is much too high. Great pics, though. ^_^ [/color]
  2. [color=firebrick] I relate with all the unimportant background anime characters that shriek and run away when the giant monster/robot/villain/alien starts attacking because 1) I would not really be all out to go and fight it. 2) Anime characters tend to be blown to extreme personalities. I've never seen a regular main anime character. Maybe about three regular anime characters...yeah, I can't think of any more, lol. 3) OR anime characters have some qualities and seems like they can't be anything else. An easy example are "Which anime character are you?" quizzes. You can't really take them truthfully because [most of the time the answers are too obvious] the characters really have no variety. I'm a varied person, thanks very much. [/color]
  3. [color=firebrick] I don't know, that Ron Weasely looks like a right good NAZI. O_O I remember something about a giant book buring in Germany...there have probably been more around the world. [Why would they burn LoTR?] Eh. I have nothing much to do, so I guess I'll rant some more. When I say reading is a dying form of entertainment, I guess I'm saying it half-heartedly. Just look at the wild success of Harry Potter [not that I've fallen into that trap. cough]. The first two movies were not great and they shot to first place in the box office. >_> And I suppose a lot of people have read A Series of Unfortunate Events...or Eragon or something. What I really mean is that my generation only reads this kind of stuff. Stuff like the cliche young teen diary books and The Princess Diaries or some other book. I don't really have a problem with this, I just get a bit angry when they absolutely totally refuse to give one look to a book like Catcher in the Rye [which I think they'd like because of its humor] or... Of Mice and Men. My language arts class read A Seperate Peace and most of the students positively hated the book. Then we read To Kill a Mockingbird and they hated it even more than A Seperate Peace. If I ever made them read Animal Farm they'd probably explode or die of agony or something. So I guess I'm mostly saying that classic book reading is dying. But overall just the reading thing is dying, too. Three things: TV, Internet, and videogames.[/color]
  4. [i]To Kill a Mocking Bird was one of my favorites. I read it freshman year, since it wasn't allowed in public schools in my town (use of the "N" word got many parents mad, so they took it out of the library in the middle school), and when I went to a private high school I read it and unlike the rest of the class enjoyed it. I could actually read on a very high level when I was only in 2nd grade, but I didn't bring any larger book like the Lord of the Rings trilogy to school because the teachers only wanted us to read on at least 3rd grade level, the rest was for home they told me. So I got stuck reading stories about 20 pages long at the most, since I couldn't read anything else in that school, otherwise they'd say you're not being fair to the others, who may not be able to read as well.[/i] [color=firebrick] Another thing about this reading topic...not only do I think reading is dying, but people are just getting stupid now. Parents are trying to ban books for stupid reasons. For example, Harry Potter. There are tons of sites out there pleading to parents that JK Rowling is a satanist and that by letting your kids read Harry Potter, they'll start worshipping the devil. Yeah. Okay. There are some places that ban great books like Farenheit 451, To Kill a Mockingbird, Brave New World...it's stupid and utterly pointless.[/color]
  5. [color=firebrick] I actually like Evanescence...first heard of them when their firt single was being played EVERYWHERE. Lol. The problem with me is that I don't really listen to the lyrics a lot. I usually play music when I'm doing something [like schoolwork or....work.], so I tend to drift off and only listen to the melody and background music a lot. Low and behold. PIANO! It was amazing. I've never heard so many songs that I liked that mainly used the piano as the main instrument. It's probably because I don't know many bands, but I don't really care. >_> My favorite song is 'Hello'. :)[/color]
  6. [color=firebrick] Great drawings! ^_^ I especially like the third one...the little girl is really cute. Shading is good as well. :) I will never get the hang of cel-shading. I always screw things up when I color them, too. lol [/color]
