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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [size=1]Most people have really gotten to this point already, but there is a drastic difference between "goth rock" and "death metal," which seem to be the two confused genres here. Hell, there is a very bold line between "goth" and "metal." Goth is actually an extremely tame area of music. If you listen to any of those bands mentioned before (Souxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, the Cure, Sisters of Mercy), the most commonly noted bands of the genre, you will find they sound nothing like any of the bands listed before. Goth was an offshoot of the punk culture way back when, and died just the same. Now all this death metal, etc. (way too many subgenres I care to even mention) is hardly on the same spectrum as goth. They do not even carry the same core values and principles of their music. The main reason there is even a blend is because of stereotyping. Traits the goth culture had appear in metal bands, and suddenly they are goth. "Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken."[/size]
  2. [size=1]I have always just wondered how the hell you got the movie clips in, heh. Do you just play it on your computer and take constant screen shots (that will actually catch the movie), or what? And, if so, what are you using to do that? I know a normal "Prt Scrn" does not catch movie stills. They are really nifty, though. I have always liked that Pulp Fiction one. And I am sure Tori would love the Elle Driver ones. =P[/size]
  3. [quote name='Dagger IX1][spoiler']It doesn't make much of a difference whether it was people or monsters who skinned and mutilated those baby animals. We never learn which Elder had that particular task, and frankly I think anyone who would willingly perform it must possess some serious psychological problems.[/spoiler][/quote][size=1]Actually, what I inferred was that [spoiler]it was Noah. At the end they were talking to all the elders, they said to his parents that their son had helped make the stories of the creatures real to the village. Since they said earlier in the movie that is had been a long time since the creatures had crossed the boundaries, the fact that he would prance around as a creature and commit those heinous acts helped tell the people that they creatures still do "exist." When Ivy got him in trouble in the movie and threatened to put him in the quiet room, you could tell he has spent time in there before, and probably had previously discovered the costume beneath the floor boards. I think the only time in the movie when the creatures were actually the elders was when they put the marks on the door. When the elders spoke of it, they said the creatures were "acting as though threatened," threatened being when Lucious entered the woods and removed the berries. He was challenging the myths. You even say, "I think anyone who would willingly perform it must possess some serious psychological problems." Which only helps support the theory that it was Noah, heh.[/spoiler] ... Spoilers make posts look funny. I shall also comment, building off of Dagger's comment, that anyone who goes to see this expected some kind of horror film is going to be disappointed. After seeing "Signs" and then this, I realized the M. Night Shyamalan is more of a story-teller than he is a "frightener." There are some unnerving aspects to his stories, sure, but nothing is actually scary. I jumped a couple times throughout the movie, even knowing what was going to happen, but it is just the suspense that is built up.[/size]
  4. [size=1]I saw this the other day, and I liked it a hell of a lot better than I did "Signs." I thought the overall story was very well written, and the acting was all great. I was just amazed by all the different quirks each villager seemed to have, and just the fact that it was all very out of the ordinary. I was particularly humored by the fact they did not use any contractions in their speech, and just the overall manner in which they spoke. It is a very complex plotline, though. It is one of those movies you have to keep watching in order to continue understanding what is going on, I think. It keeps you on your toes. Much like Transtic said, "When you think you've figured it out, he makes you think again, and then you realize, you already thought that this woul dbe the ending, but you never knew till the end." Spoiler of the Creatures: [spoiler]Much like when you first see the creatures, I just thought, "There's no way they are real." The costumes seemed incredibly fake. Then you find out the conspiracy that they are actually costumes within the movie. [i]Then[/i] you hear the main elder say that there have been tales of those creatures actually existing. Next thing you know, the character Ivy runs into one, in which I thought, "A real one??! o_O". Finally you find out it was not an actual creature.[/spoiler] After the movie I felt mentally drained, because there is just so much to take in it seems, lol. I enjoyed it however.[/size]
