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[color=royalblue] I personally hate it when they put computer generated animation in a mostly drawn cartoon series. The two are very different, and they clash together in a weird way, so I never really enjoyed it. I love traditional animation where absolutely everything is hand-drawn and planned...one anime I can think of that I enjoy watching because of the art is [i]Cowboy Bebop[/i]. I've recently been watching the animated serise of [i]DN Angel[/i], and they mixed it CGed building and cities, and I don't particularly like it. It makes the overall world seem strange and seperate to me. *shrugs* I'm not what you would call fan over it.[/color]
[color=royalblue] I currently play both the piano and the cello, and I'm in the orchestra. I'm seriously considering quiting the orchestra, though, it's actually very competitive. Most people think we're a bunch of losers who sit around and play scales all day! *coughs nervously* Heh...anyway, I love listening to classical music, but playing it is hard as crap. And then in my future high school they have a system where people are always challenging each other to get a better seat in the orchestra. I don't really like confrontations like that, and my middle school orchestra conductor just brought the system at the high school to our orchestra, and I dislike it. Piano is much more uh...relaxing. O_o. But really, do you remember sitting through that God-awful concert in middle school while you heard your school orchestra play while the band is off playing some super-cool cartoon theme song or Disney? Playing a string instrument is probably the hardest out of the range of most instruments, because there's so many elements mixed in. One slight finger movement and the whole song is ruined. One wrong bow motion and the song is blurry. Most people in elementary to high school orchestras really cannot play a string instrument right if their life depended upon it. [strike]Even your concert master.[/strike][/color]
Anime what video game do you think would make a good anime
eleanor replied to ninj4_monkey's topic in Otaku Central
[color=royalblue] I sort of have this dream of someone in Japan coming out and making an anime movie about the events that lead up to Final Fantasy VII. Like a prequel of sorts, really. I think the storyline in the game is good, and the past was always a bit blurry, so it'd be nice if there would be some kind of [i]something[/i] to back it up. Besides, an anime-Cloud would be reason enough for me to watch it. ^_~[/color] -
[COLOR=royalblue] The only thing that really compelled me to start watching Cowboy Bebop was the remarks about the awesome music, and I must say...this show has some really friggin' good music. :p I was through with about the first five episodes when some drunk idiot online bounced around and told me that [spoiler] Spike dies at the end.[/spoiler] I watched about three more and then I didn't really feel like watching the rest since I knew the ending. After a long while, I went back and [strike]downloaded the last episode off of Kazaa[/strike] asked my cousin if I could borrow his last CB DVD and I watched the ending of the last episode so I could finally say I watched the ending and threaten to tell people what happened. :toothy: I watched [i]Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door[/i] last year, and I was sort of dissappointed. One thing that bothered me the most was that the music didn't match the scenes at all in two areas, which is normal with most anime, but I had a feeling Yoko Kanno would place them better. Nonetheless, the music was still great despite the placing errors. During the course of the movie, some parts had me dead-bored, and I sort of trudged through the movie waiting for the end to come.[/COLOR]
[i]It's said that Inuyasha will begin a double strip of premieres on Saturday, April 24, at 11:30 PM EST. ... I'm assuming that Episode 54 is scheduled to air immediately after Episode 53, or something to that effect. [/i] Wow, I've heard that there's over 150+ episodes and only 53 have aired on Adult Swim? Hm... My friend is an absolute Inuyasha-holic, and she's complaining that there's no more new episodes, heh. I heard about Adult Swim taking over Saturday nights a while ago, but I heard they were going to put emphasis on Inuyasha movies rather than episodes. *shrugs*
Anime Mecha Anime - Which Do You Prefer Out Of...?
