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Everything posted by asar

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B]8) When was Akira Toriyama born? --Is he even in DBZ? [/B][/QUOTE] Noooo, but he did invent the whole damn thing...so i think that qualifies for being in the quiz. As for the quiz itself, i only (think) i know one. Wasn't Brolli's power level 10,000?
  2. Seeing as though this topic is related to nervousness pretty well, i'll share my experience with performing. I was asked to go in the debating team because i was an alright public speaker, but i had never done debating before. It turned out that i wasn't going to be 4th speaker (who paradoxically doesn't speak at all) but rather i was first speaker negative- so i not only had to speak but to rebutt as well. Anyways, i'm taking a drink to calm my real bad nerves, and my hand was shaking so badly that i dropped the water...right into my crutch.:blush: :blush: :blush: The upside was that i didn't have to speak that day!!!
  3. asar

    War Movies

    I agree that Three Kings was a good war movie...it showed many gruesome aspects of war, and i really liked how they showed what happens when someone is shot, as in, internally.Sends a strong message out to people.
  4. Alderaan and his friends, having decided against penetrating the city, were now back at their secret headquarters, training intensely in their stolen gavity simulator. Giant gorilla-like monsters were the order of the day, as mouth blasts accompanied ape-like howls of frustration. The anger at having theri plans foiled because of chain of command orders mainfested itself into rage, their power incresing every minute....
  5. "Thanks Chole. I guess i just got really frustrated with everyone. Do you know where Per, well, everyone went?" "They're around, Alan. I think that right now everyone needs a bit of space." "Yeah, ok. Hey, guess WHAT chole?!!?" "What Alan" Their conversation, well, Alan talking and Chole listening, lasted for the entire walk back to the manor house. Barely drawing breath, Alan divulged the entire story of what he was and what he was going to do. Chole humoured the boy, unsure whether he had bumped his head on the way. "This clutz?!. Stranger things did happen though. All the time." But instead he kept his tongue, and smiled and nodded as Alan fairly skipped down the road... "Chole i almost forgot...why would Viper want to kill you..and who the hell is Aeon???" "To tell that story, my boy, would require me to talk even faster than you do when excited...and i'm most certainly not excited...come one..we're here."
  6. Alan fumed. Literally. Smoke came from his hands, as he thought about the news he had for everyone. Chole had stormed out, Peri had stormed out, Outlaw was god knows where, and the Dragonheart girl had ignored him like she always did. Obsidian had laughed at his new clothing, and the servant, well, what would they care. All of a sudden he had this fantastic news for everyone, and all of a sudden he'd been trampled in the rush to get away from him. "For f**** sake..." he shouted, liking the sound of his first swear word. He decided to use a few more that Adrein had taught him, and spent the next five minuted repeating them, loudly and with a certain entusiasm. "What the f*** is wrong with everyone he screamed, pot plants exploding around him and covering him with fertiliser. "AArrrgggghhhhh!!!!!!!!"
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]You know....... the last time I checked....... this is my RPG, and I did have my own plans for it, although you lot seem to be taking it over with your own stories........... so please stop it [/B][/QUOTE] I'm thinking that's probably directed at me, so sorry man. Just trying to be a bit creative, that's all. - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- All of a sudden Alderaan stopped. "You know guys, i think that going into the city in a fiendishly clever plan of taking it out whilst the rest of the army diverts the saiyans attentions away with a major battle would be a silly thing to do. How bout we go back to our hideout and drink some beer before we start training for the major battle?? What do you say??" Cheers greeted his proposal, and all of the cloaked rojiin's suddenly turned back around and marched back out of the capital, actually kinda pleased that they didn't have to crawl through the **** in the sewers now....
  8. I went to a catholic primary school for 6 years, and what it instilled in me value-wise i will retain for the rest of my life. Religion has been good to me in that way, that is it has given a set of morals and values by which to live my life. As for belief, i find that topic very hard to talk about. I find it hard to think rationally about the concept of an omnipotent being, all mighty and all powerful. Science had taught me that the needs to be facts, evidence, whilst my creative side tends towards the vivid and unbelievable. Further, history has taught me that ancient peoples were not only superstitious, but as there wasn't our concept of reporting history as it happened, events became stories for entertainment. Herodotus, the creator of history but paradoxically not a historian, taught us this. Therefore, when the majority of our proof comes from a 2,000 year old manuscript we call the bible, the logical side of me tends to disbelief. Christ DID exist. Tacitus tells us this in a brief excerpt from his writings. That he performed his miracles...stories become distorted over time. (again the example of herodotus). Ancient people were unreliable. But does this mean we shouldn't believe? I can't answer that question right now. I'm still a teenager, still developing a belief system. I detest the modern day fanatics (yes, they still exist, y'know, the whole fire and brimstone thing) People who tell homosexuals they'll burn in hell, and rant on endlessly about abortion, and who are SO BLIND to life in the 20th century completely turn me off religion. But i see it's value too. It grounds us in a world which could quickly descend into anarchy. It gives us a set of values which are brilliant- don't kill, don't steal etc. It gives us something to believe of in this increasingly cynical world. For that i appreciate it. As for the rest....give me time to figure it out. Then i'll tell you too!
