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Everything posted by eleanor
[color=firebrick] I'm not in any way totally agreeing with wristcutter, but I'm sort of glad that I've been rejected or bullied in my past. So I can say this: I've been an outcast and a popular person, I've bullied and been bullied. If I ever met a dying person who's never been bullied in his/her life, they're missing out on something. Of course I never changed any of my beliefs to stop being bullied. [/color]
[color=firebrick] Tampons [b]suck![/b]. Last time I tried using one I hobbled around my room for about an hour. *roar* >_> Maybe I'll try using them again in about fifty years. Pads are just fine, thank you. O_o. [/color] [i]The lads seriously get it easy, I mean... we always get the annoying stuff and the hard work, and I bet you there are more men in history than women. It's probably correct when you all say the worst thing for them is getting kicking in the nuts, but if it's a really nice person who's like one of those complete good guys (or just nice) and never get kicked in the legs then they have it too easy.[/i] [color=firebrick]Yes. Yes yes yes. I'd like to see a guy try and deal with having a period. They'd probably flip out and go crazy or something. *giggles* That would be amusing. Anywho, I learned about sex and the whole shabang in fifth grade, and I ended up talking about it a lot at camp for some reason. *shrugs* I see no problem with discussing this sort of stuff. [/color]
[i]The relationship between Heero and Relena is a lot deeper than most of you are caring to glance at. She's the one person he couldn't kill, the mission he couldn't complete. She left him questioning everything he ever believed to be true. He, on the other hand, was one of the biggest driving forces in her mind, pushing her constantly to do better, to somehow find a solution. She's searching for him and for answers, but deep down, Relena realizes she's going to have to do this alone.[/i] [color=firebrick] Actually, the creator of Gundam Wing didn't even intend for a big relationship to be in the show. Simply, he doesn't care. Lol. Just wanted to say that.[/color]
[color=firebrick] As someone who is young [14], I'd say I'm afraid of death. I believe that young people aren't meant to die. We grow old for a reason, you know. We're not even close to living out life to its fullest. Most older people I know, though, say that the only thing that makes them wary of death is their love for their children. Someone who loves you doesn't want to die and leave you to fend for yourself. Wouldn't know about people without children, though. [/color]
[color=firebrick] I had this fish when I was about ten or eleven, and I kept it on my desk in my room. Well, one day it was just...[i]gone[/i]. I came to the conclusion that it possibly jumped out and landed somewhere my dog could get at it. I mean, seriously. I couldn't think of any other explanation. >_> The strange thing is that I found the fish [b]under my candle[/b]. O_o. I don't know if I was sleep-walking or what. That's what I think it is. I've ended up with the shoe closet in the middle of the night before.[/color]
[color=firebrick] Well, I just watched the movie, and I think it's wonderful. Cuaron's new take on the books really made the third movie bring out the beginning of darkness and emotion come out on the movie...unlike some previous two others...*coughs* Harry seems to have a new attitude in the third movie. In the first two he was always nice and very...well, 'tamed', I guess you could say. In a bad way. >_> And another thing, Harry [b]always[/b] seemed to be wearing black or something outfit with black. The black sweater, pants, jacket, etc. Another funny thing in the movie: Harry actually sees stuff in that seeing ball. And Trelwaney mentions Ron's 'strong aura'. >_> With the Weasely twins predicting that almost unpredictable outcome of the Quidditch Final in book 4 and such. Which reminds me. I thought it was cool that during quidditch [spoiler] Harry had that jersey like outfit. But does the number 7 have any significance?[/spoiler] The scene where Harry and his roommates were joking around with those animal sounds and whatnot was surprising for me. I always thought of Harry as a bit withdrawn. And small examples here in there, how he stole Neville's lollipop and pushed people out of the way. *shrugs* Snape seemed a bit out of character, too. He actually sounded concerned about Harry when [spoiler] he was talking to Dumbledore...and how he blocked the trio out of the way from the werewolf. >_> Oh yeah, and I have a funny feeling that Snape is a vampire. The way he closed all the windows when he walked into the DADA class. And remember when Harry and Hermione went back in time and were waiting for everyone to come out again? They saw Remus go into the tree, but never actually [i]saw[/i] Snape. All you saw were bats.