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About asar
- Birthday 08/11/1984
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Australian, still at school (last year, thank god), soccer player, loves food, sleep drawing etc, y'know, and average sorta bloke
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Otaku (3/6)
This is kind of related to Warhammer 40K. I've got a high elf army worth about 3 grand under the old system (points, not cash). I used to collect Space Wolves but like everyone else says it's waay too expensive for someone on a budget. For Herman, it's kind of like toy soldiers at it's simplest level of definition. You buy your own miniatures from the store and assemble and paint them yourself, and then you can "game" with them. The are lots of rules and regulations, so you can't just say "i shot you, you die". It's kind of like a stategy computer game but with miniatures. It's a good thinkings game, because it's hard to create an army that is unstoppable, though i've seen a few around. They're usually Dark Elves.
[QUOTE]The ANZAC legend is the most glorified stupidity around. We celebrate the fact that a bunch of people sat in a hole for a while, then ran in and got themselves shot due to general idiocy on the general's part. How is this noble? How did this sacrafice that proved nothing really help us?[/QUOTE] Harlequin, the message that you're trying to get across doesn't quite match up with the words as you wrote them, in (as i see it) an intentionally inflammatory opening post. Obviously you knew that this post would incite quite considerable feelings of outrage from Australians, New Zealanders, and pretty much anybody who has heard the ANZAC story. I'm trying not to sound as if i'm talking down to you, but when you make a statement like that about a topic as controversial and emotive as war, not only should your message be completely succinct so that it can't be interpreted differnetly to your intended meaning, it should also be a tiny bit more complex that "Some guys hopped in a hole and got shot. They were dumb." War, as with most issues in life, is pretty complex, annd it shouldn't be boxed into a statement as simple as the one you made. I'm also pretty disgusted that an Australian would make that statement in the first place, and even with your less than satisfactory defense i still fell slightly nauseous at seeing the words. However, to paraphrase Voltaire, though i do not agree with what you say, you should have the right to say it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]Well, my kid sister was recently assigned 100 trivia questions about WWII. She has many of them done already, but she's really quite stuck on a few of the more obscure ones. Some of these are insanely easy. Others are not. In any case, I know there are some history buffs here, and I told her I'd send the questions your way. If anyone's interested in answering them, I know she'd appreciate it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. World War II follows what "Depressing" time in the US and the world? erm...The Depression 2. Who is the President of the US at this time? 3. Who is the British Prime Minister during WWII? Churchill 4. Who is the leader of Germany? Hitler 5. Who is the leader of Italy? Mussolini 6. Who is the leader of Japan? 7. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain prior to WWII? 8. Who is the leader of the Soviet Union? Stalin 9. In 1933, Hitler gets leadership control of Germany by assuming what position in the government? 10. What was the name of Hitler's Political party? Nazi 11. What was the name of Mussolini's party? 12. What coal-rich Chinese province does Japan invade in 1931? 13. To what African country are Italian troops sent in 1935? 14. In 1938, Germany invades which country? Czechkoslovakia 15. In 1938, Hitler announced that German-speaking people where should become part of Germany? 16. Where is [was] the Sudetenland? Czechoslovakia? 17. Berlin-Rome-Tokyo form an alliance called the what? Axis of ..? 18. In September of 1939, Germany invades what country to signal the start of WWII? Poland 19. Who did the Germans blame for their political and economic problems on the 1920's and 1930's? Jews 20. Which World War II leader once studied art in London? 21. What does 'Blitzkrieg' mean? Lightning strike or similar 22. What was the name of the group opposing the axis powers? 23. What position to the Americans take at the beginning of World War II? Neutral 24. What was [were] the name[s] given to the camps Germans sent Jews to? Concentration camps 25. Who was the leader of Spain during WWII? 26. Who [which country or countries] declared was on Germany to start WWII? 27. By what town, near the English Channel, do the Germans catch the allies in a trap early in the war? 28. What was the name of President Roosevelt's foreign policy at the start of WWII? Brinksmanship??? 29. How many terms does FDR serve as American President? 30. What battle was the turning point of the war in the Pacific? 