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Everything posted by eleanor
[color=firebrick] I don't know if it was on purpose or not, but the head is quite large. I was just wondering if you were going for the SD style. Other than that, the picture is very clean and well-drawn! There's really no problems with the picture at all, considering the way you draw is your own style. Really nice job, I hope I see more. ^_^[/color]
[color=firebrick] :P Well, I'm glad she sort of falls for Kun's friend; I personally dislike Kun. :/ Such a jerk. I heard Jungwoo has longer hair or something in the second book and he's sort of barely connected. I hope it's not true, though, since he's my favorite character along with Kun's friend. [I keep forgetting their names, lol.][/color]
[color=firebrick] It's not learning how to read right to left is amazingly hard or something, and the pictures are meant to be seen that way. If they're flipped some faces can come out as deformed or strange looking, really.[/color]
[i]Not so young grasshopper...[/i] [color=firebrick] ......[/color] [i]...if everything were based in fact where would new ideas come from? I'm not saying I can't defend myself, I find it unnecessary when I'm not really trying to accomplish anything. I come here for entertainment not drama.[/i] [color=firebrick] If you're trying to be apathetic here, you wouldn't have posted in the first place. You know what, you [i]can't[/i] defend youself. If your 'ideas' ever come true, I swear the world has certinaly gone off the deep end. You say the most random things and then tell us you're not going to debate your ideals, and then say that you're looking for entertainment? How does possibly have [i]any[/i] relevence with what we're talking about?[/color] [i]Of course, there are advantages to apathy. You can't make me mad, just make me think which is a welcome change.[/i] [color=firebrick] For a teacher, you have bad grammar. I have no idea what you just said.[/color] [i]Adults are so dreary & while I love my fifth graders for their purity you high school kids have so much more passion. [/i] [color=firebrick]1.) I'm not in high school. 2.)You're an adult. Sorry. 3.) Fifth graders don't have purity anymore.[/color] [i]No darling, Lenin was a social revolutionary. He did things. And in case you haven't been paying attention I've clearly stated that none of you are in any danger of being (mis)educated because of me. Entertain some ideas of anarchy for a change. You know where I got them? My 74 year old Educational Theory professor during my Masters' degree. Don't knock it till ya tried it.[/i] [color=firebrick] Do you seriously think we're afraid of being miseducated by you? I'm afraid for your [probably nonexistant] fifth graders. Or maybe we won't entertain ideas of anarchy and read some utopian books for a change.[/color] [i]To you dear reader I say herein lies the root of the problem. Teachers are people like everyone else. My mom's students used to freak out when they saw her in the grocery store b/c they didn't even realize she ever left the school. Did you know that in Colonial America teachers weren't even alliowed to get married? They were practically like nuns! I don't know what your teachers have been like but all the ones I work with think of it as just a job. [/i] [color=firebrick]We're not idiots. [/color]
[i]The only way to create a better system would be to revamp the entire education system as we know it. Possibly even our value system where education is concerned. I have seen far too many students who are obviously not cut out for school as we know it. In my opinion stadardized curriculum should stop at a much younger level and make way for interest based courses and real job training. Also, school grade levels shouldn't be based on age but on maturity and intelligence. When you've mastered one thing you go on to the next, not when the term or year is over. Well, I haven't worked out all the bugs yet, gimme a break I'm only 24! [/i] [color=firebrick]Um...are you crazy? I am seriously considering why you are a teacher. Revamping our entire schooling system? Yeah, I'm sure that'll only take about hm...forever? What are you trying to pull here? There's some problems with current education, but to revamp the whole thing would be foolish and utterly insane. And what do you suggest by saying you've seen too many children not cut out for school? Oh yeah, let's just cut off half of the children in the US from school because they're too young to know what they really want! Boba Fett is dead on in saying that children don't know what's good for them. 2/3 of them would pick something like Art Class because they enjoy playing around with clay or something. High school students know what they're interested in, so they allow high schoolers to choose some extra classes of their choice. College student know what's good for them, so they get to choose the classes they take. And think about it: math is even required in college as well. And if you haven't noticed, mastering one thing and going on to the next is how school systems are set up. Kids who are have mastered an entire subject are allowed to go to higher classes. I won't give you a break because you're 24. You're a freaking teacher. [/color]
