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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [quote name='Lady_Sango']yeh, donnie darko rocks my world.[/quote][size=1]Please do not make pointless, one-sentence posts. You know, given the movie, I would think the conversation here would be a bit deeper than just, "omG, this movie iz SOOO kewl! ^_^;" but oh well. There has been a topic about this before, but it [i]is[/i] a good movie. I remember being in a chat with people like James, Tony(Semjaza), and some other people talking about the different aspects of the movie. I think we were originally talking about different horror movies (though Donnie Darko is not really horror), but that is beside the point. It is the kind of movie where every time you watch it, a new revelation comes upon you and something else about the movie makes that much more sense. Even after watching it numerous times, there are still parts I do not completely understand. I get the [i]idea[/i], but it is just hard to comprehend. It is definitely worth checking out if one has not already, though.[/size]
  2. [size=1]Thanks for the compliments, all of you. This has turned into something bigger than I thought it would, lol. I never expected people to make their own anti-DW images. =P That sig banner was unexpected. If I was not so anal about a nice theme to my avatar and sig, I would put it in there. ^_^; The group picture is hilarious as well. And DW, go ahead and make an animation, lol. I figured you would. =P[/size]
  3. [QUOTE=ScirosDarkblade]Yeah, DragonWarrior is the douchiest dude ever. First off there's that hat, then there's the fact that it takes maybe about 3 kB to store a picture of him, and then there's the tea parties. Tea parties!!! Who does he think he is? The Mad Hatter? As a Batman impersonator that only pisses me off! I'm totally with you guys on this one. If you need someone to mess with DW's mind, or kill him, or make fun of his dead relatives, or anything, just let me know.[/QUOTE][size=1]Says the member with a pro-DW banner in its signature. =P A double-agent, I see. ^_~[/size]
  4. [size=1]Well, as I promised, I am resisting the revolution this monster who calls himself "Dragon Warrior" is trying to pull on OtakuBoards. Thus, this small commercial was made, where I join the vile being in the sprite world. Viva la resistance. [b][url]http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v326/PiroMunkie/adw_prop1.gif[/url][/b] (190K, about 23 seconds long with a good connection) Spread the word! Let us take this sucker down. :p[/size]
  5. [size=1]... You are planning to brainwash and over-run the boards! Mwuahahaha! Yes, it is true. Mind brain is too small to fall under your hypnosis. I shall not stand for such a revolution! OtakuBoards needs a hero ... and that hero is me. O_O *goes to get costume and cool superpowers ready*[/size]
  6. [size=1]This topic brings back memories, lol. I love the idea of cross-dressing, and I have participated in it before. Mainly it was at cast parties for a high school theater I participated in; an all-girl school, so they had the tradition to dress the boys in drag, lol. Oddly, I was the only one never to really put up a struggle. Eventually the school found out about it though, and said "don't do that." Though, we still did it occasionally. I remember being a cheerleader and hitting on all the guys, lol. Especially the ones that were homophobic. The girls would complain that I have a better body than they do, lol. I actually own a long, black skirt now. I cannot wear it often, because my mom would flip out and confiscate it. Occasionally I like to have people do something with my hair (friends, not actual hair stylists). I would say a pair French braids are my favorite so far. I have never been a fan of make-up, but if it is for fun, I do not mind. I do not put it on regularly or anything. I only own a black eyeliner pencil and some hot pink nail polish, anyway. So yeah, it is fun to do, lol. And Rocky Horror owns ... I used to have an avatar and sig image based off it. Not to long ago.[/size]
  7. [size=1][b]Outlaw Failure:[/b] I am still debating whether I like this one the best or not. The picture was cropped well withing banner, and I cannot find anything that particularly bugs me. I could nit-pick and say I do not like the rouch edges on the rounded blue area where the text is placed. Other than that, I think it is fine. [b]Boogie Time:[/b] This is my least favorite, even after you added the text. It got worse when you did that in my opinion. It is just kind "blah," and I do not like how the white lines cut through the character. I do not really have much to say about this one. [b]Oh So Pretty:[/b] This was the other one I was debating as a favorite. While lacking a bit more in file quality than the Outlaw Star banner, I believe its aesthetics are better, at least potentially. Personally, I would have taken out the red area you made for the text and made it the same off-white as the color surrounding the character. I think the dramatic use of white space would be to your advantage on that one. The text would probably have to change, but I cannot imagine how. I like what it says though, lol. It is amusing. ^_^ What graphics program are you using?[/size]
