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[color=firebrick] Hm, totally lame anime. *thinks* [b]Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun DUUUN![/b] May I present to you [b]Final Fantasy Unlimited[/b]? So bad that it was canceled in Japan [the land of Hello Kitty vibrators, everyone.] and it just plain sucks. The use this really bad CG scene over and over and over and over again [maybe FOUR TIMES in one episode?] and after the first two episodes you get the impression that the creators of the anime were on drugs or something that was impairing their judgement. [b]SD Gudam[/b]- Ok, the first time I saw this thing I realized that Japan had gone crazy and 99% of its anime really does suck. I mean...*pulls at hair* do I even have to explain my hatred towards this show?! [b]Excel Saga[/b]- I don't necessarily hate this anime, but I was disappointed after I watched it. Everyone pounded into my head that this show was the height of anime hilarity and it was going to make me laugh out loud every five second. Not. I was bored after I watched two episodes and I felt it was a waste of my time. [b]I My Me! Strawberry Eggs[/b]- Yeah...predictable, overdramatic, cliches, and a bad attempt at making another school-girl anime all rolled into one. How fun. :D Plus, I just don't like it. No excitement at all, no anticipation, old stuff that we've seen in anime a billion times before. [b]Hamtaro[/b]- Crappiest plot lines ever. Even little kids I babysit won't watch it- which is saying [i]a lot[/i]. The only thing remotely good about it is that you can enjoy the cuteness of the hamsters and then realize their over-cuteness is scaring you. I couldn't get through one half of the show without flipping to about ten other TV stations. Yes, it's that bad. [b]Full Metal Panic[/b]- Wasted potential is what really bugs me about the show. Plus I just hate that girl with the blue hair. Whatever her name is...I don't like old-school mechas a lot, so the actions scenes cease to make me go 'cool!' and the happenings that occur at school and home are boring as well. [/color]
[i]*takes a deep breath* It's funny you should say that, Undefeated. Some of the comments I've read on this subject have sickened me as well. Asuka appears extraordinarily gorgeous because she is not an actual human being. It would be very difficult to find a healthy, non-anorexic actress whose body type was even mildly similar to hers. Some things--such as inhuman thinness--simply can't translate from anime to real life. I'm 110 lbs, which is a healthy weight for someone of my age and height (5' 3"). As an anime character, however, I would seem morbidly obese. OtakuSennen, tell me the last time you saw a girl with a body like the one shown in WETA's depiction of Ray. She's not ******* fat. In fact, she's not even particularly muscular. It disgusts me that people are judging these drawings by anime standards of beauty... the real actresses could look quite different, but I'll guarantee you now that none of them will be as slender as the animated girls.[/i] [color=firebrick][b]Ok, don't turn this into some kind of giant obesity concept/debate thing, but I know this. Some anime characters are freakishly out of proportion [esepcially girls] when it comes to waistlines, hips, and breasts. *scratches* The pictures also do make some sort of sense because it makes them look stronger, and I'm guessing you'd need to be at least more than averagely strong to pilote giant Evas. Ok, but who cares. I don't even know why I wrote this anymore. But if they're planning on using skin-tight plug suits...[/b] The live-action Evangelion movie was not the greatest idea in the world, but now that it's official I'm just hoping for the best. The castings will probably be similar to LoTR, a practically unknown cast. Although I'm really liking IanMcKellan right now. :P No one has given the official casting out yet, though. And if they pick Hillary Duff, I'm going to kill them. [b]Ok, so WETA is working on the project. It should be good, right? I have absolutely no idea whether WETA is accomplished in both the 'technology' sort of effects or the 'fantasy' stuff. I'm just relying that the background will be good because Minority Report looked pretty cool. *shrugs* I have no clue as to how they're going to create the Evas and actually make them look good. I mean, this is one of those things where you can't cross the line between animation and live-action. The point of animation is to capture unrealistic elements, and sometimes it's really not meant to switch. *sighs* But whatever.[/b][/color]
