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Everything posted by eleanor
[color=firebrick] I'm probably alone on this, but Beast Boy is my favorites because he's the only one that makes the funny face expressions a lot and he's makes the show funnier as a whole. I despise Raven with all my life. She's the typical goth stereotype [o-m-g, there's a cool rave party. Wanna come, Raven? It's at a dark creepy warehouse. Raven: cooool.] She's always just standing there waiting to insult someone or occasionally raise an eyebrow. I've only seen about 8 episodes, though. >_> I still don't like her. [/color]
[color=firebrick] Um...Remus and Lupin are the same person. ^_^ Sorry, I had to say something. I think you meant Siruis & Lupin, which is the second-favorite HP slash. Because I'm lame enough to have a list, lol. Anyways, there can't be good and bad fandom. Fandom is called fandom because it's what all the fans come up with...what you think is good or bad is just your opinion. There is good and bad canon, though, since you can use the movie/book/etc. to prove your points and such. [/color]
[color=firebrick] Well, I made a storyboard yesterday night, and it would be impossible for me to fit everything in in twenty pages. I've decided to just make Dave & Andrew current friends to leave out the background information. I'm just making Andrew run away and Dave find him in a cemetary and Andrew being depressed and junk while mourning the death of his father. The regular story proceeds from there. Now I've got to find out how to draw someone rollerblading well, lol. [/color]
[color=firebrick] Ah, yes. All the fangirls are peeved about how ugly Sirius is. Well, he's not supposed to be handsome. He was devastatingly handsome when he was young, yes, but there was a word used in the fifth Harry Potter book: [b]used[/b] to be handsome. I still imagine him as a very sexy Sirius, though. XD I'm pretty revved up to the movie, but I'm usually excited about a lot of movies. I just love movies with a passion. ^_^.[/color]
[color=firebrick] Yeah, I decided to shorten it down a bit by making the alien visitor person come fight the monster and etc. instead of the two main characters escaping and meeting them at their house...or whatever I said before, lol. I have encountered some major problems, though. My first page starts out with a landscape picture of a big city, and then goes to erm...Dave, who is running along some old sidewalk. Well, there is my problem number one, lol, I CANNOT DRAW SMALL SCALE! O_o. I need some sort of visual or tutorial on that or something. >_>. [b]Anyways[/b], then I need to show that the alien is hiding in the dark alleyway Dave just ran by, and I can't figure out how to do that either. The picture I'm trying to get is the alien [ok, we're calling him Josh now] turning his head far to the right and looking at the reader. =_=. Er...like, he's poking his head out and looking after Dave running. If anyone has a picture reference...please...*dies of lack of drawing knowing-ness* Well, basically, I need a good way to tell the reader that Josh is secretly following Dave. I need to change these names. I also have to tell the reader the background info between Dave and Andrew, without making it stupid and have Dave randomly talk to himself and somehow bring up the topic of Andrew. o_o. It has to be clever, since the stuff after the picture of Josh looking after Dave follows: Dave's cellphone rings, and the reader also finds out that Dave's friends pulled some prank on Andrew and left him...somewhere in the city and that's why Dave's running around. [to find Andrew] As you can see, it's pretty messy and I need some advice badly. [shameless ad for help] Anyways, after that, Dave finds Andrew all beat up and torn but realizes it wasn't his friends who did most of it because they see the monster and they're all: waah, run away. And I also need some references to draw a scary-lookin' monster. Not doing so good on that. So if anyone can help, I'll love them forever. :O ^ The story so far is four pages, so I'm thinking of somehow adding another page to describe the background information in a good way. klinanime1: Nice story, I think it fit snugly into a 15-20 page manga. ^_^. Now that I've read it all I can picture is some small kid waddling around trying to throw the basketball, lol. Even though that's not very nice...=_=. I think the basketball games will be pretty interesting. [/color]
