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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nothing674 [/i] [B]no, I didn't see it, but it sounds funny! I went to France last summer, they are not exactly the most hospitable people.... [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Lol, the French aren't to fond of visitors. They don't like American tourists much either, but that's ok, cause we dont like them, lol. They think we're loud, and we think [i]they're[/i] loud. I don't think it'll ever end. But, hey, without the French, [i]Monty Python: Search for the Holy Grail[/i] would have lost some good humor! lol :D But, ya I watched it, it was funny!! My french teacher would have flipped if she heard that, lol. I wonder if she was wathing it...???[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]I can kinda play. I have an electric guitar. I'm not very good, I can play a few parts of some songs, and even then I have to play them slowly to switch my fingers around. My fingers are too fat for the strings!! lol, which doesn't make sense cause I'm really thin, it just doesn't add up, ya know? lol.[/SIZE]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]All is forgiven (j/k :D) Too bad I never knew Topaz, I've heard she was a nice girl.[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]I'm not forgiven yet??? Darn.. hrmmm.. how can I earn your forgiveness? I can't go on with this over my head! :D And Topaz [i]was[/i] a nice girl, she was and still is my most favoritest(pardon the poor grammar) person to ever come to these boards. *sniff* :( I miss her so...[/SIZE]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]PIROMUNKIE: hey punk, you left out Queen Asuka and myself. Don't comment on me, but say something about my best friend! Don't forget about her! :flaming: :D :angel: [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]AAHH!! How could I forget one such as yourself and Queen Asuka?!?! I feel so ashamed! :o Flog me now and be done with it, lol :D Anna: Seen you before too! So I know what you look like, :D You're pretty too! Queen Asuka: I thought she was younger, lol. Stupid me. Anywho, she's pretty also. Jebus Chrismas, there are a [i]LOT[/i] of pretty girls here on this board, lol. I'm so deprived. But none have yet come close in comparison to the one and only, Topaz. :)[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][i]The MW and Pyro break once again from their fight, both breathing harder...[/i] Ultra Pyro: I see your getting tired... from your fight with the girl I presume.. MW: She contributed to it.. but then again, so did you... and I see you are tiring also.. Ultra Pyro: Yes.. but I can carry on.. MW: As can I. [i]In an instant the MW jumps a bit into the air, punching down at Pyro knowcking him to the ground hard.. Pyro flips up kicking the MW, but the MW catches Pyro's feet and flings him through the air. The MW races at Pyro who catches himself then finds the MW...[/i] Ultra Pyro: Grr..! Bombshell Blast!!! [i]Pyro slams his hand together as if firing the Final Flash as the huge ball of energy flys from them hurling at the MW..[/i] MW: What the...!?! [i]The MW is hit dead on by the ball and is smashed into a cliffside where the ball explodes on impact causing a mass of dust, rubble, and debris..[/i][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Whew! Looks like I've got some catching up to do! Ok, let's see here... Seph: Good gawd, not at all what I thought you looked like, lol. Ya, I thought you looked more like Sephiroth, too. :D Ginny: I've seen you're pic before, or at leat one of 'em, still as good lookin' as always! :D Cera: Nice pics, very pretty :) Kinda what I imagined you looking like. Cam: Oh good gawd, lol, I'm completely stupified by looking at your pics. And the reason is this (no offense or anything) I always thought you were a girl, :laugh: because of your name kool[i]cam[/i]. And cam reminds me of the name Cammy, i dunno, lol, im just stupid. Oi, so obviously you don't look like I thought you did. But you're pretty cool lookin for a guy. TN: Not how I pictured you either, I don't know why, lol. You know what? You kinda look like and older version of myself, except your body's a bit bigger built then mine, well no, your a lot bigger built than I am, not saying you're big, it's just that I'm a thin lil' punk dude, lol. Nice pic though. Noryoko: You look like this one person I know, lol. You're one handsome dude, if I may say so. LM: For once I'm right on my predictions! You look just how I thought you did! Reddish hair and all! Dang I'm good! lol, you are [i]very[/i] pretty. Voodoo: I've seen yours before, you are the coolest lookin' mofo on this board, lol. Cecil: You remind me of Harry Potter, lol. Not how I imagained you'd look like. Of course, I thought you would look like a turtle, lol. Because of the Cecil Turtle that always races Bugs Bunny and always wins :D Babygirl: I've seen you before, it was a different pic though. I liked that one pic. But anywho, you're pretty too! :) Lotus: [i]Very[/i] nice... 