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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aya [/i] [B]I live in Kentucky...do I need to say more? :worried:[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Lol, ya, I'm not too familiar with Kentucky. So what's so bad about it? :D[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]I just listen to music over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. :D Music is the best cure for stress...[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Gold_Angewomon, I do believe your sig is too long according to the standards mentioned a long while ago. I can tell just by looking at it :p[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]I've heard of 'em, but I've never played 'em before. Never really interested me too much :p[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Eh, I don't really know too much about this kinda stuff, what I'm using is a Compaq, and it works just fine for me so I'm not quite sure what SSJ5 Vegeta was talking about. It doesn't crash, doesn't freeze, hasn't done anything wrong here. But then again, what do I know? :p[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]1. Do you believe in ghost? [b]Yes[/b] 2. Have you seen a ghost? [b]Yes, I do believe so[/b] 3. Was anyone die in the house you're live in? [b]no[/b] 4. If you believed in ghost, do they ever bother you? [b]no[/b] 5. Where do you think have a lot of ghost? [b]My mind[/b] 6. Why do ghost exist (if you believed in ghost)? [b]they ave no where else to go because they are lost[/b] 7. Do you afraid of ghost? [b]no[/b] 8. Share your ghost's story or experience. :p[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Your local gaming store, if they carry imported games. Ebay or other auctioning sites. Etc etc etc, just go around on the net and look for it through search engines or whatnot. I'm sure you'll find somewhere to get it.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Why doesn't it accept new members and stuff? I didn't know this board was cutting off accepting members. Weird..:freak:[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]I don't really know too much of the Black Market. I only know the name and what goes on in it. I don't care about it, cause it doesn't affect me in any way so I have no reason to go against it. So ya, I'm impartial :p Kids selling burned CD's and games and stuff is harmless dude. No one is getting hurt by it. I, myself, don't like burned CD's because it's just not the same as having the real thing. Only the overly desperate people who really want them will buy them burned.[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]:p That post was beside the point of this topic, stardust. Hehe, and I [i]do[/i] enjoy Cera's signature, I think she takes the cake there, lol :D[/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]Oregon is the hungriest state in all of america..[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Lol, how so coolkam???? Expand on that thought :D[/SIZE]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B]Being hit on by another girl...that would be scary....although me and Anna have a big tendancy to fake people out and act like we LOVE each other in the NAUGHTY way...talking about whips and chains while innocent by-standers can hear us...isn't that RIGHT, Anna? But it's just a joke. I want a guy to talk to really.....[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]LOL! A few of my friends (who are girls) do the exact same thing, it weirded me out a bit the first time they did it and then I realized they were joking :p It's pretty funny.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Eh, I wouldn't know. I use AIM. Though I do have MSN messenger, but I don't use it at all :p[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Well I'm not sure what you mean by sig contests because there can be more than one definition of that. I've been here since v1, and I can remember all sorts of weird signature deals, too many to remember a certain one :p[/SIZE]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B]Sports, PSSH!!! Why do physical activity when all in need is right here... *Hugs computer* :love: [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Lol, my thoughts exactly. It used to be the TV was all I needed, but ever since this invention called the internet came to my home, there's no place I'd rather be :) Sports require to much social activity for me[/SIZE]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]:laugh: that's me pretty much. Except right now my room is sparkling SPOTLESS :eek: . We had some family guests and they stayed in my room. It's been dusted, vacuumed, oraganized (I'm like Noryko though, I always have MY stuff organized) and very very clean. I kinda like it. I never knew there was so much carpet in my room. :excited: But I'm not gonna flip out if there's clothes all over the place by next Tuesday either.[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Lol, the only thing organized in my room are my CD's, PS games, and movies, which are all arranged alphabetically :laugh: O ther than that my room's a big mess. If I ever go into my room and find it clean, I knoe that my mom's been in there, and I garuntee by the next week it'll be back to normal :D[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Lol, "oblivious to things" that sounds like me :laugh: Except most people I know(boys and girls) find it humorous. Of course, then again, most things I'm forgetful towards deal with myself :p I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached to my neck:whoops:[/SIZE]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B]Funny thing is, the more they try to reign me in, the more rebellious I become :naughty:. Haha, they still think I'm a perfect little :angel:...they have no idea about the stuff I do...:drunk:...behehe...[/color][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Heh heh. that about sums my parents up right there also, they can't keep watch over me when I'm with my friends and that's when the real fun begins :devil::flaming::freak:[/SIZE]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Why don't you like The Sixth Sense ???? [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]People made it sound so much better than it really is, they got my hopes up for to be this great better thatn anything movie and when I watched, I wasn't too impressed. It was very easy to make fun of, and if you can make fun of a movie easily than it's not really that good of a movie. The only exception to this idea are comedies :p[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Lol, I don't think I've ever really cleaned my room, I just simply move things out of the way so I can get from my door to my bed :D Aaah good ol' bed:sleep:[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Cool cool. I didn't know that, thanks for posting up! Silverchair's pretty darn good if you ask me :)[/SIZE]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]I would have to agree with you Pikeon, but you never know, I never knew Baby girl was as hott as she is, LM either, but hey, you would be surprised.....:tasty: [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]ROTFL! Ok, you are aware that I'm a guy right? I'm just asking because you mentioned both girls in that post, and James was referring to myself in his post that Pikeon responded too. And I get compliments from people all the time on how I look, so I wouldn't really call myself ugly. Though I'm fairly modest as I mentioned before so I'm not gonna say I'm dead sexy either :p [edit]And Anti, Baby Girl said [i]most[/i] guys, not all :D[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Has parenting screwed up? Most definitely. It has been that way and will continue to be. I still treated like a freaking child, and I hate it so very very much.[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]From the commercials and trailers for it I saw, I didn't really appeal to me. So I don't really plan to see it. And if it's anything like the Sixth Sense then keep it away!!! :p[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Now that's just dumb that they thought that. Racism is a very good excuse to do such a thing if you actaully do decide to hit them, which was probably not the best choice, but oh well, you can't go back and correct it. I'm very sorry this had to happen to ya Seph, I'm behind ya 100% on this.[/SIZE]
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