[color=firebrick] It looks like you've got all of your characters and the outline of your plot laid out, so all you really have to do it tweak it a bit. And yes, it's better that you get most of the plot planned out before creating your more in-depth characters. If you want to let readers get to know your main characters and create you know...character history and events...and you do it before you lay out the plot, there's always some kind of conflict with the plot and the character. But it is very important that your main characters are really developed and you can answer any question about them before starting this thing. It's pretty important if you're going to take this thing seriously and work on it. Title is practically least important in my opinion. [but don't make it something like 'The Adventures of Six Teens!' Whoot! O_o] [/color]
[color=firebrick] One main reason may be that you're not using the original lines that most beginning artists use when drawing heads. You know, the oval shape and then the curved line in the middle? You must must [b]must[/b] use that, especially if you want your eyes and face to be propotionate and even. I started out just drawing from scratch, so now I have to work on drawing faces looking directly at you more. Draw direct faces [b]first[/b], and after you perfect that move on to 2/3 faces and 'looking up' faces and all that stuff. As for hair, I suggest you draw it after you've drawn your eyes/nose/mouth/etc. You should still have the shape of the character's face if you drew the preliminary lines, so draw the hair so that it matches the head's outline. Then erase. Hope that helped.[/color]
[color=firebrick] This goes for PSP and PS, but you can hit 'Crtl-M' and this box called 'Curves' will come up. Adjust the line into an 'S' or an upside down 'S' shape or just plain adjust it until the picture if more clean and crisp. I can help you out if you don't have either of the programs.[/color]
[color=firebrick] *smiles* I really love the softness of your drawings. Your proportions are great and they're just good stuff overall. ;) Well, I see you were experimenting with hand anatomy, which is pretty hard to get used to and draw quickly. Crazily enough [this doesn't go for realistic-looking hands], the way I learned to draw decent hands was to draw with quick strokes. Sounds insane, but I got used to it in time. Hope to see more of your art! ^_^[/color]
[color=firebrick] I'm at my dad's office right now and I wrote this after finding nothing to do. :/ It's a first draft, so there's probably more tweaking I should do later.[/color] Andrew couldn?t say he ever didn?t like hospitals. From his mind, he could not recall a time that he was really afraid of the placid white walls and the picture of doctors and nurses walking, sometimes running, from place to place. Andrew closed his eyes and sprawled out on the waiting chair. ?It?s in all the books. He never liked hospitals, or it was something like the smell of medicine haunted him. I mean, what the hell, I can?t even smell any medicine.? The young man shifted about uncomfortably, pulling his jacket closer around his body. After squeezing his eyes, he peered around the room and saw various grim faces staring at nothing in particular. There was a fat Indian lady in the corner, sitting squarely on the chair, her large mouth pulled into a most unwelcoming frown. Her black eyes looked tired and weary and her forehead was creased with large wrinkles and big lumps that Andrew decided not to stare at. A frail, white woman with an expensive looking scarf sitting some seats away, trying to look as uppity as possible as she examined her nails. A timid old man with large glasses flipping nervously through a Housekeeping magazine. Andrew had long since looked through most of the appealing magazines stacked on the gray table, and had even flipped through a Vogue magazine out of sheer boredom and curiosity. ?Maybe I am going insane,? Andrew had muttered to himself and he slid the thick magazine back into the stack as someone eyed him strangely. He remembered dozing off here and there, only to wake up to see that nothing had changed. Andrew half expected some pregnant woman to come running in shrieking like a bat out of hell, or maybe a drive-by victim. Andrew almost sniggered as he imagined an old man stumbling in because he had taken an overdose of Viagra. Andrew eventually got tired of pondering that particular subject and fidgeted with a fountain pen he had found. One of those nice ones that doctors always used. He pulled his pullover over his head and smashed into the back of his chair, having found nothing else to do. The chair started squeaking. Andrew twiddled the pen between his fingers for ten minutes or so, sometimes dropping it with a tiny thud against the carpeted floor. Andrew abruptly got up and sat right in the middle