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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lotus [/i] [B]Post it soon Piro, I want to see your pic. [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]*sigh* Sadly, the chance of that happening is slim to none :( You see, I don't have a scanner. Let alone a decent picture of me to post, I'm always hiding myself from the camera cause I don't like it, lol. Plus, I don't have any recent pictures, and I'd like to show this board of who I am now, not who I was a few years ago. Because if the guy I am now would ever meet the person I was a few years ago.. he'd beat the living crap out of him, lol :D A pleasant thought indeed. But I [i]will[/i] post a picture of me AS SOON AS I POSSIBLY CAN! :)[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Lol, ya, this is a good place. :) Most of these people are mature, even for there age(for all you youngens out there,lol). A very rare place this is indeed.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Lol, sounds awesome!!! I'm a wallflower myself, I might add. I might actaully like this book, I'm gonna have to check it out. :)[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]I never said anything about being afraid of this love, but yes, you [i]can[/i] be scared to love because you're scared of the pain it will lead to. It's a common feeling among a lot of people I know. And yes, if they feel that way, they will end up alone, they will never be able to experience the beaty of love because they don't want the betrayal and heartbreak of it. So they choose to be alone, to wallow in their own fear, and bring upon themselves the anguish, and the [i]pain[/i], that they never got to love someone because they wouldn't let themselves do it. I'm going to quote you here: "Yes it is veryt painfull.." and by "it" you were referring to the heartbreak and betrayal of love. That can be concluded from the clues from the rest of the text. So in saying that, you say the love is pain, just in different words. And it all depends on the person on how they deal with this pain of love. Some are strong, and can move on, but they can not put it aside. It will always be their, you can't forget it because love is such a strong feeling, that you can't let it go, no matter how much it may hurt. Others, are weak, and they dwell in the pain of love, and they are miserable for the rest of their lives. These are the people that were afriad to begin with, but decided to give it a shot. Then when the pain is left behind, they knew they were right to begin with, that they didn't want the pain, they didn't want the agony that follows, and they live that way for as long as there life lasts.[/SIZE]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pave-Low [/i] [B]I am a person who is only interested in a steady, long term relationship. Like I said beforeI have only had three girl freinds. They have to be serious, but funny at times. They have to have goals and want to acheive. I like complicated people cause Im coplicated myself. She has to dress nice. I dont like this Brittney Spears stuff, where the girls walk around showing there whole body to the world. I think its disgusting. I want someone who is not afraid of what other people think. Someone who is trustworthy, and has integrity. Someone who will talk about there problems and not keep secrets from you. And someone who is intelligent and at least knows the capitol of the united States. I know Im demanding or picky, but thats just the way I am. [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]I'm pretty much the same way. I've only had one girlfriend in the past, and that didn't last long at all. So I took that relationship and learned from it, to help me figure out what I want in at least just a friend, that's a girl. Nowadays I find it easier to make friends with girls, in fact, I have more (girl) friends then I do guy friends. I don't like this Britney Spears 'im an easy whore' thing. It [i]is[/i] revolting, I'm happier with her wearing pants a t-shirt and a hooded sweatshirt. I don't need to see their whole body, the only thing I like to look at when it comes to girls is the face. That's where everything is, you can tell how one's feeling by looking at their emotion in their facial expression. I like to see their eyes, causes there's so much in there, so much that I don't even know. I only know them for who they are now, and I like them that way, so then I get interested in what [i]has[/i] happened to them. How much and what kind of life experience has this person had? That's what I find the most interesting, that's where you can get into deeper and more meaningful conversations, and that's where you can make the connection. How much is this person like yourself? How much are you like this person? What can you learn from this person? What can this person learn from you? Where along the road in life did your separate paths begin to turn so that you would eventually meet at the intersection? And from there, what path will the both of you take from there, together? Will you just stay friends? Or will you decide to be more than that? Or will you start out as friends, and then decide to go further in your relationship? And when you've been that way for a while, where will you go next? This is what it's all about for me.[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Building off of Justin's comment "Love is infinite": And as I said before, Love is pain which leads to Pain is infinite. It works just like this: [i]If love is infinite, and love is also pain, then pain must also be infinite.