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Everything posted by asar
I would have to be truthful and say that when i drew it i didn't consider the character of the DBZ guy, i was merely using him because he had the ability to do some serious damage to the store when he got pissed off, but i very much agree with what people are saying, and yes, i think that vegeta would be the perfect character to be blowing up places if they pissed him off. Back to the drawing board.....literally!!
Name: Asar Age: 17 Height: 6"2' Weight: 80 kegs Race: Human Possesed of a warm heart and moral clad irons...or is that iron clad morals....either way there's never a crease to be found on him (ba-boom-boom-tish) Asar is probably the most unlikely person you would think of to be a fighter of a high calibre. Intoduced to the martial arts through his local gym, which in turn he was attending to bulk up for rugby, within a few months he had quit all his other sports to focus exclusively on the art of fighting. He found that not only did he like it, but he was good. Very good. (The best i can do in this exhausted state) Power level: Ahhmmmmm.... Twenty three to the power of ninety!! That's 220,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00.......no i'm just kidding, a bad joke i admit.....to tell the truth i have no idea what power level i'm at...i'll assume that i'm at the lowest and we'll go from there, how's that? Attacks: again..we'll see as we go..i'll update
i always wondered what these characters would look like as humans ie real flesh and blood. Do you reckon the hair would look crap? I mean the muscles and stuff would be cool, but i think that the hair would only suit the anime versions. And more on the topic, yes i do have psycho friends, one who adamantly believes that there is a real person movie of DBZ coming out, that is, with real actors. pfft..like that'll ever happen.
Alan: She...she didn't say...donkey...did she? Outlaw: Yes my boy, the best beast of burden that ever walked. Why, what's the problem...? Alan: Ummm...well...ah.... Peri: Come on Alan, spit it out Alan: Well...i had a bad experience with...with....a donkey..when i was a toddler... Peri: *looks at Outlaw* This could be interesting...continue alan Alan: Well...we had a donkey to pull our plough back home, coz we couldn't afford a horse...and i hated that thing...i mean i REALLY hated it. It was the most belligerent creature i'd ever met. But, one day i was trying to impress this girl, and i boasted that i could get Muffin... Outlaw: Muffin!!! Alan: Shutup. I didn't name her. Anyway, i boasted that i could jump the trough on her... Peri: I think i see where this is going... Alan: No no no, you've got it wrong. See, i actually did manage to jump the trough....thing was...when i dismounted not only did i dismount into turd... Peri: Alan!!! Alan:...but Muffin also kicked Jenny into that particular trough.... Outlaw: Well...that proves it.. Alan: Proves what? Outlaw: That you;ve always been a clutz.*giggle* Now, go and get your*gigglegiggle* donkey Alan *guffaw* from the stable*laugh* Alan: Outlaw, is there something you know that i don't.... Outlaw: *Laugh* Not at all... Stableowner: Here now muffin...... Alan: *falls over*
Asar, clutching at his ribcage, was trying extremely hard not to laugh. His face had gone from a pinkish clour, to red, through purple, and was now slightly blue. Finally he couldn't hold it in anymore. "BAH-HA-HA-HA-AH-HA-OW-CRAP-AH-HA-HA-THAT-CANES-BAH-BAH-HA!!!!...ow my ribs......." Meanwhile, CWB had been tacled by the ladies and was currently having his feet tickled whilst Raiha gives his a giant noogie "Come one guys, you're only making it hurt more" Asar pleads...
ha...hem!! *waves violently at the judges*.....hello!!! *echoes around the empty room*....aw great
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kaioshin [/i] [B] To be honest he wouldn't, maybe it should be Vegeta [/B][/QUOTE] that's a good point, though i think even goku might get pissed off at those damn pesistnet questions...do you want fires...large...apple pies....hotcakes....sundaes.......AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!
Roy and HG are two aussie comedians for those who aren't n the know, and during the aussie olympics they had a late night show in which they basically payed out on crap sports like synchronised swimming and parodied a lot of other event. VERY very funny. They created an unofficial olympics mascot in kevin the fat-arSed wombat.