[/spoiler] J.K. Rowling herself said that Cuaron 'intuitively' left clues in the movie about book 6 and 7, so I guess I'll explore that. I also enjoyed the Harry/Lupin scene when they were on the bridge. [spoiler] It was funny how Lupin didn't mention to Harry about how much he looked like James and how focused he was on talking about Lily. When he said "she had the ability to look into people and find their true beauty" or something like that, I immediately thought of Snape. [reference to the memory part in book 5 where Lily protected Snape] Then I thought of Lupin as well because of the whole werewolf thing. I dunno. He seemed very passionate about Lily to me for some reason. Maybe it's just admiration, which is what I'm betting on. I mean...I'm not going to be pleased if we all of a sudden find out he had an affair or whatever.[/spoiler] Another funny thing. In the third book it says a werewolf will respond to only 'one of its kind'. [spoiler] How can we explain the part when Hermione 'awooed' to Lupin and he took off...really fast. O_o. It's a stretch, and it was probably just Cuaron taking the liberty of doing things. [/spoiler] Ok, I had some mixed feelings about this. [spoiler] It seemed to me that the dementors were going more for Harry rather than Siruis. I know Dumbledore said: A dementor doesn't distinguish its victom to someone who gets in the way [or something], but when Sirius and Harry were by the lake there were like 50 dementors going after Harry and two going after Sirius, lol. Lupin's explanation says a lot ["horrors in his past that others cannot imagine."....or something. I'm not a recorder.] Seems odd, though. [/spoiler] And, man, talk about mirrors and reflection. I think I saw a mirror or relection shot of Harry in the dark about every five minutes. In the books, I don't think they pay much attention to reflections, but there were a lot in the movie. And Harry and Sirius' relfections in the water. I also noticed how many times Harry was shown without his glasses. Many times, actually. May be his weak point or something. Another thing that sort of bugged me was the whole [spoiler] feeding of dead ferrets to Buckbeak. Malfoy=bouncing ferret. Dead ferrets. Buckbeak eating dead ferrets about a billion times in the movie. Hermione confronting Malfoy, etc. Just something to dwell on. I hope he doesn't [i]die[/i] later on. [/spoiler] As for objects and such in the movie. I did notice the abnormal amount of crows/ravens. Usuallly, most of the time, they symbolize bad things. The amount of color in the movie sort of...lacked. There was no colorful wans spells or anything shown, and everything seemed a bit dull during the latter part of the movie. There was a huge amount of silver, though. And what's with those standing stones? Lol. And there were so many things to do with time. I know the third book has a huge role with the time-changing thing, but there was the pendulum, the double-dorway, and the fountain all in the same scene. Another thing was the spirals in the movie. There seemed to be a lot of them. I don't know if they have any special meaning or anything... Ok, I think I've ranted enough. >_>[/color]
[color=firebrick] Did you draw the Beast Boy in the first one?[/color]
[color=firebrick] This is sort of old news, but [b]Ender's Game[/b] is being made into a movie. Specifically, both [b]Ender's Game[/b] and [b]Ender's Shadow[/b] are going to be combined to create one movie that's going to be called [b]Ender's Game[/b]. Phew.[/color] [i][b]Movie Update - November 1, 2002 [/b] [b]Ender's Game Director and Studio [/b] Since Ain't It Cool News is carrying the story, we're certainly not going to deny it here. The director of Ender's Game is Wolfgang Petersen. The studio that is developing it is Warner Brothers. OSC is really happy about both. The upshot is that all are agreed on a fairly detailed outline of a film that combines Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow in a way that will combine the most important elements of both. Together, the stories make one terrific film. To fans of the book, OSC offers this reminder: "The movie can't show everything from either book, let alone both. So there will almost certainly be scenes and even plot threads that you cared about which are not present in the film. Fortunately, the books still exist, and so readers will be able to experience those scenes for many years in the future. "The most important thing for the film, though, is that it be a marvelous movie in its own right, whether you've read the books or not. And I can promise you: If the film we settled on in the past few days' meetings is the film that actually gets made, fans of the books will be very, very happy with it - and so will those who go see the movie without ever having read or even heard of the books." We will not release details of the film story, however. Not ever. Not nohow. All we'll say is this: Ender is the main character. Bean is also very important and will be a point of view character, too. Both Col. Graff and Mazer Rackham will be major adult roles, and major children's roles will definitely include Petra, Alai, and Bonzo. There will, of course, be many other lesser roles for adults and children. However, nothing whatsoever will be done about casting or hiring until after the script is finished. The film's release will not be scheduled until