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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. It's been a hot minute since I've been to this site, but I saw something that reminded me of these times. Congratulations!
  2. A little bird brought this to my attention so I figured I'd rise from the ashes to offer my condolences. I'm not particularly good at empathy and expressing feeling and all that good stuff, but when I was active on this forum I definitely considered Desbreko a friend and was saddened to hear about his struggles and passing. It's probably been over a decade since we've interacted at all, but I can still remember what he looked like (at least back then). Not too sure what else to say. He will be missed, but never forgotten. I guess my presence here, if nothing else, is proof of that.
  3. So a happy birthday message from CaNz brought me back here. I'm an OB Superstar apparently, and honestly it feels pretty great! The weather up here is excellent.
  4. [center][b][size=5][color=#B22222]TRAILER IS GORY.[/color][/size][/b][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#B22222]BE WARNED.[/color][/size][/b][/center] [center][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceBXUyuv4Q0[/media][/center] [color=#008000]This trailer was released about a week ago, and a friend of mine brought it to my attention today as he knew I'm a big fan of the original movies. After watching the trailer and doing a bit of reading on the movie, I have to say I'm pretty hopeful. Both Sam Raimi (creator of the original movie) and Bruce Campbell (lead actor in the original movie) are on board as producers, so we know it's not just some faceless Hollywood company who bought the rights to it and is doing whatever they want with it. It's not using the same characters from the original movie, which to me is a huge plus because there's no way anyone could live up to the legend that Ash (Bruce Campbell's character) became.[/color] [color=#008000]All in all I can tell that this movie isn't trying to be the original [i]Evil Dead[/i], but instead is going to be what [i]Evil Dead[/i] could have been if it had all the technology and budget big fims have today. A lot of people associate [i]Evil Dead[/i] with the sort of slapstick horror-comedy that the latter movies ([i]Evil Dead II[/i] and [i]Army of Darkness[/i]) fell into, but lets not forget that the original film was actually trying to be serious, grisly horror and managed it really well for what it was. There will be no CGI used in the making of the movie, so we can expect some impressive make-up work, props, and smoke-and-mirrors.[/color] [color=#008000]So as a fan of the original trilogy, I expect this movie to please me in the same way that I, as a fan of the [i]Planet of the Apes[/i] franchise, was pleased with the re-imagining that was [i]Rise of the Planet of the Apes[/i] in 2011.[/color]
  5. [quote name='Celeste' timestamp='1312460416' post='708759']:3[i] "Would you quit it? What, the ocean isn't big enough for you or something like that? You got a problem? Huh? Do ya, do ya, do ya? You wanna piece of me? Yeah, yeah! Ooh, I'm scared now! What?"[/i][/quote] [color=#008000][b]Finding Nemo[/b] [/color][color=#008000] [/color] [size=3][b][color=#008000]This one might be a bit more difficult:[/color][/b][/size] [size=3][color=#008000]"For the love of god I can smell her chapstick!" (personally my favorite line in the movie)[/color][/size] [size=3][color=#008000]or[/color][/size] [size=3][color=#008000]"I've gotten a lot of use out of chainsaws over the years - killed a lot of zombies, saved a lot of lives - but at the end of the day when push comes to shove... they're just too damn heavy."[/color][/size]
  6. I don't care what this crossword says, "In (a pet)" is not a real phrase; synonymous with "miffed." Even if "pet" is short for "petulant." No one has ever used that phrase in their life.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PiroMunkie


      Not surprisingly, when I finally understood what the phrase was supposed to mean, I figured it was something an uppity Englishman would say.

    3. Allamorph


      Either that or a Norwegian who thinks he's Dutch.