of the room. No one glanced his way. He was sitting on a million peoples? footsteps. It felt oddly satisfying. A toddler had managed to crawl away from her mother?s grip and cautiously walk around Andrew in a wildly uneven circle. He hadn?t noticed him before. Where was his mother? Yank. ?Come here!? Oh, there she was. Andrew ran his hand through his hair and sighed, leaning forward as he rested his elbows on his knees. A hacking cough split the still air, a young man bent over as he covered his mouth with some spare tissues. His green face looked wet and ill, his eyes red with exhaustion. His whole body seemed to shake, his small hands covering his face as he knelt even further. A heavy woman bustled in, fawning over the sick boy as he coughed once more. Andrew turned his face to see a teenage girl sitting rather un ?lady like as she placed some earphones over her head. She gave a sneer to Andrew and leaned back. A young boy sat slouched on the edge of his seat, swinging his short legs back and forth as he sucked greedily on a red lollipop. Hadn?t Andrew seen them before? And what about that black man sitting with his legs crossed? The Asian family standing uncertainly in ragged clothes that seemed ages old. The elderly man with the long beard, playing his harmonica? Had he seen them? Didn?t he notice them before? Was he blind? Was he seeing things? The room got smaller, the sweat of people drifted in the air, the murmurings of worried family members rose to a dull roar, a cry of a child reverberating across the walls. Hands moving, limbs twitching, mouths moving. Feet tapping. Up and down, up and down. Clothes brushing up against his body, his forehead sweating uncomfortably as he shifted around the myriad of people. Andrew?s mouth felt enclosed, as if he was breathing out of a plastic bag and he was taking in the last bit of oxygen. His eyes felt sore, barely making out the outlines of the human bodies, his legs felt like lead, his arms felt like soggy towels. Where was his jacket again? Oh, yes. The jacket. ?My jacket!? Andrew thought loudly to himself. Push away the people, slide through the narrow openings. His arm came up and roughly pushed a girl away, his leg reaching out through a hole of escape. His skin brushed harshly against another?s, his clothes stuck to him with perspiration. He was naked. His bare body skimmed through the multitudes of dying people. Dying. Dying? Maybe. Yes. No. Dead? He wasn?t sure. A large hand. *** He still didn?t ever think about hating hospitals. He was afraid, of course. Spotless white walls. Not one stain, not one mark, not one dent. The strong smell of antibiotics and medicine, that clean odor of nothing. He looked so dirty. He was dirty. A doctor stood, towering over Andrew. His head seemed enlarged and distant. ?Mr. Jowel.? Andrew twisted his head away. ?Mr. Jowel.? ?What.? ?Are you awake? Mr. Jowel. Mr. Jowel.? Andrew opened his eyes, a white light burning into his eyes. He turned his head. The doctor looked at him strangely and fidgeted with the fountain pen. ?I?m sorry to say your mother?did not make it through the operation. She-?? The doctor hesitated. Andrew sat silently, his head staring at the floor again. The doctor placed a hand on his shoulder. Andrew shuddered and cupped his hands together. He looked up and scanned the waiting room. It seemed no one was there. What time was it again? 4:00 AM. The doctor looked at him expectedly. ?Where?s my jacket?? [color=firebrick] I guess some people will understand it and others won't. I don't think I should really explain anything this time because...*shrugs* It's just a drabble I came up with.[/color]
[color=firebrick] Nice story...very cool depiction of a person's death. [i]"You...you're me! A younger me, but me nonetheless..." [/i] [i]Yes," Jeremy's mother said. "As much as I hate to do it, it's for the best...I do not want my son to suffer. I would rather that he die peacefully."[/i] Your dialogue seems unnatural, if you get what I'm saying. It's only my personal opinion, but I don't think many people say 'nonetheless' in dialogue when they're surprised/excited/etc, and the mother's dialogue seems a bit wierd considering her son's about to die. Ya know...for another example: [i]Jeremy began to stroll down the sidewalk.[/i] I mean, I wouldn't really be strolling down the sidewalk after noticing my entire family dissappeared. *shrugs* If I have anything else to complain about, they're pretty much tiny things. The story is really good, and like I said, nice depiction. A nice piece to read. ^_^[/color]
[color=firebrick] Sorry, but I'm calling this contest to quits. It's not much of a contest if two people are participating...I'm very sorry if I've upset you guys, but still you deserve a pat on the back for your great art and participating in this contest.[/color]
