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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GreenEyedDragon [/i] [B]unforutnately, it seems once you read the first post, you don't read through the rest of the thread. I replied to a question of what a hardship was and also why i [I]couldn't[/I] take public transportation in a later response to questions that provoked my explanation. i suppose you who don't read through threads won't even see this, but if you do, stop ignoring what has been said. Not only do repsonses get redundant, but questions that have been cleared up keep repeating....not to sound nit-picky, its just easier on people who are looking for important advice. I cannot stress how most of you do not understand, though. Please do not make a light matter of this. If you don't think you know what i'm going through, please do not reply. [/B][/QUOTE] ^_^;; Very sorry about that. I'm not trying to make a light matter, though. I take my cello, along with it's hard case, on the bus if I need to get it to school. You can make arrangements with the bus driver if need be. Maybe your school's rules are somewhat different, or it might work. *shrugs* If your bus doesn't have a lot of students, it might work out. My sister is allowed to be taken by car, but my mom says she doesn't have time to take me as well, and the high school is much closer to our house. That way, she can just drop my sister off and go off to work. It's rather annoying, but you can deal with it if the plan works.[/size]
  2. [size=1] I really wanted to get a look on which movie you guys think will snag Best Picture at the Oscars. I think the three main films most people are talking about are [b]Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King[/b], [b]Cold Mountain[/b], [b]Big Fish[/b], and [b]The Last Samurai[/b]. Unfortunately, I have yet to see all of them excluding LoTR. It's a bit stupid saying this when I haven't seen all of them, but I really think it'd be great if LoTR won, since I belive Peter Jackons deserves it. Heck, all of them probably deserve it, but I'm your regular Lord of the Rings fanatic, here. Your opinions?[/size]
  3. [size=1] [What's a hardship?! O_o] Well, you could always take the bus...it's a good way of transportation to school if there's no other way. Just try and sit down with your parents and really talk to them in getting this...hardship..thingy. But you're right, some adults just weren't meant to be parents. I know two people [one my friend] whos fathers are both in the Marines and their mothers are working ones that usually have no time to many things. I could relate as well, since my father is a buisnessman who has absolutely no open feelings and my mother is never at home. But don't mistake 'beating' with 'child abuse'. You can't report your parents unless their beatings leave you with a mark such as a bruise or scar. Most parents really do care, so they don't try to make your head crack open and bleed to death. Most child abuse sprouts from parents that are unstable. I've gotten 'beaten' plenty of time [yes, it hurts.], but it was just punishment. I really have two opinions on it. Half of the time, it doesn't work and the kid just becomes deathly afraid of their parents, or they actually compute in their minds that they shouldn't do bad things. *ponders* Most kids don't even report their parents if they do give them marks. *is way off-topic* Ah, being a teenager and not receiving fret of the American mother. :p [and I'm not even white.] In ways, it made me more resposible since I usually finish up the housework and food-making for myself. You learn to manage yourself and deal with personal problems by yourself and become quite independent.[/size]
  4. [size=1] Chivalry cannot always be mixed with common courtesies or being nice. It has its own definition, too. But anyways, being polite like that to ladies is never a bad thing. I don't think it's [i]sexist[/i], I think girls rather enjoy it when boys do nice things for them.[/size]
  5. [size=1] I usually get creative bursts right after I watch a great movie. I always get great ideas and start writing on the computer, but after the first two sentences, I drop dead and think for the next two hours. It's usually very hard for me to write freely and non-stop for long periods of time unless I'm writing an essay or something that is assigned. Or unless I actually have the plot down in everything for narrative stories, which is highly unusual.[/size]