  8. [size=1]I am assuming most of what you are going to do with Photoshop are web graphics, so I suggest using the [i]Save for Web[/i] option. I believe the keyboard shortcut for that is [i]Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S[/i]. It might seem like a lot to be a shortcut, lol, but I can do it without looking. They are pretty close to each other. A large window will appear showing a preview of your graphic and customizable settings to the right. From there you can change it to several extensions, JPG and GIF included of course. Usually you do not have to worry about anything that is preset. So do not be too intimidated by it. The benefit to to the [i]Save for Web[/i] option is that it optimizes your graphic, meaning it is giving you the lowest file it can size while trying to maintain the original quality of the graphic. For example, if you have it set to be saved as a JPG, you will see the quality probably automatically set to 100. Obviously, you will pretty much have the original quality of the graphic, and the highest file size. However, most of the time you can drop that to 80 and [i]barely[/i] see many differences, while lowering the file size a bit. With GIFs, usually I do not try to mess much with lowering their file size, but you can use the Lossy. I am not sure what it is actually doing, but too much of it can be a bad thing, lol. Try it out and you will see why. It is as if you were using the Wind filter. However, it can help if you feel like lowering the file size a little. There are a few other extensions, variations of PNG and BMP I believe, but I have never really messed with them.[/size]
  9. [quote name='Shy][size=1']I believe it was Herman Nation he is talking about, who was a friend of Spikey's.[/size][/quote][size=1]Yes, that is who I meant. Sure people have threatened OB over the years, but he sticks out in particular. He was around long enough to actually have people develop a keen spite for him, rather than just some 'n00b' coming along with his/her "ub3|2 l337 h4x00r 5|
  10. [size=1]There is also the uprising of Ultimia, or however he spelled the name, lol. H was a member who was hell-bent on becoming a moderator. Needless to say, he never got his wish. There wa also some other guy I cannot remember his name. Spikey, or something. t is a little more recent. Mostly I do not think he did anything publicly, but went behind the scenes with blatant threats and such to take down OB or something. A personal good memory of mine was when Topaz was around way back when. I would say was the first friend I had here. Actually, I would noeven be here if it was not for her, heh. I e-mailed her originally to compliment her on her fanart on theOtaku.com. After that we began talking and she told me she posted here, so I checked it out. I had my original name, which I am sure nobody but myself knows, lol. It did not last very long at all. Not even a week I would say. I then re-registered under pyrodragon13 and evolved over time in PiroMunkie. Then of course there were the OB Marriages. The original minister, the beloved AJeh. That is how Queen Asuka and I came together. We were the [i]second[/i] couple wed, I believe, but we are the longest to last. =) I also remember someone trying to marry Sara/Lore against her will. That was rather bizarre. Those are the ones I can think of that I believe have not been mentioned yet. ^_^[/size]
  11. [size=1]James? Unsexiness? Are you [i]kidding[/i]? James is uber sexeh. =P This one was pretty entertaining, heh. I really liked what you did with the water, imitating Jurassic Park.[/size]
  12. [quote name='Mad Acer']Mostly all of it is right, but it seems like if you meet a prostitute on the street you will take out your knife and kill her right there on the spot.[/size][/quote][size=1]Personally, I am all for prostitution. I think it should become more of a business, actually. These people are trying to make a legitimate living by having sex. Sure, what they do may give them a certain amount of pleasure, but I bet that feeling cannot even hold a candle to the fact that they can keep themselves alive off what they are payed. Also, if it became more commercial, so to speak, the men and women in the business can be checked out before offered to someone, in case of disease, etc. Would I ever ask a prostitute for his or her services? No, but I might just give him/her some money anyway, without anything in return. I am willing to bet most prostitutes are not in that position by choice. In general, I love those people who are down on their luck on the streets begging for money, heh. I cannot help but give them some of what I have. Even if it is just a dollar, those people are so grateful.