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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [SIZE=1]Well, ya, going by the letter of the word "boyband" they are a boyband in that they are boys(guys w/e) and they are a band. But by the actual taken meaning of the word, no they are not. LP is an odd combo of techno/emo/rock/whatever else, that I'm suprised actually kinda worked out.. I prefer Omaha's local music over mainstream crap though :p (Mandown, Straight Outta Junior High, Fonzarellies, 8th Wave, Dizconnected, etc etc.. THEY ALL KICK SOME :cussing: ) :D[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]*sniff**sniff* FURBAALL!!!!:crying: Ya.. I [i]used[/i] to have a hamster.. *sniff* He was my best friend *sniff* and he'd always poo in my sisters hands whenever she'd hold him *sniff* ah.. those were some good days... *sniff* RIP[/SIZE]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I'm close, but I have not yet mastered the art of flirting :p[/color][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Oh my... Another bad habit of mine I wish I could get rid of, lol. Apparently I'm a pretty big flirt with most girls cause their friends accuse me of it. I don't do it on purpose, if I even am, lol. I'm just bein' nice for goodness sakes! I don't like flirting cause I view it as another name for deception which is just bad to begin with... Oh and Saiyadude, acting like a complete moron around girls isn't neccesarily a bad thing. All the girls that I am friends with at the moment got to know me because I unintentionally acted like a completel fool when I was around them. Though it's not just when I'm around them, being a dumb*ss is my lifes story, lol. It's just what I do. For example, one time I was at a park thing, and they had one of those merry-go-round things that you have to start running off and then jump on it and stuff. So I was playin on it with my friend, and I started around really fast around it getting it going (and I can run pretty freakin fast mind you,lol) and then I went to jump on it, and my foot slipped so I was hanging on getting pulled in a circle until I finally let go and got thrown off to the side :laugh::laugh: I thought it was fun as hell :D When I got up I then realized that there were these two girls sitting up ontop of a dome cage thing and they were laughing, I thought that was pretty cool, lol. I enjoy making people laugh and stuff :)[/SIZE]
  4. [size=1]1. Is there any good left in the world??? Post reasons if you want to. [b]Yup... me[/b] :D 2. What do you think is the most dangerous thing in society?? And please keep it coherant. [b]It's conformist little flock of sheep... but overall it would be society itself..[/b] 3. Do you still believe in "Jolly ol' St. Nick" [b]I believe in Santa Clause, lol[/b] 4. Should science mess around with religion??? [b]Totally, it should mess with it until it brings it down to the ground and exposes it for what it really is...[/b] 5. Is it morally wrong to kill a person if you were told to??? [b]I plead the fifth...[/b] 6. Is this saying right: "The World is a safer place." Post reasons if you want to. [b]No, because it's not a complete thought, you'd have to say something more like "The World is a safer place in comparison to..." or " The world would be a safer place if..."[/b] 7. What is worse?? Hatred or anger?? Post reasons if you feel like it. [b]Anger, because it leads to hatred. Whereas hatred is the finished product of anger so if it was just hatred thats all it would be..[/b] 8. If people say you're rich, do you brag about it or just say: "I'm in the upper-middle class." (Heh, that's what I say when people say I'm rich) [b]HAH! No. I say I'm "economically challeged" lol[/b][/size]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sleepy [/i] [B]the reason I ask this question was most people said they're not afraid of death. If you're at the point of almost dying, would you say the same thing?[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Every freakin day, I bring it upon myself, I give death the potential to kill me. Walking to school I always walk against the lights no matter how busy the traffic may be. Whenever I go camping I enjoy climbing and jumping from high area down to lower ones, freely, no equipment ensuring my safety. And that's just scratching the surface on half the mad crazy stuff I do that risks my life/health. So ya, I could die any of these days but it's just not in the cards that I do...[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Bad habits huh? Ok one would definitely being on the computer every free moment I have(which is all too much since I really have no life at all), I tend to swear a lot when I get in certain moods(not neccessarily angry :p), I like to yell at people that I don't even know and make fun of 'em if I have the chance, scaring the poo outta the trendy preppy people in the Old Market so they leave(but that's not neccesarily a bad thing for all the people that belong there), oi.... I think those are my main ones...[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]No, I've never been afraid of death. I've been intrigued by the thought ever since I was a youngen. Sure I don't take deaths of friends very well, but that's because part of me has gone with them, and I will no longer be the person I used to be because that person took their part of me with them. I'm not afraid of death itself though, I welcome it, beckon it, mock it, challenge it, whatever I the hell I feel like doing to it. I know that it could come tomorrow, or while I'm sleeping tonight, or even later tonight while I'm sitting here. Most people when they think of death, they think of it as something far off in the future that they don't have to confront for a long time, but that's not always how it works, and that's just plain fact. It has a plan for each and every one of us, it isn't up to us when we die, it's how long until we die while we're dying that we control, but death itself is forever, and it will outlast you. You can't escape it no matter what you do, unless you can see the future and avoid things that could lead to your death, but then... how do you know that you seeing the future and avoiding a sudden death isn't just death's plan to lead to your actual death? Death does not have a definite answer for us, nor do we have a definite answer for it. The more you look into death, the more you realize that there is nothing to be afraid of. If any of you completely understood what I was saying there I would be kinda suprised, lol, I don't think I even knew what I was talkin about. It [i]does[/i] make some sense though...