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Everything posted by asar

  1. Seeing as though not a lot is happening right about know, i've thrown in this character who's purpose...well...basically he's target practice, of the hand to hand kind....have fun with him...or just kill him straight away..i don't mind ...he should provide an entertaining distraction for you three! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- 2 waited in the trees, so still and silent that not even the birds nesting directly next to his face realised it. He had staked out this location over 3 hours ago, as the most likely point at which the commanders would meet in this area. He had picked his location with perfection...and waited...and now they were here... He had no name. That had been taken from him on his first day. Along with his voice box. They had plucked him out of his community as a candidate for their school, and he became the best. The doctrine that was taught to him, burned into him, was the doctrine of death. He was an assasin. Trained in every weapon, used by every section of every community on this god-forsaken world, he was a killing machine. Death personified, with a nasty streak to boot. For 2 liked the killing. He liked death. As he had trained, he liked the strength that he gained, the speed with which he increased; the feeling of a tight, well-oiled machine devoted to a singular task became his best friend. As he broke ribs, shattered windpipes and destroyed life, that feeling exhorted him to greater, higher and better performances, until he was the second most dangerous thing on the planet. Thus his name. And now, as he trained the cross-hairs on the foremost commander, breathing just slow enough to stay concious...he allowed himself a wicked smile. He was Death...to all. He breathed out, relaxed completely, and fired. What went wrong, he couldn't figure....but they had KNOWN! (That would be thanks to you guys sensing teks) However, he had little time to comtemplate it, for little lead deaths began destroying his hidden position. As he rolled off the branch and landed flawlessly, rage built into an inferno! THEY were firing at HIM! Infidels! They would die, all of them DIE!!!!
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Yeah its scary...but it just lets you know....that even the coolest person can be stupid enough to kill someone...Or that the coolest person could get murdered....Yeah my best friend just moved to go to collage when this happened...her room mate killed her...they still don t klnow why [/B][/QUOTE] that's terrible...good god....what are we doing to ourselves....
  3. Buddy i'm doing economics atm for year 12, and according to the textbook here opportunity cost is "the cost of the choice that is foregone, ie, the option NOT taken." As for how that helps you out, i'm not too sure. I think that because you can't measure time ie time has no monetary value or measurement, then the answer would be b. But it still sn't defined too well at all, and i think that the teacher is an arsE for not listening to your argument, which you obviously took a lot of time on, and reconsidering. Not everythings black and white, especially in eco. It's how well you argue your case that counts. There's my two cents, anyway...
  4. I would have to say that future trunks' outfit is pree-ty damn classy...that smooth black contrasted very nicely with his enraged, super saiya-jin aura, as he beats the living bollocks outta the androids. Very nice. Though as a consistent outfit ie one seen almost all the time goku's clothing is very suave too...
  5. AMATEURS!!! haha..yeh alright raiha, you win...this time:laugh: - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - "Whoa, this could get very ugly, very very quickly" Chole said, stepping back "Uh-huh" replied Alan, also unconciously taking a step away,, but at the same time gripping his sword, warm to the touch. "Where is this headed" thought Alan..."will they fight?". Surely not, though the Lady looked dangerous, and Durumir even more so.....
  6. ok..umm i've just edited this post coz it took so long to write that two sneaked in before it...so when you read it do you wanna sub it in before rico's post...i think that'll make it coherant... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alan: He's strong Chole, strong and he knows how to weild a sword. Chole: I know Alan. It looks completely unweildy but he swings it as if it were a rapier Durumir: I would appreciate it if you would not so blatantly converse about me when i stand right in front of you boy. Alan: (Draws himself up, feining courage) I am no boy, sir, but a warrior-mage initiate *mutters* though not a very good one..." Dururmir: What? Alan: Nothing. I am Alan, good sir warrior, and this is Chole, Lady Peregrine, and Viper... Durumir: Ah, the impetuous girl! You would be wise, pretty thing, to think carefully before making assumptions. Impetuousity costs lives" "Bah!" Viper said, turining her head and spitting. "I'm going to answer Nature's call." With a venomous look at Durumir, she stormed off. "Dangerous" whispered the Barbarian. "Wherefore hence came you, good lord warrior" Alan queried, his speech becoming more flowery by the minute, perhaps to impress the Lady by his side. "My story is one for telling with food in one's belly and drink by one's side, boy, and neither of those do i possess at this moment in time, much to my displeasure. Perhaps these could be provided?.....