[color=firebrick] Syft had woken only to see Amarios and the group sprawled out and softly talking to each other. [i] I guess he didn't kill me.[/i] Syft thought to himself, pretending to remain knocked out before confronting Amarios again. It was only until Amarios silently left the alley that Syft sat up and leaned against the wall silently. Kolsum grinned toothily as he peered at Syft. "I knew you were awake, eh? Didn't say anything, though." Syft looked at Kolsum pointedly and gave a stirring smile. "How'd it go?" Syft asked, truthfully not caring for the ordeal anyway. Kolsum chuckled. His voice rasped and his throat made a squeching noise as he laughed softly. Syft looked grim. "You know Amarios." "I don't." Kolsum frowned and then coughed up a wad of dirty saliva. "Made way with his own plan, eh? Didn't make it, of course." Kolsum's voice sounded more strained as he talked excitedly about the happenings of earilier that day. "Others are surprised he didn't kill you, aye." Kolsum couged once more and fell silent. Syft turned a bit so that his back faced most of the group. He resumed to read the newspaper bit after finding it about two feet away from him. He had been keeping track of this Kellan man from his beginning. Syft had searched and stolen every article or writing about the man, an unknown urge in his mind telling him to do so. And it was so obvious. Syft finished off re-reading the article and carelessly threw it away. Carefully planned speeches spoken to Preens at the time of utmost confusion and hatred. The hidden persuasion to the peoples of leading hismelf to office. His undeniable hatred for Stiffs and Jailbaits. Could not anyone tell what was going on?[/color]
[color=firebrick] Wow, you really like Billy Boyd, lol. [b]Almost[/b] as strong as how much I like Viggo. ^_~. J/k. I really like your Billy avatars and the Vicious avatar and banner. I love putting rip effects on banners, and I used to do it to every one of mine. The banners/avatars are simple but still very nice, and that font matches nearly every picture, lol.[/color]
[color=firebrick] I loved every part of the movie, really. Probably because I'm currently obsessed with Viggo Mortensen. I haven't seen the Last Samurai, but a lot of movies have massacres. Was there a specific theme to both massacres that made them similiar to each other? I just think they put the massacre in there because [it was a real event, I believe] and to protray some elements of how Viggo shunned part of his heritage. I really don't think any movie really 'copies' others. I even liked the fading of the landscapes... It's also tiresome when a movie just switches to one place to another. It gives me the feeling of choppiness and uneven scenes. I admit, Hidalgo wasn't great, but I thought it was a good movie. When I went, the place was completely [i]packed[/i] and some people were sitting on the floor. I was lucky to have gotten there 40 minutes before because my mom and sister were watching the Passion. I never felt that I was bored in any part of the movie, and I thouroughly enjoyed every moment. At first I thought the movie would be a bit bad, but it turned out to be actually good. The action scenes were nice [I really liked that African dude who totally kicked a**] and I really liked the landscape of the desert. Wasn't it pretty? :P There were a lot of silhouette-esque scenes in the movie. But I guess you can't really expect anything else in such a setting. And the movie only increased my admiration for Viggo. He looks likes such a hard-working and ambitious actor; with all of the action/adventure things he's done in LoTR and Hidalgo. [/color] [i]The score (music by the orchestra) is marveolus![/i] [color=firebrick]I didn't really keep an ear out to listen to the music, but it was very nice whenever I did. ^_^. I basically like most orchestral scores.[/color]