[color=firebrick] I have no problem with algebra, but I hate, hate, HATE it that they judge if you should go into Algebra II Honors based on your geometry score. Geometry=almost not relation to algebra whatsoever...the only thing algebraic you really use is the x-y coordinate field and stupid equations 5x+3=9x+3. And it's stupid, you never use it again in your high school career...and not in your life either. Even our geometry teacher told us that he thought it was a bit stupid to make honors eigth grade students to take geometry. What the HECK does proving two triangle are congruent do for my math career. Nothing. It's easy enough, but it's so pointless it's not even funny.[/color]
[color=firebrick] *twitches* I think I'm the only one on earth who doesn't like the Princess Bride. I did [i]not[/i] find it funny at all...the only thing that made me laugh was the ROUS. Like, seriously. I hate this movie. O_o. My friend kept on calling me insane that I haven't watched this movie before and they forced me to watch and I fell asleep at NINE O' CLOCK because I thought the movie was so boring. I was sitting there the whole time asking my friend when the movie was going to end. I mean...*fidgets* I need to prepare to get attacked by millions of people.[/color]
[color=firebrick] I actually have no regard for the time periods, because it's just better to take your time and turn in your manga when you're ready. I mean, it'd not like Tokyopop is going to stop holding the contests or anything...lol. *shrugs* Ok, well, my number one problem is getting my plot ready, so I've made a promise to myself that I won't draw a single thing until I get the whole story layed out page by page. Lately I have begun thinking of a story, and I've decided it to be the beginning of a bigger story I've collaborated in my head. The main character [let's call him Dave for now] lives in the waaay future [haven't decided on a specific date yet, lol] and has a best childhood friend. :) What a great story, eh? Dave's friend is also not named yet, so I'll call him Andrew. *coughs* But since freshman year at high school they went their seperate ways in which Andrew became an outcast and Dave became popular. Andrew was freakishly weak when he was born and is only alive because of the advancement of medical technology, so he basically depends on medicine and daily shots to live. He's musically talented with many instruments, but I'm only going to highlight the guitar in the beginning. *scratches head* Whatever. So anyways, Andrew often goes through random blackouts that last hours in which he falls into a very Alice in Wonderland-esque parallel universe that leans towards the dark side. Andrew is trying to get home when he has one and Dave happens to find him [of course] and this hellish monster that looks like it came from a dark Alice in Wonderland World pops out and tries to kill Andrew. So I guess that's when I'll add the action in. Dave manages to get to his house with Andrew and as soon as he enters he's confronted by a kid that- oh, wait, can you guess? A. Is Dave's mom B. Is a dog. C. Is a person that looks like he came from a dark Alice in Wonderland place. :O The visitor basically explains everything and we find out that the world Andrew slips into sometimes is real [big shocker there] and he demands that he takes Andrew with him. I guess I'll add in him being a bit of a wise-a** and sits floating in the air and randomly changes outfits and such. ^_^ He's my favorite character out of the bunch. And then the alien slips into Andrew's body and takes Dave with him to the weird planet place. I'll probably show a big page of the different setting and Dave looking at his new outfit and then the alien says something...and it ends. Lol. >_>. I still need to work on it a lot. *sulks away*[/color]
The Further Exploitation of Little Girls in Our Society
eleanor replied to Godelsensei's topic in General Discussion
[color=firebrick] Similiar things happen to child movie/TV stars: they make tons of money and then they become broke because their parents have taken all of the money. It's disgusting that a parent- someone who is supposed to love and support you- would try and use you as child as a way to get money and fame even if it means hurting him/her. *shrugs* But QA has a valid point. If they want to do it, it has a number of positive affects. They'll learn how to work hard and be passionate about something, plus they learn social skills etc. [/color] -