  5. [size=1]I am really loving that Siek picture, heh. Just as a headshot I am absolutely mesmerized by it. His eye is crazy ... I like how you left the scribble lines in, and I like how the line for his mouth extends off his head. Just that aspect of the style I find really cool, heh. I imagine it is just that way because he is "spazzing," but it might be a pretty cool style to just go with for a normal look. It is just bizarre ... The other ones are all right.[/size]
  6. [QUOTE=Shi no Tenshi]I thought it was kinda rude to take someone's request if someone else was working on it ;s Anywho.[/QUOTE][size=1]I was actually working on mine before you posted, so watch what you say. =P It is always good to have options, anyway.[/size]
  7. [size=1]This is probably a little darker or morbid than you want, but I was just bored as hell, and when you said "angel" this was the first thing that came to mind, heh. I had fun making it though, it killed some time. [center][img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20474&stc=1[/img][/center] [/size]
  8. [QUOTE=Owari Nai Yume][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][FONT=Times New Roman][B]Worst:[/B] Majin Buu. he sucks, just face it. In no way does he remind me of a villian. He's a pink blob that eats candy. Don't the words "pink" and "candy" just shout out "HEY!! IM EVIL!! I INSTILL FEAR IN ALL WHO HEAR MY NAME!!"? you see my point, right? [B]Dumbest:[/B] I'd also have to say Majin Buu for this one too. He's dumb as a rock and has the attention span of a rat on drugs. He also can't seem to do anything for himself, like think. He always has to be told what to do before he even does it. now that's sad. If you ask me, any villian with the mind of a 5 year old should never be created in the first place.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE][size=1]Yet he pretty much single-handedly destroyed the world and everyone in it without breaking a sweat. He is actually one of the most complex villains in the series. He only ever did what people told him to do at first. When his fat form first came out, he was like a little baby. He needed a little guidance. However he grew tired of Babidi's nagging and eventually offed him. The fact that Buu was so childlike and naive was the very essence of why he should be feared. He had no conscience to tell him right from wrong. He would kill and think nothing of it. Since he was made with intentions of evil, if he did anything good it was pinned against him until his more evil side split from him, thus the evolution of Buus. This is a little something called character development. His final incarnation, Kid Buu, was the total embodiment of what Buu was supposed to be. All that would have hindered his evil intentions was filtered out until all that was left was "Buu concentrate," so to speak. He was [i]pure[/i] evil, with the energetic body of a child, and enough strength that it took a fusion of the Earth's two strongest warriors to beat him. Personally I think he was one of the best and most original villains I have seen, and not just in anime. He was pretty much the perfect Dragon Ball villain. I imagine this is partially because the Buu saga was supposed to be the last in the series, so they saved the best for then, but even compared the the main villains in other shows I have seen Buu is better in the big picture. The mere fact that I have not watched or even thought much about the Dragon Ball series in at least a year or so, yet can still pick him out in detail as to why he was an efficient villain, is a bit of testimony.[/size]
  9. [quote name='Katana']I didn't see the entire animation, because it was taking about an eternity and a half to play. -.-;[/quote][size=1]Yeah, heh. It is a pretty big file, somewhere close to 200 frames. It would probably be best if you let it run through once, and then watch it again. By then it should be running at its actual speed, or something near it depending on your connection. I am flattered you think I am God, lol. However, that old man in the animation is a representation of myself. If you saw the Anti-DW commercial I made a little while back, the loose story behind that is explained. You can view that here ( [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=41193[/url] ) if you want. It is not nearly as long as the movie. Only about 23 seconds at full speed.[/size]
  10. [quote name='Midnightsnow']if dont understand it, they dont want it. But if they just got to watch it and pay attention most anime isnt that bad and sometimes teaches valueable live lessons.[/quote][size=1]Anyone who thinks they learn valuable life lessons from anime probably [i]should[/i] be taken away from it for a while.[/size]