the script is fully agreed upon AND the director has finished his next film. So it will certainly be at least two years and more likely three, maybe even four years before the film is released. Be patient. The longer it takes, the better it's going to be. And in the meantime, we'll try to get some firstrate Ender's Game computer games out on the market so that some of you, at least, can get inside the battle room before the movie is released. [/i] [color=firebrick]The most recent news is that the writers of [b]X-2[/b] are going to be writing the screenplay for Ender's Game. Orson Scott Card wrote the first draft, and said that: [/color][i]"No matter who writes the script, there are only a hundred and twenty pages available to tell a story that took more than five times that many to tell in novel form. Trying to include everything would make a lousy movie. Something is going to get left out."[/i] [color=firebrick]Card is also pleased with the assigned screenwriters.[/color] [i]Harris already knew Ender's Game well; Dougherty only read it in preparation for this assignment. "That's an ideal combination," said Card. "One of the team is absolutely familiar with the elements of the story that the most committed fans will expect to see, while the other will be able to make sure it isn't just a movie for people who already love the book." [/i] [color=firebrick]I personally am very, very, [b]very[/b] excited about this whole thing. I adore Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow and think that if done right, could produce an amazing film. >_> Sad thing is that there isn't even a prediction for when the movie will come out. [/color]
Problems::warning !!(due to the maturity of this thread)
eleanor replied to Emme888's topic in General Discussion
[color=firebrick] Ok. *deep breathe* [b]500 calories a day?[/b] That's the number of calories people try to burn when they're on a diet. 500 calories a day is first of all extremely unhealthy and life-threatening and it's hard to believe that you've gone on like this for so long. [/color] [i]I only purge when I'm really hungry and eat something over my 500 calorie a day limit....than i excercised about 500 calories off[/i] [color=firebrick]The average person usually takes in [b]2000[/b] calories a day, and diets usually consit of 1000-1500 calories. You're taking in 500 and then burning it off. Impossible. You need to stop doing this now, unless you're making a miscalculation of how many calories you're taking in and burning off. You know that you are pretty, you've said in one of your posts. You are smart, so stop this. If you [i]know[/i] that you're pretty and you [i]know[/i] that you're skinny, then stop trying to please everyone that's around you. I mean, if all you need is a can of soup and you're truthfully not hungry for the rest of the day, fine. That's okay for one day. But to keep that up for days at a time, especially when you're in high school and body is still growing like heck, that is not ok. Compulsive excercising is also a disorder, don't think that you have to excercise 24/7 to make yourself better-looking or 'skinnier'. [/color] [i] .. I'm Asian..and Im just wondering? what Is it that you see... ive heard the whole asian thing before.. but ive never really understod it ..wanna explain? Cause yeah .. we're all basically the same.. black hair, black eyes, about 107 ish lbs, small feet, and are around 5 feet? What else is there? I've never understood it..so just explain..well anyone if they do the whole asian thing too[/i] [from another thread] [color=firebrick]For a small frame, that is the norm. But I seriously...don't understand how you're the norm when all you're eating is a can of soup and working it off. [/color] -
[color=firebrick] Woah, lol. Pretty good considering you used MSPAINT. You can try using some trials of other art programs [painter8, Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, openCanvas, etc.] and mess around with those if you want. I promise they'll be smoother and better-looking than MSPAINT. :p Just try 'em out.[/color]
[color=firebrick] Your drawing are great to look at, Rei_Man. I especially like your first picture and how you drew her hair. Her skin in the shoulder and neck area is neat too, because of the pencil stratch marks you made. ^_^ One thing you may want to work on is coloring. For these two drawings I'm specifying the blue shirt-thing the first girl is wearing. As you can see, people can tell where you stopped and how you colored it etc. because it's not smooth enough. You have to try and color the whole thing in one direction without stopping mid-way or anything. Also, try and study how to draw leg muscles well. Not a biggy, though. ^_^ Hope to see more work![/color]
[color=firebrick] Nice pics, there. ^_^ I looked through your gallery, and you might want to work on drawing hands and their proportionality with the overall body. It's not too major, though. I have a question though, did you draw these and scan them into your computer or did you draw them on the computer? The lines seem to hint at mouse-drawn pictures, but I just wanted to ask to be sure. :) And what art program do you use?[/color]