eleanor replied to ElrickOtaku's topic in Otaku Central
[i]EDIT: Here's a question--do you think that Voices of a Distant Star can be considered a mecha anime?[/i] Hey, it's semi-about fighting with robots. *shrugs* Anyways...I haven't seen the movie [even though I really want to!], but all I can really seem to find about it is that it's about half and hour long and that is make completely by one person on his computer, excluding the voice acting and something else I forgot. So I'm giving a half-hearted guess that the graphics aren't really amazing, but [i]then[/i] I'm guessing it doesn't matter because people have said that it'll move you more than anything else. I'm really very curious to find how this guy made such a moving film in no less thatn 30 minutes...It seems quite amazing to me. -
*laughs* The first episode I watched of [i]Yami no Matsuei[/i] was episode eight, I believe. I guess that sort of got me pretty interested. ^_~. The artwork in the series is really gorgeous and the storyline is played out well. Unfortunately, I haven't seen the whole series, but about six episodes so far. Hisoka sort of gets me annoyed for some reason, he reminds me of a snotty, rich British person...even though I'm supposed to feel sorry for him. >_>;; [i]Yes, I also adore Muraki. His dark past and sheer sadism combine to make him one of anime's most entertaining villains. In fact, I'd say that he singlehandedly saves the series from descending into utter crappiness, especially during the Kyoto arc. He also provide most of YnM's shonen-ai content, which in my mind is definitely a positive attribute.[/i] *laughs pervertedly*
Seeing that there's going to be nine girl characters, I'd hope the anime would give some attention to the other players. Though giving nine characters in-depth attention would be too jumbly and...it would take a very long time. O_o.
[b]Lord of the Rings: Return of the King[/b] --Oh please, do I have to argue this? Lord of the Rings is possibly the only trilogy ever made that actually got better with each movie. Now that I look back on [b]The Fellowship of the Ring[/b], it's actually [i]boring[/i] when compared to the others. The battle scene in the movie is huge, grand, and bloody awesome. ^_~ I wish I had an English accent. >_>. Anyways...the acting isn't too shabby either. Just look at all the dedication, time, effort, and work that has been mixed together to make this movie. I mean, could you imagine the work done to create such huge battles and settings? If anything, Peter Jackson should definately get Best Director at the Oscars [already scored it at GG!] and should really be considered to win Best Picture [won that at GG, too ^_^]. *steals KKC's avatar* [b]Finding Nemo[/b] --This movie is [i]great[/i]. It appeals to practically all audiences, is actually funny, and just a fun movie to watch. I thought the graphics were great, Dory [whatever] was hilarious, and the overall movie was amazing. [i]...and I swear I'm the only person on the planet who wishes some fisherman would cook and eat Dory. [/i] *stares at Semjaza Azazel in a bad way* I know I only listed two, I post the rest later.
Contrary to popular belief, I was laughing my head off like an idiot when I watched [i]Dude, Where's My Car[/i] at my friend's house. It was in truth really dumb, but I think I was already giddy at the point and not paying attention half the time. *shrugs* When I watched the preview for [i]The Butterfly Effect[/i] at the movie theatres [Go RoTK!], I thought the idea was cool and original for a movie at the beginning, and then saw it as just one of those 'If you go back in time, anything can disrupt everything and just accept the present' morals. So I came up with the idea: Good idea, yet badly made movie. I'm not planning on seeing it, but I will plan on hearing shrieks of delight from Ashton Kutcher fangirls [AKA my friends].
I started watching [b]Princess Nine[/b] on an accident, really. I was browsing my Anime Network, and I meant to choose an Angelic Layer episode, but accidently clicked the first episode for Princess Nine, and I decided to sit through it and see what it was like. I liked it, even I sort of got irritated whenthey kept on doing the same scenes for different parts. Anyways, the anime is about a girl, Yao [I believe that's the spelling of her name, but I'm note sure] who has a great deal of talent in baseball, and in the first episode, come to the rescue in a baseball game in which a team she helps out was losing badly. And then we find out the head of a rich high school for boys and girls that is rather difficult to go to, has been keeping an eye on her. Yao's father has passed away and her mother currently runs a restaurant by herself to support Yao. Yao, feeling bad for not being able to help out because of school, decided that after she graduated middle school, she would quit school and work at the restaurant. Well, the Head of the high school offers her a full scholarship to the school [i]if[/i] Yao agreed to play on the school's very first girl's baseball team. Yao eventually agrees [after finding out that her father was a talented pitcher] and the series goes on. The animation isn't great and it took a while for me to get used to the art [I don't exactly like it], but I kept in mind that it was made a long time ago. The show has been called 'one of the greatest anime series that supports woman strength and leadership and for now, the anime has got me hooked. I guess there's also going to be a bunch of romance mixed in from what I can tell; the star male baseball player hits on Yao...a lot...and Yao's smart guy friend seems to have a cruch on her. Romance isn't really my genre, but the show is great.