[i]...the only reason we go into other countries to "improve upon them" is because america wants to be the most powerful nation in the world. We are afraid of what we might become if we dont go and govern other people, distilling our hatrid and remorse into other people of the world. As for this article, none of this would have happened had we not wanted to "govern" the middle east.[/i] [color=firebrick]Being America comes with arrogance and power, so America can basically do whatever they hell it wants, so I agree with you on that. Heaven knows I hate the Bush administration, but I also get irritated to see people complaining about how Bush sits around doing nothing. I mean, what the crap? How can the president of the United States be sitting around and doing nothing during a war? It's impossible. You can't expect Bush to keep tabs on everyone who goes to Iraq, Nick Berg was not even going there on military terms. He went there by himself to see if he could help fix telecommunications. Yes, out of about a billion people in the US, George W. Bush [b]must[/b] look after and each and everyone one of us. His job is to lead America, not to personally care for each person who lives in America. I mean, what? Did you think no one is WWII was captured and tortured and killed? Al Qaeda does not more war, they want Americans to get the hell out of Iraq, if you've been keeping up with anything lately. Sexually harrassing and cruelly breaking down innocent people forced to go into jail is about as bad as dying, and is was because of those pictures that Nick was killed. And what are you blabbing about we didn't do anything to stop Hitler. We [b]went to war for five years[/b] to stop Hitler and the Axis powers. [/color]
[color=firebrick] Well, I can honestly say that I can beat most of the guys at my school [that I have had the opportunity to play with] at Super Smash Bros. Melee. and a good portion of the guys at my Korean school. :) I am proud of that. But anyways, the video game industry will target boys mainly for a long time. I think it's in most females' personalities that they don't find killing each other in virtual worlds appealing. I mean...I don't think there's a better explanation for it. *mumbles* I don't mean to be narrow-minded, but it's true. I watch G4 [television channel dedicated to video games] occasionally and they use scantily clad models dressed up in random video game outfits and the hosts always comment on how good-looking a girl character is and etc. I don't mind, because buisness-wise it's better to adverstise toward the main audience. Common sense.[/color]
[color=firebrick] I've gotten to love the cel-shaded version of Zelda more so than the graphics in OOT and MM. In a sense I thought it suited the overall game well [as a review said, what were you guys expecting? Splinter Cell?]. Yeah, but whatever, screw all that. The game looks amazing. I thought the most interesting thing was Link pulling his sowrd out while on Epona [I'll the horse that for now], so I hope they make that an option at least at some points in the game. Remind me of LoTR for a bit, lol. The graphics, particularly the ones showing the forest, have impressed me so far and I'm extremely exicted over the game. The only 'new' game system I have in the Gamecube and I have only about four games, really. I need more. [i]This[/i] Link does give the Spaceworld one a nice boot to begin with, beginning with his overall appearance and face. The first thing I actually noticed that his hair was not parted directly down the middle, even though that's not really important. :3 The clothes lean more toward the regular fantasy genre [even though everyone knows Link's hat owns all other costumes] and it looks like Link has finally gotten some armor, poor thing. :toothy:[/color]
[i]Seriously, _is_ there a CLAMP series without shounen/shoujo-ai?[/i] [color=firebrick]Lol, not really. Even Angelic Layer makes me think of shoujo-ai because of Misaki's overly hyper friend. I can sense a shounen-ai pairing in Tsubasa [i]already[/i], too. :/ Don't know about XXXHolic.[/color] [i]Cardcaptor Sakura had the undeniable cuteness of Touya and Yukito, as well as poor Tomoyo in the throes of unrequited grammar-school lust over Sakura.[/i] [color=firebrick]O_o, CCS is absolutely chock full of it. It's actually sort of scary when I think about it. The relationships in the manga/anime series consists of same-sex, het [teacher-student], and then some incest. :/ A lot of CCS fans tend to ignore all the couples except for of course, the het ones, when CLAMP is practically screaming at them to look and find out that YES, Touya and Yuki actually love each other. [amaaazing] I hate it when people do that. >_>[/color] [i]I'm just saying that when people pair up Cloud and Sephiroth, two sworn to death enemies... its gets on my nerves. Thats all.