[color=firebrick] Yeah, villains always have the hard acting part. I always thought Tom Felton was did a better acting job than Daniel Radcliffe, since his character is probably more different than himself. I do admit I hated him the second movie, though. And the bowl-cut, bleh. Lol. Everyone is saying that all the young actors really show their stuff in the third movie, but I'm still thinking it's not too great. P.S. Did they have to change Dumbledore again? I heard he died or...something. O_o[/color]
[i]As for WETA doing the effects, whooptee-frickin-doo. Their LOTR stuff wasn't bad, but it wasn't killer. The set design and costume design is where those films shined; not in the digital effects. The hyena things that attacked in the ambush in The Two Towers were horribly done. WETA is also responsible for the killer special effects in Hercules and Xena, I hope you all know. Now, there aren't that many good special effects houses out there. Maybe the teams that did Jurassic Park. They're good.[/i] [color=firebrick]Most people thought the effects WETA were did were amazing, so they wouldn't know if it were bad or not. I mean...I thought they were pretty freaking fabulous. I have no problem with WETA doing the special effects for the live-action Evangelion. I haven't seen Hercules, though. *rubs chin* Well, whatever. If you're talking about the TV series Xena, you can't expect much because it's a TV series. They get much less budget than movies like LoTR. Jurassic Park was pretty dang good for its time, though. *shrugs* As for the Emma Watson thing, no. The only reason they'd use Emma is to say "Hey kids! Emma Watson is in this movie! She was in Harry Potter! Watch it!" Besides, I thought Asuka was supposed to be tall and shapely. Can't really imagine Emma in a tight skin suit.[/color]
[color=firebrick] I'd be up for the job if I were to be picked. To tell the truth, school comes first to me in everything, but I have always had an interest in art and would love to help out. I've been drawing...forever? :3 I used to post my own artwork at OB pretty frequently. I usually tend to stick with reviewing art now, but I still love the thing to death. I [i]used[/i] to have some art up, but I took down some time ago; I forget why, lol. I have a pretty active myO and I've been participating in the art forum here at OB when it comes to hand-drawn pictures and such. :) Can't say much when it comes to banners and graphics, I'm afraid, but none of that is in the fanart section, right? I do have one job at my dad's store, but I get home at about 4:00 PM everyday so I would have plenty of time to do any work or fix some things up. I basically have nothing to do when it comes to summer vacation, so getting this position would benefit me greatly, lol. I've been around OB for...about one and half years. Mayber a little more or less. [All I remember is that I was here before there was a Totoro banner at the top of a previous version. XD] I guess you can judge whether I'm responsible or if you can trust me, but I can say I'm pretty responsible and hard-working for most 14 year olds, >_>. I wouldn't be afraid to put down the brakes on any artist breaking the rules at the fanart section and I do consider myself to be fair. So, may the best person be chosen! [/color]
What do you find attractive? [Threads merged]
eleanor replied to MaxSonic's topic in General Discussion
[color=firebrick] [b]Physical Attractiveness I want in a Guy [In no particular order][/b] [b]Height[/b]: Ok, so called me old-fashioned, but I do not want to go out with a guy who is shorther than me. I'm about 5' 8", and I would feel pretty weird going out with some guy who's like 5' 3" or something. >_>. [b]Body Weight[/b]: I don't like freakishly-skinny guys either. Well, I mean, I have a bunch of guy-friends who are freakishly skinny but I wouldn't want to go out with a skinny guy. Phew. I usually think good-looking guys as having some muscles and being stronger than me. :) It's nice to know that he can protect you...or something. *scratches head* Which is weird because in anime I find all the freakishly skinny guys attractive. *shakes head* [b]WAIST[/b]: I feel abormal and just plain weird for saying this, but small waists on guys look very very good as well. I don't mean 19" or anything, lol, but [b]a lot[/b] of guys at my school play so many sports, so their bodies are practically no fat and muscles. *drool drool* [b]Defined Arms[/b]: Ok yeah, this is just another personal thing. If a guy has really defined arms, I get gooey. [b]Hair[/b]: I really like the erupting skater hair fad a lot of guys are getting. Especially if they have a lean face that is good looking. XD The only other kind I like is the 'regular' guy hair; the short kind. >_> Woo! I'm probably the 1% in the girl population that doesn't care much for eyes!!! But gray ones are awesomely cool. Like Sirius Black. *daydreams* [b]Non-Physical[/b] [b][size=4]HUMOR[/size][/b] If a guy is not funny, do not expect me to spend five minutes with him. Making me laugh will probably get me to forget half of my physical attractiveness