[/size][quote name='Mad Acer']I'm starting to wonder if this is a place where future priests and ministers come to chat, because the percentage of people who enjoy sex on earth and the percentage here don't match up. It doesn't even add up when you take age into consideration.[/quote][size=1]*chuckles lightly* Me, a priest. Right. I wrote a column for my high school newspaper about how I am Jesus once (it did not go in because of the high controversy, it was all tongue-in-cheek, anyway. My adviser thought it was funny), but other than that I doubt my life will ever take such a turn. I did say I have a low sex drive earlier, and that is true. There have been times when close female friends of mine had tried to see if they could get a rise out of me (no pun intended) by sitting on my lap, or doing whatever (within reason). Usually they were surprised, because I just did not care, lol. Sometimes I would just look at them like, "What are you doing?" However, I never said there are not times when I do become a little "playful." I cannot speak for everyone here, of course, but I am not going to [i]deny[/i] anything. I have no reason to do so. Sex and related issues is actually one of my favorite topics to discuss, because I enjoy hearing other people's views on it. It can also help release any sexual tension I may have, lol. Though, for many it is just an embarassing thing to talk about with random people.[/size]
  13. [QUOTE][i]"Hey, why do women have boobs? ... So we have something to look at when we talk to them!"[/i] - Peter, from Family Guy[/QUOTE][size=1][center][img]http://www.iconcave.com/img/icon/93.gif[/img][/center] Disclaimer: I do not agree with the above quote. This topic just made me think of it, and it is a funny show, lol. On a personal note, I really do not care what size they are. In fact, a majority of the girls I have ever been interested in did not have a large chest at all. I do not know if that happens by subconscious preference or whatever, but that just occured to me. I would say there is no such thing as too small, but there can be a point where they are too big. I could not tell you an approximate size, because I do not know them, lol.[/size]
  14. [quote name='XBebop]Procreation the only [i]sensible[/i'] reason? LOL. If you ever have sex, or even masturbate you'll find out why people like to have sex. it feels good. reeeaaallllyyyy good. On another hand, if you only have sex once every 20 years to create life; your chances of getting AIDS are low. So it's a win-win situation, really.[/quote][size=1]Doing something just because it feels good makes little sense. A bowl of ice cream on a hot day also feels really good, but you do not see me turning up the heat in the house just so I can have a good bowl of ice cream. After all, that really would not make much sense either. Masturbation does not feel all [i]that[/i] good, lol. Is there a bit of reason to masturbation? Yes, it helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer (or so it has been said). I can get more thrill listening to a good song than I can masturbating. I do not spite people for having sex for whatever reason or excuse, I just find the whole concept really amusing. People can have sex all they want for I care. Heck, I would watch. Well, watch for the sake of studying. Much like a scientist would study the mating habits of an animal. I could probably have more fun thinking about all the possible aspects of it than I could if I just had sex. Do I have my own firm morals and ethics regarding the topic? Yes, but I am not going to infringe them upon other people. That is not my place. I am not trying to denounce the opinion that sex feels good. I am just saying there would have to be much more to it than just a feeling if I, myself, were to participate in the act. I want to know the outcomes of going through the process before I consent myself to do so. If not, the next thing I know I could have unexpected twins on the way and a burning sensation in strange places.[/size]
  15. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']Heck, we're the only species who has sex for recreation rather than just procreation.