[/i] [color=firebrick]Tell me the truth. Would you mind if someone paired up Sephiroth and Aeris together? If your honest answer is yes, then that's fine and dandy. If I polled 100 other people with your same thought, probably 90% wouldn't honestly give a crap if someone paired up Sephiroth and Aeris, just as long it's het. To get right off the bat, I am [b]not[/b] trying to defend my liking for this couple, because I [b]know[/b] that his pairing is very controvesial as well. I'm using it as an example of what really ticks me off sometimes. [I could also use the Vash/Wolfwood couple in this one, but it's a bit harder] Ok. SephirothXAeris and SephirothXCloud. Both are hard to support with actually good points, but anyone sane person who'd actually played FVII should know that SephirothXCloud would make more sense. Ok, Sepiroth [spoiler]stabbed Aeris[/spoiler], which sounds hypocritical since [spoiler]Cloud stabbed Sephiroth[/spoiler], but at least Cloud had a known relationship with Sephiroth. Ooh, Aeris was [spoiler] Zak's girlfriend.[/spoiler] Who gives a hoot? We don't even know if Aeris knew Sephiroth when he was not [spoiler]insane[/spoiler]. Which would obviously impair his judgement of things. Most Sephiroth/Aeris fics go along these lines: [spoiler]after Sephiroth dies[/spoiler] he feels really bad about what he did and falls in love with Aeris. What? Ok, forgive me, but it is so wack that people who support Sephiroth/Aeris so much will flame Sephiroth/Cloud. What made Aeris different from the millions of other people Sephiroth killed? What, she sold flowers. She sold flowers and forced herself to help Cloud in his quest to save the planet. The fact that Sephiroth would magically fall in love with her has less chance than Sephiroth getting with Cloud. Like I said, at least players know positively absolutely Cloud worshipped the ground he walked on and Sephiroth knew Cloud. Cloud wasn't even happy when [spoiler]he killed Sephiroth and he saved the planet[/spoiler]. NO, he is not freaking [spoiler]mourning for Aeris[/spoiler]. All he said was like: Let's go see her, and that's the end of that. He was Cloud as always and wore the whatever expression. I rest my case. These sort of people don't care if others make stupid het couples, but will insult others when people make same-sex couples that will actually make more sense. Jesus, FFVII doesn't even really have a canon couple. [/color]
[color=firebrick] It's one of movies that's cool to watch once, but far from good enough to top your favorites list. The idea? Wonderful. It's very original [although it's based on the manga] and an exciting genre to poke into, but it was done poorly. After you got to the part where all the students are released...it's not so good. The proclaiming of love is almost pointless after it happens for the millionth time, and it is ten thousand miles away from ever touching your heart or making you emotional in that sense. You never really get a feel for [spoiler]the rest of the class who dies[/spoiler] because you never establish a knowing relationship with them- all you know is their names and what they look like. The movie is really just [spoiler]pointless killing[/spoiler] that seems to go on forever to make violent watchers happy. I thought it would be immensely better if the maximum of characters was about seven and you actually got to know all of them and see what happened to them.[/color]
[i]Actualy Steph, Chinese and Koreans look exactly the same... same for Japanese... it would be kind of difficult to tell the difference. Anyway, back on subject...[/i] [color=firebrick].... Please, do not ever say that...ever again [in a serious tone]. It is completely untrue and just another type of stereotype about Asians. I don't mind if a white person or another race will get us confused, but Japanese, Chinese, and Korean people have very distinct characteristics. Most people aren't familiar enough with us to tell us apart, but it's wrong. It is so damned irritating when people harrass us until no end trying to guess what country we're from, not even taking the time to consider what it's like. I'm not directing this towards you, since from your post you are against discrimination, it's just a bit of advice.[/color]
[color=firebrick] I'm extremely sorry, that came out very wrong. I didn't mean that a warzone wasn't stressful, I was trying to say that even though a warzone is 100% very, very stressful [I've heard enough from my uncle's experience in the Vietnam war], I don't believe in using that for a perspective to commit these crimes. Even under stress any person brought up with the slightest morale should understand that what they are doing is sick a vile. I've read tons of true stories and memoires of people placed in war, and trust me soldiers do and will get drunk. They do all sorts of things- hire prostitutes, get drunk, fight, etc. Although being stupidly proud is a very possible reason, I just want to get out that soldiers aren't all cracked up to what Americans describes them to be.[/color]
