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Everything posted by eleanor

  1. [size=1] Great art and beginning for your manga, I wish you good luck in the contest. The one major problem I have with it, though, are the screentones. They look pretty messy [mostly in the first page], and I would suggest to cut back a bit. Other than that, it's all wonderful. ^_^[/size]
  2. [size=1] I can make out the direction of the main characters' armies, but at one point I couldn't tell whether which people were the attackers or the attack...-ies. Is that a word? Anyways, the art is very beautiful, and the only problem I had with it was that the heads looked too big at times. No biggie, though. The coloring and font definately have flair, so I commend you on that. Hope to see more![/size]
  3. [size=1] Uhm...*stares at pixels* Great art and coloring though. You're very cool since you use Paint Shop Pro. ^_~. The hand is odd, but from what I can tell, you did a great job on the rest. Cel-shading is excellent as well. [/size]
  4. [size=1] O_o Geez you guys, take a breather. I think anyone can tell it's not the final draph... It's not supposed to be perfect the first time you draw it. Well, nice introduction to say in the least. I can't really judge anything off of just that one page. You might want to start perfecting things such as arm shapes and wrinkles, though. Other than that, I wish good luck. ^_^. I've just started the basic storyline of one I'm going to enter, thinking about finishing most of it off during the summer. My only goal is to actually finish it. =_=. Drawing good mangas sure take a lot out of you sometimes. And remember that it's talent, not experience. ^_~. [Although experience would help. *raises eyebrow and takes off*] So with that, it's not imperative that one should spend their money on screen tones and expensive ink. Just try to be proud of your end result rather than concentration on winning only. If someone were to think they had a sure spot in the winner's circle, they'd be pretty dam* arrogant.[/size]
  5. [size=1] The very last ending scene is part of the movie [b] End of Evangelion[/b], so there's a lot more to see. :p Whether that's a good thing or not... But anyways, I have a question myself. [spoiler] When Ritsuko's mother is choking Rei I, there's an extremely fast show of Kaworu's face during the whole thing. I was wondering why it happened/why it was placed in during that scene.[/spoiler][/size]
  6. [size=1] Um. *glances to Gamecube* :toothy: I actually prefer winter break to summer break since the summer break is about two and a half months long. O_o. Sometimes during the summer I get so bored I feel like going outside and feeding myself to the blood-sucking, Georgia bugs that tend to swarm around you and slowly kill you to death. Anyways...I usually try to gain all the crap Nintendo stuffed into Super Smash Bros. Melee...because they really did stuff a whole bunch of stuff in this one. :p Or play Wind Waker. Other than that, it's either going on the internet, reading/writing, or hanging out with people. I usually don't enjoy going out as in [i]out[/i] during the winter because I'm always lazy and whatnot. Or I draw.[/size]
  7. [size=1] Why was your brother deleting all your files on your own PC? O_o That would flip me out... Bleh. Anyways...I have one older sister who's 17 [I'm 13], but we get along extremely well. Sometimes we can get angry at each other, but it's usually forgotten in about, oh, five minutes. :toothy: We [i]used[/i] to really dislike each other and got into fights constantly, but either she grew patient or I grew mature. *shrugs* It all turned out well in the end. PS: Older sibling can usually get our of work especially if there in high school since there's so much studying to do and whatnot.[/size]
  8. [size=1] ^_^ They all look nice. Your first one is probably my favorite because of that...rough asphalt-y effect. O_o. Never mind me. It still looks cool. :) The second one doesn't suit me all that well, mainly because the picture is jpeggy, and I don't think the text matches very well. For the third one, I'd have to say I think the background look [i]awesome[/i]! :P Great job on that. [/size]
  9. [size=1] O_O Those are huge! I have DSL and it still took a while...Oh well. You might want to try and size those pics down a bit. Anyways, nice pictures. [Since when did Kenshin get highlights? Lol.] You have a bit of the face-shape...doesn't exactly look correct in some places. The coloring is also rough, it leaves some white spaces. Nonetheless, you drew him well. ^_^ Great job. P.S. Your first three pictures are all the same.[/size]