'nuff said, lol Ugh, ok, done with all the typing stuff. Did I miss anyone? I hope not. [i]Anywho[/i], as for me? You know I would, and I've said this in just about every picture posting thread there has been, I would, but I don't have a decent pic (at all!) and now I don't even have a scanner that works with this computer :p But, I kinda gave you an idea of what I look like when I commented on Transtic. So you'll just have to do with that, for now.[/SIZE]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]dont give up on men though :) there are good ones out there[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Take myself for example! lol (ya right, I'm a loser :D) Asuka, don't worry about this guy that you like. He's not worth your time if he says that you'll ruin his reputation or whatever. You're too good for him if he thinks that. They way I see it, you'll know if a guy actaully likes you if he somehow makes a complete moron/idiot/fool(etc) out of himself to show you that he does in fact like you. Either that or he goes to humorous extremes. For example, a true story about some college students a long while ago. This guy and girl had been going steady for a few years and the girl is sitting in class one day when her "knight in shining armor" came in. Literally, the guy dressed up in a knight's armor and walked in to her classroom with a bunch of flowers and knelt on one knew and handed her the flowers, she took them, and inside there was an engagement ring, and a while later they were married. Whether or not they're still together today I don't know, but I thought I'd just share that story. Anywho, ya, I'm really sorry about your dog :( The only thing worse than a dead dog is a dead monkey(IMO). Poor pooch..[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Nah, I havn't seen that one yet, I watch the midnight run, so I'm behind by a few episodes. But I plan on seeing it though! lol[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Get someone ho can read Japanese and have them read the names at the top of one of the screen shots. Probably the only way to be sure about it.[/SIZE]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]you are correct sir! i hate how pioneer combined dbz episodes. *hmm, they don't do much here so lets edit it out and combine it with this episode. - Pioneer editor* :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Ya, they changed that first episode where Majin Vegeta fights Gokou so much it's not even funny(
  11. [SIZE=1]Actually, later in the Buu Saga, the original intent was for Gokou and Gohan to fuse with the Potera, but then Gohan gets eaten by Buu and Gokou and Vegeta then fuse to become the all powerful Vegetto! lol..[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Oi, ummm.. let's see, there are 153 (original japanese) episodes in Dragon Ball; 291(original japanese) episodes of Dragon Ball Z; 64 (original japanese) episodes of Dragon Ball GT.[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Enma Daio, King Yemma.. it's all good, I was just making it more clear to the Japanese translation of DBZ character name's illiterate, lol :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]In the other world, Pyro gets DBZman's message..[/i] Pyro: Ummm.... [i]...[/i] Pyro: .... What are the DragonBalls??? [i]DBZman: *anime fall* Oi, ok, the DragonBalls, in a nutshell, are seven magical balls that, when collected, one person can make a wish from them.[/i] Pyro: Ooooh, I get it now..... :confused: [i]DBZman: -.- Do you wanna come back or not?[/i] Pyro: Well of course! You can take your time though, I'm in no big hurry :D [i]DBZman: Alright, I/we'll notify you when we have them all.[/i] Pyro: Ok! See ya later DBZman. [i]DBZman: Bye, Pyro.[/i] [i]Pyro and DBZman return to doing what thery were doing..