  6. [size=1]I started watching bits and peices of this series on TV, and I think it's allright. Some of the episodes can be very boring to me, but some very interesting. I don't know, it's sort 50/50 with me right now. I've only watched about 5 episodes, though. The animation is good, and the art is very, [i]very[/i] cool to me. Some towns and places remind me of Alice in Wonderland-esque things and most of it is wonderfully creative. ^_^. The idea of meeting a pretty girl in every episode and doing something to save/impress her bores me a bit, though. *shrugs* What I really like about the anime is its music. It really has a great soundtrack, and I particularly like the ending theme to the show. I tried seraching for its soundtrack, but had to luck finding it for some reason. I wonder if it's even been made, lol.[/size]
  7. [size=1] I've never payed close enough attention to tell, but people have argued that, yes, [spoiler] the eye-shade of 'Asuka' in the last scene is a different color than the one we see in the previous events in the movie.[/spoiler] She looks exactly the same, though. To understand the basic concept is pretty easy. [spoiler] Eva Unit 001 becomes 'God' with all these nifty things and Shinji has to decide whether it's the worlds' end or whatever,[/spoiler] but I think the smaller details and stories are more complicated. I gotta hand it to Anno, though, he really did his work.[/size]
  8. [size=1] How old are you? I'm guessing you're in 5th or 6th grade judging that you were born in 1992. And 5th/6th grade teachers cussing isn't something kids should be introduced to. Students can deal with whatever the hell teachers say in high school, but teachers that cuss in elementary schools shouldn't be allowed. Kids today are using too many cuss words as it is. No students should have to put up with a regular vocabulary filled with innapropriate language in those grades.[/size]
  9. [size=1] I someday wish to CG like you and all the other overly-talented people. =_=. Anyways, you colored the girl herself very, very well, and a nice job on the jeweles in the corners. ^_~ I especially like those butterflies with the stones on them, it's very unique. Though, I'd have to disagree with Azurewolf on the legs. They look OK to me, as it looks that they're on the long side. The thing I have a problem with is the arm leaning on the bookshelf. Either the shortening is hard to see or I'm just weird, but it looks way too short to go with the rest of the girl's body. Only glaring thing I can spot off the bat, anyway. Your coloring will keep people mesmorized for a while. :) P.S. Those books are huge, lol. [/size]
  10. [size=1] I've heard theories that the [spoiler] Asuka you see in the last scene is not really Asuka, but some other person at together.[/spoiler] *shrugs* I read Anime Insider, and there was a chart decribing all the people who died and how they died [spoiler] and Asuka was included.[/spoiler] Hm.[/size]
  11. [size=1] I'm bilingual in English and Korean, and yes, a lot of people think that's cool. Why shouldn't it be? Being bilingual gives you a lot of advantages. Anyways...it doesn't bother me when people ask me to say something in Korean. They're not purposely trying to annoy you, they're just curious.[/size]
  12. [size=1]Thank you all for the comments/criticism. Much appreciated. >.< Please don't ask me to say I like the drawing. There are some parts, like the socks which are great, but the rest has some serious problems. Now, as for the colouring... thats pretty damn good. In the rags wrapped around the walking stick/cane/sword/whatever is great, and the hair isn't too bad either. Compared to the rest of her, the line for her chin is too thin. The overall colouring is quite good, and you have used shading techniques etc. I think you could possibly have cut back on some of the shading, but I don't think this piece is too badly coloured.[/i] Er...it wasn't meant to be a sock. *relooks at picture and laughs* The picture itself is one that I can also point out countless numbers of mistake. I drew it some time ago, so the only reason I picked it to color was because it was the cleanest one I had stored on my computer. To deal with the chin thing, it used to be pretty thick, and after I posted it on OB, I went back and made it much thinner and reloaded it. I gave up on the other lines halfway through, though. Other than that, Baron, you read my mind. Everything you pointed out is what I thought. ^_~ [i]The fill tool is not a good item in general. It's good for large fields and rare situations, but I wouldn't say it is good for most drawings. You managed to pull it off here well enough, but I wouldn't recommend it for anything you do that's more complex. However, I think the main issue is simply the outline of black around here. There's things you can play with in any image program to adjust this (levels is good in Photoshop, no clue in PSP) and help make it less of an issue. In some cases, you might just have to retrace that in the program by hand... The pen tool should become your best friend in terms of drawing lines, shapes and actual selections. Master that thing. [/i] You're right, the fill tool