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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [color=firebrick] I don't even think 'anime' is a real Japanese word; probably an American slang made for Asian cartoons. I can be wrong, though. Although anime=cartoons, some fans can get fired up because of the advantages Asian cartoons hold over American ones. [Don't get me wrong, both are great mediums.] I tend to get irritated by people who think anime is like the holiest animation ever created, and everything else sucks. I even usually call anime cartoons when I'm referring to them. *shrugs* [/color]
  2. [i]Eh, one more question... can we use stuff we've drawn in the past? Or does it all have to be new? I hope you don't start the contest too soon, because now my mom took the digital cam with her on vacation for a week and a half, and I don't even have that. XP[/i] [color=firebrick]Oh, thanks for bringing that up. All pictures must be [b]new[/b]. You [i]cannot[/i] use old pictures, no matter how well you like them. The contest begins on [strike]Monday,[/strike] and if you cannot find a way to submit your picture, please PM me. ^_^ [size=5][strike] EDIT:[/size] Silly me, the reconstruction of OB and the beginning of v7 will be going underway this weekend. If back up by Monday, the contest will start on [b]Wednesay[/b]. I've saved my rules and time table in case the thread is deleted, as well as the contestants, so don't worry about signing up again.[/strike] [/color]
  3. [color=firebrick] What do you not get? The whole ending or just a particular part...?[/color]
  4. [color=firebrick] Hm...this list is going to be huge. [b]Neon Genesis Evangelion 'Restarted' Full Collection[/b]: This hasn't even come out in the US yet, but I'm very excited about it. I was showed some screenshots from some newly-animated scenes over AIM and it looks incredible. [b]Neon Genesis Evangelion: Director's Cut[/b]: Supposedly Hideaki wasn't satisfied with the original last six episodes and changed them around a bit. *shrugs* I saw the first one on the Anime Network. [b]Graviation[/b]: Funny series, awesome plot, great anime overall. I don't think the full collection has come out yet, but I want to get it. I've only been able to watch crappy episodes downloaded from various sources. [b]DN Angel Mangas and DVDs[/b]: DN Angel mangas are now out in the US, but the anime series isn't close to us. The anime was very nice, it has clean animation and good story elements, but I heard the mangas were much more better. Where haven't I heard that statement before...? [b]Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles[/b]: A new manga from CLAMP that is sort of an AU of various CLAMP characters. Mainly characters from CCS, though. The story is set in a country called Clow where Touya is the King, Sakura the princess, and Li is this archaelogist guy. I saw the first ten pages; it looks awesome. [b]Jing: King of Bandits[/b]: I watched about six episodes of it on the AN, and it's very cool. It's like Alice in Wonderland-esque setting with all sorts of cool weird stuff. Some parts are a bit iffy, but the rest is nice. Extremely awesome soundtrack. [b]FLCL Full Collection[/b]: I've seen the first two episodes, and I'm more than interested. Very weird to say in the least...I heard that the DVDs are chock-full of nice extras. [b]Cowboy Bebop Full Collection and CDs[/b]: I guess just the words 'Cowboy Bebop' can tell you why I want the anime and the music. Both are great. I'm getting tired to typing, lol, so I'll list the rest: [b]Card Captor Sakura Yami no Matsuei Witch Hunter Robin .Hack//SIGN Gravitation CDs Shaman King Naruto RahXephon Grave of the Fireflies Millenium Actress Perfect Blue Jjangu Fruits Basket[/b][/color]
  5. [color=firebrick] Oh God, no. I hope you're not thinking I set the limit of one week for [i]all[/i] of these. I'd have a seizure myself if I did all of this in seven days... You have one week to finish each course in the contest. For example, in the [b]Cartoons[/b] section, you have two weeks to finish the whole set. In fact, I might even just allow several days for some pictures to be created. However, if I'm misunderstanding your suggestion and you can't draw one picture in one week, I might extend it if enough people ask for it. I thought one week was ample time for a picture. Here's my set list if you're interested: [b]Cartoons[/b] -[i]Fanart:[/i] Four Days. -[i]Original Art:[/i] One Week. [b]Background[/b] -[i]Landscape:[/i] Four Days. -[i]Objects:[/i] Four Days. [b]Artistic Abilites[/b] [size=4] EDIT:[/size] Instead of drawing one picture for each element, contestants must draw/create one picture/graphic design