[color=firebrick] "****!" Kurian took a quick half step back as Syft hurdled to the ground as a ball of flames hit the ground just inches away. Syft twisted himself upright and rolled twice before managing to find a dry spot of earth and brining himself up. Moments after standing, a raider ran in from behind, grasping a long sword firmly in his hands. Kurian had ran off with a weapon in hand after seeing that Syft was standing up to help defend the village. Syft struggled to kick off a raider that had clamped onto his body, trembling at the sound the nearing footsteps of the raider from behind. "Get off, get [i]OFF[/i]!" Syft screamed while trying to flip the attatched raider over his shoulder. At first there was a hot, burning sting that prickled Syft's entire backside. And then pain. Blood soaked through his cloth and raw pain darted through every nerve that Syft woul imagine that was in his body. The raiders wasted no time in attacking other helpless villagers, leaving Syft to fall to the hard earth alone. Syft cried in pain and bit his long black cloth to keep himself from bawling in absolute terror. His eyes looked up to see fleeting women and children, running in no real directions at all; Get away from the raiders! cried an elderly man as he was brutally knocked down and gutted like a fish. Children were stabbed and the elders were slashed, and between the cries of pain and victory Syft could not comprehend a moment of it. He could not possibly stand up. His back was still screaming with the ache of ten thousand knives driven into the human flesh. His legs felt dead, his hand were trembling. No, don't throw up. Stop sweating. Stop it. He couldn't stand up. Attijun. 'Attijun!' Syft's mind screeched at him. 'How is he? Is he dead? Have the raiders got him?' His throughts were blurred and barely comprehendable. Syft balled his hand into the dirt and curved his back, trying to ignore the stabbing pain spreading throughout his now frail body. Confusion flew about him everywhere. Syft wondered why he wasn't dead yet. Why didn't anyone see him? No help. Syft screamed. His screams did not stop after Syft stood up, they continued with the unrefined sound of wrath and fury. He grabbed his the end of his necklace and help it up preciously, its glowing color blinding his mind. A silver pole materialized into his hands, a sharp hook of silver sprouting from a giant red jewel and a burgandy handle at the pole's end. Its jagged end shined in the ironicle sunlight and blue skies, soon to be bloodied with the shrieks of fear and pain. 'Twist back, curve, no-- spin, jab,' The hook was dripping with dark, thick blood. 'Dodge, duck, kick, stick,' A red ball of light formed from the air and blasted into a large raider with enough strenge to make it out from the enemy's back and dissappear into the air as the flesh and blood dropped to the ground. Syft's back pains were nothing compared to the anger clouding his mind and the deadly precision of attacks. Syft kicked awaythe dead corpse of a raider, or was it a innocent townsperson crying for help? Syft needed to get to Attijun. Now.[/color]
[color=firebrick]"You are such a pig." Kurian smiled deviously at Syft. "The ladies just can't resist me, you know that," Kurian said with a great wink. Syft grumbled to himself and downed the rest of his drink in a long gulp. "Yeah, well..." Syft started. He looked up to see Kurian making hellos to yet another waitress that had walked by not too long ago. Syft quietly ordered another drink and kept to himself while trying to act like he didn't know who Kurian was while he was talking brashly to Anne again. A few moments later, Anne stalked off with an oddly pleased and red face to serve some newly come men. Kurian swiveled his chair to meet Syft finishing off his second glass of wine. "Ye need to try the ale, Syft, not the wine!" Kurian stated as he clapped Syft's back. Syft managed to keep himself from spitting all of his wine out from the force of Kurian's hand and meekly swallowed the last of it. "Let's go out and see what's up with the preperations, eh?" Syft nodded and follwed Kurian out of the bar and out into the sunny skies of Earathia. There were now more decorations hanging from roofs and various nooks and crannies. It seemed that now there were more people bustling about and running to meet the demands of the festival so that it would be ready for tomorrow. "You have to admit, it looks very nice for a festival celebrating dragons." Syft commented while looking up at Kurian's face. "Aye, it looks fine," Kurian answered with a off-track voice. He