  11. [size=1]It helps if you tell us what program you use, heh. Judging by what seems to be chrome in the background and a radical application of a wave filter, I am going to assume you are using Photoshop. Probably the easiest way to make your banner monochrome is put a layer over everything, fill it with what color you want your banner to be, and then set the layer mode to "Color." Any image you do not want that color you can just place above that layer. Pretty simply really, heh, assuming you are using Photoshop.[/size]
  12. [size=1]Well, I fixed the link. Apparently the site does not even allow linking directly to the image. Weird. BUt yeah, just follow what 'hEvN said. Glad you people like it.[/size][quote name='James][color=#707875']Is this the sincerest form of flattery?[/color][/quote][size=1]You know I love you, Jamesy-kins. I aim to please you ... In whatever way possible. ^_~[/size][quote name='James][color=#707875']I mean, this is one sexy animation, whichever way you look at it. It's very clean and the Kill Bill references only serve to make it cooler. Kill Bill is the way to my heart, yep.[/color][/quote][size=1]Hehe, I have what I think are some good ideas for the second volume ... and I am getting more as I type this. >.> Not [i]specifically[/i] Kill Bill, but just Tarantino in general. Mweheh. I need to write these down so I do not forget them. I am not sure if I can fit all these ideas into just one more volume, heh. I might have to do a third. o_O[/size]
  13. [size=1][center]I am out of control. o_O [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20428&stc=1[/img] Yes, Dragon Warrior did make his own animation, but here we have the PiroMunkie Edition. I borrowed the "OtakuBoards as a background" idea, because I liked it, but yes. Behold, what I have spent the last several hours of my life doing. All for a 4 minute movie. o_O [b]View[/b][/size] [font=impact]KILL DRAGON WARRIOR, Vol.1[/font] [size=1][b]here:[/b] click the link on this page. [url]http://users.cjb.net/piromunkie/[/url] (approx. 4 minutes, 499KB)[/center][/size]
  14. [size=1]You are so lucky I do not have a microphone. I would challenge your skills ... and own you. Mweheh. >.> After having flash animations and basic sound editing repeatedly drilled into my head in my Multimedia class ... gah, I hated that teacher. It was funny, though. (the animation) A little. =P You sure do bring out the competitive side in me, DW, lol.[/size]
  15. [size=1]Hmph, we shall see. =P And just so you know, I decided that I shall indeed make a PiroMunkie Edition of this war. In fact, I have started already. I am not much past the intro credits and logo, but I am already very excited about it, lol. It will be awesome. Be afraid ... *insert maniacal laugh*[/size]
  16. [size=1]I got rid of the space in your name for the sake of sensibility, heh. People might have seen the "Anti-Dragon" as separate from the "Warrior." I was just enforcing the connection. And what the hell is this Santa crap? Lol. I am particularly unimpressed. You are sinking quite low to not even give your opposition some decent respect by using the proper sprite. Frankly, from what I have seen, the entire pro-DW party has been rather out-of-line. No matter, your brash decisions will lead to your downfall. Perhaps I shall make my own animation series about this, lol. We shall have the Dragon Warrior Edition and the PiroMunkie Edition. The "Piro + Munkie = Animal Cruelty" banner someone made was pretty funny though, lol. I also might add a disclaimer that I take no responsibility for the actions of my supporters. Unlike Dragon Warrior, I do not brainwash. =P[/size]
  17. [size=1]He is the prettiest anime boy I have ever seen, heh. I took a bit of creative liberty with it. I found a bunch of images all at one site and got so many ideas. o_O It is a bit rushed, but I think it turned out well. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20229&stc=1[/img][/size]
  18. [size=1]I have not really listened to that album a whole lot. I do not own it or anything, I just listened off your blog.radio on WiP. I listened to a bit of each track, but nothing really struck me. It does sound a lot like "The Process of Belief." Bad Religion has mostly been one of those "in the mood" bands for me. While there are some songs that I always enjoy listening to, from various points in their career, to sit through a whole album of theirs without getting bored can be a bit difficult.[/size]