[/color][/quote][size=1]Actually, dolphins also will have sex for fun. I think pigs mights as well ... but I know that dolphins do. I also doubt that many animals [i]only[/i] have sex for procreation. If a one gets horny enough I am sure there will be little to stop him/her from getting what he/she wants. Rape is not a crime in the animal kingdom, lol. Personally, I have a rather low sex drive, heh. It does not stop me from shamelessly flirting with whoever (mostly just for fun, I do not care if it is a guy or girl, lol), but I really feel no need or want for sex. I do not know what it is, but I am just too tired or lethargic. And for some reason people are usually surprised to find out I am virgin, lol. Why people like to have sex for any reason other than procreation is a little fuzzy to me. I suppose experimentation and the pursuit of some kind of knowledge is a possibility, lol, but to do it just mindlessly would be a waste. So really, unless I feel like I am going to really get something out of it that is worthwhile, it does not seem like anything that great. So that is why procreation seems like the only sensible reason to me. Charles and Semjaza are the main people I agree with throughout this topic. I cannot vouche for Tony's claim that "Sex is incredibly enjoyable..." heh, but other than that I do not think I can add much here.[/size]
  16. [size=1]Okay, this topic is kind of getting on my nerves. I am not going to close it or anything just now, but I ask people who are going to post here this: [b]Please give some reasoning as to why you like the certain type of manga.[/b] Do not just make a list. Perhaps an actual discussion will come of it. Since this is more about types of manga, classify the general genre that you tend to delve into. List the mangas you have read within that and why they appeal so much to you. If you think you read pretty much a little of every genre, describe each one and perhaps the best manga within that genre you have read. What set it apart from the others?, etc. I apologize if I am coming off a little harsh, but I cannot stand lists like these. -__-;[/size]
  17. [size=1]The only anime movie I have ever really sat down and watched is [i]Spirited Away[/i]. I know I have seen [i]Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust[/i] as well, but I was not paying to much attention to it. From what I saw of both, however, I enjoyed [i]Spirited Away[/i] more. I liked the simple fact that it was different from just another story about vampires -- not to sell [i]Bloodlust[/i] short or anything, for it was pretty good from what I saw. The various kinds of creatures made, the movements, plot, story development ... I found all to be very unique, in a way I am not used to seeing.[/size]
  18. [size=1][b]Name:[/b] PiroMunkie [b]Magic Type:[/b] Fire ... duh. [b]Type:[/b] Beast [b]Picture:[/b] see attachment. It took me forever to find that specific picture, lol. [b]2 Moves:[/b] ? Bloody Roar: Stuns up to 3 enemies' attack and defense abilities for one round. ? Primal Grip: Incapacitates one enemy and inflicts damage for two rounds. [b]Color:[/b] Red I think I shall explain Primal Grip a bit more, heh. It is displayed in the picture, I guess, lol. I did not plan that. Once used it does some damage. When the other player would go, whatever it being held cannot be used. When it goes back to the person using the Grip, more damage is automatically done. Then the other would would go, still not being able to use that card being held. Then finally the last time, some more damage is automatically done, and the card is released. It is hard to to make it sound too powerful, but keep them relative to the fact the beast is [i]massive[/i]. o_O That is why I only had one move for damage, to try and keep it balanced, heh. If nothing else ... it could simply be a rare card. =P Roar.[/size]
  19. [quote name='Amorphous][color=crimson][size=1]One of the creepiest songs lyrics wise that I can think of the top of my head at this current moment would have to be Cradle of Filth's song. Her Ghost In The Fog.[/color'][/size][/quote][size=1]I love that song, heh. It is the kind of twisted story that could make an incredible movie. The music video is really cool, too. It is too bad they cut the song short. I would have to agree with Tony about "Saturday Night" by the Misfits. While the tune of the song is by no means "creepy," the concept of the lyrics [i]is[/i]. It is one of their songs that I, and many others I know, particularly enjoy. There is this god-awful speed metal band called Agoraphobic Nosebleed, who have definitely earned the spot so far as the most worthless band ever. I discovered them when my high school's newspaper was doing a spread on such metal, just to do something different than normal album reviews. On the album we checked out, there were around 100 tracks, but few of which broke being over 10 seconds long ... if even that. What was even worse was the content. Their lyrics were the most offensive I have ever seen. It might as well just be a couple swear words and the song is over. If I were to post such a lyric here, such as: "Kill the *******, **** the ******* indians." And that would be an entire song. Just that line, once. And there was around 100 tracks of such repulsive crap. I think the band itself would fall somewhere under the category of "creepy," though that is most likely a drastic understatement.[/size]