that shows at least [b]three[/b] of these elements. Time Limit: One Week. [b]Realistic Drawing of People[/b]-One Week for a [b]quality picture[/b]. Four days for a [b]sketch[/b]. [b]Animal[/b]- One Week. [b]Impromptu[/b]- Thirty minutes. If a contestant does not meet the deadlines, he/she will be disqualified. I'm not going to allow excuses because you really can't tell whether someone is lying or not online. I'll probably send a PM Warning if the contestand has not posted his/her art the day prior to the deadline. Do not start posting pictures yet, though, the contest has not officially started. If I reach a decision, I will be picking the judges. There's still a chance that it'll be solo, though. [/color]
  6. [i]One question though; do we have to do both types within a catagory(ex: fanart/original character)? ^_^[/i] [color=firebrick] Yes, the reason I placed 'original character' in it is because many people do not realize how much harder it actually is to create an original character since a lot of artists use already-drawn works as a basis to their own drawing. [/color] [i]I'm curious, is there a due date for all of this to be done by?[/i] [color=firebrick]I've decided to end the date for signing up on Sunday. If one of you are reading this and it's Sunday and you still want to join, you'll have to PM me. For the drawings, there will be a one week limit to turn in your art.[/color] [i]You're going to do this too, right maladjusted?[/i] [color=firebrick] No, I'll be judging. I'm still deciding about the multiple judges, though.[/color]
  7. [color=firebrick] Well, seriously, the only anime character that would do that to me would probably be Kaworu Nagisa from [i]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/i]. [b]1)[/b] He's got musical talent, and I love that in guys. [b]2)[/b] He's very kind and understanding, probably extremely intelligent. [b]3)[/b] [spoiler] Even though he backstabbed Shinji, I still love him.[/spoiler]. [b]4)[/b] He looks cool. Hm. Gray hair and red eyes...I don't think I've ever seen an anime character like him before watching Evangelion. :toothy: [/color]
  8. [i]:Edit: I changed my mind. No matter how crappy the digital pictures may be, I'd be upset if I didn't enter this. How many rounds can we enter in? When do we post our pics?[/i] [color=firebrick]Everyone must enter [i]all[/i] of the rounds, so we can judge who the overall best artist is. ^_^. Digital quality will not be counted against you unless it somehow seriously disrupts the picture. I'm waiting a while to have people sign up before I start the contest. Thanks for joining![/color] [i]Also, maladjusted, perhaps you should have the rule where people have to sign their artwork. From reading the categories, I'm not sure if people are going to be allowed to draw on computers or not. The reason I'm suggesting this is because some people might have the ignorance to steal someone's hard-worked picture and claim it as their own. [/i] [color=firebrick] Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Everyone should either sign their own artwork unless it's a graphic. Computer-drawn pictures/coloring is accepted, and if you can't sign your name properly, I'm just trusting that people will enter their own artwork. Any plagarism or direct tracing of pictures will get the contestant kicked out and probably banned. Thanks for bringing that up, Katana.[/color]
  9. [color=firebrick] I think the winner of this year's [i]American Idol[/i] won't be that good. The series this year is pretty dull; there's nothing to get excited about. Scooter Girl has a pretty good chance of getting in again because of the wildcard episode, though. *shrugs* I don't think she'll win. My favorite singer right now is the 16-year-old boy with the red hair and Fantasia. The singer I really hated was that platinum-blonde-haired-girl who always said that she was the best singer and then she got cut and she started crying and insulting the other singers. I hope she never gets a record deal in her life.[/color]
  10. [color=firebrick][i]I don't understand how the third chic is disproportionate. Can someone tell me exactly what it is?[/i] Personally, I think the drawings are [i]proportionally[/i] almost perfect. I just believe you have a tiny problem with the limbs. No biggie, though. I like the Aerith drawing the most, though, it's really very pretty. XD I'm sort of jealous right now because you can draw peoples' faces straightly when they're looking directly at you. I always have to make their heads turned to the side slightly to get it right. >_>.[/color]
  11. [color=firebrick]Hey all, I'm starting a large art contest to start off 2004 [even though it's Feb.