[i]AND OH MY GOSH! This is the argument of the century! There is not ANYTHING that makes me more angry than when me and Ryan get in the argument about what is art. He claims that it is only a work of art if it has "meaning." I think that is complete and total bull. I have been doing "art" all of my life: I draw, paint, color, etc. But it doesn't necessarily have some odd abstract meaning to it. It is just me expressing myself through a creative outlet. But because it doesn't have a "meaning," then it's supposed not art. Give me a break! I HATE how these supposed "artsy" people over-interpret EVERYTHING! Spatter some paint on a canvas and it means "happy!" Well excuse me for not generating the artwork of a 3-year old. There are so many other things that I could say, but just thinking about it is getting me really irked. Oh well...what do you think?[/i] Yes, I hate it when I'm drawing some cartoon and people won't consider it 'art' because it's...a cartoon. They expect you to be wearing a funky hat and sleek black clothes while walking around reciting some obscure poem about love and depression or something. I said to someone once, "It'd be cool if I could become an artist that lived in one of those lousy New York apartments and paint all day." and I laughed, but the boy completely killed the side comment by saying that all I did was draw stupid DBZ people. I wasn't exactly happy over the conversation, and I hate people who do that. >_>
Anime Mecha Anime - Which Do You Prefer Out Of...?
eleanor replied to ElrickOtaku's topic in Otaku Central
[i]Note to malajusted: the Nadesico movie is NOT a reflection of the series. The series is hilarious, while remaining deep (and is not about fighting 'evil aliens in giant robots'). There have been many complaints about the movie by fans of the series. This is generally unfair, as in the series much of the comedy was character-based and all of the major characters from the series only appear towards the end of the movie. As it was voted the most popular anime series in Japan, I'd advise all anime-fans, whether they be romance fans, drama fans, action fans or comedy fans to try the SERIES. The movie is for after you've seen the series, and even then it is difficult to like. So, malajusted, I'd suggest you fully research things before you comment on them. And that goes double for mecha anime.[/i] You're completely right, but when you get a brief description of Nadesico, what do you get? "Unknown forces have attacked, and the only thing that can stop it is Martian Sucessor Nadesico, a ship." What's the brief description of Evangelion? "Angels have attacked Earth and the only thing that can stop it are giant robots called Evangelions." RahXephon? "Angels are attacking and the only thing that can stop it is the RahXephon!" Yeah...so basically, I wasn't trying to dump on Nadesico or anything. Evangelion is not really about the Angels and killing them, it's much deeper, and I'm sure RahXephon and Nadesico are much deeper as well. Dagger: I watched episodes 15 and 16 of RahXephon on the Anime Network [bad idea, I know], it I actually found it quite good. ...Even though I sort of had no idea of who everyone was, I could get a good enough grasp of things. Maybe there's something with me about first episodes. *shrugs* Happens a lot to me. Heh, you see, I never started off watching any anime series in the right order. The first Evangelion I watched was episode four, and I sort of drifted in between the whole series until I watched them all. I'm a bit odd at those kind of things. -
