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Everything posted by Tears

  1. After Goku leaves them... 100 years later it starts at a tournamant Note: There are statues of Goku and Hercule on either side of the fighting ring... --;; Goku Jr and Vegeta Jr are fighting, then they turn SSJ 1 and continue fighting... While that is happening... Pan is in the stands cheering, then a girl looking like Bulma (But much younger than the original GT Bulma) comes and talks to her... The look-a-like Bulma's watch starts beeping and I think an older version of Trunks sppears on the screen. Older Trunks talks to her saying he needs her at somehting and then the Bulma look-a-like leaves. Pan turns her attention back onto the fight and scans the crowd and sees ADULT Goku watching also. Pan gets up from the chair and goes to the place where Goku was but doesn't find him. Then the scene changes... Goku is seen walking out of the sadium ground and then he jumps up with his old fighting stick/cane and calls Nimbus and flies of I'm not sure about the Nimbus part but I think it happens And then the past highlights begins and the episode ends That's what happened 100 years later ^.^:;;
  2. I play Gold and I still don't know how to find an Unknown I've gone into that ruin thing and solve the puzzle of the Kabuto But nothing happens... Am I even in the right place to start with? Or does the Unknowns appear in the cave with all those people in it? Help... I stopped playing Gold for a while... But doing something fun once in a while in Gold wouldn't hurt me :D
  3. Call me weird and all those but I'm afriad of insects because they're hell small and I watched a cartoon once where a small insect went into someone's ear and up someone's nose... And on "Good Medicine" (Yes I watch that if you know what it is), a young adult got a cockroach in his ear so he had to go to the hospital and get it out by using a needle full of water inside it... These things can happen, even ants can do those so today my dad used ant killer to kill those ants...
  4. -.-;; I'll be at school... Then after school finishes... I'll be hugged and given lots of parents... I am and feel so loved :D oO;; Actaully after school I'll stay at home wait for relatives to come over and give me my birthday presents :D Yeah... -.-;; My birdthday is on V Day so...
  5. I'm a snake... 2000 was the Dragon's year 2001 was the Snake's year 2002 is the Horse's year
  6. I an only child... for now... In 8 months I'm going to be a sister... oO; I horrors of crying babies has already got to me... I'm already stressing over this... Is that normal to stress over crying siblings before the sibling is born?
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