  12. [color=firebrick] Uh...Nice childhood much, Xra? Heh. Well, I hate drawing with my mouse. It's pretty old and it constantly gets stuck. I would like to get a tablet one day as well, because my scanner just broke and I can't fix it. *shrugs* You'll get over the ever-needing stomach for posting your artwork soon enough. *sniffles and gets teary* Nice picture for drawing on the computer, but I really can't dig up an criticism because I know how drawing on Paint sucks...a lot.[/color]
  13. [color=firebrick] Certainly Link's personality can be developed into a great one. Even if all he really does in OOT is grunt...and yell...and scream like a girl... Anywho, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask together has a storyline that can develop into a fantastic plot. Just by the games we can think of Link's supposed personality. Silent kind, courageous, lost almost everything in parts of his quest. I can automatically think of a depressing life for him. Dubbed the 'Hero of Time' and controlled by destiny, but no one will ever really recognize him for it. You know. The three mangas I read for Zelda were just screaming beautiful art and a great plot. If they based an anime off of those, I would definately watch it.[/color]
  14. [color=firebrick] If I saw Hillary Duff play Asuka, I'd go over to ADV Films and hurl all sorts of things at them. There are [i]so[/i] many reason she should not play Asuka...the main points being she has no real talent as an actor and she doesn't even have a nice body. Yeah. Asuka's body vs. Hillary's. *coughs* But Ian McKellan and Hugo Weaving have now been stuck in my mind after LoTR, and I think they could possible play out a character in Evangelion. ...Actually, all of the LoTR cast members are going through my head now. *thinks of Shinji played by Elijah Wood and has a seizure* And Nicole Kidman is stuck in my head right now after watching [i]Cold Mountain[/i]. A stupid choice, but I imagine her as Ritsuko for some odd reason. [i]Anyways[/i], the actors don't really have to be brimming with talent to create a great movie. For instance, LoTR is a huge trilogy, but none of the actors have been nominated for the Oscars. [Even though I thought some of them were good] It'd be nice to get a whole new cast of actors that we aren't familiar with. And Kaworu? *scoffs* No one can capture the beauty and perfection of Kaworu. *walks off clutching a Kaworu plushie* ^_~[/color]
  15. [color=firebrick] Yeah, who cares about the White House anyway? I think it's disgusting that people are fighting so harshly over the concept of gay marraige while the US claims that it is a country of freedom and equality. *coughs* That's all I have to say on the matter, even though I'm happy that it's now legal Massachusetts.[/color]
  16. [color=firebrick]When I started reading [i]Fahrenheit 451[/i], I thought it was interesting. Then I got extremely bored. The message that Ray Bradbury was trying to get across was great, but I got very tired of his writing. I didn't even finish the book. I probably will one day, but I don't feel like it. I do think the world will [if we aren't killed by our mistakes first...and this is very, very, very, very far into the future] come to the point where literature is outlawed, but it seems even too extremely unrealistic today. The theme can definately apply to today's society, but again: I thought the writing itself was boring. But if you really like dystopian books, check out [i]1984[/i] or [i] Brave New World[/i]. [/color]
  17. [color=firebrick] Both of your pictures are great. ^_^. I might suggest more attention to detail when it comes to clothes, though, they look very striaght and stiff. In the second pictures, Li's face looks practically perfect, and Sakura's is good. One problem I see if the hair- it looks like you're drawing is slowly and with small strokes. Not a good idea, really. It's better to draw it quickly with a strong, fluid line. It seems absurd to get hair right when drawing like that, but it's gets really easy with practice.[/color]
  18. [i]I will say one thing though, when comparing American and Japanese animation. I notice that with a lot of anime productions (whether they are series or feature length), individual backdrops and landscapes are so much more vibrant and detailed than what you see in American cartoons. When I watch an American cartoon series, I often notice repetitive backgrounds, or backgrounds with very few details at all. Obviously that occurs to some extent in anime, but generally, I find anime to be the more "artistic" of the two. Of course, there are variations within each type of animation...so again, one cannot generalize about it. So I guess it's sometimes necessary to step back and look at the big picture with animation, rather than locking yourself into a box.