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About KimiNagano

  • Birthday 11/19/1993

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I dream of one day creating my own manga.
  • Occupation
    Drawing Manga
  • theOtaku User Name

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  1. It sucks to be them... I mean what do they think they can acomplish by making a xmen manga... oh i know! ruin the xmen! Wolverine design sucks! The only character i found WAY TOO COOL is nightcrawler! he was always my fav, but the way they made him is so cool. [IMG]http://blog.newsarama.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10002/normal_xmen-iceman_and_nightcrawler.jpg[/IMG] Oh well at least the right side of the image... And what the hell did they do to beast? [IMG]http://blog.newsarama.com/gallery/albums/userpics/10002/normal_xmen-beast.jpg[/IMG] Wtf? how is he suppose to do anything with that kind of look? are they kidding? manga doesnt equal cute kittys and lovely monsters... this sucks...
  2. Well, im not sure if i could help but i just wanna say [COLOR="Red"]good luck![/COLOR]
  3. Skip-Beat is a Japanese shōjo manga by Yoshiki Nakamura. It is the story of Kyoko Mogami a 16-year-old girl who discovers that her childhood friend and romantic goal, Sho Fuwa, only keeps her around to act as a maid and earn his living expenses, as he works his way to become the top pop idol in Japan. Furious and heart broken, she vows to get revenge by beating him in show business. anyways, for those who wanna read it check: [color=red][size=1]Link Removed[/size][/color] As for the anime: [color=red][size=1]Link Removed[/size][/color] in the search copy/paste the video name and replace the number by the next episode [color=darkblue][size=1]Hey, there. ^^ You can talk about the manga all you want here, but we kindly ask that members not link to outside stuff like that. Thanks. :3 --Kei[/color][/size]
  4. Quote:"I had an idea that the main character could be a martial-artist that focuses on using his feet. Why? I don't know. Seems like a good way to add distinction from tons of other martial-artist-ninja-spikey-hair-dudes." On of possible reasons why he uses his feet is becouse his hands are broken.. and you can make a story about a guy who even tho destiny didnt chose for him to be a martial artist he defied everyones prejudec by becoming the best martial artist ever with broken hands, fighting with his feet... Or you can make a manga about leg swordfights where they use that feetblade weapon (edged boots), thats original it hasn't been seen yet...
  5. Nice story it could be great BUT, there are some issues that i would think about... First off all what time it is? is it the present? the future? the past? When creating a storyline its important to have the setup of the time,place and whatsoever. Second thing what do you mean by lords? By saying 7 lords you make the story sound a bit patetic to be honest... the idea is great but some tweaking should be done... The 7 lords thing actually depends on what time,setup and what kind of manga it is. If its like action (naruto, bleach...) then that could work, but if you plan to make it mistery, thriller the battle of the minds, present time(death note) then it would be a different story. Well keep up the good work and i would be happy to read your manga!
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