[color=firebrick] I don't know about the whole perpective thing, but I don't believe in it. I have total respect for your opinion, now, but the things they are do are flat out unacceptable. Of course, it is just not the Iraq war and it is just not American male soldiers. Women and male soldiers of every country who has been to war in other countries have somehow abused POWs. During the Korean war, soldiers raped women, leaving them with unwanted children and the consequenced of automatically being looked down upon as low-class prostitutes. If we're all going to look at this from the perspective that being in a war zone is stressful, well, I don't believe in it. Most of them are probably drunk or whatever while doing it, which is why the made the stupid decision to take pictures hoping that people wouldn't find them. [/color]
[i]Let's first answer the question "are humans unable to live alone?"[/i] [color=firebrick] I believe it is utterly insanely impossible for humans to live alone. I find it hard [although it's appealing] in some fiction books where some characters who have lived totally alone for their whole life and are strong enough to keep a cool head about it. My theory is that is someone was actually forced from their mother at birth and forced to live in a desolate area he/she couldn't escape, they'd either go insane or die off eventually. It is human nature to either to observe or have contact with people around them, and it also human nature to create their own power over something else. Everyone has power over at least something else; a person with no power is not really a person, which makes humans more like animals. The human race in no doubt [i]insanely[/i] weak, although there are few strong people among them. I honestly believe it is mainly the contact with other people that will create a person. It is so easy to create the personality of just another person and with that society believes that thought. I had a conversation with my sister about two days ago after noticing how extremely fond of our dog she was: [me being the bold sentences] [b]If someone put a magic spell of death on someone, and the only way to save them was to kill Simba [our dog], would you kill her?[/b] Yeah. What about you? [b]Yes.[/b] What if the person was Hitler? [b]No.[/b] Why Not? [b]Because he's such a powerful symbolism of evil...I dunno, it's hard to explain. I just wouldn't.[/b] What about a person who killed two people? [b]Yeah, I would kill Simba.[/b] So are you saying two people as opposed to six million is insignificant. [b]I might sound crude, but in the big picture I think so.[/b] What if the two people were your parents? [b]No, I guess not. It's a hard question.[/b] Do you believe in the death row? [b]Yes.[/b] So you'd save a murderer by killing Simba but you don't believe murderers on the death row should be saved? Why did I hesitate when my sister asked me if the murderer killed my parents? Simple, because I've known them all my life and they have loved me all my life. Yet I am so willing to see two other deaths as insignificant as compared to six million people. It is almost disgusting, really. It is human nature to obtain power, greed, to be violent, to be selfish, and to be arrogant. There are people who rise above the expectations, there are people who hide their faults, and there are people who come out with it. Why do we hate those who come out with it? Is it their fault? Or maybe their parent's fault. Then, I guess we could blame their grandparents. Their great-great grandparents. >_> I'm hopelessly off topic, anyway.[/color]
[color=firebrick] I really [b]really[/b] want to see the movie, so I'm bouncing around and waiting for my friend's birthday so my friends and I can all go watch it. ^_^. I didn't see the seven-minute preview [had no idea that they gave one, lol], but I've seen the preview in theatres about three times. It's looks very interesting and pretty scary [though I get scared of horror movies....[b]extemely[/b] quickly], and I like the director anyway. :) I have no prediction of how well it will come out to be, though. The only feedback I've gotten is from three friends, and other people I know just don't talk about it. :/[/color]
[color=firebrick] I never got why so many people here [and other places] hate Linkin Park. *shrugs* I like listening to their songs when I'm doing work or drawing or whatnot, so I don't really listen very closely. Nevertheless, they're good to hear. :3 I don't really go in and find out what kind of other bands their are, I only listen to bands I like that I've heard from friends or the media, and Linkin Park is one of them. [/color]
