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Everything posted by asar
Hey everyone. My name's Chris, i'm 17 (18 in August...yesss!!) Doing the big H-S-C this year (that'd be year 12 for non-aussies). I've done rep cross country, swimming and also soccer (goalkeeper) so i'm pretty fit on 6"2' frame. Love drawing and fantasy books like LOTF, Magician by Raymond E. Feist, Narnia (a sentimental favourite) and the Belgariad and Mallorean by...that guy *points*. DBZ got me into this site, and it remains my firm favourite for the time being...it allows me to imagine being something of power...it's a great escape for me.
Alan, having found an unattended bath, was now on the lookout for some "suitable" clothes, as Peri called them. He decided to leave Adrein to his "bathing", and ventured out of the building and into the marketplace of Manfort. One thing could be said for this place; it was huge. But it also stank, what with the press of unwashed bodies around him, and the refuse in the gutters. Not only that, but they were rude. Very rude. Alan found that he soon had to start pushing people out of his way forcibly just to manouever through the press, and this action was geeted with very colourful colloquialisms. Alan was inclined to believe that despite it's size, he would always prefer Brea, his home. Home. As he strolled, observing people and things, a thought struck him. Every step he took made him one step farther than he had EVER been from his home. He wasn't quite sure whether to be excited to be out of that cosy little place, or saddened. "Well, i'm here now" he mused, thinking abut the rapidity of events which led him to this most cosmopolitan of place. Munching on an unripe pomeganate, he found the shop he was looking for, and entered, bells signalling his arrival. -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - I gotta go beddy-byes now....i'll finish this later
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KyJaUn~FuLlEr [/i] [B]I've never seen a sunset but i heard it was beutiful.I hope i see one someday. [/B][/QUOTE] You've NEVER seen a sunset! Why? Is there anything in particular that's stopping you from being outside at that time, or is it that you live in the city? I find that petty strange, no offense.
I love that classic war movie Bridge over the River Quai, and the one with Steve McQueen about the breakout of the prison camp....what's it called......i forget...the one where they tunnelled through their rooms and used their bed slats to shore up the tunnel...
Did you guys now that there is a scientific phenomenon relating to sunsets, and it involves GREEN sunsets! No joke. At a certain latitude, when the conditions in the atmosphere are right, and i also think it has to be summer, a green flash of light will wash over the sky very, very briefly as the sun sets. I'm not too sure what it's called, but if someone else knows or has heard about it, can you give me a burl (aussie for dropping a line)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B][COLOR=purple]*backhands asar* [/QUOTE] *ducks backhand and pinches chika's bum* just jokin...lol...i crack me up. I'll stop it now.....haha :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Outlaw [/i] [B]I am a Scottsman 1st, and an American 2nd. And I share the last name of quite possibly the most famous Irishman to the moviegoing populous of the world, William Wallace of Braveheart. [/B][/QUOTE] You may be interested to know that i have a relative by the name of William Wallace, as a matter of fact, he was THE william Wallace.....no, no, i'm blatantly lying to you. Shame on me! As for my heritage, well, i'm part itlaina, part english, part irish and part scottish, oh yeah, and part brazilian too! Quite an eclectic bunch, wouldn't you say!
Continuing in this pervy vein - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- Alan was led down the passagway, perplexed by the strange nioses he heard on either side of the hall. He could best describe them as....moans.... "What has Adrein got me into now?" he wondered. He soon found out... As he walked into the bathroom, he understood why Outlaw's preoccupation with this place...the servant girls looked like they were ready to do more than bathe him...:blush: "C'mere big boy...we'll give you the bathing of a lifetime, said naked girl one, whilst naked girl two just purred at him.... "Aahhhhhhh!" *runs from room, blushing furiously*
yeah i go to gym for soccer evry week, though once i went by myself and pushed myself extremely hard. I woke up the next day and found that when i tried to extend my arms my biceps felt like they would rip, it was sooo much pain. Sooo, just a warining, take it slow at first, cause otherwise you'll hurt, a lot.