[/i] Pyro: (to Enma Daio/King Yemma, you choose, lol) Sooo, what do I do now? Enma Daio: Well, hrmm.. I'm going to send you to the Grand Kai, maybe he'll have some use for you. Pyro: ... Who's the Grand Kai??? Enma Daio: No time to explain, just get in that line, get in that plane, and it'll take you there. Pyro: Okie dokie! [i]Pyro walks off getting online and getting onto the plane..[/i] Enma Daio: Ugh, dead people these days..[/SIZE]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson][b][size=1]The bible was written by people inspired by god.... The Sea of Gallilee is not a "puddle".... [i]All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving and for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of god may be fully competent, completely equipped in every good work.[/i] Doesnt sound like a drunk person writing does it?[/color][/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]-.- I smell a lack of a sense of humor in that post. I wasn't being serious when I wrote that lil' schpiel. It's just something I thought up one day, lol. And ShyGuy, I wouldn't trust anything the TV says, lol. [i]Especially[/i] about religion and politics.[/SIZE]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiden [/i] [B]Did u know that DragonBall is based on an old chinese story called Journey to the West. Its about a Monkey... n e who deres a list of things Akira Toriyama copied from JTW Goku Power Pole Flying Nimbus Oolong thas pretty much all i know so far [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Yes, I did know that. Why do you ask?[/SIZE]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]Well, current organized religions are essentially the same. There are two purposes. One is to explain the unexplained and the second is to establish rules and moral codes by which society abides.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]I am aware that religions to day are basically the same, and you make a good point in explaining it. And ShyGuy(yes you are an idiot! lol, j.k :D), You are probably very correct in saying that most all religions started by asking "what/who created the universe, and how did it happen?" And the answers will be educated guesses and theories. But then, in today's day and age, now that religions have established, we begin to question the religions themselves, and try to expain, denounce, prove faulty in looking at it. Since, as you stated earlier, the stories of "Jesus" are the most globally known, I will share my somewhat humorous explanation on how I think the "Bible" came to be :D Ok, in the Christian Bible itself, it says that it was just Jesus who wrote it, it was his friends, and random prophet-like people. Well, when it comes to friends you [i]know[/i] that always get the story wrong by exaggerating on what really happened. Jesus did not actaully walk on water, he was standing in a puddle and his "disciples" were trapped somewhere and he was coming to get them. And they drank a lot of wine back then so there alcohol intake was fairly high meaning they were drunk at the same time causing the story to be even further stretched out. It says that "God" over-looked the writings of the Bible to make sure what was needed to be said was said? Well he shouldn't have created alcohol, lol.[/SIZE]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I'm not automaticaly assuming that they are christians, but I was using Jesus as an example of religion because he is the most recognizable. For all we know the true religion could be the gods of ancient greece and rome, who knows?[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Just a little FYI, whether you already know this or not I don't know, but the Greek and Roman gods were never really anything established. They were simply made up to explain certain things about nature and other assorted ideas. "where does lightning come from?" they ask, and out of the blue comes the existence of Zeus and Thor. These stories were later built upon so there was an actual story behind it saying this is what happened to lead to this event here. Greeks and Romans no longer believe in these. Just thought I'd point that out. If you already knew it, then it's just a refresh, if not, than you learned something new :)[/SIZE]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B]No offense taken. I was just stating that because in the Bible it says that God created the universe and so forth. That's why I was running along those lines and using that as an example, ya know? [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Yes, I know what you're talking about, I was just bringing up the point that other religions (organized or otherwise) have their own idea of how the universe was created. One of my friends in my drama class at school is writing a series of books, one of them about the creation of the universe. And from the little he had started, I'd believe his explanation over most others. The point is just that other religion, or any person with his or her own set of beliefs, has their own idea on how things are. Not everyone believes the "God" created the universe, and they may have their own "bible" saying that their "creator(s)" did it this way. That's what I was trying to say.