[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]I believe in [i]a[/i] god/dess(s), but not this "God" that you speak of...[/SIZE]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B]*Alice's List O' Cool Words* Crapnack(created while kicking a locker) Kufuffin(created while listening to Sum 41) Shibby(from dude where's my car) ****o(created while having a phone conversation) Monkeybone(the movie, duh) Stellar(beside crapnack this is my favorite word) Son Of A Blowfish(created while dressing for Gym)[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Hehe, I have a bunch 'o' words that me and my friends have created, most all of which I can't post without getting into trouble cause most all of them contain swearing :D the only one I can think of off the top of my head it the word "spoow", it's another word to replace the misused form of the word "cool" with its correct meaning. The word spoow was created when I mindlessly pointed out that woops backwards was spoow, lol. Me and my friend thought it was funny as a mofo and created it and gave it meaning :)[/SIZE]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]i'm very curious about this subject, b/c many people have low self-esteems & i think if they recognized what's good about themselves they would feel better.[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Hehe, that's kinda funny cause I a "vanity" of mine [i]would[/i] be my low self-esteem :D :laugh: Yup, I have the highest lowself-esteem of anyone!!! I'm darn proud of it, it just makes things easier for me and such. I'm darn proud of myself in general, and I get sukoburu angry at people who try to change me for their benefit or such. I'm just proud of who I am, me, with my low self-esteem and whatnot. That's about it really, I don't try to think to big of myself. I try to avoid being bigheaded and stuff.... Hehe, I was kinda vague in this post with all this "and stuff" and "and whatnot" talk, lol :D[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]When I was young for a bunch of years I had this reoccuring dream about this yetii that kept chasing me around my my apartment(cause back then I lived in an apartment) and stuff, and it trapped me but then I got free and it chased me some more and then somehow I ended up in a store like K-Mart of something and then the yetii was there again and it chased me around more and more and more and it just kept switching places and the yetii was always there. And this reoccured all throughout the ages of 3-7, pretty freakin scary I tell ya :D I don't get a lot of dreams that I can recall nowadays though :([/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Aw crap.. I didn't know that and that just plain old sucks. The Beatles, a good band, 'tis a shame... :([/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]I first found [i]theOtaku.com[/i] through [i]Yahoo![/i], and that was bascially the center of my internet life was looking at that site(sad huh? lol). And then from there I got one look at the wonderful Topaz's fanart and decided to email her and compliment on her work and stuff. And she emailed me back and gave me her AIM sn, so we talked and stuff and near the end of february she asked if I was part of the boards, and I said no and so she kinda got me into this dealio. :D[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]1. do you understand the issue of gun control in the united states? [b]Yes I do, we went over it in my American Government class least week or so.[/b] 2. do you think that there should be more laws to prevent minors from obtaining and/or using weapons? [b]Yes I do, I believe in order to own a firearm of any kind, the person should have a valid reason as to why he/she needs it. For example, if they hunt, then obviously they are going to need something to hunt with. Simply "for protection" though, I think shouldn't be allowed.[/b] 3. do you think that guns should be outlawed all together? [b]No, as I said before, they should only be allowed for certain reasons.[/b] 4. if there were no guns in this world, do you think that it would be more peaceful? [b]No, there would simply be a lower death rate probably, but people who hold up banks or gas station clerk people would just find another something or other to hold the person up with.[/b] 5. what do you think we should have: a. stronger laws that require you to have a permit to buy and a lincense to use guns, only if you are of age, (18) b. no change c. more caution when it come to storing guns so that minors cannot get a hold of them or [b]d. As I've said twice before, firearms should be allowed only for neccesary reasons.