  9. Alan, tired of waiting, had walked back to the manor house, only to be barged over by a deadly looking Viper and whilst attempting to pick himself up being trodden on by a real pissed off Chole. If that weren't enough, Peri also came stroming out of the door, smacking him in the skull with backpack. He sat on the pavement, nursing his head and wondering what it was exactly that he missed......
  10. *reads last few posts and barfs* BLAH!!! Stupid mods, corrupting my childlike innocence....no wonder this R-peg is rated R!!!! You certainly live up to your promise when you say "you ain't seen nothin yet", don't you Raiha. Well, i just hope the two of you are locked in your romantic, slowly-reaching-the-orgasmic-embrace when all the demons of hell descend upon the manor house and chop you both to itty-bitty-titty (haha, i said titty;)) pieces. So there *blows a big raspberry* As for Alan, well, when you two have finished your practice in erotic literature, he may find his way back to the manor. Wouldn't want him sneaking in on your two, it'd probably blow his mind...among other things.....:D
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink] Oh, and uh...drinking...gotta love it :alcohol:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Can't argue with that, Babygirl! One of my favourite things to is sit in bed with a hot choccy and get lost in a really good book. Course, it's gottas be raining outside too....that makes you feel sooo much warmer
  12. I've heard of them, through morpheus. They are a really good, fairly unique sorta band. Not a copy, that's for sure.
  13. AARRRGGGHH!!! MY EYES!!! my eyes you bAstards!!!!! Damn you to hell!!!
  14. The rhyme very unique, and i love the line "We shall taste upon their lust". very soft but filled with ominous images.....i love it. Like a dark creature in an angels costumes.
  15. I'm just posting this to confirm that all you people realise that wrestling is fake, right? Cause i have friends that believe that it is completely real, and no they aren't 10...they're 16. Just making sure.....*ducks punches from aforementioned friends*
  16. asar


    3 seconds!! i find that hard to believe, unless of course the mind functions about a thousands times faster when you are asleep than it does when you are awake. I wish it was that fast when i was doing my maths homework!!!
  17. I guess i'm lucky in that i go to a selective school where all of the people have what would be considered above average intelect, but just like the last post said, not everyone's intelligence manifests itsef into speech. One of my girl-friends speaks like that stereotypical bimbo ie "and, like, *breathe audibly* it was sooooo good, y'know" but she got 100%!!! in the legal studies year 11 end of year. So, you can't always tell.
  18. Sorry guys for not posting, i've just had my swimming final's night and soccer training for the last few days- very busy! Boy this thing moved quick....ok, considering i was the first rojiin, i guess i'd better start of our fiendish scheme.....:D -- - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - Alderaan looked about him, and saw devastation and grief in the faces of his elites...he curled his lip in utter contempt, but concealed it from his speech. "My friends, understand, our fellow rojiins gave their lives in that skirmish so that our plan's first stage could be put into place...were they not distracting the Saiyan warriors, we ourselves would be dead. Weep not at the tally of the dead Rojiin's, but instead rejoice at the number of dead Saiyan's, and turn this sadness into bottled rage. The time will come to release the power of your emotions, but now is not that time. Now we need to be absolutely emotionless - remember the training we did for oh so many years. On my word....conceal your ki's.... Now!" With that final command from Alderaan, a cloaked posse of Rojin's entered the drainage system of Vegetto's great capital......
  19. Quoting the last 5 or 6 posts from Rico and Raiha.... Holy crap guys!!! Is it suddenly hot in here or is it just me??? And you told ME i was pervy!!!!:blush: :blush: :blush:
  20. Sorry for the size of these posts but i felt that it was an important step in Alan's charcter, and i had a sudden wroters burst so i figured i'd make use of it. Oh, and here's a quick pen drawing of his outfit, seeing as though i didn't describe it.