    4. Boo
  7. [color="#006400"]I'm a few dungeons into this game at the moment and I want to say one thing that is standing out to me is Link's right-handedness, lol. Being a lefty, I'm finding it a little awkward at times to swing properly. I can't remember if he was right-handed in Twilight Princess, though Wiki says he was. Perhaps it wasn't as noticeable though because TP was a lot more hack'n'slash than Skyward Sword is. There wasn't a lot of technique in killing monsters, and what technique existed was in those special moves you learned which didn't favor a dominant hand. But with the split second basic slashes some enemies require, I'm feeling a slight delay and disconnect between realizing what action I need to take and knowing I have to do the reverse action in order for Link to do it. I don't understand why they can't create a player option to switch the dominant hand of Link. Or maybe I should go see if Flanders has a copy of this game at the Leftorium.[/color]
  8. [quote name='IIISTARSCREAMERIII' timestamp='1323808565' post='710556'] [font="Comic Sans MS"][size="5"][color="#9932CC"]This movie was a good watch all except for the crappy ending. If anyone has a different opinion about it please explain it to me because other then the ending i liked this movie[/color][/size][/font] [/quote] [color="#006400"]You mean the post-credits ending?[/color]
  9. In leiu of hot sauce, I loaded my macaroni with chili powder and crushed red pepper. Just as good, if not better. 8)

  10. I would say I am, but the metaphor just seemed silly to me. :P

  11. Bring 'x' quarts of water to a boil. Add salt to taste ... am I to understand they want us to taste test boiling water?

  12. I at long last feel motivated to try and grow a legit beard. It'll be difficult because my genes aren't the best, but what you call a beard is now what I call my Man Garden.

  13. You know you need to take a break from Minecraft when you start imagining the world in blocks.

  14. I officially just had my first Doctor Who-related outburst. ._.

    1. Kei


      Welcome to the Whoniverse. When would you like to go?

    2. Darth Vectis
    3. SeDoc


      Welcome fellow Whovian. Notice the door closing and locking behind you. Muwah ah ah ^^