  10. [size=1] [b]^_^ Hello there. I just decided to post bits of this story I started some time ago since I'm bored and I have lots of time during the Winter Break. Just trying to get feedback and advice. [Note: I usually add red statements telling myself what to fix here and there. ^_^;;] Here's the first part:[/b] To the regular tourist, the skyscraper would have passed as a regular business building. Who could expect anything but the shuffling of papers and the humdrum lives of office workers? The lone window cleaner stood precariously on the [color=red]___find word____[/color], frowning as he slowly wiped the already sparkling windows. His eyes were old and jaded, his face wrought with regret. His eyes would turn every so often to watch the actions of the workers. Same old, same old. Gray carpets with brown desks; pretty secretaries typing furiously as tired parents quickly scanned a paper or two. Florescent lightings on the ceiling gave a dim, artificial light as the occasional flickering of the panel in the back fueled mutters and whispers. A lazy janitor would be sitting on the wooden waiting chair, his eyes closed and mind focused solely on reveries and dreams. Williams & Co, the letters on the glass door said. The sky was blue, not a single cloud obscuring the view of the building tops. A very dull, grayish blue it was. People walked importantly down sidewalks, pushing and pulling each other to quickly get past the street. Cars lined the streets, not a single one moving freely. The overpowering sound of jibber and jabber of people crowded the air, the honks and screams of trucks and cars. Dark alleyways would open a dark door to crime and drugs; prostitutes and slander. The police-bots? metal bodies were often seen torn and crushed on dirty sidewalks, with an occasional flickering of a steel blue eye. Gunshots and profanities were heard daily as parents tried to cover children?s eyes. It was not long until winter?s long nights claimed its time, and the skies turned an ugly gray. Humid breezes would blow throughout the night, earning groans and quicker footsteps towards home. 11:30 PM. Night curfew struck and door slamming and car beeping would be heard in suburbia. Doors clicking and alarms beeping filled the streets of apartments. Homeless drunks would wisely retreat to the very corner of dark cut-offs. Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. The stand-duty soldiers came out to play. Footsteps. Several; no?more than that?Hundreds. Hundreds of footsteps. Black boots tapped hurriedly down the street, silver buckles outlined with red stripes clinking every so often. Red uniforms majestically covered the bodies of hundreds. Tight black collars around necks, with embroidered red turtlenecks. Ruby-red collars outlined with a gold trimming neatly surrounded the base of the necks, resting on the shoulders comfortably. A tight-fitting shirt followed, golden square buckles holding it in place. The shirt?s base cut off triangularly, its very tip graced with a golden curve of cloth. Red slacks rippled slightly as legs walked quickly across streets and sidewalks. All carried a black pole, about five feet long. Eloquent line designs ran smoothly down the whole pole, each line allowing the pole to fall apart and shift into anything the people pleased. Each person walked forward, some starting to split orderly as street corners were encountered. The clicking and clacking of the boots sounded almost rhythmic as the people started to stop at one place and firmly plant the bottom of the pole into the ground. The pangs of the black poles echoed all over the streets eerily as silence overpowered. Nothing was said, no one was moved. Words were not spoken, and eyes did not blink. In the dim streetlights, one would barely see their faces. They were all relatively handsome in facial features. A wonderfully curved nose, lean faces, and sharp eyes. Red eyes. Drilling slowly into the facades around them. Cold, blood red eyes all of them possessed. Some were male, some were female, but all had a distinct aura about them. 11:45 PM. Soft patters were heard. Black figures roamed ghost-like among the streets, looking for those who dared to break curfew. Black collars, black turtlenecks, black button-up shirts, black slacks, black boots. Black eyes. The only shade that differed from black on their uniforms was a white, elegant symbol embroidered on the back. It was tiny, residing only in the very top of the back. They, too, had black poles, the exact replica that the stand-duty soldiers had. Though silver tips at either end glistened in the dim light every moment or so, flashing a light on the black-clad peoples? faces. No one knew the name of these dark people, and one who met one was never there to tell the tale. Both black and red eyes all looked east simultaneously, following the sounds of a heavy clopping sound. A young woman raced down the sideways, her face flushed red as her unruly hair flew out from behind her. All the piercing eyes eased slowly into a blank look, as a small recorder flashed through their eyes. The young woman stopped abruptly in front of Williams & Co. The black-uniformed