[i]Come on, Mal, I was going to make this thread today. That's just cold. [/i] Yes, I'm just hellbent on making everyone's day more dissapointing. ^_~ [i]But the big thing for me and this DVD is the interview with the WETA Workshop founders. They revealed a lot of information about designing their "Westernized" live-action Evangelion movie. Yes, it's official, WETA Workshop has officially begun work on the design for the official live-action Evangelion movie. It's not a rumor. Throughout the interview they revealed about fifteen concept art pieces, mostly of NERV headquarters and, logically, Evas 00 through 02. Apparently they are "Westernizing" a lot of things, including characters' names. Rei is now spelled "Ray", Asuka is now "Kate Rose", and Misato is "Susan". For about two days I wanted to go send razor blades to Weta, but it won't matter much in the end. [/i] *twitches* Are they worried that people will get mad because they can't pronouce names and deny the fact that's they're stupid? *cough*MATRIX:RELOADED*cough* J/k, lol. Ugh...whenever I think about the Eva Live Action, I think of tacky machines running around that were taken out of Power Rangers and stuck in future Japan. And the shiny fabric that blinds our eyes that will be used for the pulgsuits. >_>. I wonder if WETA will be able to pull this one off, LoTR and Eva are two entirely different genres...I'll be watching it though. More harrasment from people at school. Fun! [i]...and added a computer-generated [spoiler]Adam[/spoiler] into the scene. [/i] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo....*resides in corner* [i]As for a redubbing, I hope anyone BUT Tiffany Grant does Asuka's voice. I've never watched the dub (thank goodness) but I absolutely LOATHE her voice anywhere I hear it. *Shudders violently*[/i] Thank God you said that, Queen Asuka. I [b]hate[/b] Tiffany Grant's voice for Asuka...you should see the episode where we first meet Asuka [Episode 8, I think.] and Tiffany kills the dub when [spoiler] Shinji asks her what the big underwater shock thing was about. [/spoiler] She does this horrifying and shockingly out-of-place [i]OOoooOOOooOOO![/i] thing and I sort of sat there for a while just staring at the screen. [i]I'm a pretty dedicated anime fan, and I don't see what's wrong with making a live-action Evangelion. Yes, the Westernization of the characters' names is annoying, but is that really such a big deal? They're trying to create a commercially viable film--although the popularity of anime is growing, it isn't nearly widespread enough to automatically guarantee that the Evangelion movie will be a box-office success. [/i] Yeah, I think if the Evangelion live-action movie is done right, [I'm thinking LoTR quality here] it'll be awesome. But, you know, if it isn't...it won't be pretty. Oh, and, if you're actually planning on buying the Evangelion DVDs, Dagger, I'd wait until the renewed version comes out. That's what I'm doing...But if not, I would force you to watch the series. :p
I just read a huge article about the renewal project for Evangelion. Bluntly, I'm jumping up and down in joy. :p Bascially, all GAINAX is doing is redrawing scenes and redoing the sound, ultimately brining and better and flashier Evangelion. Sounds cool, eh? All I really learned from the article was that they had people who worked on Evangelion to come and do some more illustrations, DVD cover illustrations [the new ones have a much more 'homemade' look], and just making the animations more up-to-date. Hideaki Anno even designed a new DVD Box, which looks very cool. Hard to explain, though, you'd have to see it for youself. To make an attempt, it's a thin box that's fairly long, and it's placed in a red bin that has two upper-layers that pop out and move to the side using eight legs on either side. >_>. They're also creating a Evangelion game [Eva 2] that supposedly gives answers to the unsolved mysteries in Evangelion. In the game, you go around gathering clues by talking to people [Kaworu and Toji are up and running somehow] and you have your Eva fights. Some Eva artists made the Evangelion units more 'heavy armored' and gave them some new weapons, and the graphics aren't amazing, but it's not too shabby. I'm only judging by tiny screenshots, though. I may be wrong. [I spent most of my time drooling of the pictures of Kaworu, anyway.]
Anime Mecha Anime - Which Do You Prefer Out Of...?