  7. Hey yeah sorry bout that, i kept on readin CHOLE as CHLOE. ah well! sooo, what are we up to know...oh yes...the barbarian!! Well yesterday i was really bored, and there was no-one on, so i took the liberty of translating raiha's character into a visual format...fancy talk for i drew her. I didn't relly refer to the original profile too much, ie at all, so if i've depicted her wrong, please don't tear my guts out through my back raiha!:D
  8. Hahahaha!! You arrogant piece of filth! You think that you can crush ME into the ground! Ha! Continue to be arrogant and haughty until Tyrion's flaming sword of pure death slides between your 3rd and 4th ribs...then, THEN you will see your folly, pitiful dark elf. As you can see, yes i do play, though i mainly paint nowadays...
  9. HHAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Borry's meaty fist slammed into the side of Piccolo's jaw, an audible crunching sound filling the chamber..... "Shiiitttteee!!!!" screamed Borry. "You broke my freakin fist, you green skinned mtutant garden variety slug! AND you destroyed my mcdonalds! Not a good way to- OOFF!!!" the air was forced out of Borry's lungs as he was thrown across the chamber. "Son of a b-tch...oh...i hurt and i'm sore and i'm hungry" Borry began seeing visions....steaks and sausages...cake and croissants....and...and.... a giant...walking talking PARFAIT!! It was saying something to him, whispering seductively....eat me it said..eat me..... Borry leapt up, surprisingly nimble for a boy of his size, and leapt at the giant parfait, tearing a big chunk out of it, angain and again he bit at it, reducing it to little more than bit and pieces. "Ahhh...."borry sighed, satisfyed at last. He was full, gorged on a mutant parfait.....only...only it was moving.....borry cringed as the parfait began to...to...regenerate itself.......it was growing again!!! He couldn't believe it! ALL of his dreams had come true!!! It was a never ending supply of PARFAIT!!! Again, Borry hoed into the parfait, and again he gorged himself, and here he intended to remain to the end of his days, survivng on the regenerating parfait....
  10. I'll take goten....if that's cool my friends
  11. hey, all of a sudden i'm the cutie of the group! Nice! Oh, and ah...my sword isn't quite wooden...though the way my character's going, i may soon be going through puberty again, if you catch my drift. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alan smiled a wicked smile, as he was prone to do when his demenour set people into that particuar frame of mind. Yes, he was young, and yes he was innocent. True, he was a pathetic wayfarer, but always, always he could fight. Swords and staffs were his specialty, but he had no particular aversion to hand-to hand. "Alright Chloe, if you insist." She moved first, speed and skill her main ally's. But this was a short fight, and he hoped that his strength would pull him through against this much better opponent. "Yah!" came the short cry accompanying her attack, pucnhes and kicks flying through the air like her arrows had done just before. He was hit twice before he realised, and his feet were swept out from beneath him. "Mother of Pete!!" He stood. Smiled, and walked towards her, at ready...
  12. "AAAAArrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!!. You son of a b-tch." *Crack* Asar's fist crunched into the side of Anti's skull, pure anger and frustration feeding the blow with tremendous power. He followed with another blow, knocking Anti off his feet, and, for the moment, giving himself a pause to consider how to fight with a wounded knee. Yet, as much as it frustrated him, he could not for the moment continue. But he would not go out as a coward. He would face Anti one last time, one more round of blows, and after that...well....he would see. "You really should get that checked boy" Anti smirked, only fuelling Asar's fire. "Not just yet smart-***, i'm not through until i hit you, one last time, and knock that pathetic smile off your face." Asar faked, right left, and then the blows reigned down.
  13. WTF! Where is every one. owww, i'm cold and hungry and tired and hungry. Where's the food? Stupid bloody lucifer lord of all tha is damned and evil, i'll get him for that mcdonal's thing he did!!! Piccolo: Remember me? Perhaps not boy! though you will remember what i did!! Borry: Huh?? Pic: you're precious mcdonals? gone!!! Because of i!!! Hahaha!!! Boz: You, you bast@rd!!! I'll murder you, you prIck!!!!! Haaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!