  20. [quote name='MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff']No, it simply makes people who don't believe, very apathetic. (which isn't a bad thing some times. I'm just stating it.) =P[/color][/quote][size=1]If we were apathetic, we would not have bothered posting, heh. It is just simple skepticism. Claims like this should be [i]assumed[/i] true, but believed as fact or fiction later. Frankly, all signs point to "no." Either that, or the person who tried to kindnap him was an extreme amateur, his friends are idiots (no offense, but you think one would recognize someone struggling to break free from another and being dragged off), as is everyone would have been around the point of the kidnap. As I said though, I [i]assume[/i] Julias is telling the truth. He seems a little too innocent and naive (not in a bad way) to have any excuse to lie. Perhaps something relative may have happened, but his story is what I do not believe.[/size][quote name='MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff']I'm really surprised, though, at the lack of people who wouldn't believe him. You do know that crimes are sometimes not reported because people are afraid of not being taken seriously, don't you? And not only rape, I've read about other cases, but none come to mind.[/color][/quote][size=1]I acknowledge this, and because of said situations I was rather appalled he said he did not tell his mother or other parental unit, or even inform the police. It is their job to take these happenings into consideration seriously, despite any lack of evidence. So perhaps next year they can increase security around that area next Canada Day, or whatever they might do. He said his mother did not want him to go downtown because she was afraid something would happen. It is a lesson learned the hard way, really. If he were smart, he [i]would[/i] tell his mom or dad, and have them let the police at least [i]know[/i] about it.[/size]
  21. [quote name='JuliasPeach']... any way not much happened.[/quote][size=1]I hate to continuously sound like a jerk, but if "not much happened" then why are you so shaken up about it? If "not much happened" then what was the significance really of creating this topic, and posting about it in your myOtaku? If it sounded believable, then I would believe it. I am not saying it is a rare case that a person will be kidnapped, but the situations surrounding your story are really weak. You have my sympathies if it really did happen, but I choose to believe it did not. Do not waste your time trying to convince me, though. I do not think any less of you if you [i]are[/i] making this up, nor am I meaning to harshly accuse you of doing so. I am simply dismissing the idea of it. And there are an array of reasons ... or excuses rather, why someone would make up such a story.[/size]
  22. [quote name='JuliasPeach][COLOR=DarkOrange']Can you believe that happend?[/COLOR][/quote][size=1]Honestly? No, not really.[/size]
  23. [size=1][b]OOC:[/b] I thought for sure this was dead, heh. Glad to see you people are keeping it alive.[/size] [center]Kamikasai and the other three warriors sheathed their weapons after being startled by the apparent eavesdropper. Gasuke helped the stranger to his feet. "The name's Dose," he said. "I apologize for overhearing your conversation ... it seemed rather secret." Sen and Gasuke both sighed a bit, disappointed their plans had already began to leak out. Kamikasai stepped forward. "You hid yourself pretty well," Kamikasai complemented, "I don't think any of us knew you were there." Gasuke agreed, but Sen shook his head. "I suspected something. I could tell you were up there, but I could not see you," he said. Dose smirked. "A fellow thief, eh? No normal person would have been aware of me." Sen nodded as Kamikasai spoke again. "If you serious about questing to overthrow Thirstquencher, we could definitely use some help. Even then, I am sure we'll still need more than four people," Kamikasai said. Dose adjusted the equipment he was carrying with him. "Yes, I want to join you. If you're looking for more people, you could always try Grillin Village." Kamikasai scratched the back of his head. All this hero stuff came with a lot of travelling it seemed. It has hardly been half a day and already so much had happened. "Yeah, we just came from there," he said. "We were not there for long though. Perhaps we should go there and rest, while looking for more people." Gasuke and Sen both sighed. The heavy travelling was gettnig to them, too. However, they were glad to hear a rest seemed to be in the future. They all picked up their belongings and headed back into town. Luckily they were not far, only in the outskirts. They were soon in the village, making their way past the resident houses and into the market area. "Okay," Kamikasai said, "we don't really need to stick together in the town. If you have any business to tend to or check up on, go ahead. We can just meet at the fountain I guess." The others acknowledged, and just continued