eleanor replied to ElrickOtaku's topic in Otaku Central
[i]While I haven't seen Gasaraki, I'm curious as to why you chose it over RahXephon--which, by all accounts, is a vastly superior show. [/i] O_o How can you feel that RahXephon is superior to Gasaraki when you've never seen it? Heck, I thought Gasaraki was just about a psychic warrior...I had no idea it had mecha in it. *shrugs* By far, Gundam Wing beats out most of the names in this list, not by my own opinion [I love Evangelion to death, you hear?], but by anime audiences. I also have no idea why people love the Gundam Wing series, and I've tried numerous time to try and 'get into' the series. I'm not saying the anime is bad, it's one of the most recognized and favorite animes. In point, I don't think any of any mecha shows are realistic at all. They all basically follow the same guidelines, too. Evil people, get into giant machine that has cool weapons, destroy evil people. Most of the time, the evil thing is some kind of alien or whatnot, excluding the Gundam Series. I don't know any Gundam show that has something to with aliens at all. But I guess mecha shows are just restricted by that, so it really depends on what the creator does with the plot and depth of the series. Which is why I really enjoy Evangelion. The Evangelion units are very unique in just their design and the cockpit and etc. The idea of using God's 'angels' as the enemies was amazingly well plot out by Hideaki, and the Angels themselves actually fit descriptions of angels descriped in religious manuscripts. I mean, holy schmoly, if you want to guess the amount of time Hideaki actually researched religious documents and other things to create Evangelion...well, I'm just saying I really love the show. The animation is wonderful for its time period, the plot is wonderful, the characters are wonderful, everything in the show is wonderful to me. Ok, so there's also the hype of Evangelion vs. RahXephon. I've only seen so much of RahXephon, and I really didn't think much of it. It never got me interested at all in the first episode. I even got wary of it when I saw the 'waterdrop' scene that Evangelion used so much. Needless to say, I'm a stubborn Eva fan, and I always will be. But I'm not going to flame RahXephon to death, the animation and art was awesome, and I respect pretty much every anime [unless it's REALLY bad.]. Maybe it's just not my kind of show. I have yet to see a comparison by someone who has actually seen and evaluated both series, so I'm just waiting around for it to come. Maybe I'll somehow get my hands on RahXephon, sit down, and actually watch the series, but my mind is full of Evangelion right now with the re-makes and director's cut and everything. So, by now I think most people have stopped reading or they get the point that I love Evangelion. There's not a bit of the series I don't like...I even like the ending. I get ticked off by people who decide to hate the ending because they were expecting some grand fight finale and Shinji was the winner and blah-de-blah. I think they're forgetting the point of the whole series. *sighs* I saw Nadesico's movie yesterday, and I liked the beginning of it, but I disliked the ending. I haven't seen the series, but judging frm the movie, I don't think there was that much humor. I have not way to justify it though...like I said, I haven't seen the series. The ending of the movie just left me sitting there like an idiot wondering why the heck they decided to wrap it up so...not good. O_o. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I haven't seen the series... -
[size=1] The animation in the movie [i]is[/i] wonderful, and the thing I liked best about it was how Chiyoko actually told her story. Reminded me of a real photography movie at times; the colors that were used in the movie was absolutely great. I don't think I've ever really seen a movie that was based around a storytelling like this, and I thought it was a good way to make the audience interested. If I compared the movie with [b]Perfect Blue[/b], which is what I've been hearing a lot of, I'd say they're neck and neck. Sometimes the dark, psychological elements can tire me if I see too much of it, even though [b]Millennium Actress[/b] was pretty sad. I didn't cry, though. *grins* The only animated movies I've cried over was Grave of the Fireflies and uh..*mumbles* Totoro. [/size]
[size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by haruno_sakura [/i] [B]Yeah, her friend Tomoyo is absolutely darling!! I love how she always has a video camera to capture everything Sakura does, and the outfits that she makes for her are just so cute! LOL. Yes, the best episodes do come much later, especially when Syaoran develops romantic feelings for Sakura! Aww, just thinking about how he acts around her makes me all fuzzy inside LOL. I think this is really one of the cutest couplings ever. ~haruno_sakura [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, aren't those outfits so...[i]cool[/i]? I wish I had some of them. Yes, well...I was never so great with the sewing machine anyway. Haha, Syaoran and Sakura's relationship makes me feel fuzzy inside, too, even though that's a bit weird for me to admit. [spoiler] As does the relationship of Touya and Yuki/Yue. Don't they look perfect for each other?[/spoiler] I don't really care much for any of the other relationships, lol. [/size]