[color=firebrick] This happens all the time, it's just that most of it comes out to the media about ten years after the war or whatever and no one cares. You can't blame just the American army, because 1) judging a whole army after some peoples' actions is stupid [although I also believe in the saying that a group is only as good as its weakest member. O_o] and 2) practically all armies do it one way or another during warfare. The whole thing is disgusting, and the people who were caught are now blaming others saying that higher officials encouraged their acts to 'break the Iraqi prisoners down'. Most of them are saying that they got orders from interrogation officials or someone of the sort to 'make them ready for questioning', but any sane person would know that the actions they took against the prisoners is inhumane and cruel.[/color]
[color=firebrick] *sighs* Ok, I will give you this: Britney Spears is an amazing performer, maybe that's where her talent lies. The way she performs is obviously very controversial. [life of current TV] It's just bad how bad media and entertianment is getting, complaints about edgy stuff on television has increased by the number of cells living in your body. Britney Spears has not really been helping the topic, though. [/color]
[color=firebrick] [b]1.) Have you ever cheated in anyway on a test or paper?[/b] --Let's see....In seventh grade I plagarized a paragraph, then as it went on I knew I could get away with it and did it a couple more times. Unfortunately, I didn't get caught. The same year I would write down Spanish definitions on my desk and use them on your vocab quizzes. The same time that year, I missed a math test and I was sent to the library to make it up. I had my agenda with me and I sneaked to find out volume formulas. Yes, seventh grade was a bad year for me. :/ Although I'm proud to say I have not commited any sort of cheating after that. I loathe seventh grade so badly...*twitches* [b]2.)Do you think that a person would cheat if he or she thought they could get a away with it?[/b] -I honestly think everyone has cheated at least once in their lifetime. If they haven't, I want their signature. Once a person cheats one time and gets away with it, and they do it again, there's no stopping it until something drastic happens. [b]3.)What do you think is more important in the long run: your GPA or your integrity?[/b] -My GPA, but I'm not going to cheat for it. I'm smart enough to get a high GPA, and so is everyone else if they try. I agree whole-heartedly with Semjaza on this one. I don't think anyone can achieve a high GPA by cheating, that would take cheating every second of your life without getting caught...nearly impossible. WIthout a good GPA, you can't get into any decent colleges.[/color]
[color=firebrick] There's seriously nothing worse for me to sit in a room and listen to a bunch of people slaughter the Korean language and scream screwed up Chinese-sounding...screeches. >_>. People at our school will call Asians 'stupid Chinese people' for no reason at all, but I manage to brush it off because I just think of them as idiots. *shrugs* The only other discrimination I've encountered are people mocking my parent's English speaking skills and this old lady calling us 'stupid Chinese' in a supermarket once. O_o. What's with that saying, anyway?[/color]
[i]I actually am not against exposing oneself... Why? Because I think it is human nature to do that and if she does it to make money good for her. I think she is good marketing tool and smart to know the human mind as she does. It if funny how people complain about her when I seen worse in my day. I mean look at Christina and Madonna and 'Lil Kim etc.... They call 'Lil Kim a stronge women and yet they ditch Britney Spears. I just find calling someone a slutt because they are sexual and maybe to an extreme is wrong. If a guy was doing it no one says anything about it.[/i] [color=firebrick] Are you for exposing yourself extremely sexually in front of seven and ten-year-olds? God, at least Christina and Madonna can [b]sing[/b]. That's why people I know don't rag on them as much. And Britney's little marriage pull-off has even angered me: just read Chibihorsewomen's signature. She's probably dumb as rocks, too, considering her infamous Newsweek article. Wow, she's made millions of dollars using sex appeal. I guess her manager [b]didn't help at all.[/b] And when has a guy acted slutty onstage...?[/color]