[color=firebrick] If it's claimed that Osama Bin Ladin had something against the US because they set foot in the 'Holy Land' during the land, I guess the same could be said for Spain's troops. Or they're still holding a grudge because Spain kicked them out a really, really, long time ago. I think. *flips through Spanish notes* I personally believe Al Qaeda is just going to start attacking highly-populated areas in the world, no matter how politically incorrect that could be. I've never really gotten into finding out more about the terrorist group. I mean, we all thought the Basques had done it at first, even though some doubted it because the Basque terrorists have never done anything this large and coordinated. Then some people think it's possible that the attack was done by some European national sepratists and followers of Osama Bin Ladin. Terrorist experts [didn't even know these people existed, lol] say that the attack on Madrid had signs of the ETA and Al Qaeda, so...*shrugs* Some people think it's a combination. [/color]
[color=firebrick] You can get the manwha anywhere that Tokypop books are sold. Waldenbooks, Best Buy, Media Play, B&N, etc. [/color]
[color=firebrick][b]Shawshank Redemption[/b]: Can you say coolest movie ever? I love Tim Robbins [i]and[/i] Morgan Freeman, and the story/plot of the movie was really great. Not your typical prison movie. Probably the only movie that I can watch over and over and not get tired of. [b]Lord of the Rings Trilogy[/b]: 1) Action 2) Storyline 3) Peter Jackson. ^_~ New Zealand was beautiful, too. You can just think about the hundreds of hours the cast spent toiling to make the actions scenes perfect and re-live the books in the best way possible. [b]My Neighbor Totoro[/b]: It's a childhood favorite, but I still love it. :P It's been crowned Miyazaki's greatest work at times [though I don't know if that was said before or after Spirited Away, lol] and I still think it is. The storyline is great and contrary to popular belief it DOES have some meaning. [/color]
[color=firebrick] College professors never really cared about what their students did during class, unless it had some negative impact on the whole class. Danny had dozed off in the corner of the large room, his body sprawled out on his seat. He awoke slowly as various people pushed at his stretched legs and gave a glare and some peers stared and chuckled at him. 'So much for learning,' Danny thought. Danny slung his bag over his shoulder and stalked out of the room, pushing through a circle of girls chatting about 'Some Chasity woman,' Danny recalled. He scoffed and walked away. *** Danny hated walking home from college, especially when someone asked you to buy some drugs every other minute. He felt like flinging something at something, hard. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the bright red car still parked at the corner. Danny gripped his bad tightly and walked more quickly, eying the car as if it was his death. 'Oh damn.' Danny muttered to himself. The car's engine had started and it was slowly following the young man. 'Like it can be anymore obvious...' Danny thought as he started to jog away. [i]Screech![/i] Maybe it would be better if he started [b]running.[/b] The car chased after his madly, narrowly dodging fire hydrants and other cars as it sped up, inevitably close to Danny. 'Not now, not now.' Danny screamed at himself, trying to run faster and faster and the car followed along, now right beside the young man. Danny could practically feel the eyes glued to him and he sped along the sidewalk with unheard speed. The apartment! Danny rushed up the stairs, dropping his bad as he did so, trying to lock the door before the man behind him caught up. No one was watching, it [i]was[/i] pretty dark... Danny kicked over a pail with some water, swinging his left arm heavily around to multiply the amount of water and shoot it at the unsuspecting man in the stomach. The dirty water turned crystaline blue, creating a thin line. 'This should be enough,' Danny pushed at the water, watching the man fall to his feet. Only to come up with the water balled in his hands. The man carelessly threw the ball of water behind him and grinned. "Quite a power you've got there, my fellow Cancer." The man's voice sounded light and happy. Danny gave a unbelieving face and he backed up a bit. "Who- who the hell [b]are[/b] you?!" Danny asked with utmost authority. "Jeremy Walter. Otherwise know as the Cancer of the Masters of the Zodiac." Jeremy said casually as he slowly made his way towards Danny. "Master of the what? You [i]believe[/i] that junk? What the- get away from me!" "Ah, a young one. You've much to learn." "I don't need to learn anything!" Jeremy winked. "Ah, let's see...discovered powers at the age of 12, smart enough to keep it to himself... neglected child yadda yadda yadda." The look on Danny's face was priceless. "And you, kid, are one of the original descendants of the Masters of the Zodiac," Jeremy's voice turned serious, "soon enough your powers will be needed to help protect this place." "Screw you." Jeremy laughed and turned away. Danny was not too surprised when he saw that the man had disappeared.[/color]