[/i] Queen Asuka, you're right that you are happy when you're in the beauty of love, but after going through the betrayal and heartbreak of love, you feel nothing but pain for the rest of your life. It's a never-healing scar in the back of your mind. It's always there, thus helping prove the above theorem.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]I dont think Nerdsy looks like his avatar. Nerdsy. He looks like stalker!! lol j/k :D And ya, Now that Shyguy mentioned it, you [i]do[/i] look a bit like you avatar, Lotus. Neato. Heh, if I looked like [i]my[/i] avatar, that'd just be pretty freakin' awesome, lol. Darn, gonna have to wait until tomorrow to see the OB gif. :p *sniff sniff* :bawl: I wanna show you peoples my pictuuure!!!!! Grr.. stupid computer doesn't have a working scanner. Hpmh... it's a conspiracy I tell you! :nervous:[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Love is pain, plain and simple. There's nothing else to it. Nothing good has ever come from this so-called "love". "Love" comes in stages, and it may see really good at first, but pain is all that is left behind in the end. It starts with the beauty of love this is where everything is perfect, you're both happy, you both "love" each other, it's the most perfect utopia. Although, then follows the betrayal of love. One's feelings aren't what they seem and they go towards another person, or just away from you. You are unaware of this at the time. Finally, the heartbreak of love. The one of whom you thought you'd spend the rest of your life with leaves you, after he/she has been hiding his/her betrayal behind your back for some time, and you finally either find out, or they tell you. That is how it is, was, and ever will be. Love is a vicious cycle, much like life itself.[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Eh, I don't have a soul so I don't have to worry much about this, lol. I don't know what I look for in people, I think it's a subconsious decision, I have no control over it. My consious emotions are numb. -_-[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]I had a neopet once, but my computer couldnt do anything to make it better cause it was so cheap of a computer. I havn't been there since.[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]Actually, the French have one thing over America, I don't know how to describe it, but it's some kinda thing... aw crap, I'm not even gonna try, but they have it and we don't, and it's a really convenient thing and doesn't cost much, if anything. It's something that's hooked up to the phone, and it's like a computer but it's not the internet. But they've had it for at [i]LEAST[/i] 15 years now, so you have to give the French some credit. Not to mention that we probably wouldn't really know of french fries too much if it weren't for them. Yes i know they were originally made in Belgium(i think) but it was the French who made them so well known! lol, and we wouldn't have the statue of liberty either.[/SIZE]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B][b]Oh,..Piro,...you won't be able to rub it in :p, coz: 1) I don't really care for food 2) By the time I read your PM, I'd have already broke my fast (it'll be after dusk) :p[/b] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Lol, I wasn't really gonna do it anyways. It was just an idea that popped in my head at the time :D Happy fasting AJ!! lol[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Lol, ok, for starters, I don't sit with enough people to take up both sides of the table. I only sit with two other people, both of which I don't really want to sit with in the first place. This one guy, I went to grade school with, is a HUGE pervert, so we always end up talking about sex, sperm, animals mating, neuter, spaid, etc. Oh, and he's in Human Growth and Developement this semester, so you can guess what kinda stuff he shows us at lunch. It's funny sometimes, like today we somehow got onto the topic of my dog and mating, and I said that he's a Cocker Spaniel (which he is), but we had him neutered so I guess he's just a Spaniel now, lol. That just came out, I didn't even know what I said until I said it. It was pretty funny. But ya, I'd much rather talk about something else though.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Lol, I'm a geek, and I think that's just pretty darn awesome! I fit just about every lil schpiel detail thing in that post about geeks and nerds. Ya, if you're looking for a social outcast, might as well start walkin' to Omaha, there are many of us here besides just myself :D[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]I used to be terribly afraid of two things: 1. Heights and 2. A dead person in a coffin coming back to life. Just scares the heck outta me. But a few years ago I took a COPE course, and it's not like a support group to help you cope with your problems, lol, I don't remember what it actaully stands for, but our director made his own definition: Constant Opportunities to Plummet Earthward :D. It's a high adventure deal, builds teamwork and stuff, and we often had to go up and suspend ourselves from high places. So that helped me with my fear of heights. And then when I mentioned to someone my fear of people coming back alive in their coffin, they stated that they take all the blood out of the bodies before they do anything like that with 'em. So I'm fear free right now. The oddest phobia I think would be the phobia of peanut butter sticking to the roof of you mouth, lol. It's an actaul phobia, has an actaul name and all, i forget what 'twas though..[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]I would fight for my opinion, if I truely and honestly believed it. I would fight with words though, not fists. And I don't mean duragatory or swear words, I mean like a debate.