[/i] [color=royalblue]In a way, anime is both lazy and meticulous. A lot of studios that deal with anime usually draw one huge background picture and use it as a basis of most of their shows. But of course, the backgrounds are usually very pretty and detailed, as opposed to what western animation does. I'm not sure whether western animators have switched their strategy of if it's still the same. But I do think anime tends to be 'lazier'. There are tons of anime that use the same scene over and over again in their shows.[/color] [i]The simple truth is (and there are a select few anime fans who won't admit it) Japanese animation is so much lazier than Western animation. There are a series of tricks used to give the illusion of animation in instances where there is none. For example, some animators will place a single cel of a character with their back turned over a background. You hear dialogue, but you don't necessarily need to see anything move. Also, Japanese animation uses less frames-per-second than Western animation. The only exceptions are full-length animated films.[/i] [color=royalblue]Mostly because of very demanding deadlines and a tiny budget. America somehow chockes out the money to have the time and work so that the animation will be smoother and better looking. I don't think they're trying to be lazy on purpose...>_>;;. If you take the anime Evangelion, I can think of three times when they used one picture for about five minutes and just added dialogue, and mostly just silence. It wasn't because they were lazy- they had little money and a deadline.[/color]
  19. [color=royalblue][i]Speaking of water, in Rurouni Kenshin, was that extremely shiny water that they would show sometimes CGd? It really didn't look hand-drawn to me.[/i] I don't know about [i]Rurouni Kenshin[/i], but in [i]Samurai X[/i], the directors used real-life animations of water, fire, smoke, and a beach and inserted it into the animation. I sort of flinched every time I saw those.[/color]
  20. [size=1]Chapter One. Land beneath Ours. Humans are one of the most intelligent races in the universe. Well, they [strike]where.[/strike] [color=red]were. [/color] Until ever[color=red]y[/color] one else knew the secret to [strike]there[/strike][color=red]their[/color] planet. Humans thought they where [color=red] were[/color] the only things in the universe, some thought there where others, but they [strike]where[/strike] [color=red]were[/color] millions of [color=red] It might be better to put 'millions [i]and[/i] zillions [/color] zillions of miles away. Little did they know, another race and world was right next-door, right under their noses. But to be exact, another race lived right under them. Under them, was a world with little rules, and the people below, [color=red] no comma[/color] wanted what they had. But they had a plan, and would soon get the top world? ~ ?Kill? Dango, [color=red] no comma[/color]walked through the dark forest. His mind was battling against the full moon, and his spiky hair growing longer. ?Transform?. KILL!!? A voice repeated in his head. His eyes went red, and [strike]his body growing.[/strike] [color=red] it should either be 'his body [i]was[/i] growing' or 'his body [i]grew[/i][/color]His head [color=red]was[/color] falling apart in the wind. He never felt like this before. He was alone, under the full moon. For once[color=red],[/color] he didn?t want to transform. The full moon was indeed real. They didn?t live in the ground, but it was in fact a magic realm, where the moon reached and the sun shone. Dango feel [color=red] fell[/color] on the ground, and the cold grass pressed on his chest. ?KILL!? Dango let it go. He couldn?t hold it in any more. The moon shone on him, and he began to transform. He got up, and his shadow cast over the trees. His face began to grow into a snout, and his fangs grew larger, his hands grew claws, and his hair stretched down his body. Then, he jumped up. His snout was wide open, and huge fangs stuck in his mouth. His tail was black, and most of his fur was black and grey. His gold pants flicked in the moonlight. ?KILL?.? Dango looked around. His hands clenched. ?I TOLD YOU TO KILL!? A cold voice said. He didn?t know who it was, or where it was coming from. Dango became scared. His wolf ears flicked. ?KILL!!!!? Shouted the cold voice. Dango looked around, he jumped to the nearest tree and began to rip it with his claws. ?FOOL!? Yelled a voice. Dango stopped, and then looked around. Suddenly, something began to hurt inside. His head began to burn. He howled louder and louder. His head was being attacked by something?. something inside him. He howled louder, biting himself, to fight it off. But he howled louder. His scratched at himself, and growled. ?NEVER DISOBEY ME!? Said the voice. Then, the burning pain went away. Dango looked up. His arm was full of bite marks and blood. He howled slowly, and is eye caught the sight of some one. He turned around to find a man in a cloak, with a knife in his hand and a hood. Dango couldn?t see him, but then he noticed his hood