was eyeing the nearest attractive girl he could see. "Who's that girl, right there? With the long brown hair, you see?" Syft turned to head to where Kurian was pointing to see a bubbly girl helping others with the decoration and preparations. Syft squinted his eyes. "I'm not sure. It may be the daughter of Mattheo, the famous dragon tamer, eh?" Syft answered with uncertainty. "Don't get your hopes up, she'll probably be leaving now that it's late." Syft said dryly as he observed the decorations again. Kurian laughed. Syft ducked to dodge one of Kurian's backbreaking claps. It only managed to make Kurian smile. "I guess I'd better go home now. Attijun needs me." Syft smiled softly to himself. "Where are you staying tonight, then?" "Ah, that hotel I guess. It's so [i]boring[/i], aye?" Kurian responded. Syft shrugged. "I don't mind if you stay at Attijun's. He won't mind either, I'm sure of it." [/color]
[color=firebrick] People at my school are now obsessed with saying [b]'Eyeball this'[/b] or[b] 'EYEBALLUS'[/b] at point to their eyes whenever they beat someone else at something. Or the ever popular [b]'Get off me!'[/b] or when we put our arms up and swing our wrist around while [b]'gotcha!'[/b]. All of them invented by the ingenious Andrew 'B-Dale' at my school...:P He's actually funny at times. [/color]
[i]Bush has done much more than helping the US recover from September 11th. He?s freed Iraq from an evil dictator and removed a threat to the entire Middle East. Bush has, through his tax cuts, revived a floundering economy. He?s also reformed our education system, which I can say has been a very good thing. It?s forced schools to shape up and give students quality education.[/i] [color=firebrick]I personally hate some parts of the No Student Left Behind bill...but [b]anyways[/b], Boba Fett is correct in that there are many good things that Bush has done in his term of presidency, but it's evenly matched with some mistakes he has made. The best thing Bush has done so far was finding Sadam and giving the economy a couple of jolts. Not exactly a revival, but it did some good. But now he's facing a huge defecit and he's making a budget that has the potential to ruin the economy in the future. [/color] [i]The economy has lost 2.2 million jobs since Bush took office in January 2001. [/i] [color=firebrick]Do not even TRY to blame the the start of the bad economy on Bush. It's stupid to [i]blame[/i] the whole thing on Bush. So what if he's bad at reviving it quickly? That's not a reason to blame it on him. If he needs to use a campain of 9/11, I could care less. I believe he has patrism for the US; he's trying to remind people of how he lead the US through the tragedy rather than remind people of how many people died.[/color] [i]If you couldn't tell by now I am a liberal and I will bash Bush. [/i] [color=firebrick]Bashing Bush won't impress anyone around here.[/color]
[color=firebrick] *silence* TN's Teen Girl Squad Banner=the ruler of all banners in banner land. :P Teen girl squad is such a fun thing to watch over and over again. Simple, but effective. I don't even know how to get pictures from flash, so kudos to you.[/color]
[color=firebrick] Banning a book like [b]Huck Finn[/b] because of his bad behaviour and the 'N' word would be destroying the beauty of literature. With those reasons, [b]To Kill a Mockingbird[/b] could be banned. And with the terms that a book could be banned for some words or a usually unacepted theme would mean the banning of tons of books: [b]Brave New World, Lord of the Flies, Farenheit 451, etc.[/b] How stupid? Very. A book like [b]Huck Finn[/b] isn't slander or insults propelled towards blacks, it's just elements that play part of the real story that's going on. I think it's disgusting that people are even considering it, I'm already pissed off because now in Georgia, teachers can't say the words 'slavery' or 'evolution' unless they're at a university or college. This is like those people who are trying to get [b]Harry Potter[/b] banned everywhere because they think it encourages the worshipping of Satan or whatever the hell that's going through they're minds.[/color]