  19. [quote name='buffy_boy_']Ummmmmm....not to be rude or winey or evil or anything but just to tell you the ones that just star me are made by me everything else is made by him thats one thing bout thed fonts and also in mine ,I meant for the fonts to be different.[/quote][size=1]I was mostly talking about the first strip when it came to the fonts. So I had no real issue with the font in your strips. I just did not like how he used Times New Roman for one person, and Comic Sans MS for the other. He even used different sizes thoughout the panel. Continuity is key. In all honesty, your strips were the better of them. Not saying they were [i]good[/i] by any means, but better than the rest. They did not seem to make any failed attempt at humor, and I liked your use of a sans-serif font. Serif fonts and comic strips just do not work well together, which is one reason why the other strips were far under par. And seeing as how Kazuko pointed out you ripped off that other comic, plagiarism is really offensive and lowers the quality of not only the comic, but the person who made it as well.[/size]
  20. [size=1]Something popped in my head the other day, and I am not sure what made me think of it. It kind of goes way back about three years ago. [b]Desert Shadow[/b] and his [b]Silly Buckets[/b]. I never really understood the concept, but it was amusing all the same. Actually, I have found there is a really old topic from back then: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=564[/url] The attachment no longer exists, but it is just an amusing thread to look at, lol. You can see what a spammy place OB was back then. >.> I find my use of smilies sickening now ...[/size]
  21. [size=1]I do not expect anyone but maybe a few people here to know who these guys are, but one thing that initially turned me on to the ex-band Apocalypse Hoboken was the way they wrote their lyrics. They are mostly just tongue-in-cheek, not really the depth you would see in the lyrics of aforementioned bands like Tool. While they have done this throughout their career (at least from what I have heard), I think their most solid lyrics were present on their final album, [i]Microstars[/i] (given one song was a Prince cover). I do not really know how to explain the way they write their lyrics, heh. Many times they seem very random, but yet you get the idea of what they are saying. Even with some songs, I stillave no idea what they are referring to in certain lines (not just on the album mentioned before, but on others, too). After a while of trying to decide which sample to put here, I chose their song [i]Lonely Socks[/i]. One of my favorites from [i]Microstars[/i]. [quote]Hey there lonely socks No more goldie locks Ruby red grapefruit tiny finger cupcakes Hey there missy mit No more hissy fits Shoelace necklace Mardi Gras drunk Clouds in your coffee Static in your laugh Everybody needs a little time to themselves Hey there lonely socks In your sunshine factory Painting smiles on doll faces Hey there far away No more hissy fits Shoelace noose and suicide notes Forget about those postcards You've never coming home Everybody needs a little time to themselves Wish upon a falling star Because it's all any of us really are[/quote]I do not really know what else say about them, except that they rock. And Tony(Semjaza) rocks, too, because he introduced me to them.[/size]
  22. [QUOTE=Lady_Sango]sorry about my "pointless, one-sentence" post. when his english teacher told him about "cellar door"....the actual word was celador. they just used cellar door to help the plot, and so that certain things would tie in together.[/QUOTE][size=1]That is ... interesting. I am rather skeptical about that really. One reason being I just looked up "celador" at Dictionary.com, and it is not even a word. Secondly, when Donnie's English teacher was telling him about it, she said "... of all the possible [i]combinations[/i] ..." Combinations means more than one word together, whereas what you said is just one word.[/size]
  23. [size=1]In the words of the Critic, "It stinks!" ... but that is just my opinion being said in the words of another person. The sprite images are all fuzzy in quality. The fonts are different. The text boxes are not sized properly for content. The humor is ... not really existant. The face on the "other author" is badly done ... Really, there are no redeeming aspects to the comic.[/size]
  24. [quote name='ScirosDarkblade']There's also this way: go to Layer->flatten image (which will prompt you asking if you want to discard all hidden layers--of course you do; just make sure the ones you keep aren't hidden so you know what you're being left with). Then you have a one-layer picture.[/quote][size=1]This will not work correctly if you want an image with a transparent background, in which you want to "Merge Visible Layers" ( [i]Ctrl+Shift+E[/i] ). This will automatically get rid of any hidden layers, as well as maintain the transparent background. Flattening the image will fill the transparent area with white.[/size]
  25. [quote name='NashvilleDream']Down with Dragon Warrior! No more brainwashings or Tea parties! I join PiroMunkie to stop this tyrant[/quote][size=1]While I appreciate you following my campaign, let us stay with the OtakuBoards' rules in size limitations for banners. The one in your sig is 20 pixels too tall. Lets not give Dragon Warrior any fodder to fire back at us now.[/size]
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