does suck on drawings like these. I started out coloring the picture by using the fill tool on the girl's head, but after it took me a very long time of cleaning the head up, I used the paint tool to just color in everything else. And....while our wonderful Semjaza Azazel is playing with his Photoshop, he has no clue of the evil that is PSP, lol. The outlining and cleaning of the pictures in PSP is pretty bad when compared to Photoshop. I used the Polykarbon Tutorial in cleaning scanned pictures, but I had to stop when it continued on with people who owned Photoshop. I don't know whether it's the quality of my scanner or PSP's extend in cleaning/outlining pictures that made my outline especially crappy. *shrugs*[/size]
  13. [size=1] ^_^ Thanks. I think I need to work on the skin a lot more. It looks too plain...=_=. I have no idea how to do that, lol.[/size]
  14. [size=1] Death and Rebirth was just a recap or the series, it wasn't supposed to add or take away anything from the series. [/size]
  15. [size=1] True, but I don't think it really distinguishes itself from other actions that happenened in the series. [spoiler] I have no idea now...[/spoiler][/size]
  16. [size=1] [b]Name:[/b] Mallory Stipend-ed. Or Mally. Pronounced like 'Molly' but with a 'z'. [b]Age:[/b] 21. [b]Appearance:[/b] Long black cloak that isn't that long because it stops at my stomach, and beneath is another black cloak-thing that drags around me feet. And Link's hat. Oh yes. My dear, sweet hat. *grins stupidly* Yes... Shoulder-length, black hair with side bangs. [brown eyes] [b]Weapon:[/b] Link's hat. Duh. [b]Bio:[/b] Mally was born wherever Hitler is soon to be conceived and was raised on a quaint farm that breeded chickens. Oh, the chickens. There were blue chickens. Red chickens. Yellow chickens. Gold chickens. Hoho. Those gold chickens were hard to come by. Yess-iry! And Silver Chickens! Pikachus and Charmandors galore! It was a nice life. Unfortunately for Mallory Stipend-ed, she was always follwed by a camera and a overweight man wearing striped shirts [vertical shirts would have been more slimming, you see.] and a strange logo that she always saw in the corner of her eyes. Hm. MTV was it? I'm not sure. When Mally became 12, her parents locked her in the basement to avoid the disease of puberti-ness-tess-es-influenza. At the age of 18, her parents reluctantly let her out to see that Mally had mutated and combined with the golden chicken, and often got clunked on the head by its beak. She spent the next year laying in the corner making clunking sounds while her foot twitched at odd moments. Mally cried and decided to devote her whole life to zee God of the Heavens and prayed to him eeeevery night! However, God rejected her because of the golden chicken stuck in her head. God has, like, a like, MAJOR problem with, like, CHICKENS! Geez. *twirls fake blonde hair* Mally finally got depressed enough, so she took a rusty old axe, and tried to kill herself. Unfortunately, the axe got stuck in her neck and a rattling noise sounded whenever she breathed, which was not very often. How can she live without breathing very often, you ask? *punches you* So Mally went out into the village and arrived at the local doctor. He locked her in a cage and sold her to freak circus. He is not a nice doctor. For the next month, Mally was stuck in a cage with a ferocious tiger that occasionally nipped at her chicken. Mally wasn't smelling too good; the chicken had died and it was starting to rot. Nonetheless, Mally prayed to Satan that if he took away all the embedded chicken and axe, she would sell the soul of her chicken PLUS her parents and if you call in the NEXT FIVE MINUTES, you'll recieve a free HELL'S FIRE IN A BOTTLE! [do-do-do-do-doooO!]. Satan thought it was good deal and did a good deed, giving Mally a Link's hat in the process. Mally escaped the cage [after lodging the dead chicken and rusty axe in that stupid tiger's throat] and found a nice, blubber-filled walrus to use as transportation. How Mally found a walrus, no one knows. If you can find worm-infested coconuts, you can a walrus. No, really. Mally was planning on attacking the castle of the not-so-holy King Shinmaru John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt III esq Or King Shinny to his pals, but was confronted by God. God is ugly. Wait. Anyways, God confronted Mally and ordered her to repent for making an evil deal with the devil. She sat there. God looked at her. She looked at God. God and Mally looked at each other. Mally finally agreed to repent and sacrificed her walrus. Unfortunately, she got lost in its heat-warming blubber. God freaked out and ran away screaming 'THE ANCIENT BLUBBER GOD HAS COME TO GET MAH FERRETS!' Oh well. Mally celebrated her 21st birthday just recently, after finding the dead bodies of her parents. She spent five hours poking them with her birthday candle. Suddently, the puberty disease struck her like lightning and she fell over twitching for ten days. Ah. Poor Mallory Stipend-ed. *narrator floats away with a giant umbreall humming the theme to Zelda* Un-be-know-eth to the narrator, Mally grabbed on to his feet and floated to the Otaku Kingdom. This ending sucks. *walks away* How do you define above-average writing anyway? *strokes blonde beard* Oh my god, like, girlfriend, I'm getting highlights for my beard tomorrow!! *squeals* *cat jumps on beard and rips it off* O_o. The End! [/size]