[i]The economy is in such **** right now and i dont exactly see it going up?. [Insert political rhetoric] ?. I'm not sure of what exactly happen, but millions of citizens who have been working in the same companies for decades are losing their jobs and therefore losing their pension. [/i] [color=firebrick]I'm not exactly into economics, but Bush's recent tax cuts have boosted the economy a bit. I dislike Bush for the economy as well, because my dad's buisness went out of buisness and we are pretty strained for money now that he's trying to restart it. But you can't blame the start of the economic depression on Bush because it started going down before he was elected. 9/11 just made it drop...a lot. Then there was the whole Iraq mess and whatnot. God, Bush's proposal for using a trillion dollars to go the moon isn't helping either, but at least he's sort of paying attention to the economy now. :/ If he'd get his mind off of gay marirrages and the moon or whatever... [/color] [i] Without his father, he probably wouldn't have been elected to run for president.[/i] [color=firebrick]He would've gone to some crappy college and worked as a politician for the rest of his life if it wasn't for his father... Well, whatever, I don't care about Bush's ad strategy because bringing up 9/11 won't really help him out that much because all most people will remember was how the economy went down the drain and Bush led us to war.All I heard was that he's making a huge effort to find Osama Bin Ladin, which will boost his popularity nicely if he's actually found. [/color]
[color=firebrick] Syft's face of sheer embarrasment turned to relief as he recognized Kurian as the man helping him up from the dusty ground. Kurian grinned at him with a good nature as Syft despertately tried to wipe the debris collected from his fall. "What brings you out today?" Kurian asked as he half-heartedly brushed some dust from Syft's shoulder. Syft mumbled something unintelligent and tugged on his long cloth. "I just felt like it, really." Syft finally said. He knew his friend wasn't exactly fond of dragons and decided not to retell his sighing of the large dragon he had seen flying over Attijun's house. Kurian shrugged. "Aye, I was just helping out Matthias with those Dragon Wing Festival decorations. Bit of busy work, I suppose. Planning to go to the festival, are ya?" Kurian insisted on Syft anwering. "Oh, I don't know...I think it would be better to-" Syft started hesitantly. Kurian clamped a strong hand down onto Syft's right shoulder and smiled playfully. "Ah, that's all you say! These dragons of Earathia don't really suit me, but there's sure to be some pretty girls there, eh?" Kurian winked. "And that's all [i]you[/i] say." Syft retorted while looking off at the decorations that were currently being put in place. "Aye, I'll make you come somehow," Kurian said with a slight look of msichief in his eyes. Syft scowled. An akward silence followed between the two while both men shuffled and looked at the sky occasionally. "So why were you in such a hurry, Syft?" Kurian broke the silence. Syft looked at him quickly and turned red. "Oh, you know...stuff to do." "I think...," Kurian grabbed Syft's arm and motioned for him to look up, "that you were chasing some dragon again, aye? I don't know why the people of this village love those creatures so much." "Well, now, it's gone now, so there's no point in chasing anything now." Syft said. "Good then, let's go to a bar to pass off some time, yes?" Kurian said the usual excitement in his voice. "Oh no, not like last time when you..." Kurian had already taken hold of Syft and was leading them both towards his idea of a good time.[/color]
[b]Name:[/b] Russ Everwood [b]Age:[/b] 11 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Personality:[/b] Her mother thinks she's a child prodigy and her father thinks she's going through an insanity phase. What's the difference, right? Russ enjoys annoying people named James and calling them Kitty [lol, Motfati] and calling people named John 'Moose'. She hates everyone named Kevin. What an evil name. Russ is sort of silly at times but most of the time she likes to sit around quietly and tell people that they're communist. She does not perspire. [b]Apperance:[/b] Short, layered hair that is brown and gray eyes. She is the normal height for her age and is the normal weight. [whether that be fat of skinny according to the charts.] [b]Bio:[/b] Russ has the biggest house in the neighborhood and her father secretly steals money from Allstate insurance company. She likes to live in a big cardboard box at the end of the neighborhood and collect pictures of the 9/11 attack and sell them to Osama-look-a-likes. After being harrased by a blind cop, she decided to live in her house again and spent most of her time going to the Google website and using the words 'Violas' and 'Pathetic' together so that everytime someone writes the word 'Pathetic' on Google, the national Viola website will come up.