  15. [quote name='SeDoc' timestamp='1317521967' post='709707'] [color="#800080"]Fear not! There's still the Christmas special with Bill Bailey! Oh, and a little bit of anime goes along way [/color][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/wow.gif[/img] [color="#800080"]And let's not forget Moffat's "Sherlock" too... ^^[/color] [color="#800080"] [/color] [color="#800080"]I did not see that as the ending at all. I was being distracted (quite ingeniously) by the story-telling [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/public/style_emoticons/default/sweatdrop.gif[/img] Hooray for creative misdirection! [/color] [/quote] [color="#006400"]I haven't watched any anime in ages, lol. [spoiler]As soon as they reintroduced the Teselecta in the episode, I knew he was going to use it to fake his own death. He could have always come up with a different plan, I guess, but the longer the episode went on, the more I was convinced I was right, lol. There's just no way they could get around [i]actually[/i] killing the Doctor without a lot of retcon.[/spoiler] I still have a lot of intrigue about the significance of the Doctor's name. That very last scene did a lot to really lay out "things to come." I'm excited, haha I'll have to keep a lookout for the Christmas special.[/color]
  16. [color="#006400"]Toooootally called the ending to this season's finale. But now I don't know what to do with my life until next season. ._.[/color]
  17. [quote name='Elle Jay' timestamp='1316644723' post='709546'] [font="Times New Roman"][color="#008080"][size="3"]For you Minecraft fans. I actually wanna get this game.[/size][/color][/font] [img]http://1337gif.com/images/gif/Minecraft-Creeper-12.gif[/img] [/quote] [color="#006400"]That's brilliant, lol. Too bad he'd have been dead before he got out.[/color]
  18. [color="#006400"]This video is a couple years old, but I didn't see it in the previous topic. It's a little NSFW for all you hooligans who spend time on the internet at work. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcnbOrdVt6A[/media] Also the animated version, minus the second half of the song (as there's no video for the full version). Warning: Contains animated horse genitals. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUl9_5kK9ts[/media][/color]
  19. [color="#006400"]I once had a six-cheese pizza at some place in town that was amazing. I also normally don't like (well, don't [i]prefer[/i]) pizza with just cheese, but this was a horse of a different color. Pepperoni is always classic. But I really just love pizza all around, and have since I was a kid. I think there's very little you could put on it that would make me not want to eat it. Occasionally I'll make a chicken alfredo pizza using some Pillsbury pizza crust, alfredo sauce, chicken, broccoli, cheese, and sometimes tomatoes (I think sun-dried tomatoes would be better than regular ones, though if I really had my way I would probably use some form of roasted red pepper). You could probably add crumbled bacon as well because bacon makes everything better.[/color]
  20. [color="#006400"]I usually stick with Ranch unless I'm feeling fancy. I can't say I've ever heard of honey mustard as a salad dressing, though I do enjoy honey mustard greatly. Caesar dressing is good, too. However, if I'm at a salad bar I don't eat typical salads, lol. Ever since I was a kid I always made my "salads" out of the hard boiled eggs, olives, mushrooms, cheese, bacon bits, onions, sunflower seeds, maybe some peppers of some variety, croutons, and ranch dressing. So I guess it's more like a cold omelet. I don't know what possessed me to start doing this outside of the fact I didn't want to eat lettuce and carrots and all those pansy vegetables, but I've been doing it ever since. Though if I do make a traditional salad, and I have a choice, I'd rather use romaine lettuce or even spinach as a base.[/color]
  21. [color="#006400"]The only things I've ever seen here in Nebraska/Iowa are tornadoes, though I don't think I've had a legitimate tornado warning since I was pretty young. There's occasionally a "possible tornado" but I don't think any of them touch down here too often. Usually when it gets really storming out I just keep doing what I'm doing because nothing ever comes of it except a lot of noise, maybe a brief power outage, and worst case scenario one of the old crappy trees out back loses some branches, lol.[/color]
  22. [quote name='Gavin' timestamp='1313793263' post='708998'] [font="Tahoma"][size="2"]Cockroaches. Saw the episode of the X-Files where cockroaches were able to burrow into people's bodies and have been irrationally terrified of them since, don't like bugs in general but cockroaches are just O_O "Get my flamethrower!" level response.[/size][/font] [/quote] [color="#006400"]I would sort of second this, though I'm not necessarily [i]afraid[/i] of them as much as I am just disgusted by them and think they all need to be purged from the Earth. But uh, I'd say I have a fear of falling. If I know I'm secure I wouldn't mind it (like bungee jumping, though I've never done that), but I don't know ... I don't think I have any fears that just completely reduce me to a cowering bag of tears.[/color]
  23. Better Idea: Get rid of the forum all together, and just have status updates.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. James


      You may need one status for auditions and one for the RPG. ~_^

    3. PiroMunkie


      Lol, if there were live updates on statuses, you could just make them like a MUD or Choose-Your-Own Adventure RPG and kick it old school.

    4. Boo


      I wish I could spam the status updates more though, without my previous one disappearing. Can I get alone right to that?

  24. [color="#006400"]So I guess I was the only one here geeked about this movie. :P Anyway, I managed to watch this the other day and I was pleasantly surprised. It's definitely less of a remake and more of a reimagining of [i]Conquest of the Planet of the Apes[/i] like I mentioned before. I believe it sort of modernizes and reinvents the series very well. It doesn't try to make one suspend their beliefs on too many broad concepts (like time travel being a factor in the original), but instead asks the question, "What if this happened today?" There were a few things that made me a little iffy about how the movie tackled them, but they weren't dealbreakers. I think one of my favorite subtleties was the ape hierarchy, keeping true to the general roles each kind of ape played in the original movies. I would recommend this to anyone, and would definately watch it again.[/color]
  25. [color="#006400"]Some Google searches about people having similar problems had people suggesting to turn the PC on with no RAM or graphics card in to see if your motherboard yells at you to put something in. So I did that and was met with silence. >_> So assuming that test is legit, I guess it's safe to assume my motherboard's gone too. D:[/color]
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