  14. umm...please don't think this is spam...buuuttt...has everbody deciding to stop this comp and not told me??? people do that all the time...stupid pranks...betcha it was just to sucka me in....mumble....mumble:smirk:
  15. Alanaroth sniffed the air, and felt the cold wind tear savagely between his fur cloak. There was evil in the air, and thunder in the sky, and a killer on the cobble-stoned streets (all right, so i stole the line from Meatloaf, it sounded appropriate) Asarion 18 6"2" About 80 kgs Warrior-Mage from the Ordo d'Ix (yes, i realise what it says) Only an initiate, currently studying the warrior side of the training ie swordsmanship and lots and lots of painful death making tools....so he carry's a Runesword -Firefang, and hopefully will develope some better spells than he's got. Atributes....hmmmm... I guess the most obvious one would be a fire spell...they're always good for a laugh...haha...burning enemies and what not...sooo here goes Fire wind: Heats the air to an unbearble temperature (not quite strong enough to start a fully-fledged fire yet) burning flesh and singeing hair Double swords: Able to wield two swords, when another is available Kee-yaaa!: Basically an attack designed to unnerve an opponenet to allow for a killing blow, or at least a maiming one. Asarion draws a deep, deep breath and...and....shouts really really really loud!!! Pretty cool huh! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alan stumbled out of the forest, bleeding heavily from a gash in the forehead. He had been running for the last hour, but still that thing from the planes of hell pursued him. It was unrelentless, unstoppable. He had tried every jinx and cantrip he knew, and even some he didn't. As he was fleeing, he had run past a woman, a stunning lady. standing high and indomitable. Her hair blew with the wind freely about her face, haughty and strong. The monster was right behind him, and he drew breathe to shout at her when he, the clumsy fool that he was, had tripped, and fallen. The monster had run past, on towards the defenceless girl, whilst he, impotent, could do little. She had killed it, with little more effort than one might slay a foal or a calf. He was speechless..stunned...and when she looked at him with those liquid eyes they bore into him, and his shame was revealed to the world. He was shamed, a weakling, a coward, yet she came to him, Alan the Useless, and helped him up. A smile accompanied the gesture, and all pretensions fell away...he could nought but stare, enthralled.... "I am Lady Perigrine" she had said...in a voice melodious and mellifluous..... He fainted.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]Blank: *cough*.........I never get to have any fun........Bah..... ------------------ Wb.......grrrrrr......I blame stormwing........Oh, yes. Everyone, I'm the odd man out......So leave me alone......Grrrrrrr...:drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] Borry: Well buddy, i'm an odd man out too, and even though i only do general maths i can add two odd numbers together...what do you say???
  17. Anti's roundhouse smashed into the side of his knee, and at that pont Asar knew he was in trouble. Before he had time to fully comprehend the pain he was hit in the ribs and, though he saw the heel screaming towards his head, could do little to counter. It smashed into his skull. Flung backwards, Asar skidded briefly before stopping dead. His breath came in short, sharp gasps, as fire poured from his knee, pain almost overcoming him. "Breathe" he thought. "Just breathe" He attempted to stand, and could not. "Dammit!" rang the cry around the gym, silencing even for a moment those intolerable 'WHATS'. He attemted to stand again, and managed it...barely... Honourably, Anti had let him get up, though he knew not why. Most would have finished the fight as soon as he fell. The look on his face must have prompted him, for Anti offerred " I came here for a fight. Not a rout." Asar nodded. He would try to provide one. He jumped up and down, testing the knee. It would be a liability, but it would hold. For now. He pivoted, a powerful leg whistling through the humid air...
