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Everything posted by asar
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]Pan is real strong but she doesn't have the power to go through a stage like that. [/B][/QUOTE] no...i'm pretty sure is because she [B]can't[/B] go SSJ. Power levels don't even factor into the equation.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hot head [/i] [B]peope tink its cool because ther crack head firends are into it the bros probally into it and even the parents are in to it its sad and pathodic that people get drunk it makes me sick [/B][/QUOTE] you're post is kinda hypocritical, to say the least, when i look at the details in your "Location" box, hot head. And Deus, i believe that the benfits of red wine are due to substances called "phenols", if i remember correctly, which help regulate the blood system or some such thing. However, moderation is the key to recieving these benefits. Related to moderation, i once heard that to live a good life you need to take everything in moderation...including moderation. There is nothing wrong with drinking, provided that you are responsible for your actions when intoxicated. What i despise about our legal system is the defense plea of "your honour, i was inebriated, and therefore am not responsible for running that person over/ punching the bartender, commiting that murder." It sickens me when people have their sentence reduced because of diminished responsibilty pleas. Nobody forced these people to drink....*sigh*...sorry, i suppose this is kind of off the topic...but as you can see it really peeves me. Anywho...
Actually Chole, you've hit my own personality right on the head. I always have been the conservative one. How insightful! - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - -- - - --- Viper was moving in fast, and Aloan had nowhere to go, a wall and two rather large and fleshy breasts blocking his escape. However, suddenly, she stopped, scant centimetres from his lips. She...seemed to be cursing someone or something.....?!...but Alan had nowhere to run, and he waited for her next move....
It was nightime...the stars dancing their lively little jigs, completely unaware of the world that looked upon them. Alan sighed, long and loud. The last few hours had consisted entirely of him...and Viper. He couldn't remember what he ate, or drank, or even where they were. All he could remember was her...she was his universe right nor. It was a funny feeling. How the others had come to realise he was Chole's brother perplexed him. How he came to realise he was Chole's brother was even more confusing...and right now he couldn't care a whole bit. Viper grabbed his hands, and suddenly they were running wildly through the town.... The next thing he knew, he was backed up against a wall... Viper was moving in, this...look on her face...like nothing he'd ever seen before. Her hands were warm, and as she moved, her breasts began to press against him. "What the hell do i do know?" He thought despairingly...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Gohans Gurl~ [/i] [B]why does vegeta get it so rough i mean he fights goku and loses his son dies in the cell games and i mean goku has all this luck and both his sons are ssj i mean he has one son and he dosen't win very much except for the world martial arts for juniors i mean it gotta suck! i personally think that he has such crabby attitude that he dosen't get a lot out of life does anyone agree with me ?? i hope this isn't spam and i hope i'm not the only one who thinks this way lol;) [/B][/QUOTE] umm....there IS such a thing as punctuation.
"Will you NOT DIE!!!" roared Alderaan, furiuos energies complementing his mood. He launched upward, picking up insane amounts of speed as he hurtled towards the...the...witch/demon/saiyan thing!! "DIE!" he screamed again, as the ki blast slammed into the perfectly still form of the girl...or so he thought. As the explosion echoed for miles, Alderaan sensed something behind him. Bofore he could turn the wind was crushed out of him, as the witch took him in an insanely tight bearhug. "You FIRST!" the thing snarled savagely...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]you can bust a cap in 'em....[/B][/QUOTE] Brutal, effective....and I don't know about you guys, but entirely illegal over here. But a funny mental image nonetheless:D
The problem is definately STAPH, also known as Staphlococcus. The majority of staph strains merely give you sore throats, but some cause you to break out in welts or affect your nose/sinuses. The intestinal bugs are ususally E. Coli bacteria. They are usually in uncooked/poorly cooked foods, sometimes raw eggs etc. They are treated with antibiotics, and are spread through nasal secretions, probing wounds (including pimples) and blood. The three types are skin, intestinal and bloodstream. That's all i know, hope it helps.:)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1][color=indigo]Do you really think they keep the same artists all throughout the whole series? There are three types of drawing styles I could decipher while I've watched the anime: [list=1] [*][b]Art Style One: [i]Plain and Simple:[/b][/i] This form basically speaks for itself. The muscular details aren't really defined, usually drawn with usually a single line that's not connected to any others. Shadow isn't all too eminent and the over all coloring is brighter than normal because of this. This drawing style is mainly in DragonBall, and early DragonBall Z. You may also see it in those annoying "filler" episodes. [*][b]Art Style Two: [i]Fine:[/i][/b] This is the nost often style you see in the 'current' episodes. The muscles are much easier to see now often drawn as if the person had no fat on their body. You can see where the muscles are connected to one another. Shadow is easier to see and blends pretty well to make it look more natural. As I said before you see this in the more 'current' episodes of DragonBall Z. [*][b]Art Style Three: [i]Sharp:[/i][/b] This art stlye really works with the details. Muscles are really defined as if that's all they had to their body. Shadow contrasts are obvious, they'll have a normal skin tone then drop the tone noticably darker, then again noticably darker. This makes the whole scene appear darker. The shadow also tends to be more jagged than usual. This style is most always used in the more important episodes where something important happens or where just a lot of stuff goes on. [/list=1] Thank you for your time...:)[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That makes a whole lot of sense to me....it's logical that they would spend the most time on the episodes where importnat things happen, coz people remember those. Unlike the crap ones where, for example, they spend the whole ep showing hercule wussing outta the fight with trunks..bah...stupid fillers.