God this thing looks incredible. I'm in for sure, but right about now it's beddy-byes for me so is it cool if i post a bio later (which in itself is gonna take a while to think about)
the moon is a hologram????!!! huh, i guess you learn sumthing new everyday! so tell me, what happens when they send astronauts to land on it, and they fall right through it???
I know this has probably been done before but i was watching the history of trunks and laughed my bum of at trunks' line Bulma: Trunks! What happened? Trunks:To put it bluntly, we got beat up. after having been smashed by the androids...so, i wanna know lots of other funny or poignant quotes that you guys have collected over the years
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Super Gohan [/i] [B]What the hell are you talking about in your room?! WE'RE IN HELL!! And what's with all the people interfering with my fight. Fight your own ****ing bad guys. Outlaw is ok coz there's a few of them fighting me but Noodle Z, why does Cell want you when he's already perfect? Anyway...[Quote] -------------------------------------------- Ok, well, seeing as though no-one on this forum had actually been to hell, i can pretty much make it up as i go along. Thus, I am in a room, whilst YOU guys are in your caverny thingy with the lava and what not, and that fits perfectly. If i said i was fighting on clouds whilst angels with harps looked on..... Next, the reason why i'm "Interfering" (which is a strong word for this) is because you chose to fight cell, one of the meanest, strongest, most bad-arsE characters in dragonball. Further, he's just released a whole lot of cell juniors, and seeing as though even SSJ2 Gohan couldn't take him down without a hand from the rest of the z- fighteres ie vegeta's final flash, you should probably be grateful for the hepling hand. On a lighter note, you called me a fat b@stard, so i'm actually trying to kick the **** outta you, not cell, he's just in the way atm. Cheers
WTF!!!!! Holy crapsicles!!! That's really disturbing.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] Sorry to pick on you again, Nerdsy but i feel I must correct you. Firstly, it was ONLY Gendo and Shinji. Secondly, they never actually deleted anyone but Ulitmia and Adam(if memory serves). Third, 'twas I who initially tricked Gendo. He made both me and Mike administrators. Mike deleted Gendo then he had to leave. I deleted Shinji and kept the act going with Gendo and Shinji that it was all Mike's doing and that I was still on their side. I went through and deleted a few names. Of which they either knew the passwords to(ex. TN), or had decided to join them(ex. Will2x). I then closed registration and created an announcement on the front page to let everyone know that the boards had been taken back from Gendo and Shinji. Then, when I was sure it was safe I posted a topic letting everyone know that I would be returning them to Adam and James. Then, good ole' kuji-wuji IMed me and set up a buddy hat between him, myself, and James. I deleted James(upon his request) and opened registration long enough for him to register under a new alias. Then, I made him an admin again. He removed my powers as admin and made me a moderator for a few hours so I could help clean up a bit. Then, we made the move to vBB. And that...is the rest of the story... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] hey thanks for clearing that up for me...those must've been some tense times
Shrek was an awesome movie, soooo many classic lines. "Whattda bout parfait? Everybody like parfait."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]I smell a fisherman...:p [i](I realize many of you may not understand the comment and it's really for my own amusement...but if you do...kudos ;) )[/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] "You're such a cutie! Why do you say you're hideous? Not at all!" - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - I think he got a catch, babygirl
hmmmm seel war? alright, so i''m a newbie and i don't know all this crazy history about otaku...enlighten me perhaps???:toothy:
haha that's good. even if you're a chick, you gotta admit that it's pretty damn witty the way it was done...haha...smart-bum
Borry, trying desperately to eat his parfait in peace, thumps his meaty hands on the walls. "Shut the hell up, i'm TRYING to eat here! At that moment however, Gohan was just thumped through the wall by the hordes of CJ's. Borry: WTF!!! Get outta my room! Trying to steal my parfait huh? Gohan: Shutup you fat piece of crapsicle, and give us a hand! Borry: Fat piece of what! Why i outta kill you, you little punk! *Borry starts marching towards gohan, intent on beating the piss through him, but he is set upon by several CJ's* Get offa me! i'm trying to get the little ****! ARGH!!! Now Borry too is fighting Cells' mini-me's