moved down by it?s self. Dango sniffed with his long snout, and growled. The man had a skull like face, with red eyes and a snaked tongue. ?You brought this on yourself?.? He hissed. The man drifted forward, and Dango noticed what the knife was. Pure, shining, Sliver. Dango howled and tried to run away, but he could hardly move. His head felt cold and he began to think this was it, his final night. He fell on his knees, and tried to shake off the cold feel. ?I should have never chosen you?.? Said the man. He bent down, and placed the knife on Dango?s back. Dango couldn?t fight back. He couldn?t move?His eyes widened as he felt a burning knife jab into his back? Dango jumped up out of bed, yelling. He almost banged into a man with brown hair over his left eye. [color=red]?Dango? Are you ok? You where howling in your sleep and yelling?? The man said. Dmitri, his best friend. Dmitri wore red pants, and wasn?t fully dressed. He had nothing on his top and no shoes on. Dango looked around. Dmitri?s bed was beside his, and the room had one window. [/color] Maybe a better sentence could be 'Dmitri wore his wrinkled red pants, but he wasn't fully dressed for his top was bare and his feet were open to the cold floor.'[/color] ?Urgh?what time is it?? Dango?s voice was dull and cold. ?Time you got. Talor?s cookin? breakfast." Said Dmitri running down the stairs. ?Oh right?. WHAT!?? Dango jumped out of bed and put his sliver jeans on. The sunlight shone on his face. His tail swadded side to side as he put on his black boots. Then, he felt a burn in his back?. like his dream?he feel on his knees, sweating. The pain slowly wore off. A man with long red hair and blue cloths on popped his head round from the stairs. ?Are you com?? The man stopped. He was called Talor. Rad?s seconded best friend. ?You don?t look so good.? Talor walked to Dango, whose breath was deep and heavy. ?Err, I?ll be down in a sec?? Dango said slowly. ?You sure your ok?? Talor said as he walked to the stairs. ?Yeah.? He heard Talor run down the stairs, banging as he went. Dango grabbed a red shirt, and pulled it over his head. He walked across the room, and in a door. He closed it behind him and looked in his bathroom mirror. A thousand thoughts flew through his head. Who was that guy? Was it really a dream? Why did my transformation hurt? Why did my personality towards a human change? Although Talor was a human, people that told him to kill, would find a fist in their face. But, this time he obeyed the human?he was afraid, so he attacked a tree instead of a person? Why? He thought to himself, until the deep voice of Dmitri called. ?Are you there? Hello? Mr. Wolf?? He called. ?Uu?. what?? Dango rubbed his eyes. ?I called you a million times! Are you awake?? Dmitri sounded pretty angry. ?Sorry. I was miles away?? Yelled Dango. He opened the door and walked to the stairs. But he stopped. He still felt cold. Then, a voice took him out of a dream state. ?So you sleep while your standing now?? Said Dmitri from the bottom of the stairs. ?Huh? Oh, yeah breakfast?? Dango said lazily. He ran down the stairs, into a kitchen where Talor was already sat down reading the newspaper. Outside, the red sphere that was a magic sun shone on the kitchen floor. There sky was gold and sliver, the colours of magic realms. Dango sat down opposite Talor. ?Have you seen the headline today?? Said Talor. ?No I?ve been having the most terrifying dream ever?? Growled Dango. ?Hey! Don?t act like that! Look!? Talor slid the paper across the table. It was The Magical Times. One of the most popular newspapers around. Then, he spotted a huge bold headline reading: ?Werewolves called to war!? Dango groaned. [color=red]?Almost 300 hundred wolves have been called up to attack the top world. The captain says, ?We need all the men we can get, even if it means wolves. I myself think as them as equals.? We asked him, ?How could you take in the most dangerous race known to our world?? ?Well there only dangerous when they transform. The next full moon is in a month, by then we will have enough poisons to stop the transformation. On the night of the attack, I assure you they will be dangerous. People said it?s a mad idea, but how could I turn down these lot?? ?What will you do if by the time of the attack, you don?t have enough men?? ?Well, that won?t happen. We have over 2000 men already. I think we?ll have enough by the time of the attack.? After a few questions, we left the base with a clear view of the attack. Total Annihilation![/color] --The wording was a bit blurry and confusing. Dango laughed. He folded up the newspaper and threw it aside. ?Did you look at the next bit?? Said Talor. ?It?s a load of crap. He?ll have no men left; all the werewolves would have ran off. But some wolves, like me can transform at will.? Dango laughed. ?So you didn?t see the part about ?Werewolves attack Taigul town??? Said Talor smartly. ?Huh?? Dango picked the paper back up