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Fasting huh? I could never do that, I love eating food. :D Right now I'm pondering whether or not to PM every evening and tell you what I ate that day, just to kinda rub it in, lol j/k :)[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]In reply to the whole Cecil Turtle thing: Hrm.. ok, my post was a little confusing when I said that, I know Bugs loses all the time, let me add something to it so it cane make easier sense :D [i]Because of the Cecil Turtle that always races Bugs Bunny he( Cecil) and always wins[/i] There we go, that's what I meant. :D[/SIZE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lotus [b]I don't think so, she told me that she's very pretty when she was young, and she attracted a lot of guys.[/b][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Well I think you're attracting a lot of guys here, lol. So you can throw that in her face if you ever feel like it :D And Mystic Pan, I wanna see your pic too! Mostly because Pan's my fav character, lol. But ya, I wanna see what you look like too!! :) Edit: Nerdsy, I do believe that person you thought was Transtic was the almighty Gackt, lol. TN tends to put his pics up too. I could be wrong though.[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro flys in the plane to the Grand Kai's planet..[/i] Pyro: Heh.. [i]Pyro opens up a communication link between him and Raiha, sensing her plan..[/i] Pyro: No need to bring me back with that silly spell of yours. [i]Raiha: Huh??? Pyro????[/i] Pyro: Yup! It's me! :D [i]Raiha: Why don't you wanna come back soon?[/i] Pyro: Well, I'm out of the tourney anyway, so I have nothing better to do. So I think I'll continue to be dead and meet this Grand Kai person, maybe I can get some good training done. [i]Raiha: Ooook...? If you say so.[/i] Pyro: Thanks. [i]Raiha: No problem, DBZman and Cinoris are about to lock horns right now, so I'll talk to you whenever![/i] Pyro: All righty! See ya later! [i]Pyro closes the link and looks out the window..[/i] Pyro: *sigh* Are we there yet???[/SIZE]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]i'm into a bit of local music myself.. moth..theres also another band that i listen to occasionally, floater.. they play around here alot ^_^ [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Ahh yes, good ol' local bands!You know? For such a crappy city(Omaha, where I live) we have some kick buttmonkey local bands here! I think it's because since there's nothing else to do in this town, they have nothing better to do except [i]get[/i] better! :D[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]I personally think Super Bouteden(sp?) 2 is the best. Gameplay is good, control is good, graphics are good, sound is good. It's all good, ya know?[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]*sigh* You people need to get your heads out of mainstream music, there is so much better stuff underground! And most times, listen too a band's stuff before they became "popular". Like Blink 182 was so much better(IMO) when they were Blink. But then they had to go and sell out. Sum 41 is really not all that good, never really was. Rammstein is good, though they're not really mainstream, a lot of people don't know who they are at all. I like "Du hast". You can't understand a word they're saying(in any songs, lol) but they are pretty freakin awesome. Linkin Park doesn't have any old stuff, but they're pretty good, if they would only keep away from the rap-like influence. The only song I like of Staind is "Mudshovel" (i dont remember how to spell it). SOAD is just plain awesome, but people areound here think they're new to the music world. HAHA! shows how little they know. Then there's always punk, ska, and emo. It's just the best stuff out there people!!! :D[/SIZE]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]That's why I gave up on guitar myself. My fingers are too short for bar chords. The only instrument I can really play is drums, you don't need long fingers for that. :D [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]You have to be completely ambidextrous and stuff to play drums! lol, I have a hard enough time patting my head and rubbing my stomach at the same time. Then you have to keep a beat!! And you have to use your feet too!! That's too much for me to handle! lol :D[/SIZE]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Sure do. It's the one of the original five HGP, before we added another member. (hehe, sounds exclusive, don't it? ;) ) Here it is, just for you, Piro :)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Ya! That's the one! Woohoo! And I just found a pic of Pan I don't have yet! (the actauly DB character not our board memeber,lol) This is a good day! lol :D[/SIZE]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Uh...I just wanted to share a fun picture of four of the HGP Babes...we had a little camp out on a friend's trampoline one night...'twas great fun. I just like this picture, even though the quality sucks, it still makes me happy :D And I'm on the far right with the red nose...it was cold! If you remember BabyKiwi at all...that's her on the far left...trying to act all tough :smirk: hehe :p[/color] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Hrmm.. 'tis a dark picture! hard to you all. Do you still have that one pic of the four HGP girls, it's that one where you're all just kinda standing and you all have this weird glowy shine thing. I think it was because you said it was rainy outside and sutff, i dont remember. Do you know what pic I'm talking about? I like that one, lol And Lotus, you are sooooooooooo not ugly. My jaw dropped a bit when your pic came up, lol. It's not how I imagined you at all. Ya, you are [i]not[/i] ugly at all.[/SIZE]
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