patroller set a holographic screen in front of its face, allowing the information he received from scanning the girl?s eyes to quickly list itself on the screen. A high pitched clicking sound whirred in the girl?s ears until the person stepped aside to let her through the swinging glass doors. ?Welcome to Rhocke, Melanie Winston.? [b]There's the first page of it, anyway. I have a problem of knowing whether it's the right time to stop adding detail or putting more, or even knowing if it's good at all. =_=;; I'm usually wary of writing some things, because I'm paranoid and strange like that. Anyways, that was the first rough draft of it. I just skimmed through that and added the red thing. I actually forgot the word for those table-things window-wipers stand on. *looks down dejectedly* Comments and criticism, please![/b] [/size]
  11. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B]He has dated every girl I like: Hilary Duff, Amanda Vines, and Lindsey Lohan. I should be sining me heart out: I look better then him, can sing better then him and, I am smarter then him so why is he famous and I'm not? You want to know why its all because of his gay brother Nick Something in one of those stupid boy bands. Now he is complaining about his mom stealing his money. I say take it all Mrs. Carter; I'm with you all the way! [/B][/QUOTE] 1) It's Amanda [b]B[/b]ines and Lind[b]say[/b] Lohan. 2) [i]I look better then him, can sing better then him and, I am smarter then him so why is he famous and I'm not? [/i] --Uh...yeah, along with about 1,000 other guys. 3) Using 'gay' as a insulting word isn't nice. 4) Your right, Aaron got a head start because his brother was part of Backstreet Boys. 5) And most importantly: Who cares? [/size]
  12. [size=1] Peter Jackson originally planned to put [spoiler] Saruman's death scene by Grima Wormtongue in the second movie, decided to put it in the third, and then decided it was old buisness and cut it.[/spoiler] I am a bit diassapointed by it, but I don't care for it much. There was already many events going throughout the movie, and it was great as it was. I'm not sure whether the scene would be a good additional or some random part that doesn't do anything. Some people don't even know about it, and the movie is fine as it is. But again...since the whole movie is based around Good VS. Evil, I guess that scene would portray how evil and greedy people can get. >_> Iunno. It does leave some fans hanging and wondering what happened to the old wizard.[/size]
  13. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pyrophobic [/i] [B] As for two other things - well, firstly I wonder if, despite the boot, the definition of where the knee is could be made a little clearer? Otherwise it risks looking as if the thighs go on for too long. Secondly, the left hand looks a touch odd since the fingers that bend back look a little as if they've come out of nowhere. As such, I'd add a little more depth to the hand in that you either tilt it up so the palm is slightly visible or slightly down so that the knuckles and the fingers that extend from them are clearer. [/B][/QUOTE] I think the knee isn't supposed to be defined, since the knee should be seen under where the paper ends. That's my thought, at least. Just right under...I'm not sure, though. It all depends on the artists' style or drawing. >_> I agree with you on the left-hand thing, though. And I forgot something. For the girl's face, her nose direction leads us to believe she's slightly facing the right. In my opinion, that would be odd since her neck would be turning at an unnatural stance. *rambles* Eh. ^_^;;; It's still an awesome picture, though![/size]
  14. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinmaru [/i] [B]Bwa ha ha ha ha ha! More replies! Thanks for all the replies, everyone. I didn't know [b]I was so loved[/b] :blush: [/B][/QUOTE] *punches Shinmaru in the face and slings him into the corner* :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :mad: :mad: :mad: I wonder if there's a limit to smiley faces. =_= Wow! What a great banner. Because it is. So. ...Great. ....Uh. *pats Shinmaru* Gud job. I shouldn't even be writing this, you know that? *waits to get beat up* But really, it's a humorous banner in a self-hating sort of way. Yeah, I'm right, this is spam. Maybe I'll get banned! :) P.S. Are you left-handed? P.S.S. Will you delete this post because it is spam or not because it is a reply to your might banner? HM?! P.S.S. Are you supposed to put two Ps or two Ss when you do the P.S. thing and you extend it like PPS or PSS or like PPPS or PSSS or *explodes* [/size]