31. People of what nationality were sent to internment camps in the US during WWII? Japanese 32. What is the last of the major Axis countries to surrender to the Allies? 33. What international peace keeping organization is formed after WWII? Nato or UN? 34. What naval base is attacked by the Japanese to bring the US into WWII? Pearl Harbour 35. What is the date of the above attack? 36. What day does the US enter WWII? 37. Where ewre the Nazi leaders put on trial? 38. What was the Manhattan Project? 39. What was the name given to a statement of postwar aims between the US and Great Britain? 40. What is the name given to the deliberate killing of an entire race of people? Pogrom or genocide 41. Who becomes President of the US after Roosevelt dies in office? 42. What city is the first to be destroyed by an atomic bomb? 43. Upon what US battleship do the Japanese surrender to the Allies? 44. What three leaders met at Yalta? 45. In what city were post-war plans drawn up? 46. Which US general promised to "return" to the Philippines? Norman swarzkoph 47. What battle was seen as the German's last stand? 48. Who, nicknamed the 'Desert Fox,' was the leader of German Troops in Africa? Rommel 49. What was the name of the beach the allied forces invaded during D-Day? 51. What is the German name for Air Force? Luftwaffe 52. What WWII leader had a secret bunker built under his capital city? adolph 53. What four countries will divide up Berlin and Germany after WWII? brtitain, france, US and USSR 54. On what volcanic, Pacific island was a famous picture of American soldiers raising a flag taken? 55. What was the name given to the Japanese suicide pilots? Kamikaze 56. In what naval battle between the US and Japan, resulting in the sinking of 4 Japanese ships and one American ship, do the ships never see each other during the 2 days of fighting? 57. What was the name of the first Japanese city to be destroyed by an atomic bomb? 58. What were the nicknames of the 2 atomic bombs dropped by the US? Big Bertha was one 59. Who were these atomic bombs named after? a singer 60. Which country suffers the most casualties in WWII? germany? 61. What two Alliances form shortly after WWII? 62. Which campaign in the Pacific War was the longest and bloodiest, taking place on the "Island of Death"? Propaganda broadcast [over radio] became part of WWII. Name of propaganda person associated with each country: [there are two from Germany.] 63. Germany: 64. Germany 65. Japan 66. What WWII General will later become President of the United States? 67. What US General will survive the war, but die in a jeep accident shortly after WWII? 68. Over what sunken US ship in Pearl Harbor is there a memorial built? 69. What international groupformed after WWI was unable to stop WWII? league of nations 70. What is the name of the book Hitler writes in 1925, which reveals his plans? mein kampf (my struggle) What four countries will make up the group known as the "Big Four"? 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. What was the code name for the German invasion of Poland? 76. In which battle [with Russia] do the Germans almost lose an entire army? Stalingrad? 77. The Germans had the biggest ship in the Atlantic Ocean. What was it's name? 78. Spies played an important role in WWII. What was the name of the US "Spy Group"? CIA? 79. What was the name given to the German secret service? 80. What Japanese leader was nicknamed the "Razor" because of his quick mind and sharp tongue? 81. What was the name of the airplane that drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima? 82. Which President decides to use atomic weapons? 83. The largest cannon in WWII was used by the German. What was the name of this cannon? 84. What was the name given to the Allied invasion of the western flank of North Africa? 85. What island did the Allied "Operation Husky" try to take over? 86. Out of the 3 main Axis powers; Germany, Italy, and Japan, which is the first to surrender? Italy? 87. What day, in WWII, is known as the "Longest Day"? 88. What was the name of Hitler's long-time mistress? 89. Which country saw the greatest number of Jews killed? 90. Which US Army combat force was the most decorated? 91. Who was known as the "G.I.'s General"? Who [names of leaders] took part in the Munich Conference? 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. What German scientist wrote a letter to President Roosevelt stressing the importance of research on atomic weapons only to regret his work after the bombing of Japan? Oppenheimer 97. What was the name of the American Policy to seek improved relations in Latin America? 98. After WWII, what city, under a Soviet blockade, had food and supplies airlifted to it? Berlin 99. Who heads the communist government that takes over China after WWII? Mao zhe-dong? 100. What war is started shortly after WWII? The Cold WAR Many thanks to any who care to help her out. ;) [/B][/QUOTE]
I can't wait to play paintball...only a few more months and i'm old enough. Did you know that in Germany paintball is illegal? Do you think that's because of the war, or......?? Opinions?