Name: Alderaan Race: Rojiin Age: 17 Height: 6"2' Weight: 80kgs Bio: [I]Alderaan's rage burned inside day and night. He could not sleep, could not eat, could not think without becoming overwhlemed by the supreme anger which set his muscles trembling violently, and caused the ground to crack beneath his footsteps. For years his people had been persecuted by those arrogant saiyans, and for what!? Because they were weaker. Ha! Alderaan laughed out loud at the thought of that. They would soon see just how weak THEY were. They would see the rain of ki balls fall on their cities, they would see death in every corner of the planet, they would see their end, just as Bardock once did. History did repeat itself, he thought grimly.[/I] Statistics: [I]The rage he felt with every breath he breathed did have an upshot, thought Alderaan as he looked at his assembled warriors. It had given them so much to work with. So much motivation...again he smiled as he cracked his knuckles. "We are coming home, my friends. Regaining what we lost so many years ago. We will be RECOMPENSED!!! With the blood of every Saiyan on this god-forsaken planet" Applause greeted his announcement. And upward he flew.[/I] Strength:4,500 Speed:2,500 Defense:3,500 Ki:1,500
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Duo Maxwell [/i] [B]half the time rapists don't even ejaculate so its hard for the person to get pregnant [/B][/QUOTE] Even if they don't actually ejaculate, there is still the risk of pregnancy because during intercourse semen may "leak" out in what's called pre-cum. It still can cause pregnancy. That's also why the withdrawal method of contaception doesn't work. Back on the topic, it personally is very hard to weigh up the differenc between the fact that you are denying someone the right to live their life, and the fact that, well, there are so many possible reasons why a woman wouldn't want a child. Rape, family, religion, unwanted ie not using a dommie....it really is a controversial issue, and i think that this thread could go for thousands of pages and we would still be no closer to a compelling argument for or against. In reality it's a personal choice, and all anyone besides yourself can do is talk...it's up to the individual to decide.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] [COLOR=purple]ASAR!! Your almsot as pervy as Rico!![/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~ Haha i thought that might get a giggle...but seriously, the motion and the horse and the hotchick does lead......i'll stop now. Sorry.;) Now, where were we. Ah yes! Bathtime! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - "Outlaw", Alan opened "What's life been like for you? Do you enjoy it?" "Yes m'boy. Most every minute. Why do you ask?" "Well, it's just that...i don't know how to explain it. But i guess i coud say that it scares me." "Oh yes. How so" "Well, i mean, what am i to do with it. Like, i'm an apprentice at a centuries old warrior-mage order. They've told me already that i'm probably not going to last any more than till next year, so, what am i to do? I'm eighteen years old, and my best skills include a bit of fancy swordplay and the ability to make things really hot every now and again. I don't see a big future for me unless i get into the sauna business...." "Well laddie, life throws a lot of curveballs at us during our time. Men must do the best they can. But if you ever in need, positions are always open in my line of work." "Thanks Outlaw. Now, about these baths....do they hurt?" "Bah-ha! You've got a lot to learn m'boy. But we'll make a man of you yet. So tell me, how was the ride with Peri...":D "Oh....wellll:blush: ........
I think that America is in a rather unique situation. It had a huge influx of migrants early on in the piece, not to mention that it was founded as a convict settlement. When you combine this with the relative size of America compared to what most would classify as a culture, as well as it's population, you are bound to get an eclectic array of people's thought, ideas and beliefs combining together to form a boiling pot of cultures, much as Australia is.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Holy living fück that was stupid. Moving on...[/QUOTE] did i miss something????
Alan was on a high, despite the pain he felt in his butt. He'd just spent over an hour bouncing around with the "hottest chick" he'd ever seen. He was on cloud nine, but his enthusiasm had caused some embarrassment.....especially when Peri had asked him to shuffle his belt around, cause it was poking her in the butt...thing was...he wasn't wearing a belt :blush: :blush: Now they were on their way to Manfort, and getting closer by the minute.... Alan: *holding nose* Outlaw, haven't you ever heard of basic hygiene brother, cause i gotta say, i've smelled rotting corps...- Outlaw: Finish that sentence and walk, boy *:flaming: * Alan: *mutterring* geez, take the pole outta your bu--- Outlaw: Alan, you're sitting on the same horse as I, i can hear what you're saying..... Alan: Oh.*quickly changing the subject* hey look, a friut vendor! Outlaw: Where?! I could kill for some pommegranets! Alan: ummm.....*twiddles thumbs* o look, he ran away! Peri: Ugh!*shakes head in disgust*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B] yea.. ducktape is a great invention huh? [/B][/QUOTE] ladies and gentlemen, a drum roll if you please....... We have a comedian in the house!!!:D Oh the wit is so cutting, it might chop me in half if i'm not careful
