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Everything posted by Inkwolf

  1. <img src="http://www.otakuboards.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=14860"> <img src="http://www.otakuboards.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=14861">
  2. I forgot to mention Fantastic Children. All the deaths were sad, but I especially choked up when [spoiler]Hiisuma was killed. I didn't even like him much...but the poor little goober just wanted to go home. [/spoiler]
  3. Hope I know how to do spoiler tags right... I lean more toward silly comedies, so haven't seen too many deaths. Grave of the Fireflies goes without saying. And in Last Exile, [spoiler]Dio's death tore me up. I hated him at fiirst, and he gradually worked his way into my affections, just in time for his horrific fate among the Guild. And then, after Luceo already died to save him, Dio dies completely pointlessly and needlessly, mistakenly believing he killed his only friend. It was too cruel.[/spoiler] As for Death Note, [spoiler] after L died, I only followed the manga to see Light get his comeuppance. Grr![/spoiler]
  4. I signed up at this forum just to post a reply to this 6-year-old topic. The first time I tried to watch TC, I rolled my eyes five minutes into Episode 1 and stuck it back on the shelf. (I got the first two discs in an Ebay lot.) The second time I watched further and was eventually captivated enough by the goofy humor to buy the rest of the series off Ebay (where you can get all five discs for generally about $10.) Note--the English dub is way funnier than the subs. The third time I watched all the way through to find fodder for AMV Blitz clips, and while I don't care much about the main characters, I completely fell in love with Micro-Grand academy and its teachers and the general atmosphere and setting. If I had the time and know-how, I'd want to make an adventure game set there. Okay, I know the reviews are bad, the stories are weak, and the characters are mostly stock, but somehow this series has charmed me with its psychotic mind waves, and it's sad that there's no fan base to chat with.
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