[size=1] That's beautiful. No, really. And you don't get that stuff out of me that easily either. The drawing itself it very, very wonderful *praise praise* and I like you incorporated cel-shading with realistic drawing. I am hoping that you will post more stuff like this...it's just plain awesome![/size]
[size=1] Very perverted show...but I love Kintaro anyway. ^_^. I think it'd be better if there wasn't so much nudity and sexual reference. God, I mean, episode five was like soft porno or whatever. O_o. I think I had a heart attack when I watched the beginning. [/size]
[size=1] More like... completely ruined the anime by cutting it up into so many peices that you can't even tell what the real anime is like. ^_~. [/size]
[size=1] Art? Art is whatever anyone wants it to be. Some will say drawing is an art, and some will say killing is an art. [Ever wonder why classical music is usually played when violent things are going on in?] If someone were to put a restraint on art, it simply wouldn't be art anymore. Someone can look at a paiting and say, "[i]That's[/i] a great work of art," but the same could be said if someone else looked at a computer. If there was a real definition of art, I wouldn't listen to it anyway.[/size]
Wow. I thought this was a hugely popular show, and I don't think I've ever seen a thread about it in here! O_o. Maybe, a long time ago. *shrugs* I just saw [b]CCS: The Sealed Card[/b], and I think it's a cute anime. ^_^. I've heard that CCS has been dubbed one of the most butchered animes to have ever made its way into American television. I've never seen the edited version, but I guess I don't really want to. They also decided to change the title to just [b]Card Captors[/b] so that it would appeal to boys as an action show. [Sort of like how JK Rowling is uh...JK Rowling. Lol.] Well, pooh to them. CCS is probably one of two romance animes that I actually enjoy, and I all I usually think when watching the shows are: 'Aw, how cute!' But I never really guessed how much romance innuendos are in the show...! There's everything: Shounen-ai, shoujo-ai, incest, teacher/student, and het. I think that's everything. [I [i]think[/i], I said.] So now, every time I think os CCS, Utena pops into my head for some reason. O_o. Well, that's all I feel like saying, now.
[b]Reservoir Chronicles[/b] is a manga that I am [i]really[/i] looking foward to. To put it in very simple terms, it's an AU/Crossover of various [b]CLAMP[/b] characters, mostly revolving around the characters of [b]Cardcaptor Sakura[/b]. It's set in the Land of Clow, where Touya is the king, Sakura's the princess, Yuki is the Palace Magician, And Syaroan [sp?] is supposedly this archaeologist who is working to find a treasure of Clow of something...*shrugs* Something bad happens to Sakura and Syaroan has to go on a quest with two other guys to save her. I looked at the art, and it looks beautiful. A couple of boys at my school are currently obsessed with [b]Naruto[/b], and I guess I would check it out if I could. [b]DN Angel[/b] has two manga volumes out in the U.S., but no anime yet. I've seen about three episodes of the anime, and it looks pretty good. Nice music, great art, and the makers decided to mix in CG buildings in with the whole thing. Plot's a tiny bit complicated, heh. The main character is Daisuke, who has a huge crush on Risa, and on his 14th birthday [I think it's 14], he finds out he can transform into his counterpart called Dark. Risa falls in love with Dark, but Dark falls in love with Riku, Risa's twin sister. So...everytime Daisuke sees Risa, he turns into Dark, and everytime Dark sees Riku, he turns into Daisuke. Then you can mix up a scary genious boy named Satoshi, who [i]also[/i] has a counterpart called Krad. If you look closely, Krad is Dark spelled backwards, but I won't say anything else. ^_~. Of course, Satoshi gets some feelings for Daisuke. :p The anime version of [b]Gravitation[/b] has yet to come out...which I want. Very, [i]very[/i] badly.
[size=1] Sometimes I think animes overdo it with the tragic ending thing, where everyone dies horribly and then the end of the world comes. Yay! What I like to see is an ending that is realistic enough, but still sad. [i]If an anime has cheerful characters and doesn't have much sadness in it, sure I'll like a happy ending for it. Such as Angelic Layer; I'd like it to have a happy ending for the cheerful mood of the series.[/i] Exactly what happens with me. ^_^. It wouldn't make sense if someone were to watch Angelic Layer and then in the end find out that everyone has a scarred life and most of are about to die of depression or something. [/size]