[/SIZE]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B]Ya know, I've had this thought recently....if God created the whole entire universe, than certainly he created other beings. If we met those other beings would we find out that they too were Christians and worshipped God, and had their own holy book and so forth? It's just a weird, yet interesting thought I've had... [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Ok, [i]IF[/i] (the key word here being "IF") this god(s) actually existed, and [i]IF[/i] he/she/it created other beings, and [i]IF[/i] we were to meet those beings, who is to say that they are Christian? They could be Jewish, Athiest, Agnostic, Catholic, Druid, Wicca, Voodoo, or whatever else there may be. For all we know they might have their own religious schpiel that doesn't match any of ours. To assume that they'd automatically be Christian, is fairly closed-minded (no offense).[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]I don't believe in "hell", though, I do believe that there is a place where the truely evil go. I just don't give it a name, because to give something a name is to give it power. And I don't want evil to have that power over me. Instead of this "hell" where souls are tortured forever, I just see this place as a solitary confinement where the evil do as they were in life, just to each other, and end up killing each other's souls off. So "hell" isn't a place of torture in my eyes, it is more a gradual disposal for evil. When it comes to "heaven", no, I don't believe in that either. I go for more of a reincarnation view. The people who did good in there lives will be recreated as something else, a part of nature. Perhaps a blade of grass, or some soil, a ray of sunlight, a tree, etc. Now you don't have to be a goodt two-shoes all throughout your human life in order to be reincarnated in this way. It's all about your soul, if it's clean you will go on as something else. If it's blackened you will be sent to "the bad place". Then there's always the "purgatory" thing. I don't really believe this either. If' someone has a (for the most part)balanced soul, they will remain in the life they were, but they won't be alive. More so that they will be ghosts, reliving there lives, instead this time, instead of actually living it, they have to watch it. The purpose of this ghost-life is to make aware to the person all the small things that they should have payed more attention to in their lifetime. The smell of a freshly cooked breakfast in the morning, a bright sunny day, getting an "A" or a "1" (depending on school system) on a test, etc. Then once they have lived there life enough to tip their soul in a direction, they will be sent to the appropriate place. If they enjoy those small things in life that they never notied before and [i]truely[/i] wish they could physically embrace them as they never did, the will be reincarnated, if they just shun those things again, and pay no attention, then they are to be disposed of. When it comes to other beliefs of religions, like "God" and "Satan" or who/whatever, I believe that you cannot be harmed or judged by want you, yourself, believe. If I don't believe in "Satan"(or any single embodiment of pure evil, which I don't) then I cannot be affected by "it". edit: I accidently left something out. After a person dies, ones soul goes through the "ghost-life" i mentioned above, and it is from there where they are either sent to be a reincarnate or sent to be disposed of.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][i]While the other warriors grieve over Pyro's unfortunate death, a new face appears at the desk of King Yemma in the next dimension...[/i] King Yemma: Ahh, so you must be Pyro...? Pyro: Uhh.. yeah... where [i]am[/i] I??? King Yemma: You're in the other world now.. Pyro: The.. other world??? King Yemma: To be blunt, you're dead, and this is where you came. [i]Pyro notices the halo above his head[/i] Pyro: Ooooh, I get it now. [i]Pyro stands silent for a bit..