[color=firebrick] O_o Wow, I'm a bit surprised to see this thread hasn't been made yet. [b]3/11[/b]: Madrid, Spain was attacked by terrorists [now confirmed to be Al Qaeda [sp?] after officials found a video camera] by being bombed at the train station. I think the death count right now is 190-200 people, with over 600 people injured. Many people think that it's related to the 9/11 attacks, which I really agree with on a whole. I think they've arrested about five people already, tracking them down by finding out the buyers of these cheap cell phones and phone cards, because apparantly the terrorists were using them to communicate to each other. They used ten backpacks to hide the bombs and you can figure out the rest. The whole mess has caused Spain to re-elect a new Prime Minister that opposes sending troops to Iraq to help the US and it's just very devastating overall. However, [b]11 million[/b] Spainish people gathered at a rally to support the victoms' families and such.[/color]
:sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
[color=firebrick] Why does my college have to be smack middle in [i]Harlem[/i]? Danny muttered silently to himself as he tried to walk more quickly with his messenger back slung over his shoulder. His hair was ruffled and his eyes looked haggard, his whole body a bit edgy after staying up researching and getting two hours of sleep. He was already late to class, but Danny didn't particularly care. First years were supposed to stay in dorms, but Danny positively abhorred his roommate and secretly rented a beat up apartment in the dangerous city. A bright red car was parked illegally at a corner. 'Damn, that car still hasn't moved.' Danny remembered seeing the car the other night as he was walking to his apartment. He shrugged and kept on his way. 'I should just pay someone to take a recorder to class everyday so I don't have to go.' Danny thought. He regretted leaving the last extra class blank so the college could choose for him. Out of all the topics, he landed with Astrology. He [b]hated[/b] Astrology. Danny ran his finger through his hair and sighed. Here comes the college. *** The monotonous voice of the teacher droned on about ancient predictions by the stars as Danny twidled with his pen. He had put his glasses on in case there was note-taking, but it didn't seem the teacher was going to stop reviewing what they had already learned a week ago. He couldn't believe there were some kids who were actually interested in the topic. They had finished Chinese Zodiac signs and were about to move onto Horoscope Signs. Danny had caught whiff of the hints of a giant self-astrology project and he was about to commit suicide. He didn't even know what sign he was. [/color]
[color=firebrick] The raider had left Syft be in a short-lived shock of witnessing a mage show such betrayal against an innocent. Not exactly something Syft had expected. Syft had awoken from a painful slumber, only to be shocked when realizing his face was looking directly into the dead child. He knew very well what happened. Not that he was going to admit it, of course. Syft's clothes and skin were covered with black ashes, his face dirty with dust and scratches. Syft didn't even want to know how he could deal with taking his staff out of the child's body. He imagined the worst, as usual, but nothing too bad. A squelching sound and some blood. Syft took off into the extreme ouskirts of the village, using his black cloth and tying it securely around his scarred back. The pain seemed a bit dulled, somehow. His staff had materialized back into the red jewel. Syft ran without stopping, his breathe coming out in short puffs as he slowly came to terms with the twinging thought of danger in the back of his mind. Someone was following him. There was absolutely nowhere to hide, surrounding him was the vast plains and behind him far away the burning smoke of the now ruined village. 'Who would be looking for me?' Syft frantically thought. Kurian? No, it can't. Syft almost thought of Attijun. No... [i]Swoosh[/i] Syft swung his left hand over his body, hurling himself to the ground. A small, circular blue field of faint light surrounded Syft and his body began to flicker. Syft's skin molded to the colors of the grass and first, invisible to the naked eye. A terrifying screech from a dragon sounded as it circled the area of the vast plains. 'Who is it? Who could it be?' Syft screamed at himself. It was not be hard for the dragon to find him, the magic was slowly wearing out.[/color]