and scrolled down it. Werewolves found dead in Taigul town. Also, people found dead! Villagers say there were 5 wolves, 4 men and a wizard. There were claw scratches on a tree, blood all over the ground, and one wolf was found with a sliver knife in it?s back? Dango froze. He continued to stare at it. This is said to be the work of a thief or more likely to be a wizard. Why or when this happened is still la mystery. But this is the latest case of Murder. It is said to be connected to the attack due to take place in 4 months. Dango stared down. He threw the paper aside. Ok, that?s just coincidence?. He calmly thought to himself. THE HELL IT IS!!! He walked out of the kitchen and grabbed his leather coat. ?Hey!? Where the hell are you going?? Yelled Dmitri. ?Out.? Dango said in a shallow voice. He took his house card (instead of keys) and unlocked the door. ?You haven?t had breakfast!? Yelled Talor. ?I?ll get some later. I have to sort something out?? Dango didn?t quiet know what he was going to do, but he had to find out what was going on. ?Well I?m coming too!? Yelled Talor. Dmitri stepped away from the cooker and walked to them both standing at the door. ?ME TOO!? He smiled. Dango groaned. Why me? Chapter one, what'd think? The remake will be much, much better. Now I have to go finish The Dragon King.[/size] [color=royalblue] Nice story/plot so far, your idea has thousands of possible ways of developing itself into a great story. You're a having some problems with grammar, and I corrected most of it at the beginning to sort of show you examples. The flowing of sentences and detail it important, so try and make use of that. My style of writing [when it comes to stories] will inevitably be different from yours, so don't pay much attention to my sentence change suggestions. It's just my personal opinion, but nothing was really wrong with any of your writings. It's good that you have lots of dialogue; some people will try and avoid it because it's hard to write sometimes. Great first chapter, I hope to see more! ^_^[/color]
  21. [color=royalblue] [b]Milkshake[/b] by Kelis is possibly the song I hate the most right now. Once again, the media's hit song is about sex and all that good stuff. Huh. And it's worse when you hear some eight-year-old singing it in the street. [/color]
  22. eleanor

    Jason Mraz

    [color=royalblue] Yay, someone else besides me knows Jason Mraz! I've only heard [b]You and I Both[/b], but I really enjoy listening to it. I think he has a great voice; it's very relaxing for me to hear for some reason. [i]See I'm all about them words Over numbers, unencumbered numbered words Hundreds of pages, pages, pages forwards More words then I had ever heard and I feel so alive[/i] And I [i]really[/i] love that part for some odd reason. I have a tiny problem with it, though, because there's this part in the second half where Jason goes into his own little melody, and I didn't enjoy that part. *shrugs* Still a great singer, though. [/color]
  23. [color=royalblue] The term 'anime' is a very generalized term. Most people would breifly describe it as 'Japanese animation'. And Dagger brought up a very important point. Is Manwha anime? I'm sort of doubting that the word Japanese people use to say 'anime' is not really 'anime'. Anime/Animation, similiar wording, no? 'Anime' is probably the word the Western civilization made up to use when dealing with cartoons from Japan. The word Japanese people use is probably a form of 'manwha' or 'manga', which is the direct english translation of the raw word used in the Korean language. So, no, I don't think you have to be Japanese to create anime. That's like saying Korean and Chinese animation cannot be 'anime'. And everything falls under the category of 'cartoons', anyway, so it really doesn't matter in the end.[/color]
  24. [color=royalblue][i]I still stick by my belief, and you can dissagree with me all you want, but you cannot enjoy something like this to its fullest extent unless its in its raw form.[/i] That's really like saying if you were to write a novel for a first time and thought it was perfection. Which, of course, is silly. [/color]
  25. [color=royalblue][i]What happens in #8? I know it's part of the Tarot arc, but I can't remember which events are specific to that episode. [/i] It's your choice if you want me to tell you, I just want to warn you that it's definately doesn't give away any plot spoilers but then you'll know what happens as sort of...tiny side-plot. *shrugs* It's not like telling someone [i]that[/i] part in Cowboy Bebop. [spoiler] Tsuzuki and Hisoka are investigation a problem [involving Muraki] on an expensive cruise ship, and Muraki makes a bet with Tsuzuki: To play a poker game. If Muraki wins, he gets to 'have Tsuzuki' for the night, and if Tsuzuki wins, Muraki would give him some information on the case. Muraki wins. ^_~[/spoiler][/color]
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