  7. [color=firebrick] I'm getting pretty pre-excited for AWA, too. lol I guess I'll insert some basic info for anyone who is possibly interested: [b]AWA 10 is September 24-26, 2004 at the Renaissance Waverly Hotel, Atlanta Georgia[/b] [i]Pre-Registration[/i] [b]Individuals[/b] Rates: $20 - Sept 29, 2003 to Jan 1, 2004 $25 - Jan 2, 2004 to May 1, 2004 $30 -May 2, 2004 to Aug. 1, 2004 [b]Groups[/b] Rates: Sept 29, 2003 to March 1, 2004: $75 for 4 people and each additional person is $15. March 2, 2004 to August 1, 2004: $80 for 4 people and each additional person is $20. I think Walk-In registration for AWA is forty bucks...if I remember correctly. I'll probably be doing walk-in because I'm lazy...and stuff. Lol. [/color] [i]I'm glad your going maladjusted! I can't wait to see you again! Aren't you glad I would stop bugging you to go last year?!?! =^^=[/i] [color=firebrick]*jumps up and down like a maniac* I am SO excited to get into the Dealer's Room [and meeting Naru again, lol], that was the higlight of my visit last year. I'm already saving up to go raid it...*cackles* I actually didn't go to any panels or workshops last year...we ended watching the cosplaying contest for a really long time, lol.[/color]
  8. [color=firebrick] That's not the answer...Alan Rickman isn't in Cashback. [/color]
  9. [color=firebrick] [b]Answer: Goldie Hawn[/b] The Winter Guest Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Cashback [the Harry Potter thing should be a dead giveaway][/color]
  10. [color=firebrick] P. Diddy lost his virginity at age 12...so have thousands of other kids around the world. All I know is that I am agaisnt this sort of thing, but it's not like Johnny Depp is alone in this sort of thing, people only care because he's a giant celebrity now. I'm not really surprised that there are many people who are losing their virginity at young ages now...I'd be shocked if I was surprised at this sort of thing. Sex is such a free and huge topic in the world. I mean. I'm seriously not shocked in the least.[/color]
  11. [color=firebrick] I've bought the first two volumes of DN Angel and I actually like it a lot. I'm an odd person... I actually don't like many anime/mangas [I seriously only like about five, total] but I dunno, DN Angel seemed cool. The art sort of flops for me sometimes, but I met a friend at camp who said the art gets a lot better but the storyline sort of dies. *shrugs* I'm looking forward to seeing Satoshi in a dress in volume 8. The anime is said to drift far, far away into the land of filler episodes...I've only the first seven episodes and and an episode where [it's filler, don't worry] Satoshi and Daisuke have a romance scene in this school play. XD I just had to see it.[/color]
  12. [color=firebrick] There's THOUSANDS of anime out there. My sister got me this anime encyclopedia once and it is HUGE. And that was just listing all the anime until 1997...which means there are probably thousands more that have been made. lol There's a website [ [url]http://www.animechecklist.net/Introduction.html][/url] which is devoted to filing ALL anime in existence, where you can search for any anime by date/title/etc. According to them, there are [b]1305[/b] anime series, [b]1058[/b] movies, [b]3037[/b] OAVs number each episode released individually as one title, and [b]1332[/b] OAVs counting a series as a whole as one title. [/color]
  13. [i]i talkin about like both editing and colouring some of my pics..like i want to make my pictures look less like i drew them in pencil.... i think thats possible rite??[/i] [color=firebrick]*rubs neck* I'm not really sure... There's an Ink Tool in Photoshop, but it's a devil to use and it takes a long time to get used to it. Actually I don't get what you mean mean by 'less like I drew them in pencil'. The best way to get rid of a plain lineart anime pic or whatever is to color it in. Of course I don't know why so many people think they have to have Photoshop to do stuff. Paint Shop Pro is just as good when it comes to just plain coloring [Photoshop just has a bunch of filters and some slightly better quality coloring tools, but it's like 600 freaking dollars]. But you can get used to it in time, I guess. There's a program called openCanvas and it's excellent to color with...amazing when it comes to drawing with a tablet, but that's not really the topic at hand. [/color]
  14. [color=firebrick] Adobe Photoshop is the best program for editing photgraphs, pictures, etc. Well, I'm not sure. Are you just talking about plain editing or actual coloring?[/color]
  15. eleanor