[color=firebrick] Syft kicked the wooden water bucket into the shabby shed before closing the rickety door and turning around. Attijun's quaint house was nestled near the center of the village, and from Syft's dwelling place he could spot out the many volunteers cheerily putting up decoration for the highly-anticipater Dragon Wing Festival. Syft rubbed his hands of the grimy dirst that had managed to spoil his hands and scrambled up the side of the shed, at one moment fearing for his health as the shed began to rock back and forth. He managed to safely get up on the roof and grabbed ahold of the clothing pole to keep his balance. The festival looked promising; the proud flags of Earathia hung upon the high tops of surrounding buildings, long strings with odd bits of decorative objects hung everywhere from ledges, and already people were running about with foods and drinks. Was it that time already? Yes, tomorrow would being the day of food, music, and celebration. The excitement of a good time almost burried out the thought of the ever-nearing dragon raids that have plagued Earathians' minds. Syft could feel a tiny sprout of excitement hiding in the back of his mind, but quickly shamed himself. He slowly slid back down and carefully climbed his way down the shed. It was only a week ago that Attijun has caught ill and was currently in a deathly state. A sudden strong gust of wind came down, swaying Syft's balance. With a small gasp he looked up to see a beautifully large dragon flying gently through Earathia's blue skies. The sunlight beamed down upon it, and the dragon's skin glimmered with the shades of blue and purple, his white mane flowing back gracefully as its wings stretched out with strength. Syft had never had the strong desire to own a dragon of his own as many others did, but he did often imagine the feeling of rushing through the winds of the warm Summer Solstice. He tried to recognize the owner of the dragon, but failed miserable as the dragon had gone far and away. 'No matter', Syft thought, 'it's not like I know many of the people here.' Syft did not take his eyes away from the skies, though, and instead went into the house, grabbed his overcoat and snatched the long black cloth from the cloth ledge and quickly wrapped it about his shoulders. He carressed the red jewel that hung from his neck, hoping that it would not fall, and slipped out the door after shouting that he was going out. He felt like going out for a while. [/color]
[i]I would have really liked to see Naomi Watts win in her category, because I think she's really demonstrating herself to be an incredible actress. I'm definitely enjoying watching her career to see how it develops.[/i] [color=firebrick] I don't think most of the winners for 'Best Actress' are really good actors. Yes, they are good to be in movies that they are in, but they don't have anything special or amazing that will knock people off their feet. It's usually the pivotal and very different or unusual characters they play that will make them win. I mean, Halle Berry winning Best Actress? She didn't give anything special in [b]Monster's Ball[/b]. [not including it was the most boring movie I ever saw.] Charlize was not so great that she stood up far from the crowd, it was mainly just her character.[/color] [i]But I think the reason why ROTK got so many awards was because of the fact that the Acadamy basicly shafted them in the previous years for 2 movies which should have won many more awards in the previous years. [/i] The only awards the Oscars ever really shafted from LoTR were 'Best Movie' and 'Best Director'. They've always usually won some awards in sound editing etc. and probably would've won Best Score last year if it wasn't for that Academy Award rule that didn't allow it to be nominated. I actually think the movie deserved it, though.[/color] [i]The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions were not nominated for anything (at least, as far as I know). [/i] [color=firebrick] They probably didn't nominate them for anything because they were such a huge dissapointment to a lot of fans. Stupid, but hey, that's mainstream media for you.[/color]
[color=firebrick] [b]1. What was the first anime movie, series or OVA you ever watched?[/b] --[i]My Neighbor Totoro[/i] by Hayao Miyazaki. Totoro=coolest anime character [b]ever[/b]. I watched it when I was really little, about six years old or something, and I was obsessed with it. Every time we went to rent a video I'd beg my mom to get Totoro...it's still one of my favorite anime. Then I went through a small [i]Pokemon[/i] stage in fifth grade, and then got insanely obsessed with [i]Dragonball Z[/i] in sixth grade. Then I accidently got into [i]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/i] and [i]Cowboy Bebop[/i] in seventh grade and I've progressed from there. [b]2. Do you feel that time has made you more picky about the titles which you like and/or choose to buy?[/b] --Considering that 99% of anime is crap, yes, I've become a lot more picky. I'm wasn't going to run around buying dubbed [i]Yugioh[/i] DVDs after watching something like [i]Grave of the Fireflies.[/i] Unfortunately, this led to a period of time when I become a snotty-faced anime freak. Oh well. --I've never really bought many anime DVDs. In fact, the only ones I have are [i]Death & Rebirth, End of Evangelion, Totoro, Spirited Away, Animatrix, and Cowboy Bebop: Knocking on Heaven's Door.[/i] Needless to say, I started buying these after I got over my [i]Pokemon[/i] faze...=_= [b]3. If you had watched some of your current favorite shows when you first got into anime, would you have been able to appreciate them as much as you do now?[/b] --Yeah, considering that if it weren't for that I would've never gotten into anime.[/color]