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Panny Chan ;) [/i] [B] I understand...and I'm sorry...just think, that could have been me a few years ago. Yes, I was suicidual and I'm not ashamed of telling that to anyone because it is a hard thing. Abuse and depression are hard things to overcome...but it is not hopeless. I understand that he probably thought that there was no way to reliquish his pain of his mom abusing him...some parents do that. My mom slaps me often over stupid things...some parents are just like that. I wish that I could have talked to this guy, try to help him with his problems at home, maybe it would have saved him...because during my so-called "recession" I had no one to talk to, no one to depend on. Maybe he didn't either. I understand that he probably thought that it was a last resort to things...I did too. But now, I just look back at those days and I'm happy to be still living...I am a survivor!!! I've survived overdoses, hangings, poisoning, the whole 9. So I think that somebody, meaning in Heaven, wanted me to stay here. But anyway, I will pray for his soul and his family... [/B][/QUOTE] Hey Panny, thanks for staying around...:)
I saw this on the Winter Olympics covergae just the other day, and to tell the truth my first thoughts were WTF! How's this a sport! However, Transtic makes a very good point in his post, and one which we all need to be reminded of often. I heard someone say it as "Do not disparange anything that you do not have intrinsic knowledge of" In layman's terms it means don't pay out on anything (or anyone) unless you know exactly what these things involve. Sadly, i still can't help but smile when i see curling.....funny looking game. How do you think they created it?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Oh man that sucks!!! God I hate when they do that...*shudder* I feel your pain man...*shudders again* Thats why most girls are just evil...(no offense) [/B][/QUOTE] ha! tell me about it buddy! i think i cried for a week...lol....and hated all chicks for months afterwards. Nah it's cool now...i've had my broken heart mended....:D
Name: Asar Age: 17 Height: 6"2' Weight: 75 kegs Bio: [I]Something happened to him when he was a child, but of it his mother never spoke and his father couldn't, for he died when Asar was young. From time to time he wondered about it, but mostly he got on with his life. He loved sport, especially soccer, and worked out at the local gym furiously when he wasn't studying hard. But always he was aware of it, likening it to a small, sealed of section of his mind. He would shrug his shoulders, and tell himself that one day he would know. One day[/I] Appearance: Mainly jeans and a t-shirt when hanging around, along with his island beads which he got on a trip into Vanuatu. When training or fighting, the same i suppose, though it's bound to get torn and shredded. Later on he might take to wearing an outfit styled on Goku's. Stats Strength: 240,000 Speed: 260,000 Defense: 250,000 Ki: 250,000
Well, my surge of bravery wasn't too successful...though it was a long time ago....anywho, i was in the movies with this girl, and it was a scary movie, so we managed to hold hands, like it wasn't a date or planned ect...so i'm feeling good abut it and i decide that the next school day i'll ask her out....so in history i sit next to her and ask her, well, write her:) out...and she tells me that "it's not you, it's me". It wouldn't be that bad if she didn't say yes to another guy....the next period.....:worried:
Yeah we just had our swimming carnival, my last one :( It was a blast. When i was in year 7 i used to laugh at all the crazy year twelve-ers who got dressed up in skirts and bra's and crazy jungle outfits and who would scream their heads off in chants and basically have a blast, and this year i realised why. It's our last year, and we're old enough not to care what anyone thinks ie whats cool and whats not cool, and we just had the best time. Does anyone else have craxzy carnivals, with all the dressing up and cheering comps and what not?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Ugh.......some people never show up when you want them to..... ~~~~~~~~~~[/COLOR] Precisly who would you be refering to with that statement, Raiha???? hmmmm?:therock: - - -- - -- - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The group had been riding extra hard just to keep up with Peri, who had launched herself away on her steed and seemed to be coaxing every single fibre of horse muscle into efforts above and beyond rational reason. But none more so than Alan. Left to his own devices, it had taken more than five minutes to get Muffin to move even one hoof, let alone all four at a distance-covering speed. How he had remained on the same trail he didn't know, and by the time he caught up the others had stamped out their lunch-fire and were just about on the move Outlaw: What took you *giggle* so long Alan *laugh*, problem with your ride i take it *wipes away tears* Alan: :flaming:*ultimate deathy* No, Outlaw, i actually enjoy plodding along on a donkey that hates me, and being so late as to miss lunch, and then having to continue the journey again so that i probably miss the next fight we get into as well. Really, i do! * walks away to fill drink canister, muttering darkly* Peri: Outlaw, you shouldn't tease him like that Outlaw: Why not m'lady? A man has to get his entertainment somehow Peri: That's what whorehouses are for outlaw. Peri looked over at Alan. At first it was a funny joke, saddling him with his arch-nemesis donkey, but now he was holding them up. Hopefully it would mean no truoble in the future Peri: Saddle the horses Outlaw, we're off again... They take off, Alan plodding along on the donkey who broke his childhood love affair Alan: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
People think that they can fly!??! And how old were they? The only people i knew who thought they could fly were three year old's, one of whom broke his leg whilst attempting to 'fly' of a retaining wall. Seriously, it's not that hard to distinguish fact from fiction, or anime from REALITY!
I'm guessing that cooler is one of the furiza/frieza clan? And he's coming to get revenge for his family/relatives/friends deaths by the z warriors? ...what's it like? i hope it's better than that crappy dead zone movie...man that sucked