    [color=firebrick] When this movie first came out, all I heard was that it was a horrible movie. Then I watched it...I went ballistic on my friends who thought it was the worst movie ever. I adore this movie to bits. Well, first of all, Haley Joel Osment's performance blows out any other kid performance I've seen. [ok, so I haven't seen the Whale Rider yet. So shoot me.] Anyways...thay kid that died in the beginning was such a lame [curseword], it made me hate Lizzie McGuire even more. *raises eyebrow* Second of all, [b]A.I.[/b] was the first movie I saw that dealed with this subject/genre, so I fell in love with it right away. And thirdly, probably most important, is that it had a great impact on me. I think I cried at one point...that circus or whatever that mutilated robots horrified me. Reminded me of rednecks running around doing the stupid things they do. I could very well picture that being in the south, lol. And I am a sucker for happy endings. :toothy:[/color]
  16. [i]I'm with Solo on this one. However, I thought episode 22 and beyond were very weak. Before then, Evangelion really looked like it was going somewhere. Then it comes to a complete halt. [/i] [b]3rd i would KILLz the director of Evangelion ... wtf was that "congratulations" about, i mean, JEEZZZ, could it have been any more lame of an ending??? they could of put Hamtaro, and still wouldnt have been as lame as it was.[/b] [color=firebrick] Like it was [b]going[/b] somewhere? Where could it possibly go? It was never about the Evangelions or the Angels or Seele or Nerv...all of those things were like side dishes given to the audience so we would somehow find it appealing. It. Was. About. SHINJI. Did you REALLY want to see some epic battle as the ending for Evangelion? The whole freaking series is devoted to Shinji and his acceptance and reason to even exist. How could fighting some giant angel ever help him ultimately? What are LAME endings? It's when endings don't help the character finally mature and take with him the knowledge of himself and others. Unless you're watching some messed up anime version of Psycho or something. [/color]
  17. [color=firebrick] AWA is coming! *dances* I went to Anime Weekend Atlanta last year ['twas my first convention] and it was great fun. ^_^ I'm definately planning on going this year...even though I have no money. Lol. Somehow I'll make cash. Last year I walked in and got the 'Walk-In' membership and it like...forty bucks or something. o_O No cosplaying, though. *veers away from rabid cosplaying fans* :toothy: Anyone going to AWA/any other convention this year? [/color]
  18. [color=firebrick] Yes, I get sort of miffed when I hand someone a good book to read and they shove back into my face saying it sucks and start watching their tv shows or whatever. Most people I know will read books once in a blue moon and it's usually a trashy fantasy book or some random teenage series...I think they read these books about a British girl...? It's called like 'Full Frontal Snogging'. ._. But I mean, those are the ONLY books they read, if ANY. I'm a book-a-holic, though. lol. Anyways...I don't see books ever coming back and being the main thing to do. I guess it'll fade out more and more until people don't know what Lord of the Flies is. I'll die if that happens in my lifetime. *scratches head* I dunno. Maybe college and high school kids are more 'into' it. I guess the reason for the people I know is that we're young teenagers, lol.[/color]
  19. [color=firebrick] I LOVE this show. It may be a shallow cash-in, but seriously. I think it's hilarious. :D Actually, when I was watching I Love the 80s, I thought it would be super cool if they made a I Love the 90s...low and behold. *grins* I think it's an excellent idea. I liked the part when Dominic started dancing to Ice, Ice, Baby, anyway. Can't [b]wait[/b] until they do a thing on Furby's. Those things were huge. Huge. And ungodly annoying.[/color]
  20. [color=firebrick] Well, at my school the vandelism in the girls' restrooms are usually made by the same people over...and over...and over again. [Usually insults like: Charlotte is a BEEP or Samantha is the biggest slut in town] And then most of the times the insulted person's...posse or whatever steps up to the bat and writes things like: "No she's not you [curse word]" or "Go to he**". You can't expect much from teeange girl cliques who are practically failing all their classes, anyway. The thought of someone cleaning off all their junk probably doesn't cross their mind at all. *shrugs* Girls usually have more harsh and evil way of bullying when compared to guys.[/color]
  21. eleanor