With the words of her retort singing through the air, the girl-demon flashed through the air, a thing of power and death. It's a funny thing, the mind. In times of stress, where decisions don't need to be made in seconds, but [I]nanoseconds[/I], it doesn't think. Doesn't remeber. It [I]does[/I] . Alderaan didn't think. He did. With the slivers of seconds counting down till the girls' claws evicerated him, he feinted left, and darted right, firing a solar flare to confuse the enraged creature. Years of training were paying of, as he slammed elbow and knee into the semi-blinded girl, and, grasping her by the tattered clothing, began to charge ki blasts in his palms. It was agony for Raiha. As he charged the blasts, the close proximity to her skin meant that it was torture; the superheat scorching skin and hair. Alderaan whispered two words, and roared, the blasts screaming out a death-march across the valley. "Die *****" came the echo, and the limp form thudding into the ground, completely still. "Is [I]that[/I] good enough, woman" he sneered.
Sorry i haven't been posting in the fight that i started Raiha, i was writing my Ancient History Essay on Augustus franticallyy for the past few days. Holy crap! Super saiya-jin AND magical powers including four wings!! This should be fun Raiha!!:) - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - Dust swirled wildly, ferried around on the super-heated wind which surrounded the still form of Alderaan. A sudden coughing fit broke the silence of the plain, as the man reared upward, then shook itself dog-like to get the dust out from it's clothing. "You seem confident, woman. Your smirk betrays that to me. And yes, i concede that i misjudged you, for obviously you posess a power which cannot be measure by simple saiyan technology. However, you look guilty of making my own mistake yourself." With a roar and a cry, the man dissapeared, replaced instead by a large, very angry looking ape thing. Now the wind swirled wildly still, as ki emanated from the form. "You don't impress me, Rojin." Aloud he said "We'll see, woman. We'll see." But silently his thoughts ran more like this....:eek: What sort of power does this thing posess. For a short second there i was at my maximum, and she didn't even flinch. Maybe she just hides it well....yes, that would be it. An ice-*****-queen. Well, i'll soon crack her he thought. She blinked, and within that space of time he, to the naked eye, simply disappeared.
*puts on glasses and assumes a teachers stature* Well researched, interesting characters, plot moves along nicely, overall, and excellent story. Well done...erm...Ms. Baby Girl! Seriously BG, that was a great story. Are you still writing or do you have more writing lying around. I'd love to read it!
Writing I hereby proclaim this the "Short Poem" thread!
asar replied to Chaos's topic in Creative Works
For the longest time of my life, I was Monday?s child, And fair of face. But now I find as the world grows cold, I?m Friday?s child, And full of hate -
Wind whipping through his hair, Alderaan scanned the ground below, making good use of the power scouter he had taken as a prize from one of the defeated Saiyan's. So far nothing he saw was capable of creating the false moon, and he assumed that when he killed the creator it too would die out. Suddenly, a spike appeared on the lens, power readings going temporarily crazy with readouts. The final power level was much greater than any he had seen today : this may be it's source. Somersaulting through the air, he dived, reaching terminal velocity within seconds before snapping back upright for the landing. As he scanned the plain, all he saw were trees, bushes, and a woman in a halter top and knee high boots. Apart from being visually pleasing, his scanner told him that this was the source of the power. It must be broken. The woman had been staring at him, anger clearly visible on her face. He dismissed her ; killing her would be a waste of energy. He readied himself to take off, when she spoke. "Rojin." she said simply. "I hate the very ground you stand upon." "That's nice girl, now leave me alone, I have more important things to do than talk to a one so promiscuous and weak as you." Again he readied for flight......
Having located the shiny black gems that Peri had so vehemently requested they find, Alan and Outlaw returned to the group, also laden with a few extra supplies of their own. "So, guys, whats the desert??" All::eek: Peri: That's a joke right Alan? Right? Alan::cross: *Laughs* Yeah. But it was funny watching your reactions. Geez, i'm not THAT naive. Viper: *bitchslap*Boy, that kind of frivolity will most likely get you killed Alan: Ow. What do you mean killed *sees the look on Viper's face*.....ohhhh. Right then. So Peri, what exactly is this Arethei place like??? Peri: Like you've never known, Alan, nor will again.....:cross:
Anime Does anyone else want to kick the crap out of young trunks?
asar replied to woopya's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gwendolyn24 [/i] [B]HOW CAN YOU LIKE VIDEL!?!?!?! That chick drives me nutz! Not that I can say exactly why, but she does. Gwen [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, she was annying, but she mellowed out a whole heap after she got her hair cut. And in the dubs Trunks is just a confident little kid - he's not that annoying. Him and Goten make a good fit. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MajinVegeta [/i] [B]Dude! I'm not gonna tell the opposition how to destroy our only advantage! [/B][/QUOTE] That's a good point there..... - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - He was able to survey the battlefield much better from the air, and what he saw both pleased and astonished him. Though he should have expected it, the sheer size and brutality of the destruction which still raged on below was mind-boggling. Whole chunks of the earth were simply gone, forests and plains absolutely decimated beyond belief. Yet mother nature seemed to be collecting her toll - for each tree gone it seemed there was a body, Saiyan or Rojin, to replace it. So many dead, thought Alderaan. So many more to come. Onward he flew, on a mission of his own....