[color=firebrick] I thought it had nice animation, but I didn't see anything that was immensely great. Just about five high school teacher who happen to look like teenagers that are partly-insane about having a child. O_o. I'd watch more if I had the DVDs, but I won't go out and try to obtain them or anything...[/color]
[i]I was disappointed that Cold Mountain didn't get best song for "You Will Be My Ain True Love." I hadn't ever heard it before, but when they performed it at the award show I was knocked off of my feet. it seems to be a fairly simple song, but it sounded so beautifully haunting that it didn't even matter. it sure made a lot more of an impact on me than "Into the West" did.[/i] [color=firebrick]*scratches head* I actually like 'Into the West' more than 'You Will By My Ain True Love' because of that one part when she sings loudly, lol. Maybe because I'm just a freakish LoTR fan. *shrugs* That 'Kiss at the End of a Rainbow' song was less than desirable, though.[/color] [i]Pretty much everything I expected to win wound up winning. I would have liked The Triplets of Belleville to win Best Animated Feature, but it had no chance against Finding Nemo anyway.[/i] [color=firebrick]Did you exepct anything else to happen? :p I actually thought Lord of the Rings would lose because I heard the Oscars didn't favor action/adventure movies. Then all of a sudden people decided to change their minds.[/color]
[i]Anyone who would be "flabergasted" by such childish comebacks definitely isn't worth messing around with. Some people are capable of turning humiliation into an art...[/i] [color=firebrick] I usually just say 'thanks' and the person sort of stares at me for two second, in which I walk away. :p I can't believe so many people here have never been bullied...I thought it was supposed to be a part of normal life, lol. I don't think most 12-year-olds have the muster to ignore name-calling. Probably because of puberty of something. =_=. I admit, I used to get fired up when someone called me a name and I'd say something equally nasty until the fight ended somehow. I started saying 'thanks' to the problem about one year ago...haha.[/color] [i]Is bullying really all that prevalent?[/i] [color=firebrick] Have you ever heard of high-school hazing?[/color]
[color=firebrick] Yes...I am Sybil...back from the [b]dead[/b]...O_o[/color] [i]My huge personality changes concern who I'm with. In classes I have really good friends or a lot of people I like and am comfortable with in, I'm really outgoing and hyper. But in classes where I don't know anyone or there are just too many people I don't like, I'm really quite "self-contained" as a nice way to put it. I tend to act really nonchalant around people I know, but am not really friends with, but when I'm with my really good friends, I'm just all out there and all me! Yay! At home I'm really different too. I'm really quiet and obeying because I get into trouble too often and I'm just kind of afraid of my mom... I also am up in my room a lot and I get into trouble for that too... [/i] [color=firebrick]^_^ That's exactly like me. I can get too revved up when I'm with a good friend sometimes, but if I'm with people I barely know I could be a dead slug sitting the corner for all I care. I have the same personality switch URL, but I can be hyper with people I've never known online. :p I don't have a lot of self-esteem in real life. The problem sort of interferes with me making friends, because I'm usually calm and subdued when I first meet them, and then as I get to know them more I go insane and most of them move away quickly. =_=[/color]
[color=firebrick] So, did anyone watch it last night? Well, [i]my[/i] big news is that [b]Lord of the Rings: Return of the King[/b] won [b]all of its nominations[/b] tying with [b]Titanic[/b] and [b]Ben Hur[/b] [sp?] on most Oscar wins. I felt really happy for Peter Jackson that day. ^_^. I was sort of surprised when I didn't see [b]Big Fish[/b] or [b]Cold Mountain[/b] nominated for Best Picture, I thought they were already in. The awards that I was sure of LoTR to win were all the sound awards/music/etc., but I thought Clint Eastwood had a nice chance of winning Best Director. At least [b]Lost in Translation[/b] won one award...maybe two, I don't remember correctly at the moment. I was also very happy when Tim Robbins won Best Supporting Actor. I really enjoyed the first part, when they made that parody short film thing with Billy Crystal; with that Bush-hating guy at last year's Oscars ranting while they showed the battle scenes of LotR, lol. The only scenens I remember right now that were funny to me was when Billy was talking to Nicole Kidman about the Matrix movies in Cold Mountains, the whole nude scene in Something's Gotta Give, when he was taping a movie while sitting in the theatres, when he sang the West Side Story song and the Robin Williams part. ^_~ Sorry, I just love things like that. Do they put the whole thing on DVD? I have a strang urge to buy it...? :p[/color]