[/i] Pyro: Gah.. I feel so weak.. [i]Suddenly, a vioce is heard in his mind..[/i] [COLOR=green][i]Life Dragon: Congratulations, Pyro.[/i][/COLOR] Pyro: Life??? Is that you? What happened? [COLOR=green][i]Life Dragon: You had enough good left in you that you knew the only way to stop what Fire was doing, was to kill yourself. And that you did.[/i][/COLOR] Pyro: Oh. Sooo, I guess I lost the match. [COLOR=green][i]Life Dragon: I would assume the same.[/i][/COLOR] Pyro: Darn... hey, why do I feel so much weaker? [COLOR=green][i]Life Dragon: Though we are gods, our powers do not reach the other world of the dead. So you're relying on your own power right now.[/i][/COLOR] Pyro: I see.. What happened to Fire? [COLOR=green][i]Life Dragon: You killed him, finally. There was no way in hell he could have escaped that.[/i][/COLOR] Pyro: Good. I'm finally rid of him. [COLOR=green][i]Life Dragon: I am going to let you go now, and we all hope to see you in the mortal realm soon.[/i][/COLOR] Pyro: Ok, bye. King Yemma: Are you done talking now??? Pyro: Nope! :D King Yemma: *sigh* [i]Pyro concentrates opening up a direct telepathic link with all the warriors back on earth...[/i] Pyro: Hey guys! It's me, Pyro! [i]Warlock: Wha..?? Where are you?[/i] Pyro: I guess I'm in the other world now. [i]DBZman: *Phew* It's good to know you're still around! You're back to normal right?[/i] Pyro: Well ya, for the most part. I've lost a lot of my power, but other than that I'm good. [i]AJ: Where are you now? In the other world I mean...?[/i] Pyro: I'm in front of some big ugly dude's desk. [i]King Yemma looks at Pyro disapprovingly..[/i] Pyro: I just got done talking to one of the Dragon's, and he mentioned me coming back to the mortal world? What's that about? [i]Zylius: Don't worry about that, Pyro. We'll get you back here, I don't know when though.[/i] Pyro: Okie dokie, so I'll see you people later! [i]Others: Bye, Pyro![/i] [i]Link is closed....[/i] Pyro: Well... what do I do now??? King Yemma: ....[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][i]The MW breask from the fight...[/i] Ultra Pyro:... Aww, is the big bad warrior getting tired? :smirk: MW: This ends here. [i]The MW lunges at Pyro faster than Pyro can see and punches him in the jaw sending Pyro flying far back into a cliffside..[/i] MW: I've had enough of this.. [i]The MW turns around and is about to walk away when he comes face to face with Pyro..[/i] MW: You don't give up do you!?!?! Pyro: :smirk: I'm a Saiyajin, what do you expect!?!! [i]Pyro kicks the MW away and flies at him as they again continue there battle, releasing high amounts of energy with each punch or kick....[/i][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1][i]All the warriors begin to simultaneously attack Reichou, after a while, they break out and stand up in the air...[/i] Reichou: "Heh heh, fools. You still have yet to see the full extent of my power!" [i]Reichou thrusts his hands into the air, emitting thousands of ki blasts nailing each one of the warriors driving them through the cavern roof in onto the surface..[/i] Hizoku: "Get up! Quick!" [i]Reichou already stands in the air above the others, awaiting there next move...[/i][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Reichou: "I would rather die you blithering fool!!!!" [i]In an instant, Reichou heasl himself over and shoves his hand through Neil's chest breaking his hold on things everywhere..[/i] Reichou: "Now you die!!" [i]Out of nowhere, Neil is incinerated into nothing, dead, forever... he doesn't appera in the afterlife... just.... dead..[/i][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Hizoku: "Fine then." [i]Hizoku rushes at Neil tackling him out of the way as a sudden explsoion happens on the wall behind where Neil was standing..[/i] Neil: "What'd you do [i]that[/i] for!?!!" [i]Reichou speaks, standing in perfect condition..[/i] Reichou: "You underestimate you, you little brat!" [i]Suddenly, Neil flips into the air uncontrolably hitting the ground..[/i] Kaiyu: "Crap! He [i]is[/i] strong!" Hizoku: "His ki moves faster then the eyes can see..." Siren: "And you didn't tell us to begin with becauuusse....?? Why?" Hizoku: "You only truely learn things the hard way..." Craig: "Greeaat.." Reichou: "Are you pathetic weaklings done chatting!!!" Hizoku: "Yes. Yes we are. But you will soon find out we are not weak." Reichou: "Cocky little punk. Fight me!!" Hizoku: "All right!! We attack together! Let's go!!"[/SIZE]
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