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About Peregrine

  • Birthday 07/27/1988

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  1. It's like my brother's current obsession with paintballing...just a month ago, he was obsessed with roller-blading...it's a phase, and most likely after a while, you'll find something else to be obsessive about.
  2. MY perfect world: A place of love and tranquility; where one cannot be bothered by simple problems in life, where on can have a moment's peace to himself, where people are not judged.
  3. Though that is true, Navi, the mind will play tricks. When you pick up both of them, it seems that the pound of lead weighs more because of it's mass compared to a single feather.
  4. 0 pounds...nothing has weight in space....
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Navi [/i] [B]This is pretty easy but: What is at the beginning of eternity, at the end of time and space, what is at the beginning of the eternity and at the end of the human race [/B][/QUOTE] ..Darkness, or death...
  6. ...erm...either late DBZ Bulma, or late DBZ Chichi...or Videl...or...yea...
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