Alan looked around him, at his companions, as they were packing up the camp. Soon they would be off, but for now he just wanted to savour this moment. He breathed deeply, and sighed. By the gods the air was sweet this morning, and the sky had never looked so blue. Of course, the highlight of the morning had been the sunrise- he'd never known that so many colours could be in the sky at the same time..... Peri looked at Alan, standing there, absolutely enraptured by this place, and why not? It was a special part of the world. She envied him his carefreeness, the joys of youth. Sadly, that was not her lot, nor had it ever been. Hers had been struggle and defiance - even now she was questing for a better place. A better life. They were going to Arethei, and only she knew what was contained within that dread place. To be young again..... Chole grunted, the cuts and bruises on his hands and fingers making it extra hard to pull down his part of the camp. Giving up for the moment, he splached the rest of the water on his face, gasping at it's freshness. He didn't know why, but he had the sudden urge to laugh - out loud and proudly. Things weren't going perfectly, that was for sure, but they were alright. And the feel of this place....he felt better all of a sudden..... As they prepared to leave, each of the members of the group turned and gazed longingly at this place where they had made their camp. At the trees which were filled with bird life, the crystal clear river, and soft rolling grass. A collective sigh came from the group. This place was special. Of that there was no doubt...
HAHAHA!!! oh man *sighs* You guys have just demonstarted one of the reasons why i love this place so much. Intelligent people talking about irrelevant things. That and it gives me a place to flex my creative muscles..something that you can't do at any gym. My all time favourite part of that movie was the meat-eating bunny rabbit. O dear...it hurts in my ribs it's so funny.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jlow [/i] [B]...or do I have to go into quantum physics?... [/B][/QUOTE] Don't let us stop you. Go right ahead!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cruizr [/i] [B]Suzuku: We may be the only 3 Rojin left to figt once we get back, ou want that to happen and you be the weakest link..[/B][/QUOTE] ummmm...dude...we're winning. A lot. You gotta keep in mind that despite the supreme abilities of a minority of saiyan's ie Blanka, the majority don't compare to Oozaru Rojiin's, and even if they did we would still be the majority on the battlefield. Also, despite his power Blanka's *** is getting pounded hard because we're the majority, and until some enromous cataclysm wipes most of us out...we're gonna win *launches into a happy dance whilst singing high school cheers* - - - -- - -- - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- All was going to plan. "Reports indicate that the fusion is being eliminated as we speak, Alderaan. Estimates tell us that we've lost a quarter of our forces, with the majority being simple rank and file, whilst the Saiyan's losses rate up in the 40th percentile category. A few more hours of continued fighting like this and according to the graphs they'll be completely decimated." "Yes, well, not whilst they stay Oozaru they won't. We need to eliminate that "moon". I want us in the capital by sundown, understand? Good. Now leave me. I'll see to this moon myself." - - -- - - ---- - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - -- -- - - -- *Ha-hem* To fellow RPG-ers. How exactly do i get rid of a ball of energy floating up in the sky which looks like a moon?? Maybe just a real good sneeze. No? Well, i am a Rojiin after all. Suggestions?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]Every living thing is based on Hydrogon and Carbon. Without those things, there can be no life. Therefore, the aliens cannot evolve to a point where they don't need Hydrogen and Water, because without them, there wouldn't even be the single celled amoeba's to evolve into aliens. [/B][/QUOTE] Keep in mind that according to life as WE know it, the basic elements of hydrogen and carbon are neccessities. Take into account that life evolves according to it's environment, and the possibility for life not requiring these things becomes open...
Alan: Liam!!! Liiii-aaaammmmm!?! Hello!? *to himself* why the hell did i suggest we look for him? how do we even know he's in the vicinity? Sometimes i say some damn stupid things...Liii-AAMMMMM!!!! Alan walked along, frustrated with this job. Whilst he recognised Peri's need for privacy, he was growing increasingly angry at the moods that Chole seemed to put her effortlessly. An not the good kind. He wasn't completely clear on what those two felt for each other, after all, he WAS still....ummm....let's say still in possession of all his flowers...so he didn't understand these feelings hwich made them both so jumpy he was scared to pee without asking permission. He sighed. Thankgod he would never grow up to be that silly. Now. Where in the blue hells of Archanor was that Liam character. He'd better be close....
Vegeta: That's all right. When the reporters come i'll just destroy them.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]I believe in the existence of aliens...I've watched all episodes of the X-Files and Roswell. I know what goes on:shifty: ....No really, there have been quite a few documentaries on [/B][/QUOTE] Of course you do...because the X-files are the world's leading authority on aliens....haha ;)