    Fahrenheit 9/11

    [i]Now that I've actually seen it, I have to say that the negative hype is totally out of hand. I'm not going to discuss any of Michael Moore's controversial past rhetoric/actions/etc, because watching Fahrenheit 9/11 made me feel more patriotic than I have felt at any point since the year 2001. The film is not anti-American nor against our unique system of government; rather, it is strongly against the current administration. There is a vast difference between those two sentiments, and frankly most people just don't seem to realize the distinction (I'm speaking in general terms, not referring to anyone who's posted here).[/i] [color=firebrick]Oh, right. I just remembered why I love you so much, Dagger. I mean, seriously folks. What in God's name did you expect to see when you walked into that theater? A non-biased documentary with some old man droning on about all the political happenings and such that have happened since Bush become president? Yeah, that'd be a total hit. The whole point of a movie...is to portray someone's own thoughts and opinions. People now are just blowing up about it because most of the time, movies portray those goody, heart-warming themes that everyone agrees with. Would anyone be angry that a director portrays 'racism is wrong' in a movie. No. Unless you're crazy and want to flamed by ten million people. Criticize how a movie is made, how well it was put together. Don't start a rampage about the director's opinion [i]now[/i]. Even if it's the most crack-potted, stupid theme ever, no one should go crazy and start a riot. Movies [in my belief] were not put out there so people can go "GUH" and stare at the action or watch a bunch of teenagers talk about sex or something. Those are like added bonuses [to some people] to get across the point in the end. [/color]
  22. eleanor

    Mystic River

    [color=firebrick] I was a fan of Bill Murray and Johnny Depp, too, but I think Sean Penn did an excellent job. Whether he did better than Bill...*shrugs*. I think they both did very well. Oscars is just weird like that sometimes.[/color]
  23. [color=firebrick] Oh, wow. I loved it. :D I think the best thing about your story is how you immediately drawed your reader into the story. It's a talent, that is. Anyways, after that point I was hooked and it flowed very nicely. *rants about the goodness of this story* One problem I encountered was the dialogue between Michael and his teacher & principal. [i]?Michael, the principal wants you in his office,? she said. ?I?m not in trouble, am I?? I asked.[/i] [i]?I don?t want to alarm you,? the man said. ?But I work with the government. There have been some?strange happenings, shall we say, related to your school.? ?I haven?t done anything, have I?!? I said, justifiably afraid.[/i] [i]?What?s that?? I asked. ?That?s none of your business,? the man replied. He closed the folder and slipped it back into the pocket of his suit jacket. [/i] This is just drawing off of my own personal experience...but give it a chance, eh? Your description of Michael's personality fit me in many ways, and I know if I was called to the principal's office I wouldn't be able to work up the nerve to ask if I had done anything wrong. I would just [i]go[/i]. Teacher make me nervous for some reason. ._. And if it were me, I wouldn't ask a man in a dark suit what a bunch of folders were. I'd sort of be too scared to ask anything. It's trivial though, since it depends on the natures of Michael's personality. Awesome story, though. :)[/color]
  24. [color=firebrick] As a music student I've learned to accept and respect all types of music. In life you better get used to accepting things or you won't get very far. Bullying is one of those things. You said that people need to go through some experiences to truly grasp the importance of some music. What if you grew up without ever being pushed away or insulted? If you never felt out of place...or if your thoughts and beliefs tended to always follow the majority? What if you grew up without ever being beaten down or shown the extent of how far people can go? I told a boy at my school I didn't support George W. Bush. He insulted me for the rest of the year. Tell me, do you think I learned something out of that? Sure as hell I did.[/color]
  25. eleanor

    Mystic River

    [color=firebrick] I actually saw this movie about four weeks ago, but I remember that I loved it to bits and pieces. First of all, the acting was wonderful. I [b]love[/b] Tim Robbins, he's probably my favorite male actor of all times. *rants about Mr. Robbins* Anywho, I thought that the characters were so great, especially the characters Sean Penn and Tim Robbins played [I forgot their names]. Sean Penn's character was oddly very interesting and respectable to me, I thought he did a brilliant job with that. Tim Robbins was spectacular and too-cool of course...thought he did a stupendous job of portraying his character. I didn't like Kevin Bacon as much because his characters was just...there. He really didn't do anything, lol. [I hated his little assistant person, though. Lawrence Fishbourne or however you spell it.] The ending was a bit 'bleh' for me. I thought Clint Eastwood could have introduced Sean Penn's character's wife a bit earlier.[/color]
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