[/b] [b]15/M[/b][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Okie dokie, that's fine by me, I never visited those forums that much anyway :D Only when I got completely bored did I go into those. We'll show those spam-fiends :smirk:[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]I wouldn't change anything, I'm happy with myself right now. The only thing I wish I could do is do more, but that can happen easily I just neglect to do so, but ya, I wouldn't change what I've become for anything :freak:[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]1. If you have heard about the first human cloned, do you agree that they should continue to research, drop it, or I don't give a crap?? If you have reasons, post them up. [b]I honestly don't care, unless they start to get personal, and try to secretly clone me for some odd reason, lol. That's be weird, I'd have to kill myself (the clone, not my actual self)[/b] 2. Do you think people who "intend" to bomb their own school is psycho or a madman??? [b]Overly depressed mixed with blind anger and a strong sense of immaturity :p[/b] 3. What is paradise to you?? [b]Ahh, a large cabin in the middle of nowhere in a cold place full of snow, like in the mountains or something, alone at first, then once I find the one for me we can both live there and snuggle in front of the fire place :) Hehe...[/b] 4. Do you want the war in Afghanistan to be over??? (Oh, believe me, people I know still want that war to go on) [b]I wish it would just be over, people are worrying about it too much :p[/b] 5. Even though it said that Nostradamus predicted a lot of major events, would you start believing him or just like "I don't care"?? Poust up reasons if you want to. [b]I don't care I dont care I dont care I dont care I dont care I dont care I dont care I dont care I dont care I dont care I dont care I dont care I dont care[/b] 6. Do you have a reason of your existence??? [b]Yup, you see when two people get together and share a strong common bond they do certain things. My mom and dad did stuff and now, 15 years later, here I am!!!..... *crickets chirp*..... yaaa... lol[/b] 7. What would you do if anthrax hits your town or one of it's resident's??? [b]Anthrax in Omaha? Bwuahahahahahahahaha!!! :laugh: Oh that's funny stuff, you should be a comedian :D[/b] 8. Just for the fun of it. Do you think I should have this kind of thread posted up once in a awhile??? :D :D [b]I like 'em, fun fun silly willy :excited: :p[/b][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Gah! Stupid Omaha, doesn't have any [i]real[/i] snow. *kicks Omaha* Ow dang!! Stupid Omaha, now my foot hurts... but ya, I love snow, we didn't get it until [i]real[/i] late last year, it was like a week before chrismas. I hope that doesnt happen again, though I don't think it will because it's pretty freakin cold over here nowadays, and being in the basement of my house all night doesn't help thaw my frozen feet :D[/SIZE]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B][color=blue] My last topic before I go to sleep Do you think tears is a sign of weakness? What do you think of guy crying? ( I hope this question doesn't offense anyone, if it's I'll delete it) [/color][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Oh boyo.. I havn't cried for anything in a loooooooooooooong time. The only time people think I'm crying is in cold weather, cause it makes my eyes water. Tears [i]can[/i] be a sign of weakness, but then again, they could also show overwhleming joy, or sadness... it depends on the situation really. I havn't had a reason to cry for years on end now. Although, I don't really get sad anymore, just really depressed, and when that happens I just wallow in the depression for a few hours listening to depressing music and it eventually goes away and I'm the happy-go-lucky guy you all know here, lol. Oi...[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Oi.. hang in there LM, I hope this works out good for you. This really shouldn't happen to such a wonderful person, but that's life I guess. Keep strong, and do what you need to survive. I send you the best of my wishes. :)[/SIZE]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lotus [/i] [B]You can try aol, it's fast and cost $20/month[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]*snickers* *bursts out laughing* :laugh: What do you think I'm trying to get away from!?!?!? AOL is the worst thing since Hitler!!! Well, not [i]as[/i] bad as Hitler, but you get the point. I really need to get away from this dern AOL, it's making me [i]very[/i] angry with it's slowness and lack of cooperation. AOL is horrible... *sigh* Ok, I think I'm better now...[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Lol, I could care less about government doings. If they keep out of my business I'll keep out of theirs. I don't even know what's going on in Afghanistan now, I don't know what the U.S. is doing right now, I just don't care. A president abuse his power? Were you born yesterday? Of course they do... I would, lol.[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Hehe, it's kinda funny how you people are listing $30-$45 a month when I [i]did[/i] say cheap cable service, lol. The only person that has really given that kinda info would be IceDragon, but it's good to the disadvantages of what I could be getting into also. Though, I don't think people in my general vicinity can afford cable hook-up either, so if I ever [i]do[/i] get it, I should be just fine, lol :D Thanks for your help...[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Oooooh, Outer Space!!! I [i]really[/i] wanna go there, though, that's not really in this world, more outside of it :p Hrmmm... I'd saaaay, Australia, lol. You could probably have some good fun there, I know I could, but then again I could have fun with anything anywhere...except here, dont ever come to Omaha[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Ugh, it's like how people make fun of blondes all the time, lol. :p They don't go against blondes in general just the dumb ones, or put in Otaku terms: We don't go against newbies in general, just the dumb ones, lol :D :laugh: I'm not gonna name names...hehe[/SIZE]
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