"What the f_ck is going on?" Alan shouted into the wind, his cry going unheeded save for the unsagely nod of Chole's head. "Where are we going? What's the rush?" were just as ignored, as the silhouettes of Viper and Peri become mere specks against the horizon. Far ahead of Alan Viper burned inwardly, with a rage unbeknownst to any creature save the great Pendrake of legend. She would murder this god a thousand times and again, for he would deprieve her of the one she cherished most. "Alan," the roaring wind screamed, then just as quickly swept his name away. Her destination grew closer.
Hey guys, sorry i haven't been posting, i've just had a round of assesments. I did okay in them, i'm coming 5th out of 124 in english, so i gotta be pleased with that! Anywho, i'll try to get back into the swing of things...... - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - Memories....fantasies......useless dreams. A crack rang out in the cold night air as a vase fell to the floor. Over the horizon, the sky answered with a bass trembling reply. There were demons in the air, and thunder in the sky. It was an omen if there ever was one, thought Alan, hugging his cloak tighter to his frame and striding in from the balcony. The group was disintergrating. Since Outlaw's death, they had been on a slide to the nether regions of despair, and none of them were holding up all too well. Chole so introspected it was frightening, Viper and Peri whispering cladestinely in dimly lit corners, Liam sufferring who knows what in his purgatory. And he, as helpless as ever, wondering and doing...nothing. Ay, it was an omen, he thought. Things were about to get a whole lot worse....
Alan: I wouldn't have turned him down immediately Peri, you never know. Just because he isn't very tall doesn't mean... Peri: Doesn't mean [I]WHAT [/I] Alan??! hmmmm...? Alan: ummm...that...he....wouldn't be able to...cook? Peri: You learn quick, Alan.....My father's house is just down this street.... Viper: Do you smell...smoke, Peri? Peri: Yes, but it's just th...the...mother of mercy....
In a word..no. There is no such thing in the Dragonball series created by Akira Toriyama. However in fan fictions (that is, stories written by fans based on DBZ/GT) such as Dragonball AF there is a level of Super Saiyan 5. A word of advice. People at Otaku get very, [I]very[/I] agitated when members start mentioning SSJ 5. So please take my word for it and never ever mention it again in any level of seriousness. On a lighter note *flight attendant voice* welcome to Otakuboards. Have a nice stay!:D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] You will never OD on it, thats impossible, you dont get any psych. effects other than the fact that your in a good mood. [/B][/QUOTE] oh, so i take it that this is a medically proven fact??? Hate to spoil your blissful ignorance, but read on..... The short-term effects of marijuana include: problems with memory and learning distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch) trouble with thinking and problem-solving; loss of coordination; and increased heart rate, anxiety. The long term effects include Cancer It is known that marijuana contains some of the same, and sometimes even more, of the cancer-causing chemicals found in tobacco smoke. Studies show that someone who smokes five joints per week may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day. Lungs and airways People who smoke marijuana often develop the same kinds of breathing problems that cigarette smokers have: coughing and wheezing. They tend to have more chest colds than nonusers. They are also at greater risk of getting lung infections like pneumonia. Immune system Animal studies have found that THC can damage the cells and tissues in the body that help protect people from disease. When the immune cells are weakened, you are more likely to get sick. Q: Can people become addicted to marijuana? A: Yes. While not everyone who uses marijuana becomes addicted, when a user begins to seek out and take the drug compulsively, that person is said to be dependent or addicted to the drug. In 1995, 165,000 people entering drug treatment programs reported marijuana as their primary drug of abuse, showing they need help to stop using the drug.(9) According to one study, marijuana use by teenagers who have prior serious antisocial problems can quicky lead to dependence on the drug. Some frequent, heavy users of marijuana develop a tolerance for it. "Tolerance" means that the user needs larger doses of the drug to get the same desired results that he or she used to get from smaller amounts. From the US drug site [url]http://www.nida.nih.gov/MarijBroch/Marijteens.html[/url] Oh, and if you're thinking about ecstacy i say good luck to you...i hope you live long enough to realise your mistake