stuff for a guy thing, if you're really funny, all of them. I love to laugh and if someone can't get me to do it, I don't hang out with them much. Anyways, this is the trait that I look for above anything else. If a guy is really, really funny, he's a keeper. Like Oliver Wood. Sean Biggerstaff. He is a very good-looking guy. [b]Intelligence[/b]: There's this guy I know who is just very naturally smart and *whisper*has a great body*whisper* so I went ga-ga over him for a while. Being smart is also a big turn-on for me. With intelligence I mean I expect an attitude that is more open-minded and acceptable. To just bring up one point, I HATE the guys who make fun of gay people at my school. Basically I loathe any guy who makes fun of people's physical attributes, especially girls since we're more prone to that, or anything that deals with race/mental disorder/etc. I hate them. I hope they die. [b]Honesty is the Best Policy[/b] I don't like people who lie to others constantly. It just make life more hectic and more dramatic. [i]I'm curious, how important is it that he seems to have a somewhat stable home environment or come from the same background as you [/i] --My mom wants me to grow up and marry a Korean guy, but I have not come across a single Korean boy who I even thought about liking. Most of the Korean guys I know are class clowns who seriously disrespect a lot of their teachers and like to insult you about every five minutes. >_> I personally think American guys look better for some reason. Maybe because I was born in America. *shrugs*[/color] -
[color=firebrick] *raises eyebrow* Didn't anyone read my post? In the book it said Sirius [b]used[/b] to be handsome. But I still imagine him as a sexy beast. :) >_> But anyways, you can't blame the casting because there's proof in the book. Besides, would we want a crappy actor who was good-looking or a good actor that's crappy-looking? Yeah, ok, don't answer that. I have one tiny question about the movie, for those who have seen it. Are there any quidditch scenes? If there are, I'm officially angry, since they booted Sean Biggerstaff [Oliver Wood] off of the third movie. He is the best-looking cast member and everone here knows it. *superior look* Or something. I've heard good reviews so far...I've actually enjoyed the two movies, but I'm totally for a darker and new vision for the third book. That's the book where everything does get sort of dark, right? It's my favorite one as well. I usually don't compare book-made-movies to each other anymore, because I think it's sort of pointless. Literature and films are two different things, and personally, I love love love movies. I did think the LoTR movies were better than the books. *shrugs* [/color]
[color=firebrick] The last RPG I was in just forced to me quit, really. There were too many people and I could barely keep up without going back to the signup thread and re-reading it to see who the characters were and what their backgrounds were. The second thing was that my characters definately 'dissappeared'...I don't think people actually read most of the posts. I have never been in an RPG that has lasted long, they usually flew back to the fifth or sixth page before my third post. >_> Leading me to not even look at the place ever since. What makes a good one? If there had to be three things I picked, it'd have to be: Writing skill, characters, and dedication. Dedication being the most important. I say, if you're going to start a RPG, finish it. Even though it's very hypocritical of me of saying so. And if you're going to finish, finish it with bang. You can't have a RPG where no one posts but three people. Of course, a story would be nothing without good characters, and you can't have someone writing two-sentence posts every once in a while. The reason I didn't add plot is because plot originality is so overrated. "This RPG is about a group of young wizrds...OMG YOU'RE COPYING HARRY POTTER!" I don't care if the plot is overused or not. You think I read Harry Potter because I thought it was original? No. I did find out it was original once I read it, but the summary didn't sound very original. If you have a group of excellent writers and an overused plot, you can make it one of the greatest stories ever.[/color]
[color=firebrick] I had about four Barbies and only one Ken, so he usually ended up having dramatic love affairs and they most always ended up as everyone being happy. Somehow. Sometimes I'd get small stuffed animals and pair them up with a Barbie, so everyone was hunky-dorey and a big happy family. O_o. Now that I think about it, I usually tried to take apart Barbie's head and legs sometimes. I thought it was oddly amusing...[/color]