  18. umm...basically all i'd like is for some people to tell me wheter this is funny or just a lame attempt at humour....thanks for looking at it:)
  19. Borry had been having a really, REALLY bad day. For starters, it was the start of the school year, and his first period had been maths of all things. Secondly, he'd been putting on weight quicker than you could say "two-all-beef-patties-special-sauce-lettuce-pickles-onions-on-a-sesame-seed-bun"! And to top it all off, his ute had just died on him, meaning he had to walk to school every day from now into the concievable future. And off course, it was raining. In spite of all the crap that had been happening to him, he'd been coping as well as could be expected under the circumstances, and was walking home thinking about the hot chocolate and crossaints he was about to have. He pulled out his keys to open the front door....and realised he didn't actually have a front door. Or a house. Or indeed a neighbourhood. "What in the hell-oh man...that means i gotta walk all the way to the supermarket to get my hot chocolate...wait a second...the supermarket was burnt down as well! And so was the corner store, milkbar, and..and...oh sweet and merciful lord!!! MCDONALD'S!!!!!" Borry ran like he had never run before, but sadly, was confronted by a fate worse than death...McDonald's...no longer existed... "Oh for the love of Pete!!!" he wailed "I'll get you you spawn of hell, wherever you are! This time you went TOO FAR!!! Nobody, but NOBODY screws with MY MCDONALD'S" With that promise he hoped into the nearest car (it's owner now little more than a very well done all-beef-patty) and sped of towards the flashes of light...
  20. Anti's fist whistled through the air, and though he did not have the speed to dodge it completely, Asar swung his head back, turning it, so that they blow glanced and was lessened. Anti followed through, and sought to counter this unexpected imbalance by continuing the momentum and trying to strike with another backhand blow. By this time Asar had moved out of range, and, as the second fist whistled past he moved in, striking low, high, low, and then sweeping Anti's feet out with a spinning kick. Asar too stomped his foot, missing, but having the desired effect of forcing Anti to roll and then presumably come up, straight into the range of Asar's right arm. Asar pulled back his fist, steadied, and waited for the head of his opponent to bob into sight...
  21. Asar followed suit, removing his shoes, and faced up to his challenger. "Let's begin, shall we" Anti nodded his approval Asar moved into a stance, a defensive one, for he was unsure how to conduct himself in this new environment... "Would you like the first again?" Asar offered. "Very well," Anti said, smiling a wicked smile. Asar tensed, and waited.... When the attack came, it came with the suddeness and ferocity of a tiger from the trees, unseen and savage. One, two, three came the punches, striking him in the head and body. Asar staggered backwards as another blow smashed savagely into his solar plexus. He fell, and rolled, trying to regain the air which had been so forcefully expelled by the punch. "By pete your quick" he stated, breathing heavily. "You get that way.." Asar steadied himself, and moved quickly, a shout and a grim smile accompaniying his attack...
  22. as he began the walk over to the oppenent he had spotted, asar felt the eyes of another bore into the back off his head. Seeing his intended wrapped up in the struggle with the boxing bag, he turned....and saw them. This was what he had waited for... As he approached the new opponent stood... "Do you have a name that i should call you" he said as coolly as possible, yet the nerves were at a peak, the adrenaline pumping crazily..." "Most call me Anti.....
  23. He watched the fighter, breathing hard, gulp down the water and hurl the bottle away, his movements strong and precise. Asar wondered... It was his first night, and therefore he was required to fight, but he realised he was unsure...what if the opponent was too powerful...could he handle it??? Dismissing craven thoughts from his head, he drew himself up to full height, confidence emanating from the gesture. THAT particular fighter would want a real fight, a struggle, so Asar dispensed with his previous ploy. He threw off his jumper, and began to walk towards him...
  24. He breathed in deeply... a long, full intake, and let it out in a sigh. The building smelled of sweat, and blood, and violence, and it excited him. Again the feeling welled in him, the feeling of belonging, and he knew he was at the right place. He was at fight club. As he walked in already there were fights in progress; violent and intense conflicts between seasoned pro's. Those who seemed less confident stood, watched and cheered, probably waiting for an easy looking fight, an easy opponent. None of them looked at him as he strode in, but that didn't matter. He kept walking towards the banister, slumping him shoulders, crouching slightly, loosing the confident walk. He made himself look like a target, an easy one. They hadn't looked at him when he walked in, but they would now. Before he had looked like a predator, but now, now he looked like prey. He waited.
  25. Man, there are some pretty smart people around this place.Did you also know that Mr Einstein didnt remember his own telephone number...his philosophy was "why remember it when i could just look it up in the phone book when i need it". Sounds logical to me. As for my own IQ...i'm not too sure nowadays...but i got to a selective school so it's got to be a bit better than average i guess. and yeh, there is an IQ test on emode, just in case that hasn't been established... Useless Fact of the Day!!!:box: Mosquito's have forty seven teeth
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