[color=firebrick] I really have no idea why some people sick at home can play video games all day. It's gives me a horrible headache and I feel like my brain is about to explode. Same goes for too much TV or computer when I'm sick. I mean, the best thing for you to do is sleep. It's healthy for you and you pass [b]a lot[/b] of time. If you're healthy enough to run around playing video games and getting hyped up about them while not getting a headache, I don't know why you're not at school.[/color]
[color=firebrick] I usually watch the Japanese dub, but there are some anime that I will listen too in the English dub. I mean, [b]Spirited Away, Cowboy Bebop,[/b] and [b]The Animatrix[/b] are some examples of excellent dubbing. Seriously, more than half the population in the US probably can't read fast enough to watch using the subtitles. No offense, but it's really true. I don't care if anything is dubbed unless I can watch a subtitled version of it. Like, [b] Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon[/b] had to be dubbed because American people can't voice Asian voices. It's likewise for Asians, but I guess it's better for them because English [i]is[/i] a hard language to learn.[/color]
[color=firebrick] Sorry again everyone, I was just irresponsible this time. >_>. So, there's four contestants left. Here are the ratings: [b]Bio[/b] [i]8/10[/i] --I like the helmet, it's very cool-looking. ^_^. I think you achieved the ash-texture, although it can be misinterpreted as just shading. [b]Chabicou[/b] [i]8.6/10[/i] --I get the feeling that her head is a tiny bit too large, but the rest of her proportions look fine. You might want to work on shading in just one direction instead of many directions. [b]Megumi[/b] [i]9.3/10[/i] --I lived up to your 'soft' look again. ^_^. I really love how well the arms and torso were drawn, though the fingers look a bit odd. [b]Pyrophobic[/b] [i]9.6/10[/i] --Wow, very nice job with the animal. :P The limbs are excellent and I love the way you shaded it. Or is that markers? *shrugs* [b]OK, so on to the background category! The first sub-category is 'Background', and you can get the details in my first post. You have [i]four days[/i] to finish this, so all entries are due [i]March 17, 12:00 PM.[/i][/b][/color]
[color=firebrick] Two days. No one had seen Amarios, and there was no word of where he had gone off to. Syft didn't particularly care, until a group of bounty hunters had discovered some of the Stiff's hiding places. 'Now where exactly would they have found out that from?', Syft had silently muttered to himself as his ears heard of the news. The group was in a state of excitement. "How'd they fin' out, how, how?" One shrieked. "Wha' if they find us?" "We gotsta get out of here, tha's what." One boy had decided to play leader after Amarios left. Syft sat hunched in the back of the group, drawing random figures on the concrete with his calloused finger. 'Would they come there?', he thought frantically. 'Should I leave?' Kolsum was sitting next to him again. "D'ya think?" A raspy voice seeped out. Syft looked at the other boy. "D'ya think Amarios would do that? Would 'e?" Kolum stared widely at Syft, expecting some sort of consolation. 'Yes,' Syft thought. "I don't know." Syft answered and vainly tried to turn his back to the other. "Should we leave? Should we leave now?" Kolum insisted. Syft drew some more imaginary squiggles and shrugged. "Don't know. Don't know why- why they always comin' afta' us. Huh." Kolum sniffed and sneezed. Syft cringed. A scream echoed, chaos ensued. The sound of gun fire against walls and flesh sounded and it was complete pandemonium. [/color]
:animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil :animesmil