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]I think they midest well make it legal since alot of people smoke it.:D [/B][/QUOTE] buddy, if the government used that policy then the legal system would go to hell....can you imagine if the started legalising things just because a lot of people did them? A lot of people drink and drive as well, and what do you think would happen if they legalised that?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]....But YES, love does hurt..... [/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] "Everybody hurts...everybody cries...everybody hurts...sometimes" Sorry. One of those times when you read something and it prompts lyrics to pop into your head. Personally i think love is an example of what makes us human. It's one of those things that can't be defined and cant' be explained, and hopefully never will. I think that would destroy it's...beauty. To know that the only reason A is attracted to B is because of X and Y hormones, or whatever scientific explanation could be generated. I feel you just have to let it go as "one of those things..."
Writing I'll give a cookie to anyone that can figure this sucker out.
asar replied to Charles's topic in Creative Works
mmmmmmm poke balls.....*drool*:ball: :tasty: It was a very nce piece of writing CWB, do you have any more stuff lying around. I'd like to read it! Just as long as it's not about cats....:D -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]1. Do you spend much time in this forum? 2. Do you contribute a lot of poetry? 3. Do you read a lot of poetry posted here? 4. For the most part, do you enjoy it? 5. How would you describe most of the poetry posted here? Insightful? Light hearted? Moving? Mind-numbingly depressing? 6. Do you write [or have you, in the past, written] much poetry that could be considered "depressing"? 7. Did writing it make you feel any better? 8. Do you prefer reading "depressing" or "lighthearted" poetry? 9. And does the phrase "you have to suffer to write" mean anything to you? [/B][/QUOTE] 1. I usually visit it about each second time i visit otaku. 2. Not yet, i'm bulding up my confidence 3. I read most of the new posts and things that catch my eye 4. Yes 5. Some of it is really quite good - very beautiful imagery, and other bits need work. Een so the standard is good 6. Yes, especially during the middle of high school 7. I suppose it was cathartic for a while after i wrote it - got it off my chest so to speak 8. Good poetry is good poetry, no matter what it's about. 9. Yes, i think suffering gives what you write a more human element - you understand how your writing creates images for people.
Writing I'll give a cookie to anyone that can figure this sucker out.
asar replied to Charles's topic in Creative Works
This is how i understand it. I think it is about a man, who has perhaps lost his mind and is exploring the inner workings of the imagination. "My soul-broken into shards of irreplaceable glass, reflect little of what was once there. Cradled and cooing like an infant, I rest peacefully as the wind cradles me in its whisper and whisks me away. " - This is the line that prompted that interpretation "Exploring the darkest corners of my soul, I find what mirrors, dithered photographs and fleeting glances cannot" And again here. I think it is about a man questioning his beliefs, and the peaks, mountains etc. are representative of his mind and imagination. Or it could just be about a cat:D So do it get a cookie???:wigout: -
I think your priority is to find out why she is acting this way and if there is anything that you did that you didn't realise. It's important to resolve it quickly, you don't want it to fester and then for you guys to grow apart. Call her so that if she hangs up then you know it's her that's got the problem. Or visit her so that she can't get away (apart from slamming the door) and she has to talk to you.