  17. [size=1] Interesting thought, but I don't understand how the [spoiler] killing of Rei I by Ritsuko's mother[/spoiler] really distinguishes itself from the actions by other characters in the anime. [spoiler] Maybe because it was her lover's..clone-thing? O_o.[/spoiler][/size]
  18. [size=1] [Dagger is cool.] Thank you for your help, I think it'll help me lots. :D. I'm trying to keep the storyline revolving around two people, but I overthink...everything. o_o. P.S.I tried checking out that Voices of a Distant Star thing, but I don't they sell it at any major store...*shrugs* It seemed interesting enough, though, I want to see it now. P.S.S. [Or P.P.S. Whatever.] I love Orson Scott Card! ^_^. Was the quote from his 'How to Write Science Fiction' book? Just a thought that popped into my head. Er. Yeah.[/size]
  19. [size=1] You people have enough money to buy all of those anime DVDs? O_o. *looks at rejected ten-dollar bill* If I did actually buy a complete set of any anime series, I'd probably soak in as much anime episodes I could until I had to stop and then continue the next day. :p I never feel the need to soak anything in, even if it is intense. *cough*Evangelion*cough*[/size]
  20. [size=1] This is a picture I drew a pretty long time ago, but I started coloring it today. ^_^. It was my first computer-generated colored picture that I made, so don't get evil on me. =_=. --Special thanks to OtakuSennen, since he told me how to actually use the fill tool correctly. *sweatdrops* Paint Shop Pro kicks arse. :toothy: Comments and criticism are welcome![/size]
  21. [size=1] I had no idea what crosshatching was, either. Er...I did, but I didn't know the technique had a name. O_o. Anyways... Doesn't Tokyopop do the screen-tones professionally on your manga if you win? I thought they did...whatever, though. Crosshatching can actually look very cool in my opinion, gives it a more sketchy look but still clean and final draph-esque. That's just my opinion, though. P.S. Hug is most appreciated, Katana. ^_~. [And don't worry, I wasn't pointing the 'arrogant' statement at anyone here. Just something I dropped in.][/size]
  22. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by klinanime1 [/i] [B] Hey. The dots aren't that big on the original! @ @ [/B][/QUOTE] Be thankful that you have screen-tones in the first place, lol. Anyways, it's still great-looking. Your manga looks pretty professional, and I think you'er doing a wonderful job. ^_^. Hope to see the next page![/size]
  23. [size=1] This is mostly for my own benefit, but I wanted peoples' opinions on how they get emotionally involved in anime. To be more specific, I'm having trouble creating short storylines [anime-based] where the reader can connect and then bring about strong emotions [such as anger/sadness] in the end when something happens to the main characters. But other than that, I'm also curious as to how some people actually connected to anime characters and really...got emotional when something happenend to them. :)[/size]
  24. [size=1] I've seen the first three episodes of Angelic Layer, and I think it's great. ^_^. The animation is smooth, and I don't think it shares that much ground with Pokemon. In Angelic Layer, the similarities with Pokemon are simple, but then it also has its differences. For example, the 'dolls' are just toys and people have to perfect their thinking skills and timing [from what I've seen] with their dolls on the practice tables and arenas. But anyways, I have a feeling that Icchan [i]will[/i] keep on winning since she's going into a tournament that will probably end up with her in the top ranks or something. It's just my opinion, though. Overall, I enjoy the anime enough to keep on watching it whenever the next episode comes available. *shrugs*[/size]
  25. [size=1] The normal 'blonde jokes' rarely offend any blonde-haired people I know, but if someone constantly insults something just they're blonde...well, [i]that's[/i] stupid. Don't take them too seriously, it's just for fun. P.S. You think we Asians enjoy being called ping-pong masters? Even though I do throw a mean curve ball....:p J/K. Like I said, it's no harm to anyone.[/size]
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