[color=firebrick] An uneven trail of dead raiders and dragon limbs followed the path of Syft, who was now violently pushing everybody, villagers included, out of the way. It seemed like he was the only man running against the current of running civilians and raiders laughing sadistically while slaughtering anyone they say as prey. Syft lept onto a large oak table and swiveled about, catching the jagged end of his staff into a raider's stomach and mercilessly hacking out foul pieces of flesh and blood clots. He put a great step forward and help up the staff with his left arm, bringing it down with a horrifying crack upon a particularly large raider's head and leaving crimson blood to bubble down his ugly face. His long silver weapon's top was now practically dripping with the mixed blood of his enemies, poking out like a glint of red light in the air. Energy flowed through his legs each step he took, closer to Attijun. His limbs felt tireless, his head seemed clear, his eyes were deadly with the precision of a boy who had trained for this for what seemed an eternity. He felt excited, he was pumping with adrenaline, he was- Fire. Red flames licked the sky. Broken limbs and burnt wood littered the ground, the smoldering [i]thing[/i] that barely stood upon the ground looked like a giant tree stump that had long since died. His warm home that had served him for as long as he could remember was now waiting to be picked up by the win and blown away. Where was Attijun? Where were his ashes? Were the ashes of a great soul now mixed in with the remnants of a shabby hovel? A child bumped into him and fell with a small plop. Cries filled Syft's mind and his eyes could barely comprehend the figure of it. Limbs flying about, mouth wide open and shrieking for his mother. Syft's eyes blurred and he could barely see anything, just the haze of smoke and red. A raider ran towards them, his spear posed to kill. Syft couldn't see. Mommy, mommy!, words and screams vibrated painfully inside his mind. Help me! Help [b]me[/b]! Innocent pleads of help sounded in his head, as if the sound had multiplied tenfold and was now playing inside his head like a broken record. Louder, clearer, the sound was painful. His head throbbed, his hands groped at his hair, trying to knock out the cries. His eyes shot open with a fearful look of utmost anger and confusion, his hook pummeling down into the child's stomach, followed moments after by the black spear of the raider. Syft did not take it out.[/color]
[color=firebrick] [b]Name:[/b] Danny Joelki [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Sign:[/b] Scorpio-Pluto [b]Element:[/b] Water [b]Special Powers:[/b] Danny's most recognizable power is his speed and ability to dodge and feign attacks, but with his speed comes his lack of strength when it comes to straight on punching and kicking. His attacks, of course, deal with water and he mostly uses his element is controling rivers/lakes/ponds/etc. or ice. Danny can also control the tides of the ocean, but has not completely mastered this ability. [b]Description:[/b] Danny is extremely lithe and a little taller over the average young men his age. [5? 10?] He is extremely skinny, and is literally almost nothing but bones and light muscles. His eyes are sharp and very deep blue, almost a glowing color. He was tremendously light blue hair, edging on the verge of gray, that parts two-thirds of the way across his forehead and flairs out a bit in the middle and then comes to an end at the nape of his neck. Danny wears usually black or blue-shaded clothing; mainly loose jeans and an overcoat or some sort. [b]Personality:[/b] Danny is a very quick, intelligent thinker and is often called brilliant. It has unfortunately gone to his head, but only comes out in disgust for slower or stupider people. He mainly puts on a secretive and apathetic act when surrounded with people who he thinks are not with level, but then is incredibly open-minded, loyal, and humorous when with people he believes are ?worthy?. Even with these people he can still be very independent when he wants to, and despises people who cling to each other for support. [b]Biography:[/b] Danny was born in San Francisco, California to an upper middle-class/wealthy family of a mother, father, and older brother, all living in a large condo by the ocean. Danny?s father was a successful businessman and his mother often went out with friends and did not spend much time at home. Danny?s only companion that he could enjoy spending time with was his older brother James. After James went off to college, Danny spent most of his time on the Internet writing various essays of current events and researching certain topics. After graduating as valedictorian of his high school, he was accepted by all major Ivy League colleges but decided to go to Columbia University, where he currently resides. Danny still is a loner of sorts at even college, and refuses to talk to his roommate unless necessary. Ironically, he longs for acceptance. [b]Others:[/b] Danny is also cynical towards love and relationships, and has only felt brotherly affection for his older brother. [/color]
[color=firebrick] What the- Jesus! Am I the only one here who seriously sucks at using PSP7? I still don't even know how to use layering correctly or make those graphic backgrounds. :/ I feel stupid. >_