  15. [size=1] [spoiler]I do not think that the tomoato juice dribbling down Denethorn's chin [ew.] was meant to resemble blood, but who knows? I think Pippin's song just showed what was happening on the eve of the battle, so it showed people riding into battle and sorts. *shrugs* Maybe it was supposed to be symbolism, maybe it wasn't. *shuffles* I was wondering if the Ents were going to come throughout the whole battle. >_> And for the gay thing, we're just joking around. It really does look like they're going to kiss. [You have to admit that.][/spoiler][/size]
  16. [size=1] I really like your artwork, klinanime. ^_^ Hope to see more. Anyways, I see the same problem that I saw in your other colored picture. [I forgot what it was.] Your coloring shows where you changed direction very noticeably. I would just work on making everything as smooth as possible, but it sucks that you're working with Crayola crayons. I feel ya'. =_= :P I hope to see what you can do with better material. Excellent stuff![/size]
  17. [size=1] I thought it was just "Take off her clothes." *shrugs* I guess some weird little guys are sitting around in Disney putting all this stuff in. No big deal.[/size]
  18. [size=1] Oh geez, talk about horrible dubbing. Why were all the voices the voices of African-Americans? O_o Anyways...the voices really ruined it for me. It was uh...*coughs* I watched the movie about a year ago in Korean, and it was pretty funny. The fight scenes didn't look that great, but some parts [especially expressions] were laughable. Don't know why they aired that on MTV...[/size]
  19. [size=1] Fact one: Photoshop is about $500 or whatever and PaintShopPro is just about...$100. PSP can be just as good as PS, even though it takes longer to create something on PSP than on PS. But like I said, they're basically almost the same and PSP is a lot cheaper. If you're willing to spend the money, though, I believe PS can be better than PSP at coloring and background designs.[/size]
  20. [size=1] If all of those colleges are trying to get you to enroll at their school just for your football skills, it doesn't mean you're going to stay there. I mean, you could just end up flunking everything and that's [i]not[/i] good. Especially when basing your whole future on football...That's a silly idea.[/size]
  21. [size=1] Recently, I just think Windwaker is being underestimated. I played a bit of it and enjoyed it, but everyone I talk to insist that it's not a good game. Hm. *looks around* Maybe it's because some fans are still angry about the art style change, heh.[/size]
  22. [size=1] I don't mean to nitpick, but I don't think the Witch King was trying to be sexist or anything. Just..yeah. *walks away*[/size]
  23. [size=1] If you think you're not so hot at academics and you just want to excel in football...I have no idea where you should go. [I don't even go to college, I'm an eigth grader, lol.] However, my sister is a senior and she's applying to colleges right now, and your best academic colleges are UCLA, Michigan State, and Notre Dame. Maybe Georgia Tech. Sometimes sports are a risky thing to hold onto and count on for the rest of your life, so I reccomend that you go to a college that has good academics and good sports. The only college footballs teams I've heard talked about by people in your list are UGA, Notre Dame, and Auburn. *shrugs* I'm not exactly a fan of the sport, though.[/size]
  24. [size=1][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]First of all, my Legolas rant: I used to love Legolas, especially when the first movie came out. After all the girls fell in love with him and Orlando Bloom became the "thing," I got tired of him quick. When I saw him I almost wanted to roll my eyes, even though he looked very beautiful as an elf. GET OVER HIM ALREADY! YOU'VE RUINED IT FOR EVERYONE, FANGIRLS! *Pulls her hair out* [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm very proud to say that I was a Dominic/Viggo/Elijah fan right from the start. No Orlando for me. ^_^[/size]
  25. [size=1] Hm...just one thing I must say. I don't see what's so great about Evangelion's opening theme [i]Cruel Angel's Thesis[/i]. I don't like it, really. *waits for a few seconds* *is murdered by Evangelion fans* Moving on! I really love the ending theme song, [i]Glaring Dream[/i] of [b]Gravitation[/b]. The whole anime has really great music overall, but the ending theme is my favorite. It's very JPOP-ish, and the background music brings a bit of techo in with it. Overall a song I liked a lot. The ending theme to [b]Inuyasa[/b], [i]Fukai Mori[/i] is another anime theme song I like. It's sung by a band called Do as Destiny, I think, and I like the guitar sound. *shrugs* The opening theme song to [b]Jing: King of Bandits[/b] is pretty cool, too. It's rock-style, and it uh...sounds good. *scratches head* I really can't elaborate on that. =_= And as always, the music by Yoko Kano for [b]Cowboy Bebop[/b] is very excellent. I think she's best with jazz, but the other genres of music she creates are all good. Goes to show what having a broad range of music can do for you. ^_~[/size]
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