idly walking. Kamikasai observed the market area. When they passed through before, he did not have the time to take in what was around him. The fountain particularly grabbed his attention. It certainly stood out among the hussle-and-bussle of the villagers. It stood strong and peaceful. The fountain however was not the only thing that caught his eye. A young, green-haired girl sat on the stone ledge around the fountain. She appeared to be very inquisitive, as if she was thinking about something, or trying to recall something she had forgotten. She suddenly looked incredibly anxious and nervous. Fidgeting about, shaking her head back and forth. Then, in a moment, she covered her mouth and nose as she sneezed. Kamikasai raised an eyebrow. "All that panic just for that?" He noticed she suddenly started doing a celebratory dance before coming back to her senses. His cheeks pulled at the corners of his mouth for a faint smile. The next thing he knew the girl was heading his way. Not directly towards him, but in his direct. Kamikasai felt a strange sensation as he became tense. He stood still as he nonchalantly passed by him on her way to the grocery, not even taking notice he was there. Once she was within the shop, Kamikasai loosened up again. "Heh ... well that was weird. I've never done [i]that[/i] before," Kamikasai said to himself. After all, there were not a lot of girls where he was from, at least not in his line of work.[/center]
  24. [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Conner Vaughan. [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Sex:[/b] Male. [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall and slender, Conner stands at about 6 feet and 1 inch tall; only weighing in at about 142 pounds. His eyes are a grey-blue, with a dark navy-blue ring on the outside. His hair is long and brown, reaching down to his shoulder blades, but is usually kept back in a pony tail. His skin complexion is almost a sickly, pale yellow, which is contrasted by his plain, dark clothing: black jeans, black boots, black Nerve Agents "Dead Man" hoodie. Under his hoodie is a long-sleeved, black dress shirt with only one pocket over the left breast. His fingernails and toenails are painted a rich violet. [b]Background:[/b] Conner Vaughan is nothing special. He was born and raised in Ottawa, and lived a normal life. He went to a local school, moved on to graduate at the local high school, and is currently enrolled at the local college as a Classics major. In his early teens he became enthralled with the rumors of Dr. Zimmer and his property. For several years, he just based his knowledge of the land off of what people said about it, but once he heard that a book supposedly found on Dr. Zimmer's estate was available in the local library, he made sure to spend ample time there. He befriended the head librarian, and had many lengthy, in-depth conversations about the contents of the book. He has never been able to build up the nerve to enter the estate and explore the mansion. He imagined if he could ever get a group together he might, but he was simply afraid to do it alone. Conner does, however, make a point to pass by it every so often, and just look at what he could possibly see from the perimeter. Nothing ever changed each time he stopped by, but it did not stop him from coming back. [b]Equipment:[/b] A worn, leather-bound journal dedicated to his theories, thoughts, and random information about the estate; a black-ink pen. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] While Conner is by no means an athletic guy, but is rather flexible and has a nice reach due his his lanky structure. He usually does not talk a whole bunch, not due to any social problems, but merely by choice. He still, however, is easy to be around. [b]General:[/b] N/A[/size]
  25. [QUOTE=No_Regrets]So anyone here in this post live around Iowa? I am trying to gather more Naruto cosplayers for my AnimeIowa Cosplay group. I am going as A ANBU, Rock Lee and Sakura, and Dead-Angel is going as A ANBU too, Gaara, and Itachi....and unfortunately, I am the only one with costume designing experience.......so I'm stuck making the costumes. >_< But if anyone around here is interested, or even going, let me know! I only live 100 miles from Anime Iowa! LOL :D :D Two hours![/QUOTE][size=1]Where in Iowa is it? I live in Omaha, Nebraska which is [i]right next[/i] to Iowa. I could literally [i]see[/i] Council Bluffs from my old high school. My father does some work in Des Moines, also. I would be interested if it is close enough that one of my parents would not mind driving me and it does not interfere with anything else I might have going on. I do not have much experience with costume designing either, lol, let alone cosplaying. If you feel like including me, just PM me with whatever information I might need, lol.[/size]
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