Alan: Purr, help me...i've...i've been poisoned...oh god i'm dying...Purr!!! Purr: Don't be stupid Alan, you're just hungover. Durumir: Hungover! HA! That boy doesn't have A hangover, he's got the mother of ALL hangovers *slaps Alan on the back* Alan::drunk: ......*barf!* Durumir: Maybe we should leave him here??? Purr: We can't afford the time...he'll have to come with us..that's alright, he'll soon walk it off. Alan: Walk?! Oh man that's bogus! Others: Huh? Alan: Crapsicles? Others: WTF? Alan: Dont worry. Ooohhh..my head? *clutches head. Spews. Gets up. Spews. Gets up again. Spe-well, you get the picture. Poor bastard. Naughty Raiha, letting a newbie get that drunk. Bad! Bad!*
Haha, it's interesting to see the different interprattions that people come up with. I drew it in response to the way fast food joints are continually asking you if you want this or that with your order, ie "I'll just have a big mac thanks." "Is that a meal? "No, just the big mac will do?" "How about some fries with that?" "No just the big mac" "Any apple pies with the order?" ":flaming: " So that's what i intended it to mean, but as anyone doing art will tell, it's the audience that makes the meaning, so by all means let me know what you think!!
Hey count me in people...been looking for a new rpg for days... hmmmm...i guess i'll be the vegeta to your goku, krillen! If you don't know who these people are, i'm not gunna explain it to you. There's a whole guide section in the otaku pages...look it up
Hey yeah sorry about that Viper, i guess i took my que from the post previous to mine...haha, though i did like that line of your's about nature's call....:D Alrighty..the tavern hey...where there are whore's and barmaids and booze....Alan should have fun with this one!!! - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - -- The party filed into the tavern, as raucous laughter and high-pitched giggling assailed their ears....Alan behind Purr...focusing on the swaying of her leather clad behind.. *THUMP* Outlaw: What was that? Alan: Owwwww...my head Purr: Eyes up, Alan Alan: Yes Purr Durumir: I'll get the table, Outlaw, you get the booze... The group sit down, and, after having each consumed voluminous (now there's a cool word) ammounts of brew are soon telling raucous stories, but none more so than Alan... Alan: soo shhhee shesh to me, shhee shesh Alan....i'm having your cchhhildrensh on the fffirshhhtt on the nexxxxcchhhhtt month.... Purr: Alan, you're only seventeen...you don't even have a girlfriend.... Alan: *Tears well* I know *Bursts into tears* Durumir: Is this the first time the boys had some of this fire in his belly, eh? Outlaw: Looks like he may be breaking a few more of those "first time" thingies tonigh Durumir: What do you mean? Purr: Haven't you seen that bargirl making *****-cat eyes at him since we walked in??? Alan: I had a ppushhhhy cat one. Her name was...*thinks hard*...Rover!!...*promptly falls of his stool. Purr helps him back up Alan: thankssshhhhhhh la-la-lady peregrine!!!! I, i think i love you!!! Durumir: that boy is a fool! Purr: Oh-oh...... The eyes of the tavern are upon the group......
Name: Celeborn Spirit: Member of the Armies of Angel Body:Transplanted into the body of a rather uniquely attractive demon. Wears a deep purple pinstriped suit, with large dragon style wings, and a tail (secreted away). Dark hair, and deep red irises Weapon: Two blades of black metal, engraved with runes of fire Magic: Ok to Moderate Skill and Magic Physical Combat: Middling to better Background: Many millenia old, always good for a laugh, conceals dissapointment and embarrassment with a wink and a chuckle, quite enjoying the whole immortality in paradise thingy, until...
Asar screamed out, every breath hurting like never before. The pain in his almost useless knee was nothing compared to the pain in his ribs....like knives stabbing him with every breath. He was in trouble, and he needed attention...there would be no more fighting from Asar tonight.... Yet as he walked out, bent over in pain with Anti assisting his travel to the bleachers, he allowed himself a grim smile....He had fought back brilliantly, even with his useless knee....and he knew he had surprised and hurt his opponent in that final attack. He had his respect. That was enough.