[color=firebrick] I have had the experience of obsessing over two actors...*rubs chin* It's not that bad of a thing. I don't go bonkers over any celebrity I see, and I could probably recognize any political leader moreso than some random celebrity. The only celebrities I know are ones that you can't help but know because their names are sort of plastered all over magazines and tv and such. Like for example: I wouldn't know Orlando Bloom if he never got the role in LoTR, same for Viggo Mortensen. Seriously, if someone were to force me to name all the hollywood stars, I'd name about ten tops, and then my mind would go blank. People usually have to say the person's name to me before I recognize who they are. Just a week ago I was watching this Revlon cream commercial or whatever that I've seen like a billion times. I finally found out who the people in the commercial were after my sister pointed them out. ["What? What? She's famous? I don't know her!"] But seriously, I am a bit pulled into this media frenzy. When there's a big news headliner that says "ORLANDO BLOOM COMMITS SUICIDE", and another one that says, "16 YEAR OLD COMMITS SUICDE", I'd be a heck a lot more interested in why Orlando Bloom killed himself.[/color]
[color=firebrick] Lol, I'm not even planning on turning my entry in for this year's contest. I'm going to wait it out until I get an art program I'm after and a tablet. >_>[/color]
[color=firebrick] Well, first of all, Photoshop isn't the best way to go with coloring. Whether you actually bought it or got it 'other' means, Corel Painter 8 is a whole lot better. And it's only $300 to boot...you can get it as low as $130 with this online deal. But enough of that, I guess it's pointless to argue that point now. >_>. Hey, considering that this is a first timer, it's pretty good. ^_^ Be proud of yourself. First of all, do what Adora posted. Even though I don't like Photoshop much, PS is the best workhorse for lineart and cleaning up anything. I don't know if you used layers of not, but if you didn't, you should. Layers just makes the whole process a bunch easier, and it has this nice thing where you can lock them and nothing will happen to those layers when you mess up and go over them with whatever tool you're using to color. Well, I think about everyone adores the tutorials at Polykarbon. [URL=http://www.polykarbon.com/tutorials/html/channels2.html]CGing via airbrush-style[/URL] *shrugs* Doesn't really matter. There are tons of photoshop CGing tutorials if you search google. I guess you're going for the airbrush style, which is harder than cel-shading. By which it means it just takes longer, lol. Well, you can use the airbrush style to imitate cel-shading. [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/5331370/]Like this.[/URL] Most people use the Lasso Tool on photoshop to make cel-shades. All you do it draw the places where you want the shading to be with the tool, and then use the brush tool to shade it in. Quite simple, really. What you need to have is a good understanding of where shadows should go etc. But anyways, a lot of other people use that way to do airbrushing, too. They just use the smudge tool after they shade everything. BUT, airbrushing is a great way to go as well. [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/4738821/]Here's an example.[/URL] That picture was made with another art program that specifies on smoothness, I'm just trying to show that airbrushing is good. >_> I guess I went a bit overboard, lol. Anyways, nice job. I hope I see more stuff. ^_^[/color]
[color=firebrick] I was very, [b]very[/b] obsessed with Totoro when I was young, and I forced my mom to rent it everytime we went to blockbuster and I enjoyed very much. ^_^. It's still one of my favorite movies...not to mention I have about fifty totoro dolls sitting in my room. :P Well, I didn't know that the movie was placed under the category anime, but I guess that doesn't matter. I started watching Pokemon in fourth grade and started watching DBZ in sixth. I sort of abandoned anime for a short while before I picked up Neon Genesis Evangelion and moved on from there.[/color]
[color=firebrick] Allright, this is sort of a sad excuse to branch out on a thread in the anime lounge, but I haven't made a thread in a while and such. >_>;; I haven't seen this kind of thread around, so it's basically a thread for people to come and declare their love for any kind of pairing that is in a movie or tv or whatnot...I was going to put this in the Literature forum for the Harry Potter series, but it seemed a bit dull to make a thread only about one fandom. *shrugs* [b]Canon[/b]: relationships that are clearly evident in the movie/tv/book/etc. or at least the creator is dropping enough hints so that 5 year olds would get the idea. Sometimes it branches out a bit and fans sometimes consider some unsupported ideas as canon...bit weird, but whatever floats their boat. [b]Fanon[/b]: relationships created by rabid fan-people. That's about it.[/color]
[i]Heh, even though I don't like Harry Potter, I think Harry x Draco is one of the cutest things ever.[/i] [color=firebrick] I know, right? Lol. Harry Potter has a huge, [b]huge[/b] slash base, there's probably fifty fanfiction websites hosting Harry Potter slashers. I usually follow canon pairings or pairings that lean towards canon when it comes to anime [i.e. Kaworu/Shinji & Touya/Yuki are probably my favorite anime shounen-ai pairings] but all hell breaks loose from me when it comes to Harry Potter. *shrugs* Don't know why...it's just very slashable. O_o. [/color]