  21. Those who weapons are the former go on to train to enhance their skill, and eventually are sent out into the world as agents of the Order. Those who fashioned swords train not to enhance their power, but to control it. For if they cannot CONTROL it they cannot WEILD it. For if you fashioned a sword, you should not be out in the world. You should be completing your training, and then RUNNING the order itself. YOU fashioned a sword, didn't you. Yes, i can tell. Oh, Alan, you stride down paths untrodden, and walk by dangers looking at you with wicked eyes. I cannot comprehend the reason for which they told you to leave. Of all people Minishime should realise that potential is just that, potential. Not always revealed immediately." "With respect, Cantor, it was not he who trained me. It was Balthasar." "BALTHASAR! That impetuous FOOL! Does he not realise....it is truly a desparate time if he is now the Head Magiker.... Alan, what you must understand is that as soon as possible you must return, and finish your training there. If you don't....i hate to imagine what the consequences would be should something force you to release that potential, for you have not the ability to stop it. CONTROL Alan. THAT is your sellihcA heel. You must learn control, from the order or from....elsewhere. Come here boy. I have told you all that you need to now...i have one further gift for you...and then you may go.... A short while later Alan strode out onto the street, now clothed in the robes and mail of Cantor, the last of his gifts. "These are without price, boy. There is my magic in these...seeped in through a lifetime of practice. They will protect you until your potential becomes skill, until ideas become action. Then you will no longer need it. Return it, and we will talk once more." A spring in his step and a song in his heart, Alan returned to the bathhouses. "Peri will be so surprised, and Adrein...i may even rivall him. One day."
  22. Alan, surprised at this change in composure, agreed, and soon the pair were chatting and laughing like old friends. "Cantor, why were you angry at the order? It wasn't there fault that i wasn't good enough." "Alan, tell me truthfully...do you remember your initiation ceremony?? When you were first accepted?" Alan tried, but could'nt. It was a complete blur to him. "No, i'm sorry...should i" Cantor sighed." Alan, what i'm about to tell you, shoud remain in your mind unspoken of till you are dead and buried in the ground. Understand. Good. When the initiates begin the ceremony, they are presented with a piece of steel. They are then put in a trance, into which they stay for the next 4 days..." "4 days!!!!! But...how?!" "Quiet, and listen!! The initiates have to sustain themselves with the power that they were born with, and during this time they must shape their weapon. Because they are in this trance the shaping of their weapons is entirely unconcious, and this is how the order decides who will actually begin training, and who will not. That and the fact that over half the boys selected expire, unable to sustain themselves." "Expire!" "Shush! Those that fashion appropriate weapons- maces, battle-axes and war-hammers are accepted. Those who's weapons don't tkae shape, or become tools of another trade, say, carpentry, are let go, erased of the memory. Those who create swords, theirs is a different fate. Ixiaus, our god, is the patron god of war and swords, and those who fashion these weapons experience a fate, in my view, worse than not being selected at all. They are imbued with his power. I see the wonder in your eyes, boy, and i know that this touches close to your heart. You fashioned a sword, didn't you Alan? Yes, i could see that from the moment you walked in. Oh Alan, i pity and respect you both at once.
  23. Raiha, those are beautiful. I love the images that you create. Is that last one written from experience? I know a time like that. If i find it i'll post the poem that it inspired.
  24. Asar is the shortened form of a character name from one of my short stories...i like it because it's kinof unusual, and pretty unique...well i did make it up, so i guess that kind of means it would be unique....:therock:
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] [COLOR=purple]AAH!! *a huge wall of flames erupts behind Chika* You little.... Asar:Eep! *As Rico and Raiha restrain Chika, Asar runs for his life* COWARD!![/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] - - -- -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - Oh my God Ahhhhh!!!! *licks fingers and uses them to put his hair out..... ..and give Chicka a wet willy - hehe!!! Sorry, i couldn't help it. - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - -- "Good-day sir, might i inquire as to your services...i have need of formal, but functionable clothing, if you take my meaning." The store-owner nodded his aquesience, but Alan, felt that he looked familiar, and tried out the greeting of his order The man's head snapped up, his eyes narrowing. Alan started to back away, silently cursing himself for his foolishness, until... "Aye, for he is the one who lights the fire in my breast." Alan smiled, pleased at his insight. But the man didn't stop at that reply, but instead responded with another. When the man's brow furrowed dangerously, Alan knew that he was really in trouble. "How is it that a second level initiate is wandering the streets of Manfort alone?" questioned the man, moving around his counter. "Well boy? What are you doing here? This is no place for one trained by the Arcanids to be wondering! "Well, i....i......i'm no longer IN the order!! I LEFT!" Alan said defiantly. Suddenly he looked downcast...and tears welled.."No...that's not right....they made me leave." He blinked them back harshly. "What does it matter ot you" he threatened."I'm through with the order!!! Forever!" "The fools" the man said softly...."Those damn fools....what have they done." His manner changed completely. "Here boy, sit down and chat a while."
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